Chapter 183 Female No. Dormitory

He Jieyu's position in Zhao Zixuan's heart is irreplaceable, so he invited the classmates from the top female student dormitory to dinner for the first time and attached great importance to it.

He specifically asked Huang Yingying to choose a secret private room in a high-end restaurant.

When they arrived, Yuan Shiwei had already arrived and brought Saint Spear Brother with him.

Of course, this was tacitly approved by Zhao Zixuan.

Without his approval, Yuan Shiwei would not dare to make any decision on his own.

The reason for bringing Saint Spear Brother along is mainly because he is currently single, has a good appearance, and is about the same age as several girls in the female top student dormitory, so there is a possibility that sparks of love will be created.

Although Saint Gun Ge has not received a college education, which is indeed a shortcoming in his academic qualifications, the rise of the e-sports industry makes it very likely that his future income will surpass that of many elite students from Peking University and Tsinghua University.

Therefore, Zhao Zixuan felt that if Saint Spear Brother really had an emotional entanglement with a girl in the top female student dormitory, it would be understandable.

In the dormitory for the top female students, there are two relatively ordinary girls, Wang Peipei and Zhang Yun.

There is also a girl named Jiang Qian.

She had a pretty face but an unusually plump figure. Not only was her appearance attractive, but her personality was also gentle and friendly. She quickly won the favor of Yuan Shiwei and Saint Spear Brother.

Yuan Shiwei even told Zhao Zixuan privately that he felt Jiang Qian and Song Qiuya were somewhat similar.

In response, Zhao Zixuan just smiled and didn't say much.

In fact, Jiang Qian and Song Qiuya don't have many similarities. If we have to find a common point, it is that they both have proud busts.

Both of them are sexy girls with big breasts.

And Yuan Shiwei loves this.

It is worth mentioning that at the dinner table, Brother Saint Spear and Jiang Qian were chatting animatedly, as if they were close friends who had hit it off at first sight. But after Yuan Shiwei interrupted, Brother Saint Spear had no choice but to shift the focus of the topic to Wang Peipei.

This shows how popular Jiang Qian is.

Zhang Yun was like a quiet bystander in this party. She ate silently and listened quietly with a well-behaved attitude without saying much, as if she was isolated from the world.

From Zhao Zixuan's perspective, He Jieyu's relationship with them was just average. If Zhao Zixuan hadn't invited them to dinner, they would have had nothing to talk about with He Jieyu.

Chatting is awkward.

Zhao Zixuan was very observant, so he took the initiative to build a bridge of communication between He Jieyu and the three female top scorers.

These four top students actually have many common interests, such as ancient poetry.

Not only He Jieyu loves ancient poetry, the other three female top scorers also have a wide range of interests and are proficient in all kinds of Tang and Song poetry.

Especially Wang Peipei, once she starts talking about ancient poetry, her enthusiasm is like a volcano erupting, and her endless words flow out like a spring, as if Boya met his soulmate Zhong Ziqi.

Wang Peipei has a special liking for "Xiao Yan Ci". Not only can she recite it aloud, but she can also tell the background story in detail. Her talent is amazing.

"A person stands alone in the falling flowers, and swallows fly in pairs in the light rain."

This line from "Xiao Yan's Ci" is exactly Wang Peipei's WeChat signature.

After adding them on WeChat, Zhao Zixuan discovered that the WeChat signatures of the four people in the top female student dormitory were all ancient poems, which made him marvel at their talent.

Jiang Qian's fortune is: "The long street, the fireworks, you look back with a lantern. The short pavilion, the world, I sigh again with my flute."

This sentence is full of emotion about life and nostalgia for the past.

However, through Jiang Qian's explanation, everyone realized that this was actually a piece of lyrics.

Yuan Shiwei also encouraged Jiang Qian to sing for everyone to hear.

In response to this, Jiang Qian showed off her ventriloquism skills with ease, and she was no worse than those art students from the Central Academy of Drama.

Saint Gun Brother thinks she can definitely debut right where she is.

Jiang Qian blushed after she finished singing.

Apparently she rarely performs in public.

Zhang Yun's fortune is: "If the sky has feelings, it will grow old; if the moon has no hatred, it will be full forever."

This sentence reveals her understanding and perception of life, and also shows her inner tenderness.

Unfortunately, she looks too ordinary, and her figure is also mediocre, similar to Xiao Linzi's, so no one is willing to get to know her soul deeply to see whether she is interesting or boring.

Boys are often so superficial.

What most intrigued everyone was, of course, He Jieyu's fortune: "The wind and rain are dark, and the cocks are crowing."

This one is less popular.

Zhao Zixuan did not understand the deep meaning of these eight words at first, until he opened his phone to search, and then he found that the next sentence was "Since I have met a gentleman, how can I not be happy."

This made him involuntarily think that the "gentleman" was describing himself.

Zhao Zixuan was influenced by the four female champions, and it was inevitable that he would be influenced by the company he kept, so he suddenly decided to change his signature into eight short and sharp characters.

——Everything has a beginning, but few can have an end.

He Jieyu was sitting next to him and witnessed the whole process of him modifying his signature.

She was curious and couldn't help but take out her cell phone and send him a message.

——"Brother, when did you start liking the Book of Songs?"

Zhao Zixuan turned his head and looked at her deeply before replying.

——“Because someone likes it.”

He Jieyu looked at the message on her phone, the corners of her rosy lips and white teeth slightly raised, revealing a sweet smile, like a child who had secretly eaten candy.

Wang Peipei asked her why she suddenly smiled foolishly.

He Jieyu didn't say anything, but her heart was filled with sweetness.

Yuan Shiwei saw this with envy and jealousy on his face: "Zixuan is really amazing. He won our No. 3 Middle School goddess Wanyan without making any noise! ​​When did you two secretly get together? How come I didn't know anything about such a big thing?"

He Jieyu's cheeks turned slightly red and she lowered her head slightly.

Zhao Zixuan responded rudely: "Get lost! What do you mean by compromise? Can you speak? If you can't, then shut up!"

Yuan Shiwei was suddenly speechless.

Wang Peipei curiously asked, "You were together in high school? I'm really envious. Why didn't I have a passionate early love affair back then? Now that I think about it, I really regret it!" Jiang Qian also said with emotion, "Yes, if you don't fall in love in high school, you may miss out on it for the rest of your life. If you think about it carefully, if you haven't experienced early love in your life, you always feel like something is missing."

Zhang Yun, who is usually taciturn, rarely spoke, and there was a hint of envy in his tone: "I envy those of you who fall in love early. I don't know why I have to follow so many unnecessary rules."

Everyone's eyes were focused on her, as if Zhang Yun's casual words had hit the mark of everyone's thoughts.

Zhao Zixuan spoke slowly, his voice revealing a kind of depth and wisdom: "In fact, in the current social environment, class determines a person's eligibility to make mistakes at important life nodes, such as marriage, funerals, birth, aging, illness and death. If your life later proves that you had a better choice at the time, then this is a mistake, and it will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

He paused and continued, "For example, if you don't get into Peking University or Tsinghua University at the age of 18, then four years later you may not be able to get into your desired investment bank or central enterprise headquarters; if you don't get into undergraduate school, then four years later you won't be able to pass the CPA, bar exams, or various licenses. If you don't make it to management level at the age of 30, and don't make it to middle or senior management level at the age of 45, then your retirement pension at the age of 60 can be roughly estimated now, with an error of about four digits."

“This is the causal relationship, and this causality is constantly strengthened in social warfare and the division of labor.”

He glanced at the crowd and continued, "This is why Hengshui Middle School has to be managed in a military manner. The provincial key middle schools in the Northeast have the top priority of college entrance examination results, and quality education is only auxiliary. However, students at Renmin University High School can enjoy absolute quality education. In the final analysis, the level of regional development determines the cost of your choice."

"The more powerful a person is, the more they can do whatever they want, because even if they make a decision they regret, they can immediately use the resources to correct most problems. However, for most of us ordinary people, one wrong step means all the wrong steps, and ordinary people's lives often have no room for error..."

He said so much in one breath, and Yuan Shiwei and Brother Shengqiang were confused. They showed clear and stupid looks in their eyes, as if they were very smart.

However, the several female top scorers present listened with great interest and had a deeper understanding of Zhao Zixuan.

At first, they thought that Zhao Zixuan's appearance was not worthy of He Jieyu.

But after some conversation, they found that this boy was not only handsome, but also had ideas in his mind.

This is very rare.

They couldn't help but wonder, why, at the same age of 18, Zhao Zixuan could have such unique insights and profound thoughts?
The gap between people is sometimes even greater than the gap between people and dogs.

After listening to Zhao Zixuan's profound insights, Wang Peipei also put forward her own views.

"I recently watched the TV series I Love My Family, and there was a line in it that touched me deeply - 'Whenever your grandfather makes a mistake, my grandfather has to beg for food.' This line is really interesting."

Saint Spear was a little confused and asked humbly, "What do you mean? Why does my grandfather have to beg for food when your grandfather makes a mistake?"

The difference in academic qualifications was revealed at this moment, and the female top scorers just smiled and said nothing.

"This topic cannot be avoided."

Only Zhang Qian smiled and changed the subject: "Zhao Zixuan's views coincide with mine. In fact, this is also a social phenomenon. In the eyes of parents, it is more reliable for students from high-quality high schools in first-tier or second-tier cities to fall in love than to fall in love with college classmates. Because in high school, everyone's family background is similar. But in college, even top universities like Peking University and Tsinghua University are mixed with all kinds of people."

Wang Peipei took over the conversation: "I used to think that students from Peking University and Tsinghua University were different from others, but after meeting Sister Huan, I found that my previous thoughts were too naive."

Yuan Shiwei asked curiously, "Who is 'Sister Ni'?"

The four top female candidates smiled at each other. Wang Peipei said bluntly: "No one, just a funny girl."

Hearing this, Zhao Zixuan's impression of Wang Peipei deepened. He felt that Wang Peipei was really bold and dared to speak and act more than others.

With such talents in the female top scorer's dormitory, daily conversations will definitely not be boring.

I just don’t know whether He Jieyu can integrate into their small circle. After all, the gap between a rich girl and an ordinary person is really big.

He Jieyu's view on premature love is unique and different from others.

She glanced at Zhao Zixuan lightly, her tone calm but full of power: "Are you thinking too complicated? Why should two people who are truly in love care so much about the secular views of others? Think about Romeo and Juliet, they were young and inexperienced, but their love was still breathtakingly beautiful and praised by the world."

Wang Peipei teased her with a smile: "Then Zhao Zixuan is your Romeo? By the way, have you met his parents? What if his parents don't agree?"

She knew that He Jieyu's family conditions were extraordinary. From the fact that she brought several bodyguards to college, it could be seen that He Jieyu was definitely not a girl from an ordinary family.

Such families often value being well-matched rather than some bullshit true love. Those things that deceive the lower classes are worthless in the eyes of the worldly-wise and educated class.

Although Wang Peipei didn't know Zhao Zixuan's family conditions, she subconsciously thought that this boy who could only get into the Central Academy of Drama was unlikely to be recognized by He Jieyu's parents.

How can an actor be worthy of the talented lady from Peking University and Tsinghua University who topped the college entrance examination?

To use the words of Joey Wong – How can a pheasant be worthy of a phoenix?
Perhaps sensing Wang Peipei's discrimination, He Jieyu calmly responded, "My mother knows him."

Jiang Qian's eyes widened in surprise: "No way, no way, you have met the parents so soon? Is this true?"

Everyone looked sideways, their curiosity aroused.

He Jieyu shook her head slightly, indicating that this was not the case.

At this moment, Zhao Zixuan looked at her, feeling mixed emotions.

He knew that He Jieyu's mother must be aware of her existence. They were so close, it would be strange if her mother didn't know.

But her mother did not stop them, nor did she stage a melodramatic drama, such as throwing him a bank card with five million yuan in it and asking him to stay away from her daughter.

Sometimes he would vaguely hope that this kind of scenario could happen.

But reality is always as dull as water.

What He Jieyu's mother really thought is still a mystery.

"Zhao Zixuan, why don't you take the entrance exams to Peking University or Tsinghua University?"

Jiang Qian asked a strange question.

Zhao Zixuan really wanted to roll his eyes at her.

Why don't you go to heaven?
Don't you want to?

On the side, Saint Gun said with emotion: "If I could go to Peking University or Tsinghua University, I wouldn't have to become a professional player."

Wang Peipei asked: "I heard that you can go abroad to play professionally, is that true?"

Saint Spear nodded and responded, "Yes, I will go to Europe to play next month."

Wang Peipei's eyes sparkled with envy: "I really envy you, I also want to go to Europe once!"

On the other side, He Jieyu looked at Zhao Zixuan and asked, "Brother, are you going to Europe next month too?"

Zhao Zixuan saw through her thoughts and said sympathetically, "Why, you want to go too? If you want to go, I can take you with me, but will your family agree?"

He Jieyu was originally quite happy when she heard the first half of the sentence, but she became worried after hearing the rest.


Zhao Zixuan can go wherever he wants.

But she couldn't do that. No matter where she went, she had to get her parents' permission.

Even though she is already a mature and sensible college student.

(End of this chapter)

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