Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 235 Father and son meet for the first time!

In the baptism of morning light, a middle-aged man appeared in the garden in a neat suit. His facial features were distinct and his demeanor was extraordinary. Every subtle movement revealed the style of a successful man.

However, at this moment, his steps seemed a little heavy. He was walking towards Zhao Zixuan, the child whose growth he had never really participated in.

The man's face was filled with complex emotions, including anticipation for his child's growth and tension about the unknown relationship.

He is Zhao Hui, Zhao Zixuan’s biological father.

Wu Xianglian gently took Zhao Zixuan's hand and led him towards Zhao Hui, saying softly, "Zixuan, this is your father, Zhao Hui."

Zhao Zixuan's gaze fell on Zhao Hui, and his heart was filled with confusion and strangeness.

To him, this man was just a stranger who appeared suddenly, even though he claimed to be his father.

Zhao Zixuan tried to find a hint of familiarity on Zhao Hui's face, but was disappointed.

Zhao Hui stood up with a warm smile on his face and extended his hand to Zhao Zixuan: "Zixuan, hello, I am your father Zhao Hui. When you were little, I once held you in my arms, but you may not remember. I didn't expect time to pass so quickly. In a blink of an eye, you have grown up so much."

However, Zhao Zixuan did not respond to Zhao Hui's kindness, his voice was cold and firm: "I don't know you, and I don't have a father."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and Zhao Hui's hands hung in the air, feeling a little embarrassed.

Wu Xianglian quickly stepped forward to mediate: "Zixuan, don't be like this, your father..."

"He's not my dad!"

Zhao Zixuan interrupted Wu Xianglian, his voice full of anger and dissatisfaction, "He has never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father. How can such an irresponsible man recognize me now?"

Zhao Hui's face changed slightly. He knew that his past could not be refuted, so he took a deep breath and tried to explain: "Zixuan, I know that I didn't do well enough in the past, but please give me a chance to make up for my past mistakes. I am willing to do my best to make you feel the warmth of fatherly love."

"make up?"

Zhao Zixuan sneered, "What can you do to make up for it? Can you make up for everything in the past with just a few words? Do you think I will forgive you just because you admit your mistakes to me? Do you think too highly of yourself?"

Zhao Hui was choked by Zhao Zixuan's words. He was speechless for a moment and had no words to respond.

He understood that his past mistakes could not be forgiven so easily.

Wu Xianglian watched the two of them from the side, feeling anxious. She understood Zhao Zixuan's feelings and Zhao Hui's helplessness.

She didn't want to see this long-awaited meeting turn into a quarrel.

"Zixuan, calm down first. Dad did do a lot of things wrong, but he really wants to make up for it now. You can give him a chance and try to understand him. Maybe you will find that he is not what you thought."

Wu Xianglian tried to persuade Zhao Zixuan.

However, Zhao Zixuan had lost his patience. He took Wu Xianglian's hand and turned away resolutely: "I don't need his compensation, and I will never recognize him. Zhao Hui, I advise you not to appear in front of me again, just treat me as a stranger."

As their backs gradually walked away, only Zhao Hui and Lin Shihan were left in the garden, and the air was filled with an indescribable heaviness and helplessness.

Lin Shihan came forward and comforted Zhao Hui in a soft voice: "Dad, don't worry too much. Brother Zixuan may still be angry now, but it takes time to cultivate feelings. As long as you treat him well, one day he will understand your painstaking efforts."

Zhao Hui smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Shihan, you don't know, I owe Zixuan too much. I left home when he was so young, and I didn't fulfill my responsibilities as a father. I...I really feel that I will never be able to make up for this mistake in my lifetime."

Lin Shihan stared at Zhao Hui seriously and said patiently, "Dad, we are not saints. We can't be perfect. We can't change the past, but we can start from now on and use our actions to prove your sincerity. Brother Zixuan has a good personality and I get along very well with him. I believe that as long as you treat him well, he will accept you one day."

Zhao Hui was silent for a moment, with a complex emotion flashing in his eyes: "You are right, Shihan, I will make him accept me. But I came back this time for something else. I...I want to get shares of Heguang Technology."

Lin Shihan showed a hint of surprise: "Shares? Is it the Heguang Technology that I know? The company that makes short videos? Is there any relationship between Heguang Technology and Brother Zixuan?"

Zhao Hui sighed: "This involves my business, I can't tell you too much. But please believe me, I didn't come back for money. I just want to do something for you and Zixuan."

Lin Shihan frowned slightly: "Dad, I understand your idea. But things like shares become complicated once interests are involved. I don't want the relationship between you and Aunt Wu and Zixuan to get worse because of this."

Zhao Hui hesitated for a moment: "I know, but this is the only way I can think of at the moment. If I can't get the shares, our company may be gone. By the way, don't let anyone know about this for the time being... Alas! I just hope Zixuan can forgive me and accept me."

After thinking for a moment, Lin Shihan said softly, "Dad, I think you should have a good talk with Aunt Wu. She may understand your difficulties and may be able to help you think of a better solution. As for Brother Zixuan, he has a good impression of me. I will do my best to convince him to give you a chance."

Zhao Hui looked at Lin Shihan gratefully: "Thank you, Shihan. I really feel at ease with you by my side."

Lin Shihan smiled and said, "Dad, you are too polite. We are all family. Why say thank you?"


After leaving the garden, Zhao Zixuan and Wu Xianglian stepped into their new home. Although the interior decoration was beautiful, it could not hide the heavy atmosphere.

Zhao Zixuan walked into his room without saying a word and closed the door heavily, leaving Wu Xianglian standing alone in the empty living room, her face full of worry.

Wu Xianglian walked to Zhao Zixuan's door, tapped with her fingers, and said softly: "Zixuan, can we talk?"

The room was quiet, but Wu Xianglian knew that her son was listening.

She took a deep breath and continued, "I know you are still angry with me, blaming me for meeting Zhao Hui without telling you. But mom has her own difficulties. I think we should give him a chance. After all, he is your father."

Zhao Zixuan responded coldly from inside the room: "He is not my father! He has never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father for a single day. Why should I accept him now?"

Wu Xianglian's heart sank, but she did not give up.

She explained: "Zixuan, I understand how you feel. But blood ties cannot be changed. He is your biological father. Moreover, he has expressed regret for the past and wants to make up for the time you missed."

Zhao Zixuan suddenly opened the door, his eyes red and emotional: "Make up? What can he make up for? My childhood was without him, I grew up without him, and his simple apology can make it look like nothing happened?"

Wu Xianglian hugged her son with heartache, tears welling up in her eyes. She said gently, "I know this is hard to accept, but mom hopes you can try to understand him. He also has his own difficulties and helplessness, and he really regrets it now and wants to rebuild the relationship with you. Please give him a chance."

Zhao Zixuan broke free from his mother's arms, turned around and walked back to the room, his voice cold: "I don't want to listen! I don't want to forgive him! He is not worthy of being my father at all!" Wu Xianglian was left standing at the door, looking at her son's stubborn back, with mixed feelings in her heart.

However, Zhao Zixuan suddenly calmed down. He turned to Wu Xianglian and said, "Mom, have you ever thought about the real purpose of Zhao Hui's return this time? Why didn't he come back earlier or later, but chose to come back at this time?"

Wu Xianglian was a little confused by the question. She said, "Isn't he here just to recognize you as his father? You have been longing for fatherly love for so many years. Now that he is back, you should give him a chance."

Zhao Zixuan shook his head, a hint of determination flashed in his eyes: "You are wrong, Mom. As far as I know, Zhao Hui's purpose of coming back this time is not simple. He is very likely after the Heguang Technology shares in your hands. This is his true purpose. As for whether he recognizes us or not, he doesn't care at all."

The reason he said this was because in his memory before his rebirth, even when he was in his thirties, Zhao Hui had never come back to recognize them.

The so-called father was like a stranger in their lives and did not even appear at Wu Xianglian's funeral.

How could such a cold-hearted and selfish man truly want to get to know them?
So if we dig deeper into the reasons, it is most likely for the shares of Heguang Technology. Zhao Hui knows that the current controlling shareholder of Heguang Technology is Wu Xianglian. As long as Wu Xianglian agrees to give him a little bit of shares, he will not have to worry about anything in his life.

And Zhao Zixuan knew his mother quite well. He knew that Wu Xianglian was kind-hearted and sentimental, and could easily be deceived by a few words from a scumbag.

That result was definitely not what he expected.

After hearing what Zhao Zixuan said, Wu Xianglian's face turned pale instantly.

She never thought that the real purpose of Zhao Hui's return was so terrible. The guilt and trust in her heart were like broken glass, scattered all over the floor.

She slowly walked back to the living room, sat on the sofa, and fell into deep thought.

Zhao Zixuan's words were like a sharp sword, piercing through the fog in Wu Xianglian's heart.

She began to recall Zhao Hui's various behaviors, and there were indeed many things that made her feel strange, but because she was too eager for the completeness of her family, she selectively ignored those details.

Wu Xianglian knew that Heguang Technology was not just a company to her, but also a guarantee for Zhao Zixuan's career and the future life of her and her son.

If Zhao Hui really came for the shares, she must not let him succeed.

However, she was unwilling to give up the father-son relationship between Zhao Zixuan and Zhao Hui easily, as that was what she had always hoped for.

Just when Wu Xianglian was in a dilemma, Zhao Zixuan walked out of the room.

He sat next to Wu Xianglian and said firmly, "Mom, we can't let Zhao Hui succeed. He is a selfish person and is not worthy of our trust. We must protect Heguang Technology and ourselves."

Wu Xianglian looked at her son's determined eyes and felt a warm feeling in her heart.

She knew that no matter what happened, she had her son by her side to support her.

She took a deep breath and nodded: "Son, if what you said is true, then we must not let Zhao Hui succeed. We must protect ourselves and also protect Heguang Technology."

After chatting with Wu Xianglian, Zhao Zixuan called Cheng Yuyan to consult about relevant legal issues.

Cheng Yuyan is an excellent law student from Peking University and Tsinghua University. Although she has not completed her studies, she has a lot of legal knowledge in her belly. A few simple conversations completely dispelled Zhao Zixuan's doubts.

To ensure that everything went smoothly, Zhao Zixuan asked Cheng Yuyan to help draft an equity transfer agreement.

He planned to transfer 90% of Heguang Technology's shares to himself, and the remaining 10% would be reserved for Wu Xianglian.

Wu Xianglian once expressed her willingness to transfer all her shares to Zhao Zixuan because during the establishment and development of Heguang Technology, she was actually only a nominal shareholder.

However, as Heguang Technology's reputation grew, she began to deeply appreciate her son's talent and hard work.

Nowadays, at work, colleagues envy Wu Xianglian for having such a young and promising son.

They often asked Wu Xianglian about Zhao Zixuan's glorious deeds, and some enthusiastic uncles and aunts even hoped to marry their precious daughters to Zhao Zixuan.

Faced with these enthusiastic proposals, Wu Xianglian often cleverly used Song Qiuya as a shield to politely refuse, claiming that Zhao Zixuan had already arranged an engagement with Song Qiuya as a child.

As a result, many relatives who came to the door were turned away, but the scandal between Zhao Zixuan and Song Qiuya spread widely in the unit, and almost everyone knew about it.

These two days, after Zhao Zixuan returned to the unit, he found that everyone he met on the street was talking about what happened between him and Song Qiuya, which made him feel helpless.

He tried to explain that it was all just a misunderstanding, but the more he explained, the more confused he became.

Because in everyone's mind, Zhao Zixuan and Song Qiuya have been a perfect match made in heaven, and their fate seems to have been destined since childhood.

And now that they have been approved by both sets of parents, their future marriage seems to be a foregone conclusion.

Later on, Zhao Zixuan simply didn't bother to explain. Whenever someone brought up the matter between him and Song Qiuya, he would tactfully change the subject or simply walk away.

Just ignore it.

However, fate always seemed to play tricks on him.

Just the next day after he returned to the unit, the heroine of the scandal, Song Qiuya, also came back unexpectedly.

What surprised him even more was that as soon as Song Qiuya came back, Liu Xiu pulled her aside and insisted on inviting him and Wu Xianglian to their home for a simple meal.

Of course Zhao Zixuan didn't want to go. He had long wanted to avoid having any connection or involvement with Song Qiuya, but facing the repeated attacks from Wu Xianglian and Liu Xiu, he finally had to compromise.

He understood that this meal was not a simple feast, but an elaborately designed "Hongmen Banquet", a trap full of "traps".

However, his mother had already spoken, so what could he do?

I can only bite the bullet and go to the tiger mountain even though I know there is a tiger there. (End of this chapter)

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