Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 247 Queen Yanyan and Doraemon!

With the careful creation of the MCN company, He Yan quickly emerged on the online live streaming platform with her stunning appearance, unique singing talent, and the dazzling halo of being a campus beauty from Peking University and Tsinghua University.

Every time she broadcasts live, countless fans flock to her, and messages of likes and gifts keep filling the screen. Her live broadcast room is always bustling and has become the focus of the Internet.

Among them, there is a male fan nicknamed "Doraemon" who has a special liking for He Yan.

He was deeply attracted by He Yan's beauty and talent. He would wait on time for every live broadcast and silently cheer her on.

Finally one day, he decided to attract He Yan's special attention by giving her a large reward, hoping to establish a deeper connection with her.

So, he generously gave a reward of 500,000 yuan, becoming the top brother in He Yan's live broadcast room and successfully added her WeChat.

However, He Yan has no special feelings for Doraemon and just regards him as an ordinary netizen.

During several chats, Doraemon felt Heyan's politeness and distance, and couldn't help feeling lost.

He was unwilling to give up and tried to get closer to He Yan by giving her more rewards, even at the cost of spending all his savings.

But love cannot be measured by money. Despite Doraemon's great efforts, he still failed to win Heyan's heart.

In the painful struggle of not getting what he wanted, Doraemon gradually fell into the abyss of despair.

He left a message in the live broadcast room affectionately and helplessly: "Queen Yanyan, why are you indifferent to me?"

"In order to earn the tips, I worked day and night, and even stayed up late to make orders until I vomited blood. Did you know that?"

"I don't even have money to pay for medical treatment, and I gave all of it to you as a reward, but why are you still so cold to me?"

"Once, I thought your appearance was a ray of light in my dark life, but now I understand that those beautiful visions were just my wishful thinking."

"I bought you 760 roses. I don't know if you know the meaning of this number. To me, 760 represents forever."

"Goodbye, Queen Yanyan. If there is an afterlife, I hope I can live a better life, at least I can have a McDonald's meal instead of cheap takeout..."

After leaving this sad farewell, Doraemon resolutely recharged all his remaining savings into the live broadcast platform and gave a one-time reward to He Yan - 66,000 yuan.

He Yan looked at the words left by Doraemon in the live broadcast room, and an indescribable uneasiness surged in his heart.

She hurriedly asked about Doraemon's situation in the live broadcast room, trying to stop him from making any impulsive moves.

But it was too late, Doraemon had already left the live broadcast room sadly, and her call could never be heard again.

He Yan's heart was filled with anxiety and worry. She kept leaving messages to Doraemon in the live broadcast room and on WeChat, hoping that he would respond.

However, all efforts seemed to fall on deaf ears and received no response.

She began to wonder if Doraemon had made an irreversible decision.

At the same time, He Yan began to reflect deeply on his past attitudes.

She realized that, while she had been polite and courteous, she might have inadvertently given Doraemon false hope that a deeper bond could develop between them.

This misunderstanding eventually led to Doraemon's despair and collapse.

In order to avert possible tragedy, He Yan took quick action.

She contacted the live streaming platform’s customer service department, asking if there was any way to track Doraemon’s IP address or get more information about him.

However, the platform rejected her request out of concern for protecting user privacy.

He Yan did not give up. She contacted all her fans and netizens through WeChat and phone calls, hoping that they could provide clues about Doraemon.

After some hard work, an enthusiastic fan finally provided He Yan with some valuable information.

It turns out that Doraemon is an introverted and taciturn person in real life.

He once revealed at a fan gathering that he lived in a simple basement in the capital, made a living by playing games for others, had a small social circle and lacked friends.

After learning this information, He Yan immediately organized a group of enthusiastic fans to launch a search operation.

She decided to find Doraemon in person to communicate with him face to face. No matter what the result was, she would do her best to help him out of the predicament.

After some twists and turns and searching, they finally found Doraemon's residence in a dilapidated basement in the imperial capital, but when they knocked on the shabby door, no one answered. He Yan's heart tightened, worrying that the worst had happened.

Just then, a neighbor passed by and told them that Doraemon had not returned home for several days, and he always looked tired and often came back late at night. This increased He Yan's worries, and she decided to wait nearby for Doraemon to appear.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the sky gradually darkened.

Just when He Yan was extremely anxious and worried, suddenly an unfamiliar phone number called her mobile phone.

She hesitated for a moment but still answered the phone.

"Hello, this is Chaoyang Police Station. Are you Ms. He Yan? Do you know a boy named Liu Jie?"

The serious voice from the other end of the phone startled He Yan's heart, and an ominous premonition came over him.

"I'm He Yan. May I ask what happened to Liu Jie?" she asked anxiously.

"He's not doing well in our station right now." The policeman's tone was still serious, and he continued, "He tried to jump into the river to commit suicide, but we found him in time and saved him. We are now investigating the situation. The last person he contacted on his phone was you, so we would like to ask you to come over and help us understand the situation."

He Yan was stunned as if struck by lightning when she heard the news. Although she had imagined that Doraemon might do something impulsive, she never expected that he would actually go this far. She immediately responded to the police's request and rushed to the police station.

On the way to the police station, He Yan's heart was filled with mixed emotions.

There is worry about Doraemon, self-blame and deep reflection on one's past words and deeds. At the same time, there is also sympathy and compassion for Doraemon's unfortunate experience.

She couldn't help but start thinking about whether her words and actions in the live broadcast room had really misled and hurt Doraemon.

When He Yan rushed to the police station and saw the weak and haggard Doraemon, her heart was deeply touched and tears welled up in her eyes.


He Yan walked up to Jingle Cat and said softly, "I really didn't expect that my live broadcast would cause you so much trouble and harm. I'm really sorry."

She paused and continued, "I will return every penny of the money you gave me as a reward."

Liu Jie lowered his head in silence, as if he was deaf.

He Yan's voice was choked with sobs. She looked at the boy in front of her who was once lively and cheerful but now decadent and listless, and her heart was filled with guilt and self-blame.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her excitement. "It was me who failed to handle our relationship well and caused you misunderstanding. I am willing to take all the responsibilities and help you get back on your feet."

Liu Jie's empty eyes gradually brightened up with He Yan's warm words.

He slowly raised his head and looked at this woman who was like the goddess in his heart, and an inexplicable feeling of emotion welled up in his heart.

However, he still could not get out of the shadow of the past, and the pain in his heart was difficult to heal.

Just then, the police came over and asked He Yan for details of the situation.

After learning what happened, the police expressed understanding and sympathy for He Yan, but also reminded her to properly handle her relationship with her fans to avoid similar tragedies from happening again.

He Yan nodded in agreement and said that he would fully cooperate with the police and Liu Jie's family to help him overcome this difficult time.

However, things are not as simple as imagined.

When Liu Jie's family learned about this, they were very emotional and full of resentment and hostility towards He Yan.

They believed that He Yan was the culprit who caused Liu Jie to become like this, and even threatened to sue her.

Faced with such a dilemma, He Yan did not back down. She took the initiative to contact Liu Jie's family and patiently explained what happened. She also actively sought the help of psychological experts to provide psychological counseling and treatment for Liu Jie.

But good news doesn’t travel far, but bad news travels a thousand miles. Because many people knew about this incident, someone with ulterior motives directly exposed it online the next day. An article titled "Shocking! A female anchor under Heguang Technology defrauded 600,000 yuan and forced her fans to commit suicide by jumping into the river!" quickly fermented on the Internet, and various pictures and reward screenshots accompanied by BGM were circulated on major short video APP platforms.

Overnight, the name "Queen Yanyan" spread across the country like wildfire and became the focus of heated discussion on the Internet.

Major portals, social media, and forums are all discussing this matter. What was originally just a dispute between fans and idols has now been magnified to the level of public opinion.

As soon as He Yan woke up in the morning, his agent told him the news.

She opened her phone and the screen was full of news and comments about herself.

Some netizens expressed sympathy, believing that she was unfortunately implicated; others were critical, thinking that she should be more careful in handling her relationship with fans.

Faced with the sudden storm of public opinion, He Yan felt unprecedented pressure.

But she knew that she couldn't panic at this moment and had to deal with it calmly.

She decided to take the initiative and publish a long article through the social media platform, detailing the ins and outs of the incident and expressing her position and attitude to the public.

In this long article, He Yan first expressed his deep apologies to Liu Jie and his family, and admitted his shortcomings in handling the relationship with fans.

She wrote: "As a public figure, I am fully aware that I have a greater social responsibility. I am deeply sorry for the distress and pain this incident has caused to Liu Jie and his family. I am willing to bear all the consequences and do my best to make amends."

At the same time, He Yan also expressed his concern and support for Liu Jie: "Liu Jie is a fan I cherish very much. His experience makes me sad. I will actively cooperate with psychological experts to provide him with necessary psychological counseling and treatment to help him get out of the shadow as soon as possible."

Finally, He Yan expressed his gratitude to the majority of netizens and promised to learn from this incident, handle the relationship with fans more carefully, and strive to become a better idol anchor.

After this article was published, it quickly attracted widespread attention and discussion on the Internet.

Many netizens left messages expressing their support and understanding, believing that He Yan's attitude was sincere and her handling method was appropriate.

Of course, there are different voices, but overall, the direction of public opinion is gradually turning towards the positive side.

At the same time, Liu Jie's family also saw He Yan's response. Although they still felt resentful, seeing He Yan apologize so sincerely and promise to take responsibility, their anger subsided a little.

They expressed their willingness to communicate further with He Yan and work together for Liu Jie's recovery.

After He Yan's long article was published, the focus of public opinion gradually shifted from Liu Jie to her.

The attention and speculation originally directed at Liu Jie are now focused on He Yan's honesty and responsibility. The public has begun to re-examine this former internet celebrity, and her sincerity and sense of responsibility have left a deep impression on people.

Major media outlets reprinted He Yan's long article and praised her attitude. Many netizens who had previously criticized her also changed their views, believing that she showed rare courage and wisdom in the face of the crisis.

At the same time, positive reports and comments about He Yan gradually increased, and her image was greatly improved.

Although He Yan has expressed his position and attitude to the public through a long article, the public opinion storm has not completely subsided.

Some people still doubt her, believing that her long article is just a PR trick to restore her image as a goddess. The abuse and doubts from netizens are overwhelming.

Faced with these ruthless accusations, He Yan felt helpless.

She knew that any rebuttal at this moment might be seen as quibbling and would only make the situation worse.

Therefore, she chose to remain silent, hoping that time would prove her innocence and sincerity.

However, as time went by, the insults did not decrease, but instead became more and more intense, and He Yan's live broadcast room became the hardest hit area.

Every time she started broadcasting, countless people would rush into the live broadcast room and abuse her mercilessly, accusing her of only caring about making money, ignoring the feelings of her fans, and almost killing her fans, etc...

These evil words were like sharp arrows, deeply hurting He Yan's heart.

She felt an unprecedented pressure, a heaviness that almost made her breathless.

Finally, amidst the overwhelming accusations and abuse, He Yan felt exhausted. She began to think about giving up live streaming and longed to escape from this online world filled with malice.

The pressure was overwhelming and she needed to find an outlet urgently.

So she came to the headquarters of Heguang Technology with a heart full of determination.

In the CEO's office, He Yan found Zhao Zixuan. She had no time to think about anything else and directly and frankly expressed her determination to quit the live broadcast industry.

Her eyes were like a bonfire in the cold winter, with both determined flames and sparks of reluctance and confusion.

However, Zhao Zixuan's reaction was like a bucket of cold water, causing her original determination to begin to waver.

He glanced at He Yan, who was becoming increasingly haggard, and said with a hint of disdain: "Haven't you always been ambitious to surpass Li Ziqi and reach the top of the live broadcast industry? Why are you planning to give up now just because of some doubts? If you back down so easily, what qualifications do you have to challenge Li Ziqi's position?"

Zhao Zixuan's words were like a thorn, piercing deeply into He Yan's heart.

She once set an ambition to surpass Liziqi and become the No. 1 in the live streaming industry.

However, facing the current predicament, she chose to escape. Zhao Zixuan's words made her realize that her escape could not solve the problem. If she wanted to realize her dream, she must face these challenges bravely.

He Yan fell into a brief silence, then she raised her head, her eyes shining with new determination and light: "You are right, I can't give up because of a little setback. I want to prove that I can surpass Li Ziqi."

Although her voice was trembling slightly, every word she spoke was full of strength and determination.

Seeing He Yan regain his fighting spirit, Zhao Zixuan nodded with satisfaction, a slight smile on his face, "Very good, that's it. Remember, black and red are also red. Doubts and scolding are just symbols of popularity. They represent your influence. The more attention you get, the closer you are to your goal."

He Yan took a deep breath and a warm feeling surged in his heart.

Although Zhao Zixuan's words were direct, they enlightened her.

She suddenly realized that she had paid too much attention to negative voices and had forgotten her original intention and dream.

"Thank you, Zhao Zixuan."

He Yan looked deeply at Zhao Zixuan and said sincerely, "I know what to do. I will not be affected by those malicious words anymore. I will concentrate on doing my live broadcast well and respond to those who doubt me with my strength and actions."

Zhao Zixuan smiled and said, "Very good, I look forward to your performance. Remember, no matter what difficulties you encounter, don't give up easily. I will fully support you and face every challenge in the future with you."

After receiving Zhao Zixuan's encouragement, He Yan's heart was filled with gratitude.

She knew very well how important Zhao Zixuan's words were to her. Not only did they help her regain her confidence and fighting spirit, but they also pointed her in the direction to move forward.

Therefore, she wanted to express her gratitude in some way.

After much thought, He Yan decided to invite Zhao Zixuan to dinner to express his gratitude.

However, when she faced Zhao Zixuan, she suddenly found it difficult to speak.

She was worried that her invitation would seem too abrupt, or that Zhao Zixuan would reject her because he didn't have time.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Zhao Zixuan noticed her hesitation and hesitancy, so he took the initiative to ask.

He Yan calmed himself down a bit, then took a deep breath and said, "It's nothing, I just want to treat you to a meal. Are you free tonight?"

After hearing this, Zhao Zixuan's eyes flashed with surprise, and he frowned and said, "Tonight? But I already have an appointment tonight."

He Yan felt a little disappointed, but did not force it.

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, a voice came from behind her again.

"The person I'm going to meet is Yuyan. If you don't mind, would you like to come with us?"

...(End of chapter)

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