Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 237 My cheap sister who loves playing games!

Because of Zhao Hui's existence, Zhao Zixuan had some resentment towards Lin Shihan, the so-called "sister", and he was unwilling to have any interaction with her.

Although his first impression of Lin Shihan was quite good, especially when she always called him "Brother Zixuan"...

When Zhao Zixuan learned that the person on the other end of the phone was Lin Shihan, he hung up the phone without hesitation, but doubts arose in his heart.

His phone number is extremely private, and even his close female friends who have had close interactions with him may not know it.

How did Lin Shihan know about this?
Zhao Zixuan fell into deep thought. The identity of this "sister" made him feel very strange.

He speculated that she might be Zhao Hui's daughter, but why was her last name Lin instead of Zhao? Did she take her mother's last name?

Although he was full of curiosity, Zhao Zixuan did not delve into the matter further.

No matter whether Lin Shihan's surname is Lin or Zhao, he will not acknowledge this so-called "sister".

Zhao Zixuan has decided to stay at home for a while, on the one hand to prevent Zhao Hui from getting close to his mother, and on the other hand to spend more time with her.

However, his mother's behavior made him feel helpless.

When he was not at home, my mother seemed to be on the same side as Aunt Cow, trying to match him with Song Qiuya, both openly and secretly, as if the two families had become one family.

This gave Zhao Zixuan a headache.

Of course, he could stick to his choice, but Auntie Cow and Uncle Song have always been very caring towards him. If he continues to be cold to Song Qiuya, it may disappoint them and even affect the relationship between the two families.

This is the result that Zhao Zixuan does not want to see.

Therefore, he decided to find a solution that would both stick to his own position and take other people's feelings into consideration to properly handle the matter.

But he had no idea how to deal with it for a while.

After coming out of the Song family, Zhao Zixuan walked quickly and soon arrived downstairs of his house.

His eyes swept across the shade of the trees in front of the building, and unexpectedly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.

It was Lin Shihan. Today she was wearing a fruit green sports sweatshirt suit, which showed off her tall and slender figure. She was lowering her head and immersed in the world of the mobile phone screen, seeming to be anxiously waiting for something.

Zhao Zixuan frowned slightly. He didn't have much affection for this so-called "sister", so he subconsciously wanted to avoid her.

However, just as he was about to turn around and leave, Lin Shihan raised her head, and her clear eyes met his gaze in the air.

"Brother Zixuan!"

Lin Shihan's voice was clear and pleasant. She walked quickly towards Zhao Zixuan with a hint of dissatisfaction on her face, "Why didn't you answer my call?"

Zhao Zixuan stopped and said indifferently, "I'm very busy now and don't have time to answer the phone."

"Then why did you hang up on me?" Lin Shihan didn't seem to buy it and continued to ask.

Zhao Zixuan sighed, his tone revealing a bit of helplessness, "I really don't have time. What do you want to talk to me about?"

Lin Shihan didn't seem to care about Zhao Zixuan's cold attitude. There was a gleam of anticipation in her eyes. "Brother Zixuan, I want to invite you to go out and play together. How about we go to the Internet cafe to play games together? You should be able to play League of Legends or CF, right?"

Zhao Zixuan shook his head without hesitation, "I'm not interested."

Lin Shihan seemed unwilling to accept this. She bit her lip, as if she was looking for the right words. "Brother Zixuan, you know what? Dad...he has always cared about you. He has a lot to say to you, but..."

Zhao Zixuan raised his eyebrows. He naturally knew that the "Dad" Lin Shihan was referring to was Zhao Hui.

The man who had abandoned him and his mother suddenly began to care about his life. Zhao Zixuan scoffed at this, but Lin Shihan brought up Zhao Hui at this time, which forced him to re-examine this so-called "sister".

He looked at Lin Shihan deeply, and there seemed to be some secret hidden in those clear eyes.

Zhao Zixuan's heart moved, perhaps he could get some information from her and learn more about Zhao Hui.

So, he nodded, with a barely perceptible softness in his tone, "Okay, I'll go to the Internet cafe with you."

Lin Shihan's face immediately broke into a bright smile, as if the spring sunshine was shining all over the earth. "Really? That's great! When are we leaving?"

Zhao Zixuan said calmly: "Let's go now. But, you are not yet an adult, right?"

Lin Shihan smiled and shook her head. "You guessed wrong, I became an adult last month. I'm only one year younger than you, so don't worry about this problem!"

Zhao Zixuan frowned slightly, but an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart.

Zhao Hui actually has a daughter who is one year younger than him, which means that before he and his mother were abandoned, Zhao Hui already had a child with another woman.

This discovery made Zhao Zixuan sneer, and his disgust and anger towards Zhao Hui deepened.

However, now is not the time to pursue these issues.

Zhao Zixuan took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, and walked out of the office gate with Lin Shihan.

Walking on the road, Zhao Zixuan and Lin Shihan strolled side by side on the street. The sunlight shone through the treetops, stretching their shadows long.

He accidentally glanced at Lin Shihan beside him. She was tall, like a graceful willow tree. It was conservatively estimated that her height was at least 1.7 meters.

She was wearing flat shoes today, but she still looked outstanding. If she wore high heels, I'm afraid many boys would feel inferior to her and would not dare to walk side by side with her.

Well, this is a cheap sister whose beauty is proportional to her figure.

Although Zhao Zixuan was not very enthusiastic about this invitation, since he had already agreed, he would naturally keep his promise.

Along the way, he noticed that there was a gleam of anticipation in Lin Shihan's eyes. She asked various questions about the game from time to time, but Zhao Zixuan just responded indifferently, his mind drifting far away.

"Brother Zixuan, which hero do you usually like to play?"

Lin Shihan asked with great interest.

Zhao Zixuan was slightly stunned, then he said casually: "I don't have a favorite hero, I play a little bit of every hero."

His eyes swept across Lin Shihan's face, but he was secretly thinking about how to learn more about Zhao Hui through this contact.

Ever since he knew that Zhao Hui had returned, Zhao Zixuan had already started looking for someone to secretly investigate things about him. After all, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you eliminate all worries.

Lin Shihan didn't seem to notice Zhao Zixuan's abnormality. She continued to talk enthusiastically about the interesting things in the game, occasionally laughing like a silver bell.

Zhao Zixuan listened quietly at the side, occasionally interjecting a few words, but more often he was observing Lin Shihan's behavior and expression.

He found that this cheap sister was carefree, lively and cheerful, and seemed to have been well protected since childhood.

Not long after, the two came to an Internet cafe.

Lin Shihan turned on the computer and logged into the game with ease, while Zhao Zixuan sat beside her.

LOL starts!

The colorful game interface on the screen reflected on their focused faces. Zhao Zixuan chose the top hero, while Lin Shihan chose the mid-lane mage that she was best at.

After entering the game, Lin Shihan showed amazing gaming talent. She skillfully controlled the mid-lane mage Syndra and cooperated seamlessly with her teammates.

As the game progressed, both of them got into the state, concentrating on controlling their respective heroes.

Relying on his rich gaming experience and superb operating skills, Zhao Zixuan firmly suppressed his opponents online.

Lin Shihan was not to be outdone. She used her skills flexibly and continuously caused damage to the enemy heroes.

"Brother Zixuan, come and help me!" Lin Shihan suddenly shouted. Her Syndra was being chased by the enemy's mid and jungle players, and the situation was critical.

Seeing this, Zhao Zixuan immediately gave up pushing the line, quickly walked from the top lane to the river, and joined the battle. With precise operations and tacit cooperation, he and Lin Shihan killed the enemy hero together, and Syndra, who was at low health, actually got a double kill.

"Great! Fortunately, Brother Zixuan came to support me in time, otherwise I would have almost died!"

Lin Shihan shouted happily, her face filled with joy of getting the kill.

Zhao Zixuan saw this and couldn't help wondering: How could this girl be so familiar with this game at such a young age? Where did her gaming skills come from?
At the end of the game, when she was about to win, Lin Shihan suddenly said, "Brother Zixuan, do you know? I have always liked playing League of Legends, and my brother used to play with me."

There was a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

Zhao Zixuan's heart moved when he heard this. He turned to look at Lin Shihan, only to see a gleam of happiness in her eyes.

He asked tentatively, "You have a brother? You're not an only child?"

Lin Shihan nodded and said, "Yes, I have a brother who is about your age and we have a very good relationship. He also likes playing games and often teaches me some tricks. He taught me how to play Syndra and we used to play together a lot."

Having said this, a sweet smile appeared on her face.

However, Lin Shihan's expression suddenly became gloomy as the subject changed: "But a year ago, my brother and mother were in a car accident, and they...they both left me."

There was a hint of sob in her voice, as if she had returned to that sad moment again.

As Zhao Zixuan listened to Lin Shihan's story, he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

He didn't expect that this seemingly lively and cheerful girl actually had such a heavy past.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Lin Shihan was so keen on coming to the Internet cafe to play games - perhaps only in the virtual world could she find the happy time she once spent with her brother.

"Don't be sad, everything will be fine."

Zhao Zixuan patted Lin Shihan's shoulder gently to comfort her.

Lin Shihan slowly raised her head, her clear eyes flashing with gratitude towards Zhao Zixuan.

She nodded gently, as if thousands of words came to her mind but she didn't know how to start.

After a while, Lin Shihan finally broke the silence. She said softly, "Thank you, Brother Zixuan. I am very happy to play games with you today. It seems like I am back to the time when I played games with my brother."

Her words revealed a deep sense of nostalgia and dependence, as if she had found some long-lost warmth and comfort in Zhao Zixuan.

At this moment, she seemed to really regard Zhao Zixuan as a substitute for her brother.

Zhao Zixuan did not feel unhappy or disgusted by this.

On the contrary, he felt that the sincerity and honesty of this cheap sister were touching.

At least compared to the selfish Zhao Hui, Lin Shihan's innocence and kindness are particularly precious.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zixuan couldn't help but begin to doubt whether there was really a blood relationship between Lin Shihan and Zhao Hui.

If you look closely, there doesn't seem to be any obvious similarities in their appearance. If they are really father and daughter, how could there be no trace of similarity at all?

Is it the stepdaughter?
"Brother Zixuan, can we go to the bottom lane together in the next game? I want to try to assist you."

After easily winning the first game, Lin Shihan was in extremely high spirits and made an expectant request to Zhao Zixuan.

"Okay, I'll play Ashe and you play the nurse." Zhao Zixuan said, thinking of the purpose of coming to the Internet cafe. The smile on his face gradually faded, and his eyes became deep and sharp. "Shihan, Zhao Hui asked you to approach me because of the shares of Heguang Technology, right?"

Lin Shihan was stunned by his sudden question, and the finger that was originally about to click on the hero interface stopped.

She met Zhao Zixuan's all-seeing gaze, and an inexplicable panic surged in her heart. She stammered, "Brother Zixuan, why do you think so? Dad...he actually..."

The little girl's thoughts can never be hidden.

"I was right, wasn't I?" Zhao Zixuan saw her embarrassment, chuckled, and interrupted her: "Zhao Hui's little tricks can fool my mother, but it's far from fooling me. It's time to choose a hero, do you want to kill him in one second?"

Lin Shihan finally came to her senses and quickly selected the support hero, Saya, in the game, while Zhao Zixuan also locked on the ADC Ashe without hesitation.

On the computer screen, the hero lineups of both sides have been determined.

Zhao Zixuan turned his head, stared at Lin Shihan with a sharp gaze, and continued: "Go back and tell Zhao Hui that all the shares of Heguang Technology have been transferred to my name. Tell him not to play any more tricks. If he dares to hurt my mother again, I will never let him go!"

Lin Shihan's face froze slightly, and she hurriedly spoke out to explain, with a barely perceptible pleading and earnestness in her voice: "Brother Zixuan, you really misunderstood. Dad really has no ill intentions. He really wants to come back to apologize to Aunt Wu and make up for his past mistakes. Please believe me, okay?"

However, Zhao Zixuan had already seen through everything, and his dislike for Zhao Hui made him distrust Lin Shihan as well.

He glanced at her coldly, his voice indifferent and firm: "After this game, I don't want you to appear in front of me again, especially in front of my mother. If you dare to try to deceive her and get close to her again, I can't guarantee what I will do."

He paused, a sharp light flashed in his eyes: "My mother is the most important person to me. If anyone dares to hurt her, no matter who it is, I will not let him go!"

Lin Shihan was frightened by his words. She felt a strong chill emanating from Zhao Zixuan, who was completely different from the gentle and sunny boy she had known before.

She knew that Zhao Zixuan was really angry this time, and the consequences could be very serious.

Lin Shihan couldn't help swallowing her saliva and cautiously asked, "Brother Zixuan, can we talk about this again? I..."

"That's not necessary."

Zhao Zixuan interrupted her coldly, his eyes never leaving the computer screen, "After this game, we'll say goodbye. Go back and tell Zhao Hui not to waste his thoughts anymore."

Lin Shihan had mixed feelings. She was heartbroken by Zhao Zixuan's determination, but also helpless about her father's plan.

She knew that this mission had completely failed.

The game started quickly, and Zhao Zixuan was fully focused on the game, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

Lin Shihan was playing the game absentmindedly, secretly glancing at Zhao Zixuan's stern profile from time to time.

She couldn't help but sigh inwardly: Why did things turn out like this? She just wanted to get along well with this new brother, why did it end up like this?
After the game ended, Zhao Zixuan exited the game interface without hesitation and stood up to leave.

Lin Shihan also quickly stood up. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say it.

Zhao Zixuan walked out of the Internet cafe without looking back, leaving Lin Shihan standing there alone, feeling helpless and lost.

She knew that this encounter with Zhao Zixuan was destined to end in this way.

Perhaps from the very beginning, the gap between them was unbridgeable.

After Zhao Zixuan walked out of the Internet cafe, he took a deep breath of fresh air, as if he wanted to expel all the depression in his heart with his breath.

He looked up at the sky. The sunlight seemed particularly dazzling against the backdrop of blue sky and white clouds.

He knew that he might be a little too cold towards Lin Shihan, but he really couldn't have any good feelings towards people and things related to Zhao Hui.

He just wanted to protect his mother from any harm.

When Zhao Zixuan returned home, he saw Wu Xianglian standing on the balcony drying clothes. The sun shone on her, casting a golden halo on her. Looking at her busy figure and gentle face, Zhao Zixuan felt a warm current in his heart.

He raised his head and shouted loudly to the most beautiful figure on the balcony: "Mom, I'm back!"

...(End of chapter)

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