Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 276 An era where public opinion is king!

As Game 6 of the NBA Finals came to an end, social media and major short video APP platforms were quickly dominated by controversial topics about the game.

The referee's decision became the focus of heated discussion, especially the experience of Warriors star Curry during the game, which triggered widespread social discussion.

Many netizens and sports commentators have expressed that the referee's consecutive calls, especially the six fouls against Curry, seemed to be clearly biased. This kind of "targeted" penalty is rare in the history of the NBA Finals and can be regarded as a highly controversial event.

Labels such as "black whistle" and "shame of the NBA Finals" quickly spread across major platforms, and many fans believed that this was the darkest scene during the tenure of newly appointed NBA Commissioner Adam Silver.

In order to gain amazing traffic in this wave of finals, Silver has even lost his dignity!
Subsequently, the controversial topic of the NBA Finals was further escalated into a nationwide discussion that swept social media with the intervention of Stephen Curry's wife Ayesha.

After the game, Ayesha quickly registered a personal TikTok account and posted a short video, saying that the NBA "must be manipulated." This bold statement was like a stone thrown into a lake, instantly causing a thousand waves.

Ayesha's remarks not only expressed her dissatisfaction with her husband's experience, but also triggered widespread resonance, pushing the controversy of the NBA Finals to a new height.

For a time, both basketball fans and netizens who usually don’t pay attention to basketball were drawn into this debate.

Fans who support James believe that this was a great series full of passion and drama, while fans who support Curry insist that the results of the game were manipulated and it was an unfair event full of shady dealings.

The two sides engaged in a fierce confrontation on the Internet, and the heat of the debate even spread to the real world. In some extreme cases, conflicts between fans escalated and evolved into physical violence. What's worse, there were even gun battles caused by fan disputes in some areas, resulting in casualties. This series of events attracted the great attention and intervention of the US police.

These incidents quickly topped the lists of hot news in the United States under the exposure of TikTok, which can be said to be a spark that ignites a prairie fire.

In order to ensure the ratings and attention of the finals, the referee's decisions seemed to deviate from the track of justice, even at the expense of the fairness of the game. This practice caused strong dissatisfaction among fans.

Historically, there have been few precedents where a team's core players were directly sent off due to continuous targeting by the referee at critical moments in the finals. This not only affected the normal progress of the game, but also undermined the competitive spirit and sports ethics that the NBA Finals should have.

Many well-known basketball commentators believe that this behavior is a great harm to the NBA's brand and historical heritage, and may have a negative impact on the long-term development of the league.

However, amid the criticism, some people called for rationality, arguing that although the referee's decision was controversial, in high-speed sports competitions, instant judgments are bound to have errors.

They believe that it is too arbitrary to put all the blame on the referees or league executives. Factors such as the athletes' performance, tactical arrangements and psychological quality in the game are equally important and should not be ignored.

In any case, the controversial penalty in this game undoubtedly cast a shadow on NBA Finals G6 and became the focus of heated discussion among fans and the media.

It not only tests the credibility of the NBA, but also prompts people to reflect on the positioning and role of referees in competitive sports.

In the future, how to improve the fairness and accuracy of refereeing while ensuring the smoothness of the game will be a major issue that the NBA and the entire sports industry need to face and solve together.

It is worth mentioning that the controversial penalty in Game 6 of the NBA Finals not only caused a huge response internationally, but also caused an uproar in China.

The high-profile appearance of Zhao Zixuan and Li Yanning, the talented and beautiful young couple, during the competition, as well as Li Yanning's candid response in front of the camera for the first time, made their news quickly occupy a hot position on the major short video platforms.

At the same time, the incident in which Zhao Zixuan was previously accused by the US police seemed to fade from the public eye overnight, as if some force had erased the memory and it was no longer a hot topic.

However, even though Zhao Zixuan’s past controversy has been quietly downplayed in the mainstream narrative, there is still a small group of netizens who remember the incident and try to bring it up again in cyberspace.

But their voices seem weak in the vast ocean of the Internet, and they have even encountered forced intervention by technical means.

Whenever someone tries to post related videos or make comments, the content is often automatically censored by the platform. Some videos are directly deleted, and some accounts are banned or silenced.

Although the incident of Zhao Zixuan being detained by the US police earlier suffered a form of "amnesiac" on the Internet, it also indirectly led to the birth of another phenomenon.

——The rapid rise of Zhao Zixuan’s personal social account in the short video field.

Under the algorithmic mechanism of social media and short video platforms, the latest developments about him and Li Yanning, especially their high-profile appearance during the NBA Finals, attracted a lot of attention and discussion, which brought unprecedented exposure to Zhao Zixuan's personal account.

As the NBA Finals entered its climax, especially on the day of Game 7, the number of followers of Zhao Zixuan's Tianlai APP personal account showed explosive growth.

On this day, the number of his fans exceeded 1500 million in one go, and is still increasing at a skyrocketing rate. This achievement has made him rank among the top ten in the Tianlai APP's total fan number ranking, making him a veritable internet celebrity and big V account.


In a luxurious manor on the outskirts of Los Angeles, three Jewish businessmen, Simon, Jacob and Edmund, sat around an exquisite oak conference table with serious expressions.

Since the controversy surrounding Game 6 of the NBA Finals, their social media presence seems to have lost its former control.

The unexpected rise of Zhao Zixuan, especially his and Li Yanning’s popularity on TikTok, caught the three of them off guard, and the originally planned public opinion offensive encountered unprecedented resistance.

"We have to re-evaluate our strategy."

Simon was the first to break the silence. His eyes were sharp and he gritted his teeth and said, "Zhao Zixuan is not an ordinary person. No wonder he was able to found a company like Heguang Technology at such a young age. Unfortunately, our original plan has failed."

"At present, the influence of short videos is more terrible than we imagined. It is too easy to manipulate public opinion with this thing!"

"In short, TikTok must not fall into the hands of others. We must find a way to get it!" Jacob nodded, his brows furrowed, obviously worried and helpless about the current situation.

He said: "TikTok is originally Zhao Zixuan's company. It's normal that our resources cannot compete with him. But I didn't expect that he and Li Chaoren would get married!"

"His interaction with Li Yanning, coupled with the popularity of the NBA Finals, made their news topic go viral. The accounts and resources we invested in were marginalized."

Edmund seemed calmer. He picked up a pen and made a few strokes on the documents spread out on the table, as if he was recording some key information.

Then he said, "We need to find a new entry point. Since a head-on confrontation doesn't work, let's try a different angle. We can dig into Zhao Zixuan's background and look for his weaknesses. At the same time, we should also consider the possibility of establishing a connection with him and see if we can achieve our goal through cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Simon frowned, obviously reserved about the proposal. "He is on the rise now. Why do we think he will cooperate with us?"

Edmund smiled, a shrewd look flashed in his eyes, and said, "It is precisely because he is an emerging force and has not yet stabilized that he is able to seek support from external forces. We can provide him with some of the resources he needs, such as influence in Hollywood or channels in the financial market. Of course, the premise is that our conditions are attractive enough to him."

Jacob nodded thoughtfully. "This is indeed a feasible direction. We can try to contact him and see how he reacts. But at the same time, we cannot relax our monitoring of him. Once we find any loopholes that can be exploited, we must take action immediately."

The three businessmen exchanged glances and reached a tacit understanding with each other.

They knew that the game with Zhao Zixuan was far from over.

In the battlefield of social media, they may have temporarily lost the initiative, but with their deep resources and experience, they are confident that they will find opportunities to fight back. For Zhao Zixuan, the game has just begun, and the future is full of unknowns and challenges.

In the days to come, they will closely monitor Zhao Zixuan's every move, while carefully planning and looking for the best opportunity to regain control of public opinion.


6 month 19 day.

On this starry night, the night sky of Oakland is illuminated by the lights of Oracle Arena, the holy land of the basketball world, which will witness an epic showdown tonight - Game 2016 of the NBA Finals.

And in the first row, in a special seat on the sidelines, sat a very special audience member - Mao Yourong!

The TikTok CEO was sitting in the front row of Oracle Arena, surrounded by basketball's elite and rabid fans, but she stood out.

Different from the nervousness and excitement of ordinary audiences, Mao Yourong's eyes revealed a calmness and insight, as if he came not only to watch the game, but to observe the deeper meaning behind this basketball event.

Mao Yourong's emergence is not accidental. As the helmsman of TikTok, she is well aware of the influence of sports events on social media.

The NBA Finals, especially the seventh game that decides the championship, is undoubtedly an excellent stage to attract global attention.

Mao Yourong wanted to witness with his own eyes how this basketball feast set off wave after wave of craze on TikTok and how it influenced user behavior and the content ecology of the platform.

Mao Yourong's arrival also means TikTok's layout in the sports field.

With the increasing penetration of digitalization and social media, the integration of sports and short videos has become a trend.

Mao Yourong may be thinking about how to use TikTok's platform advantages to further deepen cooperation with top sports events such as the NBA, provide users with richer and more personalized sports content, and at the same time bring more user stickiness and commercial value to TikTok.

"I heard that you placed a big bet on MGM a long time ago, and when the Warriors were leading by a big score of 3-1, you bet 2 million US dollars on the Cavaliers to win the championship, but this seems to be somewhat contradictory to your identity as a loyal fan of the Warriors... Tell me honestly, do you have any inside information?"

Mao Yourong, dressed in a professional suit, looked at Zhao Zixuan who was sitting next to him and asked curiously.

On the side, Li Yanning, Yuan Shiwei and Zhang Lei were a little surprised when they heard Mao Yourong's words. They only knew that Zhao Zixuan had placed a heavy bet to support the Cavaliers to win the championship, but they didn't expect that Zhao Zixuan actually bet 2 million US dollars in one go!
If the Cavaliers really win today, how much will the total bonus be?
Facing everyone's gaze, Zhao Zixuan smiled slightly and turned to look at Mao Yourong. His eyes revealed a maturity and depth that transcended his age.

He whispered, "Investment is never just an emotional choice. Although I personally have deep feelings for the Warriors, business decisions need to be based on data analysis and market forecasts. The Cavaliers have shown amazing resilience this season, and LeBron James' leadership cannot be underestimated. Coupled with the intensity of the finals, I think the Cavaliers have the potential to make a comeback."

Zhao Zixuan continued to explain: "Besides, top events like the NBA Finals are the focus of global attention. My investment is not just for the bet itself, but also for the long-term strategic integration of the NBA, TikTok, and Tianlai APP. We can take advantage of this opportunity to carry out in-depth cooperation with the NBA officials and launch a series of exclusive content around the finals, such as behind-the-scenes footage, player interviews, game highlights, etc., which can greatly enrich the content of our platform and attract more users' attention."

"more importantly……"

Zhao Zixuan's eyes fell on the court. "We can take this opportunity to demonstrate TikTok's potential in the field of sports live broadcasting and interaction. Imagine if users can participate in real-time game predictions on TikTok, vote for their favorite players, and even interact with stars virtually. This will greatly enhance user stickiness and bring us huge commercial value."

Mao Yourong listened carefully and nodded from time to time, obviously appreciating Zhao Zixuan's views.

“You make a lot of sense. It seems that we should indeed consider strengthening cooperation with the NBA and other sports leagues to develop more innovative interactive features and make TikTok an indispensable platform for sports fans.”

The conversation between the two industry giants took place quietly in the first row of seats at Oracle Arena.

What they discussed was not just the upcoming finals, but also how TikTok can expand its presence in the sports entertainment field and how to diversify the platform's content and expand its user base through in-depth cooperation with top events.

This conversation may become an important turning point in TikTok's development, leading it to a more glorious future. (End of this chapter)

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