Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 245: Be one with the light and be one with the dust!

Return to the imperial capital.

After many days, Zhao Zixuan appeared again at the Heguang Technology Headquarters Building in AVIC Plaza.

In the spacious CEO's office, cameras from all angles were simultaneously aimed at Zhao Zixuan, who was sitting on the sofa in a formal suit.

Today, he will accept a media interview for the first time and unveil the mystery of himself as the helmsman of Heguang Technology.

The person who interviewed him was a well-known goddess host, Chai Jing, who shocked the entire Internet last year with "Under the Dome". Her keen insight and unique perspective made her a "public intellectual goddess" in the public's mind.

Zhao Zixuan was originally cautious about any form of interview, but Chai Jing's unremitting efforts and the unexpected surprise she brought - her willingness to act as a matchmaker for him and facilitate his collaboration with film giant Stephen Chow - finally moved Zhao Zixuan.

At this time, Chai Jing walked into the CEO's office of Heguang Technology, shook hands with Zhao Zixuan with a smile, and after the two sat down, the interview officially began.

Chai Jing: "Hello, Zhao Zixuan. I heard that you founded a successful Internet company like Heguang Technology when you were still a high school student. This is really surprising. Can you share your entrepreneurial experience with us?"

Zhao Zixuan: "In fact, my entrepreneurial journey has not been smooth sailing. I have been interested in the Internet since I was a child. Coupled with my love for film and television art, I realized that I could combine the two to do something meaningful. Therefore, in high school, I founded Heguang Technology and began to explore the field of short videos."

Chai Jing: "So, how did you overcome the difficulties and challenges you encountered during your entrepreneurial journey?"

Zhao Zixuan: "I think the most important thing is persistence and faith. In the early days of our business, we encountered many difficulties, including problems with technology and talent. However, we always believed in our direction, kept learning and improving, and eventually overcame these difficulties. At the same time, we also focused on user experience, continuously optimized our products, and won the trust and support of users."

Chai Jing: "Heguang Technology has achieved great success in the short video field. What do you think is the key to success?"

Zhao Zixuan: "I think the key to success lies in innovation and user experience. In the field of short videos, content is the key. We need to continuously launch interesting, informative and valuable content to attract users' attention. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to user experience, continuously optimize products and improve users' experience. In addition, we also focus on interaction with users, listen to users' feedback and suggestions, and continuously improve and optimize products."

Chai Jing: "I heard that you like Mr. Stephen Chow's movies and have a deep affection for his comedy style. So, have you ever thought about working with him? Or in your entrepreneurial process, have his movies given you any special inspiration or influence?"

Zhao Zixuan smiled and nodded, and replied: "Yes, I have a special liking for Mr. Stephen Chow's movies. His movies always make me laugh and make me think more about life. In the process of starting a business, his movies did give me some inspiration."

"Mr. Zhou Xingchi's works are full of innovation and imagination. He dares to challenge traditions and try new ways to express his ideas. This spirit has also influenced me, making me pay more attention to innovation and user experience in the operation of Heguang Technology."

Zhao Zixuan paused and continued, "As for the cooperation with Mr. Stephen Chow, it has always been my dream. His movies are not only entertainment, but also an expression of culture and art. If there is an opportunity in the future, I very much hope to cooperate with him to create more interesting and profound content together to bring more joy to users."

After listening, Chai Jing smiled and nodded, expressing her appreciation for Zhao Zixuan's sharpness and foresight, and continued to ask questions: "As far as I know, Mr. Stephen Chow has a highly anticipated movie "The Mermaid" to be released during the Spring Festival next month, and Yixuan Studio also has a comedy movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" to be released at the same time."

"Both films are comedies and are highly anticipated by the audience. So, which one do you think will be more successful at the box office, or what are the unique advantages of each of them?"

Zhao Zixuan pondered for a moment and replied, "First of all, I am looking forward to Mr. Stephen Chow's "The Mermaid" and our "The Richest Man in Xihong City". As a comedy master, Mr. Stephen Chow's movies have always been loved by the audience, especially his comedy style, which is unique and creative, and always brings laughter and thinking to the audience. As one of his new works, "The Mermaid" will continue his usual high standards and bring a different viewing experience to the audience."

"As for our "The Richest Man in Xihong City", it is a film about a series of comedy stories that ordinary people experience after they unexpectedly gain huge wealth. The advantage of this film lies in its subject matter and realism that is close to life, which can make the audience feel the beauty and warmth of life in laughter. At the same time, our team has also devoted a lot of effort and energy to create this film, and I believe it will also bring a visual and spiritual feast to the audience."

"As for which movie will be more successful at the box office, it is difficult to predict because both movies have their own unique advantages and charms, and the audience's choice will vary from person to person. But in any case, I believe that both movies will achieve good box office results and bring joy and touch to the audience."

After a little thought, Zhao Zixuan continued, "Of course, in addition to the quality of the film itself, factors such as marketing and audience reputation will also have an important impact on the box office. Mr. Stephen Chow's films have always had a strong fan base and word-of-mouth effect, which is one of his major advantages. As a new film, our "The Richest Man in Xihong City" also has its own unique charm, but we still need to work harder in marketing to attract more attention and love from the audience."

"However, I believe our team is capable of doing this well. We will actively promote the film through various channels and methods so that more audiences can understand and like it. This is the advantage of the short video era. At the same time, we will also listen carefully to the audience's voice and continuously improve and optimize the content and quality of the film to meet the audience's expectations and needs."

After listening to this, Chai Jing also expressed her expectations and support for Zhao Zixuan and "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

As the interview progressed, Zhao Zixuan began to share his unique insights and prospects on the integration of the film industry and the short video field.

He mentioned that with the rapid development of the Internet and the increasing diversification of audience demands, the film industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

Zhao Zixuan said that short videos, as an emerging media form, have quickly won the favor of the general audience with their concise and diverse content.

He believes that the film industry can learn from the successful experience of short videos and introduce their innovative elements and interactive mechanisms into film production and promotion to attract more attention and participation from young audiences.

Chai Jing: "The combination of movies and short videos seems to be a good idea. So what benefits do you think the combination of the two will bring to the development of the film industry?"

"This is a good question. The benefits are obvious." Zhao Zixuan said: "First, it enriches the means of film marketing: the short and concise characteristics of short videos allow movies to be disseminated in fragments, and through the precise personalized push method of short video platforms, one-to-one marketing with users can be achieved. This not only helps to disseminate personalized instant information in a timely manner, but also greatly saves service costs and reduces expenses."

"Second, it can increase the exposure and attention of movies: Movie clips and highlights on short video platforms can quickly attract the audience's attention and guide them to watch the movie offline. This helps the movie reach a wider range of people and increase the popularity and exposure of the movie."

"Third, enhance the interaction between movies and audiences: short videos are highly interactive and can achieve one-to-one and one-to-many communication, making the interaction between movies and audiences more frequent and direct. This interaction helps to enhance the audience's sense of participation and loyalty to movies, and further promote the development of the film market." "Fourth, promote innovation in film content: the popularity of short videos has also had a certain impact on film creation. Filmmakers need to constantly explore new narrative techniques and forms of expression to meet the diverse and personalized needs of audiences on short video platforms. This will help promote innovation and diversification of film content."

"Fifth, promote the expansion of the film industry chain: The combination of movies and short videos is not limited to the fields of marketing and creation, but can also be expanded to other links in the film industry chain. For example, through the short video platform to promote film derivatives, film-themed tourism, etc., to further tap the commercial value of movies."

"In summary, the combination of movies and short videos has many benefits for the development of the film industry, including enriching marketing methods, increasing exposure and attention, enhancing interaction with audiences, promoting content innovation, and promoting the expansion of the industrial chain. This combination will help promote the innovation and development of the film industry and bring a more colorful viewing experience to the audience."


At the end of the conversation, the interview should have ended at this point, but Chai Jing suddenly turned to a more sensitive topic during the interview.

She smiled and asked Zhao Zixuan: "Mr. Zhao, we all know that there are often various scandals in the entertainment industry, and you seem to have had contact with several outstanding actresses, such as the heroine Zhan Yishang of "Charlotte's Troubles" and the heroine Ding Xiaoying of "The Richest Man in Xihong City". Some media and fans have speculated that they may be your rumored girlfriends. What do you think of these rumors?"

After hearing this, Zhao Zixuan smiled and shook his head, indicating that these rumors were somewhat beyond his expectations.

He replied: "First of all, I want to thank everyone for their attention and support for our Yixuan Studio's films. Regarding the scandal, I want to say that Zhan Yishang, Ding Xiaoying and I are all very good friends and partners. We all had a great time working together and learned a lot from each other. However, this does not mean that we have any feelings beyond our working relationship."

"Rumors in the entertainment industry are often speculation and misunderstandings of the media and the public. As practitioners, we should focus on our work and creation instead of being bothered by these rumors. I hope everyone can look at these rumors rationally and not bring unnecessary pressure and trouble to us and our partners." Zhao Zixuan said sincerely.

After listening to this, Chai Jing also expressed her understanding of Zhao Zixuan's position.

She continued, "So, would you like to share something about your personal life and relationship status with us?"

Zhao Zixuan thought for a moment and replied, "My personal life and relationship status have always been private topics, and I am not willing to talk too much about them in public. However, what I can tell you is that I am currently working hard to pursue my own happiness, and I also hope to find someone who can understand and support each other. I believe that as long as we look for it with our heart, we will definitely be able to find our own happiness."

After listening to this, Chai Jing smiled and nodded in agreement, and ended the interview on this sensitive topic.

After the interview, Zhao Zixuan and Chai Jing shook hands and said goodbye, both of them left a deep impression on each other.

Zhao Zixuan's honesty and wisdom made Chai Jing have a higher evaluation of him, and Chai Jing's professionalism and sharpness also made Zhao Zixuan look at her with admiration.

Before leaving, Chai Jing said, "Mr. Zhao, thank you for accepting this interview. Don't worry about what I promised. I will arrange a meeting between you and Mr. Stephen Chow as soon as possible, but I can't guarantee whether we can reach a cooperation in the end."

Zhao Zixuan nodded slightly, "Thank you very much for your help and efforts. It is a great opportunity for me to meet Mr. Stephen Chow. As for cooperation, I believe that if there is a destiny, there will naturally be good results."

Chai Jing nodded in agreement: "I also believe that your meeting will be very pleasant and may generate new sparks. I wish you all the best."

After saying that, she left the office with the photographer, leaving Zhao Zixuan standing alone in front of the window, looking at the busy city scenery.

His heart was full of anticipation and longing. He felt excited but also a little nervous about the possible future collaboration with Stephen Chow.

He hadn't experienced this wonderful feeling for a long time.


On January 1, as all the universities in the capital city went on vacation one after another, the Central Academy of Drama also entered its two-month winter vacation.

At this time, the highly anticipated second Imperial Capital University Top Ten Campus Beauty Selection Event also came to a successful conclusion. The event was jointly organized by Tianlai APP, Douyin APP and Fuyin APP, and attracted the active participation of many beautiful girls from universities.

After a series of fierce competitions, Luo Qiuyun, a leading actress at the Central Academy of Drama, won the title of campus beauty pageant with her outstanding talent and beauty, and was crowned as the new goddess of the Central Academy of Drama.

At the same time, another freshman actress from the Central Academy of Drama, Ding Xiaoying, also performed impressively and won the second place.

On the day when the list of the top ten campus beauties was officially announced, there was a wave of publicity on major short video platforms, and the names of Luo Qiuyun and Ding Xiaoying quickly became popular all over the Internet.

Yixuan Studio seized the opportunity and immediately launched promotional copy for the TV series "The Story of Minglan" and "The Untamed", starring Luo Qiuyun and Ding Xiaoying respectively.

Although the two dramas have not yet started filming, the extremely high popularity of the two heroines has pushed the attention of the dramas to a new peak.

This online craze lasted for three full days until January 1, when an interview video titled "Be One with the Light and Be One with the Dust" was broadcast during CCTV's prime time, which led the network's top hot search topic in a new direction.

As this interview video spread widely, Zhao Zixuan's name became a household name overnight and became the focus of countless people's attention. (End of this chapter)

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