Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 274: $2 million championship bet!

Is the 2016 Cavaliers the most valuable NBA champion in history?
Many James fans would say that the Cavaliers’ chances of winning the championship were only 3% at one point. Isn’t that the most difficult?

But in fact, this probability is the probability when the Cavaliers are behind 1:3.

Before the finals started, the Cavaliers' odds of winning were 1 to 2.8, while the Warriors' odds of winning were 1 to 4.8!

It's hard to believe, but before the finals started, the Cavaliers were actually the more favored team.

Although the Warriors won a record-breaking 73 games in the regular season, their performance in the playoffs was not as stable as expected, especially in the Western Conference Finals, where they were almost eliminated by the Thunder. The Cavaliers, on the other hand, have been advancing triumphantly in the Eastern Conference, showing their strong strength.

You know, in 15, James alone was able to fight back and forth with the Warriors who were in full form!
Moreover, in the first three games of that series, the Cavaliers once led 2:1, while the Warriors' lineup did not change much in 15 and 16.

On the contrary, in 16, Irving and Love of the Cavaliers returned to good health and the Big Three were in full form. In 15, James alone was able to fight the Warriors until the sixth game. Now that Irving and Love are both there, isn't it very likely that they will win?

Before the game, the Cavaliers were more favored by the media, perhaps because the Eastern Conference won too easily, while the Western Conference Warriors and Thunder had to play a game seven. As a result, after the game started, the Cavaliers players who had rested for many days were in extremely bad shape. The team's shooting percentage was 38% in the first game and 35.4% in the second game. After four games, they lost the match point first with a score of 1:3.

This is when the turning point of the game comes.

In Game 4, Green had a conflict with James because he could not bear the "humiliation under the crotch" and was subsequently suspended for the fifth game. In addition, Bogut also missed the sixth and seventh games due to injury, so the Cavaliers took the opportunity to adjust their status and finally won the game in the seventh game with Irving's key three-pointer!

Then the problem is coming.

Did James do this on purpose?

The court is so big, why did he choose to step over Green's head?

Why did he file a short complaint to the league after the game? If James had not taken the initiative to complain, would Green not have been suspended?

After all, the problem lies with the league’s own rules.

So to sum up, it is indeed very difficult for the Cavaliers to win the championship, but they are still a little far from the highest championship in history!
As for which year's NBA championship is the most valuable, this is usually a subjective discussion involving a variety of factors, such as the strength of the opponents the team faced, its performance in the playoffs, and the team's overall performance in the finals.

Different people may come to different conclusions based on different criteria.

For example, the 2011 Dallas Mavericks (then known as the Mavericks) led by Dirk Nowitzki defeated the Miami Heat, which featured LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh, and was also seen by some as a very valuable championship because it was achieved against a superstar combination.

Another example is the 1995 Houston Rockets, who, under the leadership of Olajuwon, overcame a series of strong opponents in the playoffs, including the Utah Jazz, Phoenix Suns and San Antonio Spurs, and finally defeated the Orlando Magic to win the championship.

This series of victories is also highly regarded for its high difficulty.

As for the Cavaliers' championship in 2016, although they were considered to have a higher chance of winning before the finals, their comeback after falling behind 1-3 undoubtedly added to the legendary color of this championship.

Furthermore, the 52 championship does hold a special place in the hearts of many, considering the fact that the win ended a 2016-year professional sports title drought in Cleveland and its importance to LeBron James' personal legend.

Overall, the 2016 Cavaliers championship may be one of the most dramatic and historically significant championships in NBA history, but whether it is the most valuable still depends on the personal standards and preferences of the discussant.

Although the 2016 championship is not the most valuable in the entire NBA history, it is definitely the most important one for James personally.


Without this championship, the Golden State Warriors would have a high chance of establishing a four-peat dynasty team, and in this way, the best player in the league in the past decade would most likely not be LeBron James...

It's Stephen Curry!
Zhao Zixuan considers himself to be barely a half-Curry fan, and after he made a fortune by winning the FMVP in last year's finals, he has actually become a true Warriors fan.

No matter what others think, he thinks so.

After all, the 1:100 odds of the Iguodala Award brought him real profits and benefits.

Without the Iguodala Award, he would not have become a major shareholder of Tesla and Nvidia so easily.

In this year's NBA Finals, the Cavaliers had a 1% chance of winning the championship when they were trailing the Warriors 3-3, which means that the vast majority of analysis and betting favored the Golden State Warriors to win the series.

In terms of betting odds, the Cavaliers' odds in this case would be very high because their victory is seen as a very unlikely event.

Usually in such one-sided situations, the odds for the underdog can be as high as 1 to 10 or even higher, which means that if you bet $1 on the Cavaliers when they are trailing 3-100 and they eventually win the championship, you may win $1000 or more, depending on the real-time odds at the time.

It is worth noting that odds reflect the expected probability of a certain outcome in the betting market, rather than an absolute prediction. They are affected by many factors, including team performance, player status, injuries, home advantage, and psychological factors.

Zhao Zixuan, who has lived two lives, knew the result long ago, so after Game 4 of the Finals, he took advantage of the high odds of 1 to 10 for the Cavaliers to win the championship and decisively placed a large bet of $2 million at MGM, firmly betting that the Cavaliers would be able to reverse the situation and win the championship.

This huge sum of money was not his original capital, but came from continuous betting during the fierce battle between the Warriors and the Thunder during the Western Conference Finals. After seven games in this series, every victory made his gambling money snowball.

and so.

Even if the two hundred million US dollars were all wasted, Zhao Zixuan would not feel any burden.

Because he knew very well that all this was just a numbers game, and it was an accidental gain that he made by taking advantage of the information gap.

After the NBA Finals Game 5, the Cavaliers tied the series at 2 to 3. On major bookmakers, the Cavaliers' odds of winning the championship have begun to drop significantly, and the previous high odds of 1 to 10 are gone forever.

It is worth mentioning that after Game 5 of the NBA Finals, the trending topics on the social media platform TikTok took an unexpected turn.

The focus of public opinion should have been on the fierce matchup between the Cavaliers and the Warriors, but it suddenly shifted to off-court, specifically, to the scene of Zhao Zixuan and Li Yanning appearing together at the Oracle Arena.

The couple's appearance quickly became a hot topic across the United States, even overshadowing the exciting game itself.

At first, the Internet was full of speculation and curiosity about Li Yanning's identity. Until a mysterious blogger who claimed to be in the know released a piece of information, claiming that Li Yanning was actually the eldest granddaughter of Chinese business tycoon "Superman Li". This news was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, instantly stirring up a thousand waves.

Within just half an hour, the news went viral on the Internet, attracting widespread public attention.

Netizens responded differently, forming two distinct camps.

Some people expressed doubts about the revelation, thinking it might just be groundless rumors; while others chose to believe it. They thought the blogger's revelation had its basis, and the various connections between Li Yanning and the "Superman Li" family seemed to add credibility to the statement.

Whether it was support or doubt, this incident undoubtedly added a lot of topics to the entertainment news during the NBA Finals, and also made the name Li Yanning the focus of everyone's attention in a short period of time.


The appearance of Li Yanning did not make people forget the incident in which Zhao Zixuan was taken away by the American police.

Netizens at home and abroad brought up old issues on TikTok, Tianlai APP and Douyin APP, and various accusations and doubts were directed at the young founder of Heguang Technology.

Faced with the overwhelming negative comments and malicious smears on the Internet, Zhao Zixuan showed a calmness and strategy that was different from ordinary people.

Instead of choosing to fight back immediately or asking his employees to delete the negative information, he chose the one with the most comments.

——Let the bullets fly for a while!

This approach reflects his control of the situation and his deep understanding of public sentiment, that is, in an era of information explosion, silence is sometimes a powerful response.

Zhao Zixuan's strategy seemed to have achieved unexpected results.

The number of followers on his personal social media accounts experienced explosive growth during this period, quickly breaking through the 10 million mark, and is still rising at an astonishing rate.

This shows that both positive and negative news can attract a lot of attention, and Zhao Zixuan's personal popularity has gained unprecedented exposure.

The high attention paid to this incident by netizens at home and abroad has not only made his name more popular, but also brought new opportunities and challenges to his company and personal image.

This phenomenon once again proves the double-edged sword nature of the Internet age: on the one hand, negative information may damage the reputation of an individual or brand; on the other hand, it can also become an opportunity to increase visibility and expand influence.

Time came to Game 6 of the NBA Finals, and Li Yanning and Zhao Zixuan once again appeared in the front row of the audience seats at the Cavaliers' home court.

Before the fierce competition began, Li Yanning faced the camera for the first time and formally accepted an interview with a group of reporters.

"Ms. Li Yanning, is it true that you are Li Chaoren's eldest granddaughter?"

"Ms. Li Yanning, what is your relationship with Mr. Zhao Zixuan? Are you a couple? Also, what do you think of him being taken away by the police and accused of sexual assault?"

"Ms. Li Yanning, why did you attend the NBA event with Zhao Zixuan at this time? Was it to restore his reputation?"


Surrounded by noise and flashing lights, Li Yanning demonstrated rare calmness and wisdom.

Faced with a series of sharp and complex questions, she always kept smiling and answered them one by one patiently and carefully. Every word she said was carefully considered to convey a clear and true message.

When asked if she was the eldest granddaughter of "Superman Li", Li Yanning smiled and nodded in confirmation, but she immediately emphasized:
"Li Chaoren is indeed my grandfather, but I hope people will see me more. My family background cannot define me. I hope people can pay more attention to my personal efforts and achievements."

Such an answer not only cleverly avoids exaggerating her family background, but also highlights her independent personality charm and her firm pursuit of personal values.

When talking about her relationship with Zhao Zixuan, Li Yanning was frank, acknowledged their partnership and emphasized that this relationship was based on mutual respect and deep understanding.

"We came together based on common values ​​and goals. He is my fiancé..."

Her words revealed her cherishment and pride in this relationship. This frankness not only enhanced the public's trust in their relationship, but also demonstrated her calmness and confidence in the face of public scrutiny.

Li Yanning expressed firm support for the controversy Zhao Zixuan had previously encountered. She called on the public to remain impartial before the legal verdict and give Zhao Zixuan a chance to be treated fairly.

"Before the truth is known, I think everyone should remain objective and rational and not be led astray by some people with bad intentions."

Her statement not only reflects her deep friendship with her partner, but also reflects her respect for justice and the rule of law, as well as her indomitable spirit in the face of pressure from public opinion.

Finally, when asked why he chose to attend the NBA Finals at this time, Li Yanning gave a simple and sincere answer: "We are here because of our common love for basketball and the fun of the game, not for any public relations considerations."

This direct and sincere response not only demonstrated the pure feelings between her and Zhao Zixuan, but also allowed the public to see their passion and authenticity for life, winning more favor and support for the two.

Li Yanning's public appearance this time was not only a successful crisis public relations, but also a display of personal charm.

Her words and actions not only maintained the positive image of herself and Zhao Zixuan, but also provided the public with a vivid example of how to remain truthful, honest and tenacious under high-pressure environments.

Before the G6 match started, Li Yanning’s interview video quickly became popular on TikTok.

In just ten minutes, the interview went viral, topping the trending list and attracting the attention and discussion of a huge number of users.

In the video, Li Yanning's good looks, charm, calmness, sincerity and frankness, as well as her profound insights into personal values, partnerships and fair treatment, touched countless viewers.

Netizens liked and commented on the post to express their support and admiration for Li Yanning.

Some people praised her for her tolerance and high emotional intelligence, saying that she remained calm and composed under high pressure, showing a rare ability to resolve crises.
Some were moved by her unwavering support for Zhao Zixuan, saying that the trust and understanding in this love were enviable;
Others praised her stunning appearance, believing that she not only inherited the noble glory of Li Chaoren's family, but also won respect and applause with her wonderful personal speech. (End of this chapter)

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