Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 267 The Greasy National Husband!

The movie ended, but the lingering sound lingered.

Sun Jianning's eyes were red, with tears still lingering in the corners of her eyes. She stared blankly at the Easter egg clips rolling on the screen, as if she could capture fragments of the past years from them.

“This movie brought back a lot of memories for me.”

Her voice was slightly choked up. "Everyone may meet good friends like Qiyue and Ansheng in their life. They have experienced ups and downs together, but eventually drifted apart for various reasons."

Zhao Zixuan commented: "I think this movie is not only about friendship, but also about self-discovery and growth. It teaches us that no matter how life changes, the sincere feelings are always worth cherishing."

Principal Wang said disapprovingly: "I don't think this movie is interesting. Two girls fight for one boy. It's too cheesy. And I don't like the ending of the movie either."

"I quite like it." Sun Jianning's voice is low and full of emotion: "I haven't watched a complete movie in a long time. Since I started working, I rarely have such free time, and I don't have enough patience to immerse myself in it. But this movie really touched me. I haven't been so moved for a long time. The friendship between the two girls makes people think-if one of them is a boy and the other is a girl, can they avoid those complicated entanglements?"

"Why can't two girls be together forever?"

Sun Jianning's words revealed a hint of confusion and desire, which caused Principal Wang and Zhao Zixuan to exchange meaningful glances.

A thought suddenly flashed through Principal Wang's mind, and he remembered Zhao Zixuan's previous evaluation of Sun Jianning - she was a lesbian.

Is it true?
Before Principal Wang could say anything, Sun Jianning continued, "July is Ansheng's shadow, and Ansheng is July's shadow. They depend on each other and have never been separated. Just as Ansheng said, 'I met you, so I like you.' And July responded, 'I like you, so I accompany you.' From the age of 13 to 27, this friendship spans the long river of time and is unforgettable."

"The appearance of Jiaming subtly changed the fate of the two girls. Although Qiyue noticed Jiaming's feelings for Ansheng from the beginning, she chose to remain silent. Love is selfish. When Ansheng wanted to leave, Qiyue did not keep her. Since then, their friendship seems to be overshadowed."

"However, when the two meet again, the love hidden deep in their hearts emerges again. It is a connection from the depths of the soul. Humans are contradictory creatures. The deeper the love, the stronger the hatred. In this complex world, we are all looking for a piece of pure land, a corner where we can remain true."

"Ansheng's escape is a struggle against reality and an escape from her inner self. In that small house in the imperial capital, there is too much helplessness and pain. When she said those harsh words, I could feel her inner struggle and pain. Freedom is the ideal she pursues, but it is also an unattainable dream."

"The ending of the movie is so realistic. A girl who was once rebellious and a girl who seemed well-behaved eventually exchanged their lifestyles. Their experiences are similar to mine. I also had a good friend before, a good friend with whom I could talk about anything..."

Sun Jianning's words revealed a projection of her own experiences. She seemed to see her own shadow in the movie, the time she spent with her friends, and the growth and changes that followed.

Seeing Sun Jianning lost in deep thought, although Principal Wang was not good at comforting people, he tried to give some support at this moment: "Jianning, everyone's life is a unique movie. We all have our own stories, and the plots in the movie may have touched some memories deep in your heart. But please remember that no matter what you have experienced in the past, the present you is the most important."

Zhao Zixuan also added: "Movies are art. They allow us to see different aspects of life. Sometimes, we need to draw strength from movies to face the challenges in reality."

After listening to their words, Sun Jianning suddenly felt much better.

She took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Thank you. I think watching a movie is more fun when there are many people watching it together. It was too boring for me to watch a movie alone before."

Principal Wang was slightly surprised. "Watching a movie alone? How lonely that must be! I remember someone on the Internet divided the levels of loneliness into ten levels, right? They all involve doing something alone, and watching a movie alone seems to be one of them, but I forgot the exact level of loneliness."

"I know." Sun Jianning said, "The fourth level of loneliness is watching a movie alone, the fifth level of loneliness is eating hot pot alone, the sixth level of loneliness is singing at KTV alone, the seventh level of loneliness is watching the sea alone, the eighth level of loneliness is going to an amusement park alone, and the ninth level of loneliness is moving alone..."

"The loneliest level 10 loneliness is going to the hospital for surgery alone. When there is a problem with the body and surgery is needed, without the company and comfort of relatives, you can only face the fear and uncertainty of the operation alone. This is the highest level of loneliness and the most heartbreaking moment."

"I've been to the hospital alone before, but I didn't have an operation, I just went there for an injection. But at that time I really felt very lonely, as if I could die at any time..."

When Sun Jianning recalled that experience, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

After hearing this, Principal Wang couldn't help but say, "If you had known me earlier, you would definitely not have ended up going to the hospital alone for an injection. But it's okay, you can come to me if you have any problems in the future. No matter where you go or what you do, I can accompany you."

Seeing Sun Jianning covering his mouth and laughing, Principal Wang was speechless and frowned, "What are you laughing at? I'm serious!"

Sun Jianning looked at Principal Wang's serious expression and finally couldn't help laughing: "Principal Wang, thank you for your kindness. I just feel that what you said is as if I am a child who can't live without people. Unfortunately, I have grown up."

"I remember you were only seventeen years old? All underage girls are children in my eyes." Principal Wang's low EQ remarks caused Sun Jianning's dissatisfaction, but she just frowned slightly and did not refute anything.

Zhao Zixuan saw this and thought that Principal Wang was really too greasy. He didn't know how to control his words when chatting with the girl, and he offended the girl while chatting.

This reminded him of the chat content between Principal Wang and Sun Jianning that was exposed in his previous life.

——"Miss You Liquid".

Thinking about it now, the national husband at that time was so greasy that his mother opened the door to greasyness.

After watching the movie, Zhao Zixuan found an excuse to leave. As for whether Principal Wang could finally deal with Sun Jianning, he thought the probability was a bit low.

This is roughly the probability of spending 10 yuan on lottery tickets and winning a jackpot of 2.2 million yuan without having to pay taxes.

Don't underestimate this probability, at least it has happened.

"Soulmate" was released in major mainland cinemas on May 5. Even with the strong promotion of short video platforms, its box office in the first week barely crossed the 1 million yuan threshold, which is a huge gap compared to the box office harvester "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

After a month, when the film was taken off the screen, its cumulative box office failed to break the 3 million mark.

Although the box office performance was not satisfactory, considering that "Soulmate" was a low-cost production with a total investment of only 2000 million, Yixuan Studio did not make a huge profit from this investment, but it also had a slight surplus.

For a startup, it is not easy to find a balance between art and business.

Most importantly, the two leading actresses of "Soulmate", Zhan Yishang and Liang Jingxian, were successfully shortlisted for the Best Actress candidate list at the 53rd Taiwan Golden Horse Awards and the 36th Hong Kong Film Awards for their performance in the film.

Of course, the biggest beneficiary is Yixuan Studio. Once Zhan Yishang and Liang Jingxian win the Best Actress award, Yixuan Studio's reputation will also rise. After all, the two actresses are contracted actors of Yixuan Studio. On May 5, the League of Legends MSI Mid-Season Invitational officially started in Shanghai.

As the first place in the LPL Spring Season, the HG.G team naturally attended the event.

The HG.G team stood out with its outstanding performance in the group stage. With precise teamwork and strong individual strength, they successfully defeated several strong opponents including SKT T1 and advanced to the knockout stage as the first in the group.

In the quarter-finals, HG.G faced CLG from the North American LCS region.

After a fierce battle, HG.G successfully defeated CLG and advanced to the semi-finals with the superb performance of mid laner Godv and a key team battle in the middle of the game.

In the semi-finals, HG.G encountered G2 from the European LCS region. In this game, HG.G showed their excellent tactical execution and adaptability, and finally defeated G2 with a score of 1:2 and advanced to the finals.

In the final, HG.G had a peak showdown with the SKT T1 team from the LCK region of South Korea.

The match attracted the attention of millions of viewers around the world.

After five fierce battles, HG.G defeated SKT T3 with a score of 2:1 and won the 2016 MSI championship.

HG.G team's victory not only won them honor and prize money, but more importantly, it enhanced the status of the LPL region in the global e-sports field.

This achievement has led to LPL being regarded as a top region on par with LCK (League of Legends Champions Korea). Even in the hearts of some fans, LPL's influence has reached an unprecedented level.

——The first division!

In addition, as LPL's reputation grew, the value of clubs, and the salaries and treatment of players also rose.

E-sports players have gradually become a respected profession, attracting more and more young people who are interested in e-sports to join. This indicates that the e-sports industry is gradually maturing and becoming an indispensable part of the sports entertainment field.

After Pei Yuhan led the team to win the MSI championship trophy, the first call he made to Zhao Zixuan was to ask for a salary increase. Not only for himself, but also for all members of the HG.G club.

Zhao Zixuan is not a stingy person either. He offered the highest salary in LPL to all members of the HG.G club and replaced all the computer equipment in the club, making adequate preparations in advance for this year's S6 World Championship.

It is already May 5th and the NBA playoffs are in full swing, having entered the fierce Eastern and Western Conference finals.

The Golden State Warriors, the defending champions who won 73 games in the regular season, are currently trailing the Thunder with a total score of 1 to 3. Such a record has made the outside world generally pessimistic about the Warriors, believing that they are likely to stop here and cannot continue their road to defending the title.

But Zhao Zixuan knew that the Golden State Warriors would then win three games in a row and defeat their opponents in an incredible way, and then enter the finals to meet James' Cavaliers.

Because this year is the second year of the Cavalry-Warrior War!

On the way to the airport, Zhao Zixuan couldn't help but open the gambling website and check the odds of each team.

At the moment, the team with the highest odds of winning the championship is the Cavaliers, with odds of 5 to 7. The Cavaliers are currently fighting with the Raptors in the Eastern Conference Finals, and the two sides are tied 2-2. Although the Cavaliers won the first two home games, they fell into a tough battle once they were on the road.

However, due to the Cavaliers' advantage in overall talent and the upcoming home advantage, most people are still confident that they can eliminate the Raptors and advance to the finals again.

Following closely behind is the Thunder, whose championship odds rank second at 5 to 8.

The Thunder successfully defeated the Warriors once on the road, and after returning to their home court, they showed strong dominance, making it difficult for their opponents to cope.

As for the Warriors, their odds have dropped to 1 to 3, and the situation is not optimistic. The Raptors, who are far away in the East, are facing a strong Cavaliers team, and their odds of winning the championship are only 1 to 25. Obviously, the outside world is not optimistic about their prospects of winning the championship.

It is worth mentioning that before the season kicked off in October last year, the Cavaliers' championship odds were already ranked first.

The Spurs were right behind them in second place at the time, while the Warriors were in third place.

Now, although the Spurs have been eliminated, the positions of the Cavaliers and Warriors in the odds rankings have not changed, which also reflects the strength and influence of these two teams from another aspect.

"With a 3-1 score difference, the Thunder has almost one foot in the door of the finals."

In the car on the way to the airport, Zhang Lei glanced at Zhao Zixuan beside him as he spoke. He saw that the latter was concentrating on swiping on the screen of his mobile phone, obviously betting on the Warriors' next game.

"In this case, you still want to bet on the Warriors. Isn't this obviously throwing money away?"

Zhang Lei joked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Some things are not as simple as they seem." Zhao Zixuan's voice was calm and firm. "Although the Warriors are behind, their strength and fighting spirit are still there. The game is not over yet, so no one can easily draw conclusions."

"Did you forget about last year's Andre Iguodala Award?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Lei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, feeling surprised at Zhao Zixuan's persistence.

But he soon realized that everyone has different understandings and expectations of the game, not to mention that Zhao Zixuan has always been a loyal fan of Stephen Curry. Perhaps in his view, this bet is not only a prediction of the game result, but also an unconditional support and belief in his idol.

"How can it be the same? FMVP is just a small award in a seven-game series. It's not surprising that there are variables, but the Thunder are now leading the Warriors 7-3 and have three match points. How can Durant lose? I want to write a book."

Zhang Lei rolled his eyes.

He is a fan of James. Because the Warriors defeated the Cavaliers last year, he can't wait for the Thunder to eliminate the Warriors in the next game. (End of this chapter)

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