"Are you and Li Yanning real?"

Mao Yourong looked solemn, his eyes as sharp as torches as he stared directly at Zhao Zixuan, his words carrying an unquestionable seriousness.

Those beautiful amber eyes seemed to be able to see straight into people's hearts. Just by looking at each other, Zhao Zixuan had the illusion that he was seen naked.

"What do you mean by that? What's true or false?"

Zhao Zixuan asked back.

"As far as I know, you have a close relationship with the Ho family in Macau, and now you are hooking up with the Li family in Hong Kong, and you are doing it so high-profile. Aren't you afraid that this matter will get out of hand and get to the Ho family, and they will come after you?"

As she spoke, Mao Yourong gently adjusted her sitting posture, her slender legs faintly visible under her professional skirt, her posture revealed a calmness that seemed to be in control of a situation:

"As a partner, I have an obligation to remind you that you need to be cautious at every step, especially in such a complex and delicate family network. We are not only in a business battlefield, but also a stage where undercurrents of various forces are surging. It is wise to ensure that every step we take will not make enemies unnecessarily."

"The King of Haojiang is not to be trifled with!"

She deliberately emphasized the tone of the last sentence, which clearly contained a warning.

Zhao Zixuan looked calm, as if he didn't take Mao Yourong's reminder to heart.

He said calmly: "Don't worry, I know my limits. The He family and the Li family are the same to me. Their goal is to get the shares in my hands."

"I understand your confidence, Zixuan, but sometimes overconfidence is arrogance."

Mao Yourong's voice was filled with a subtle worry. "In this circle, everyone has their own cards and plans. We cannot underestimate the undercurrents under the table based on the few cards in our hands. The influence of the Ho family in Macao is far beyond your imagination. Their every move may affect the nerves of the entire Asian economy."

She took a sip of coffee, her eyes sharp. "What I mean is that we should handle these relationships more carefully, not only to maintain the existing cooperative network, but also to foresee and avoid potential risks. Your interaction with the Li family, if not handled properly, can easily be seen as a challenge to the status of the He family, which is by no means a trivial matter."

After hearing this, Zhao Zixuan smiled slightly, as if he had a new understanding of this consideration.

"I understand your concerns, Yourong. You are right to remind me that I do need to be more thoughtful when handling these relationships. I will ensure that every step we take is carefully considered, maintaining our cooperative relationship with the He family and making reasonable use of the new cooperation with the Li family to open up a broader market and resources for Heguang Technology."

He paused, his eyes becoming deep. "At this stage, the biggest challenge we face is undoubtedly the covetous eyes of the Jewish consortium. They have already resorted to all means to seize my shares."

Mao Yourong's expression became solemn. She was well aware of the intricacies of the business world. Especially when huge interests were involved, the intensity of competition was often beyond imagination.

"The power of the Jewish consortium should not be underestimated. Their tentacles are spread all over the world, and their methods are quite sophisticated."

She pondered for a moment and said, "However, Zixuan, remember, the business world is like a battlefield, but it also requires strategy and wisdom. Head-on conflict is often not the best option. What we need is a more flexible strategy and a deeper layout."

She leaned forward slightly, her tone gentle but powerful, "Our advantages lie in TikTok's wide influence among young people and Heguang Technology's leading position in Internet innovation. We should make good use of these advantages, while deepening cooperation with other friendly forces and weaving a solid alliance network to resist external invasion."

"As for the issue of shares..."

Mao Yourong continued: "We can enhance our control and diversify risks by optimizing the equity structure and introducing strategic investors. In addition, maintaining the company's transparency and good corporate image is also an effective way to prevent hostile takeovers."

Zhao Zixuan listened carefully to Mao Yourong's advice and nodded thoughtfully.

"You are right. We need to be tolerant. While we are on the defensive, we also need to seize opportunities, turn passivity into initiative, and turn potential threats into our driving force for progress. The strength of the Jewish consortium cannot be ignored, but we also have our own capital and resources. I believe that as long as we unite and have the right strategy, there will be no difficulties that cannot be overcome."

The eyes of both men revealed firmness and determination. Facing the upcoming commercial war, they were ready, not only to protect their own territory, but also to create a new era of their own.

"By the way, there is no problem with your case at the moment. Jiang Qian has agreed to drop the case, but she has one condition, which is to meet you in person. What do you think?"

Mao Yourong shifted the topic to the issue that Zhao Zixuan was most concerned about.

The latter's eyebrows slightly raised. This turn of events surprised him a little, but he immediately regained his composure, a hint of deep thought flashing in his eyes.

"Jiang Qian's request doesn't sound excessive. After all, direct communication can resolve many misunderstandings."

Zhao Zixuan replied slowly: "Let's arrange an appropriate time and place. Face-to-face communication will help to completely resolve the problem and also show our sincerity. However, we need to ensure that this meeting is within a controllable range and do not want any unnecessary trouble."

Mao Yourong nodded in agreement and began to think about the details of the meeting.

She said, "Don't worry. I will personally coordinate this meeting and ensure that everything is done in a professional and private environment. At the same time, I will arrange security measures just in case. After all, we can't let any external factors interfere with our overall situation."

"I believe you." Zhao Zixuan nodded in agreement, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

Due to the chain reaction of the Jiang Qian incident, his freedom of movement in the United States is currently restricted, and even the end of the NBA Finals cannot allow him to leave the country immediately.

His original plan was to fly directly to Europe to watch the European Cup after the NBA games. However, plans can never keep up with changes. Now the situation is like this, let alone going to Europe, he can't even go back to the mainland.

During this period, he could only stay in the hotel where he was staying, and his life trajectory was framed by the close surveillance of the US police.

Every entry and exit seems to be a silent game of chess, and every move is closely watched by the outside world.

If Jiang Qian's case is not successfully resolved, this bondage seems to continue indefinitely, becoming a dark cloud hanging over his head, which will not only affect his personal schedule, but may also affect his carefully planned business empire.

On the day he was framed, Zhao Zixuan deeply experienced what Da Qiangzi felt when he was locked up in police station. The feeling of powerlessness with no one to turn to, almost made him succumb to the Jewish conspiracy.

If Mao Yourong hadn't acted in time...

In fact, compared with Daqiangzi, Zhao Zixuan is lucky.

Because he has the public opinion of TikTok to build momentum for himself, in this Internet age of information explosion, it is an indisputable fact that whoever controls the public opinion controls the world.

Zhao Zixuan realized that Heguang Technology, as a global platform with hundreds of millions of users, is not only a powerful tool for spreading entertainment and culture, but also a powerful weapon to maintain personal and corporate image at critical moments and even to fight back against false accusations.

Under Mao Yourong's strategic guidance, TikTok's public opinion power was cleverly utilized.

On the one hand, positive information is released through official channels to clarify the facts, and on the other hand, users are encouraged to participate in discussions to form spontaneous support forces, which effectively offset the impact of negative public opinion.

Mao Yourong not only has a keen insight in business, but also demonstrates extraordinary talent in crisis management.

It was her quick response and proper arrangements that enabled Zhao Zixuan to find a window to counterattack in a passive situation and also won him valuable negotiation space.

In this context, Zhao Zixuan's meeting with Jiang Qian was not just a simple communication, but also a carefully planned public relations and psychological warfare. He knew that in order to completely get out of the predicament, he had to take advantage of every opportunity to show his sincerity and strength, while exposing the possible conspiracy behind it and winning the public's understanding and support.

Comparing with Da Qiangzi's frustrating experience, Zhao Zixuan felt deeply fortunate and at the same time, he became more determined to build a stronger, more transparent and more respected corporate image.

Pang Donglai is a good example!

Zhao Zixuan realized that only when the company itself is strong enough, has a good social image and broad public support, can it have sufficient resilience and room for maneuver when facing external pressure and challenges.

Therefore, Zhao Zixuan and Mao Yourong jointly formulated a long-term strategy, which was not only to resolve the immediate crisis, but also to further strengthen the company's crisis management mechanism through this incident, optimize internal processes, and ensure that they would be able to be more calm and at ease when facing similar situations in the future.

They believe that through the baptism of this incident, Heguang Technology and TikTok will become more resilient and powerful, not only able to remain invincible in the business world, but also lead the industry trend and usher in a new era.

7 month 1 day.

The sky in Los Angeles was clear, and the sunlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows into the carefully decorated conference room. The air was filled with a tense and subtle atmosphere.

With Mao Yourong's careful arrangement and coordination, the meeting between Zhao Zixuan and Jiang Qian was finally held in a secure conference room at TikTok's headquarters in Los Angeles.

This place is far away from the hustle and bustle, the surrounding decoration is simple yet solemn, and the high-tech security system ensures the privacy of conversations.

Mao Yourong personally supervised the layout of the venue, taking every detail into consideration, from temperature control to beverage selection, in an effort to create an environment conducive to calm communication between the two sides.

She knew that this meeting not only concerned Zhao Zixuan's personal reputation, but also indirectly affected the future direction of Heguang Technology and TikTok.

Zhao Zixuan arrived early. He was wearing a dark suit and looked particularly calm. Although the restrictions during this period made him feel stressed, he still maintained the calmness and confidence of an entrepreneur.

He understood that this meeting could be the key to breaking the deadlock.

Jiang Qian walked into the conference room on time. This former top scorer in the college entrance examination and an outstanding student from Peking University and Tsinghua University attracted the attention of everyone present with a calmness and confidence beyond her age.

She was wearing simple casual clothes, but it couldn't hide her unique sexy temperament and youthful vitality. The clothes flowed with her body, showing her fashion sense while retaining the youthful liveliness and vigor.

Her steps are steady and powerful, and every step reveals the traces of long-term exercise. Her slender legs and well-proportioned figure, especially her eye-catching bust, add a bit of feminine charm to her without reducing her professionalism and competence.

The sunlight coming through the floor-to-ceiling windows just outlined her delicate features, and the golden light danced on her delicate skin, highlighting her elegant appearance and outstanding temperament.

In this situation, many men present suddenly had the same thought in their minds.

——You are a beautiful woman, why do you become a thief?

Jiang Qian was accompanied by only a few friends, which showed how much importance she attached to this meeting and also revealed her reluctance to publicize it too much.

Under the guidance of Mao Yourong, both parties sat down and the atmosphere was a little tense for a moment.

Mao Yourong broke the silence at the right time, briefly introduced the background and purpose of the meeting, emphasized the importance of reconciliation between the two parties, and then stepped aside to allow Zhao Zixuan and Jiang Qian to talk directly.

However, it was Yuan Shiwei who spoke first.

"Jiang Qian, why did you do this? Why did you use me? What benefits did the Jews give you that made you so deliberate in framing Zixuan?"

Yuan Shiwei's sudden question was like a bomb dropped into the conference room, making the already delicate atmosphere tense in an instant.

A look of surprise flashed across Jiang Qian's face, and then turned into determination. She took a deep breath, as if looking for the most appropriate words to respond to this series of questions.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Jiang Qian's voice was calm and clear. She looked directly at Yuan Shiwei without any evasion in her eyes. "I have never had any private transactions with anyone, nor have I deliberately framed anyone. I just like Zixuan. Is it wrong to like someone?"

At the end of her speech, she looked deeply at Zhao Zixuan who was sitting opposite her.

Yuan Shiwei was furious, and cursed with a dark face: "Do you like it? You are... you are... you are greedy for his body, you are a slut!"

Zhao Zixuan signaled Yuan Shiwei to calm down, and he remained calm in the face of Jiang Qian's sudden emotional confession.

He spoke slowly, his tone showing both understanding and a sense of boundaries: "Jiang Qian, emotional matters are complicated and personal. I understand that everyone has the right to express their emotions. But it is important that we distinguish the boundaries between personal emotions and friends. I appreciate your honesty, and I believe that we can sit down today in the hope of finding a fair and reasonable solution for everyone."

Mao Yourong intervened at the right time and adjusted the atmosphere in a professional tone: "Now that the misunderstanding has been clarified, we might as well focus on how to effectively resolve the current legal issues. Mr. Zhao and Ms. Jiang, there is no grudge between you. There is no need to make a big deal out of it. I believe that through rational communication, we can find a proper solution that protects personal rights and interests without affecting the career development of both parties."

She continued: "We propose that the legal teams of both parties immediately begin drafting a settlement agreement to clarify their respective positions and ensure that similar misunderstandings do not occur in the future. At the same time, consider issuing a joint statement to convey a positive message to the public, which will be beneficial to the public image of both parties."

Although Yuan Shiwei was a little embarrassed, he also realized that he should focus on solving the problem at the moment, so he nodded to indicate his agreement with Mao Yourong's proposal.

The atmosphere in the conference room began to ease as the solution became clear, and a meeting that seemed tense gradually turned into a constructive cooperative discussion.

Ultimately, after several rounds of detailed discussions and with the assistance of the legal team, the two parties reached a comprehensive agreement that included withdrawal of the lawsuit, public clarification, and the possibility of future cooperation.

When she was about to sign, Jiang Qian suddenly stopped and looked deeply at Zhao Zixuan.

"Zixuan, can I ask you a question? Please answer me truthfully."

Zhao Zixuan nodded calmly, indicating that Jiang Qian could ask questions.

The atmosphere in the conference room became unusually quiet at this moment, and everyone's eyes were focused on the two protagonists, waiting for the next conversation.

Jiang Qian took a deep breath, as if gathering her courage, and asked, "Zixuan, putting aside all external factors, have you ever been moved by me even a little bit?"

This question surprised everyone present, but Zhao Zixuan remained calm and honest as always. He thought carefully and answered:

"Jiang Qian, you are a very good girl. Anyone can find many attractive qualities in you. However, emotions are complicated and private. I do respect and appreciate you, but this appreciation is more based on our mutual understanding and respect as friends."

After Jiang Qian heard this, a complex emotion flashed across her eyes, but was immediately replaced by a sense of relief.

She nodded gently, raised a faint smile on her lips, and said: "Thank you for your honesty, Zixuan. Finally, I have one more thing to tell you. What happened that night... I... I don't regret it!"

Zhao Zixuan: "..." (End of this chapter)

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