Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 272 He who controls public opinion controls the world!

After two hours of intense negotiations and confrontations between the legal teams of both sides, the tense atmosphere in the conference room gradually dissipated, but the expressions on everyone's faces remained solemn.

At this moment, Mao Yourong and Zhao Zixuan decided to hold a secret meeting to further discuss the next actions and strategies.

The two walked into a quiet meeting room, closed the door, and blocked out all the noise from the outside world.

There was a hint of determination in Mao Yourong's eyes, while Zhao Zixuan looked a little tired but determined.

“This situation is really tricky.”

Mao Yourong spoke first, her voice steady and calm, "But we must persevere and not give in to the unreasonable demands of the Jews."

Zhao Zixuan nodded and took a deep breath, "I know, Yourong. Thank you for standing up and supporting me at this time. I am very pleased that you showed up."

"We are friends and partners." Mao Yourong said with a smile, "Your business is my business. Besides, I believe you are innocent. Don't worry, I will definitely help you solve this trouble."

The two began to discuss the next plan in depth.

Mao Yourong proposed that further evidence should be collected to expose the conspiracy and illegal acts behind the Jewish representatives, while strengthening communication with the media to let more people know the truth.

Zhao Zixuan said that he would fully cooperate and provide all possible help and support.

During the talks, the two also had an in-depth discussion on how to protect Zhao Zixuan's rights and interests.

Mao Yourong reminded Zhao Zixuan that when dealing with such cases, he must remain calm and rational and not be swayed by emotions.

At the same time, she also suggested that Zhao Zixuan strengthen his personal safety protection to prevent unnecessary threats and harm.

At the end of the meeting, both of them showed a determined expression on their faces. They knew that the road ahead was still long, but they were ready to face all the challenges and difficulties together.

When leaving the meeting room, Mao Yourong once again held Zhao Zixuan's hand tightly, "We will definitely win, you have to believe me!"

Zhao Zixuan nodded and responded, "I believe you, but I don't want to stay here for too long. I just want to say one thing: any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem at all."

Although his words were brief, they contained profound and thought-provoking meanings.

As a person who has lived two lives, he knows that the power of money can often resolve seemingly unsolvable problems.

However, he also understood that this situation was far from being resolved by a simple monetary transaction. It involved personal reputation, corporate image and even the complex political and economic game behind it.

When Mao Yourong heard this, a complicated light flashed in his eyes.

She understood what Zhao Zixuan meant, but she also knew that although money was important, its value became insignificant in certain circumstances, especially when justice, dignity and principles were challenged.

After thinking for a while, Mao Yourong said softly: "Zixuan, I understand what you mean, but the purpose of those Jews this time is very clear. They are coming for the shares you have. They don't care about money at all! Now, we need to find a solution that can protect our rights and interests while ensuring fairness and legality."

Zhao Zixuan frowned, pondered for a moment, and then said: "It's okay as long as you know the situation... By the way! I think, if possible, I would like to meet Jiang Qian, she may be able to provide some key clues."

Mao Yourong shook his head slightly and explained, "I understand your thoughts, but the current situation is complicated and the police will not allow you to meet her. However, I will do my best to understand Jiang Qian's situation and see if I can get her information through other means."

Zhao Zixuan nodded to show his understanding.

He understood that at this critical moment, every decision needed to be carefully considered.

He said gratefully: "Okay, I'll leave it to you then."

Mao Yourong smiled and nodded, then added: "Don't worry, I will let my lawyer handle the bail procedures for you first to ensure that you can temporarily leave this place of trouble."

Zhao Zixuan watched Mao Yourong leave the meeting room, his heart filled with gratitude.

For the first time, he deeply felt how important and precious it was to have a trustworthy friend standing by his side in this complex struggle.

The appearance of Mao Yourong not only gave him spiritual support, but also provided him with strong help and strategic guidance in substance.

Zhao Zixuan, who was left alone in the conference room, began to think deeply. He knew that if he wanted to take the initiative in this contest, he had to start from multiple angles. He had to actively deal with external pressure and try to find a breakthrough inside the opponent.

As a key figure in the whole incident, Jiang Qian's attitude and testimony will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the situation.

Although it was unlikely that he could contact her directly, Zhao Zixuan believed that through Mao Yourong's efforts, he might be able to find a way to indirectly influence Jiang Qian and make her reconsider her position.

"However, after just half a year, Mao Yourong seems to have become a little plump. Is the food in America so good?"

Zhao Zixuan muttered to himself, and his mind couldn't help but recall the scene when he had just faced Mao Yourong.

The domineering female president, who already had a proud 36E bust, now stood in front of him. The visual impact seemed even stronger, and she was obviously more plump than before.

Zhao Zixuan couldn't help but wonder, could it be that at this age, she could still experience the so-called "secondary development"?
The sun set in the west, and the blood-red evening sun stretched the shadows of Zhang Lei and Yuan Shiwei outside the police station.

The two were anxious, their eyes fixed on the door, afraid to miss any possible movement.

Finally, when Mao Yourong's figure appeared in their sight, they seemed to see the dawn of hope. Almost at the same time, the two of them hurried forward.

"Mr. Mao, how is Zixuan? Is he okay?"

Zhang Lei asked anxiously, his eyes full of worry.

Yuan Shiwei added: "Yes, Mr. Mao, how can we help?"

Mao Yourong sighed softly, a hint of fatigue flashed across his eyes, but was quickly replaced by calmness.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to get Zixuan out on bail, but the current situation is still serious. We must find Jiang Qian, she is the key to the whole thing. If we can convince her to withdraw the case, it will be a great turning point for us."

Hearing this, Zhang Lei and Yuan Shiwei looked at each other and could see the same determination in each other's eyes.

They knew that at this moment, they were the only ones who could help Zhao Zixuan. After all, Zhao Zixuan was now abroad. Even if he had a great influence in the country, it would not be of any use in this free American country.

"Boss Mao, let's find a way to find Jiang Qian right now. We must find her!"

Zhang Lei said in a decisive tone.

Yuan Shiwei also echoed: "Yes, we can't just sit there and wait for death, we must take the initiative to attack."

Mao Yourong's beautiful eyes twinkled as she encouraged him, "You two should be careful. Jiang Qian may have been bribed by the Jews. We have to approach her in the right way and let her feel our sincerity and kindness."

Yuan Shiwei sighed and said self-reproachfully: "It was me who harmed Zixuan. If I hadn't brought Jiang Qian to the United States, nothing would have happened..."

Zhang Lei noticed Yuan Shiwei's self-blame, and without hesitation reached out his hand, patted him on the shoulder, conveying warmth and strength: "Brother, don't think like that. Who could have expected Jiang Qian to collude with outsiders and attack Zixuan? This incident is obviously not just a coincidence. The Jews are obviously targeting Zixuan. Even without Jiang Qian, they will find other means to achieve their goals."

Mao Yourong's voice sounded at the right time, giving them a backbone. "Now is not the time to dwell on the past. We must focus on the present and find a way to solve the problem. The two of you are responsible for finding Jiang Qian and trying your best to persuade her to withdraw the accusation. This is our opportunity to turn the situation around. If this road is blocked, we still have a backup plan. I will also mobilize all available resources to deal with this crisis."

Zhang Lei and Yuan Shiwei looked at each other, their eyes full of determination and trust. In the following days, Zhang Lei and Yuan Shiwei kept trying to contact Jiang Qian in various ways and inquire about her news.

They visited every place she might have been and questioned everyone who might know her whereabouts.

Unfortunately, Jiang Qian seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden, and no matter how hard we looked, we couldn't find any trace of her.

The next day, news about Zhao Zixuan began to frequently appear on the Internet, and all the related news pointed to the same place - "Heguang Technology founder Zhao Zixuan was detained by American police."

One article even described in detail how Zhao Zixuan was taken away by the American police and everything that happened during that period.

Within one day, Zhao Zixuan's popularity overshadowed all the hot news searches on the Internet. Not only did he make the front page headlines on major domestic social media platforms, he was also a hot topic on major overseas forums.

As the Zhao Zixuan incident continued to ferment, public opinion on the Internet began to show a polarized trend.

Some netizens expressed sympathy and support for Zhao Zixuan, believing that there must be some unknown secret behind this; while other netizens questioned the authenticity of the incident, and some even began to dig up some of Zhao Zixuan's past, trying to prove that he brought it upon himself.

Faced with this situation, Zhang Lei and Yuan Shiwei became more determined to find Jiang Qian.

They realized that only by finding Jiang Qian as soon as possible and clarifying the truth could they clear Zhao Zixuan's name.

Therefore, they stepped up their search efforts. In addition to continuing to look for clues in the real world, they also began to launch an offensive on the Internet, posting information about looking for Jiang Qian through social media, forums and other channels, hoping to attract more people's attention and obtain valuable clues.

At the same time, Mao Yourong was also taking active action.

She first used TikTok's influence on short video media to proactively analyze the incident and tried to help Zhao Zixuan clarify the truth of the incident. Then she used her own network of relationships to contact some media professionals and tried to guide public opinion so that more people could understand Zhao Zixuan's positive image and the complexity behind the incident.

Mao Yourong knew very well that at such a critical moment, public opinion guidance often plays a crucial role.

She strives to let the public see that Zhao Zixuan is not only a successful young entrepreneur, but also a flesh-and-blood, responsible and accountable person.

However, there seems to be an invisible hand on the Internet that is singing a different tune from Zhao Zixuan. No matter how public opinion on TikTok defends the founder, there is always a group of people standing against him to criticize and accuse Zhao Zixuan.

Faced with the increasingly overwhelming negative public opinion on the Internet, Mao Yourong, Zhang Lei and Yuan Shiwei did not back down. Instead, they became more determined to speak up for Zhao Zixuan.

They understand that this is not only a battle to defend personal reputation, but also a battle for truth and justice. The "invisible hand" behind the public opinion may be the mastermind behind the attempt to frame Zhao Zixuan.

Therefore, revealing the truth and guiding public opinion back to rationality has become their most important task at present.

Mao Yourong used his influence on TikTok to produce a series of short videos, analyzing the ins and outs of the Zhao Zixuan incident in an easy-to-understand manner, and emphasizing the complexity and uncertainty of the incident.

She invited some well-known legal experts and psychologists to analyze the common traps and misunderstandings in similar incidents from a professional perspective, and called on the public to remain objective and rational and avoid blindly following the trend before solid evidence is available.

At the same time, Zhang Lei and Yuan Shiwei were not idle either.

They continued to post information about looking for Jiang Qian on the Internet, using various social platforms and forums, and even tried offering rewards for clues, hoping to attract more people's attention.

They also contacted some well-known cyber detectives and information analysts, hoping to track Jiang Qian's whereabouts through technical means.

6 month 3 day.

The San Francisco Police Department further disclosed the details of the case of Heguang Technology Chairman Zhao Zixuan suspected of sexual assault in the United States. Due to serious evidence problems (insufficient) in the investigation, Zhao Zixuan was successfully released on bail and paid a bail of 100 million US dollars.

As the news of Zhao Zixuan's successful bail came out, Zhang Lei and Yuan Shiwei also breathed a sigh of relief, but they also knew that this was only a small victory in a long battle, and the real challenge was still ahead.

They realized that although Zhao Zixuan was temporarily free, it did not mean that the charges would automatically disappear.

On the contrary, it may have intensified the actions of those behind the scenes.

Sure enough, on the night after Zhao Zixuan was released on bail, the "victim" Jiang Qian spoke out on the Internet for the first time. She not only revealed her identity as a female college student from Peking University and Tsinghua University, but also described in detail how she had sex with Zhao Zixuan that day.

Jiang Qian's online voice immediately triggered a new round of public opinion storm.

Her description is specific and vivid, as if bringing the readers into the so-called "crime scene".

For a time, the accusations and doubts against Zhao Zixuan on the Internet rose again. The storm that had been slightly calmed down due to his bail was instantly ignited, and even more intense than before.

The impact of this incident even overshadowed the ongoing NBA Finals - the Cavaliers vs. Warriors!
Overnight, Zhao Zixuan's name became a household name, but this fame was deeply ironic.

People are talking about Zhao Zixuan's name on social media, news websites, forums, and even on the streets every day, and the focus of the topic is whether he really committed the alleged sexual assault.

As a newly emerging Internet giant in China, Heguang Technology faced overwhelming negative public opinion for the first time, and all employees felt unprecedented pressure.

Faced with this sudden storm of public opinion, Heguang Technology’s public relations department quickly activated the emergency mechanism.

On the one hand, they stepped up communication with Zhao Zixuan's legal team to ensure that the information released to the outside was accurate. On the other hand, they also carried out positive public opinion guidance on social media, trying to balance public sentiment and reduce the negative impact on the company's brand image.

Within the company, CEO Huang Youwei and the executive team held an emergency meeting to discuss how to stabilize employee emotions and ensure that the company's normal operations are not disrupted.

They decided to send an open letter to all employees, which emphasized the company's commitment to fairness and justice, while also reminding employees that they should make judgments based on facts and avoid making groundless accusations against colleagues without evidence.

In addition, the company also provides psychological counseling services to help employees cope with the psychological pressure caused by this incident.

At this critical moment, Zhao Zixuan's friends also played an important role.

Zhang Lei and Yuan Shiwei not only gave Zhao Zixuan spiritual support in private, but also spoke out in public to express their trust and understanding for him.

Mao Yourong used his resources in the American media field to help Zhao Zixuan establish communication with a number of mainstream media to ensure that the company's position and the truth could be known to more people.

However, it is not easy to completely calm this storm of public opinion. Discussions on the Internet are still intense, with various opinions and speculations emerging one after another.

Zhao Zixuan's legal team faces a huge challenge. They must find a breakthrough within the legal framework to obtain a fair judgment for Zhao Zixuan. At the same time, finding Jiang Qian and the truth behind her has become the key to breaking the deadlock.

In the following days, as more evidence emerged, public opinion of Zhao Zixuan began to diverge.

Some people still hold on to their original views, believing that he should be held responsible for his actions; while others began to question Jiang Qian's accusations, believing that there may be more complicated reasons behind them.

The disagreement, reflected on social media, has led to a heated debate, but at the very least, it has prompted more people to think about whether they should rush to conclusions without sufficient evidence.

Tuesday, May 6th.

Zhao Zixuan, who had not been seen for a long time, suddenly made a public appearance. Accompanied by a young beauty, they appeared together at the Oracle Arena and watched the entire NBA Finals Game 5 between the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Before the game started, the NBA announced the penalty for Green's conflict with James in Game 4 of the Finals. Green was given a level one flagrant foul.

Because he received four points for flagrant fouls in this year's playoffs, according to league regulations, he will not only be automatically suspended for one game, but he will also not be able to enter Oracle Arena to watch the game. (End of this chapter)

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