Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 293 Visiting the crews of “The Untamed” and “The Story of Minglan”!

After dealing with the affairs in Magic City, Zhao Zixuan did not return to the imperial capital immediately, but chose a small episode - to Hengdian, to visit the two major film and television projects of Yixuan Studio that are in full swing, "Do You Know? Do You Know? It Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin" and "The Untamed".

Not only do these two works share the ancient and charming land of Hengdian as a shooting base, but their production progress is also almost parallel, forming a rare coincidence.

Zhao Zixuan's arrival came at the right time. The directors of the two crews were concentrating on directing the performances of the heroines, focusing the cameras on those delicate emotional moments.

Although the directors were temporarily unable to split up, the warm and thoughtful reception was not discounted. The person in charge of receiving Zhao Zixuan was Bai Jie's right-hand man, a young girl named Bai Ling.

Bai Ling has just stepped into society from the university campus. She not only has a fresh and refined face, but also an eye-catching graceful figure. Although she is not as carefully sculpted as professional actors, she is already a leader among ordinary people, exuding an unpolished natural beauty.

At this time, Bai Ling took Zhao Zixuan to the filming site of "The Untamed". The surroundings were filled with carefully constructed ancient-style scenes, and the air was filled with the scent of ink and the faint scent of props and wood.

While visiting the filming site of Jiang Yanli, played by the heroine Ding Xiaoying, Bai Ling felt that she had nothing to do anyway, so she decided to use this free time to tell Zhao Zixuan about the interesting things and daily life in the crew, and also introduce a few bits and pieces about several of the main actors.

They first came to a quiet bamboo forest, which was the filming location for the drama "The Clouds Recesses".

Bai Ling explained: "Boss Zhao, this is where we filmed the Lan Clan's sect scene. Every bamboo you see was carefully selected and arranged to ensure that the cold and elegant temperament of the Lan Clan can be reflected in the picture."

She continued, "Many interesting things happened to our leading actors during the filming process. For example, the actor who played Wei Wuxian often practiced playing the flute here during breaks, saying that he wanted to better fit into the role. Sometimes, even the crew members would be attracted by his flute sound and listen quietly, as if they were really in that world of Jianghu."

Bai Ling then pointed to a group of people not far away, where several actors and directors gathered to discuss the script.

"That's our director. He pays great attention to details. Even a small expression or the tone of a line, he will repeatedly consider it until he is satisfied."

She looked at Zhao Zixuan respectfully and said with a smile, "Don't be fooled by his serious appearance. In fact, he is a warm-hearted man in private. He is very considerate to everyone, especially to the actors. He always encourages them to express their ideas."

During the chat, Bai Ling also mentioned the actor who played Lan Wangji: "In order to better interpret Lan Wangji's calm and steady personality, he hardly spoke in private, often sitting quietly in a corner, immersed in the role. However, once the camera is pointed at him, his focused and affectionate eyes always move everyone present."

After listening to Bai Ling's introduction, Zhao Zixuan gained a deeper understanding of the operation of the crew and the professionalism of the actors.

He noticed that although Bai Ling was new to the industry, she knew every detail of the crew very well, and it was obvious that she put a lot of passion and effort into her work. This made him admire Bai Jie's vision for finding such a talented and hardworking assistant.

In the breeze of the bamboo forest, Zhao Zixuan and Bai Ling continued their stroll. They came to a waterside that looked like a fairyland. This was an important scene in the play where Jiang Yanli spent time with Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and others.

Bai Ling told Zhao Zixuan about Jiang Yanli's experience in the crew: "Jiang Yanli, that is, Ding Xiaoying, who plays the heroine, not only perfectly interprets the role in terms of appearance, but more importantly, she interprets the character of the senior sister, who is as gentle as water and as strong as stone, to the fullest."

“Once, we were filming a scene where the senior sister was taking care of the seriously injured Wei Wuxian, and the script required her to show extreme heartache and helplessness. But just before filming, Ding Xiaoying suddenly proposed that she wanted to include an impromptu dialogue to let the senior sister speak her heart out to Wei Wuxian.”

"At that moment, her performance touched everyone, and even the director was deeply moved and decided to keep this improvisation in the final film."

Bai Ling's voice was full of admiration, and she obviously approved of Ding Xiaoying's acting skills.

Zhao Zixuan listened patiently and asked, "Does she have any special ideas about the role?"

At this moment, a clear and powerful voice came from not far away.

"I do have some ideas."

They looked in the direction of the voice and saw Ding Xiaoying, dressed in ancient costume, walking towards them. She was accompanied by Yang Chuchu, who was also wearing an elegant ancient long dress.

Ding Xiaoying had a confident and warm smile on her face, and her appearance immediately attracted the full attention of Zhao Zixuan and Bai Ling.

Ding Xiaoying came closer, her bright eyes met Zhao Zixuan's narrow and bright eyes, and she said with a smile: "I think Senior Sister should not only be a gentle image, she also has her own dreams and pursuits. In the original novel, Senior Sister has relatively few scenes, but I hope that through my own understanding and interpretation, Senior Sister can become a vivid image in the hearts of the audience, a female character with flesh and blood..."

At this moment, Zhao Zixuan looked at the heroine whom he had not seen for a long time with a smile. He saw Ding Xiaoying wearing an elegant ancient costume dress, like a fairy walking out of a scroll.

Her outfit was mainly light and elegant, with flowing sleeves and a mixture of light blue and white, just like the white clouds under a clear sky or the soft catkins beside a stream. Her hair was tied up high and fixed with an exquisite jade hairpin, and the few strands of hair that drooped gently brushed against her ears, adding a touch of graceful beauty.

There was a gentle yet firm light flowing between her eyebrows, like a clear mountain spring, crystal clear, or like autumn water and the sky the same color, tranquil and profound.

Her every move, every turn, reveals a classical charm, as if she were a lady from an ancient boudoir, possessing both the upbringing of a scholarly family and the unrestrained carefreeness of a woman of the world.

In contrast, the second female lead played by Yang Chuchu shows a completely different temperament.

Her clothes are more colorful, with red as the main color, like a burning flame, passionate and unrestrained.

Her long skirt was embroidered with intricate and delicate patterns, and every stitch and thread revealed the craftsman's ingenuity. Her hair was tied into a complicated bun, decorated with gold-threaded pearl flowers, exuding the luxury and honor of a royal noble.

There is a hint of sharpness in Yang Chuchu's eyes, yet she retains a feminine tenderness. Her smile contains wisdom and confidence, as if she is the witty and scheming female official in the ancient court, who can navigate the treacherous political struggles with ease while maintaining a pure and kind heart.

The contrast between the two female characters in clothing and temperament not only shows the different aspects of ancient women, but also foreshadows that they will have their own unique life trajectories and destinies in the play.

Ding Xiaoying's gentleness and tenacity, and Yang Chuchu's wisdom and bravery will become indispensable highlights of "The Untamed", bringing both visual and emotional enjoyment to the audience.

After listening to Ding Xiaoying's opinion, Zhao Zixuan pondered for a moment and then decided: "Bai Ling, please take some time to talk to the director. I think we can consider adding more plots to the role of the senior sister, such as showing her connection with the family, or her personal growth story line. This will not only highlight her personality traits, but also add a sense of layering to the entire plot."

Bai Ling's eyes lit up, and she obviously agreed with the proposal: "This is a very good idea, Mr. Zhao. I believe that such a change will not only enhance the charm of the role of the senior sister, but also make the audience more involved in the plot."

Ding Xiaoying also thought it was feasible and smiled with satisfaction.

Afterwards, Zhao Zixuan and Ding Xiaoying discussed the specific direction of the script modification. They discussed how to give the senior sister more personal color while maintaining the essence of the original work, making her story fuller and more moving.

Zhao Zixuan suggested that the role of the elder sister in the family and her complex relationship with her brother Jiang Cheng could be explored to enhance the depth of the character by showing her struggle between family responsibility and personal emotions. In addition, he also suggested that some flashbacks could be added to show how the elder sister grew into a gentle yet strong woman in her youth, as well as the origin of her deep friendship with Wei Wuxian.

Ding Xiaoying carefully recorded every idea of ​​Zhao Zixuan. She added: "We can also consider introducing some new characters or events to set off the character of the senior sister. For example, we can set up a plot in which she stands up when the family is in crisis and resolves the problem with her wisdom and courage. This can not only show her leadership ability, but also let the audience see her side that is different from ordinary women."

Zhao Zixuan nodded in agreement. "Yes, and this change can also bring some unexpected twists to the plot, making the story more fascinating. We can arrange a scene where the senior sister goes out alone to find medicinal herbs to treat the tribe members. This can not only reflect her loyalty to the family, but also highlight her independent side."

They also discussed how to cleverly weave these plots into the script, ensuring that they fit in with the main story and didn't seem out of place.

Zhao Zixuan emphasized: "We have to ensure that these new plots do not disrupt the original story rhythm, and at the same time pay attention to maintaining the satisfaction of the original fans."

Bai Ling promised to communicate with the director as soon as possible and organize the screenwriter team to discuss revisions.

Ding Xiaoying is full of confidence in Zhao Zixuan's suggestions. She believes that this will bring new highlights to "The Untamed", which will not only enhance the charm of the role of the senior sister, but also make the entire series more colorful and more attractive.

"Mr. Zhao, you are amazing. I heard that you studied directing at the Central Academy of Drama, right? Then you will definitely make your own movies in the future, right?"

Bai Ling looked at Zhao Zixuan with some admiration and asked.

Zhao Zixuan's eyes were always on Ding Xiaoying, and he nodded in response: "I majored in film directing, and I have a strong interest in film and television creation. However, my main job at present is still in the company's operations and project management. As for whether I will personally direct a play in the future, it depends on the timing and whether there is a good story that can impress me. If there is really an opportunity one day, I will be very happy to try it."

He went on to say: “But even behind the scenes, I hope to contribute to our projects through my expertise and understanding of the story. Discussions like today’s are a process I really enjoy, as they give me the opportunity to apply theory to practice and create unforgettable characters and stories with outstanding actors and production teams.”

After listening to this, Yang Chuchu also expressed her own opinion: "Boss, your insights are really unique. I believe that under your guidance, the character of Jiang Yanli will become more three-dimensional and full of flesh and blood. Such character creation is also a challenge and opportunity for actors. I suddenly look forward to Ding Ding being able to interpret such a rich and three-dimensional character in front of the camera."

Ding Xiaoying looked at Zhao Zixuan and said, "Let's not talk about work. You haven't eaten yet, right? How about we go eat something first?"

Zhao Zixuan smiled and nodded, "Indeed, after talking about work for so long, I am a little hungry. Chuchu, come along too, we can eat and chat and relax for a while."

Yang Chuchu readily agreed, and the three of them left the filming site together and walked towards the crew cafeteria.

Bai Ling originally wanted to come and join in, but after Yang Chuchu gave her a warning look, she tactfully left.

After the three arrived at the cafeteria, they found a relatively quiet corner to sit down and ordered some simple but delicious local specialties.

Zhao Zixuan looked at Ding Xiaoying and Yang Chuchu with concern. He was well aware of the pressure and competition in the entertainment industry, especially in a high-intensity environment like a film crew, where actors might encounter various challenges.

He spoke gently, "Ding Ding, Chu Chu, is your work in the crew going smoothly? Have you encountered any difficulties, or has anyone caused trouble for you? If there are any problems, be sure to tell me, and I will do my best to help solve them."

Ding Xiaoying smiled and shook her head: "The atmosphere on the crew is generally very good. Everyone is very professional and the cooperation between us is very smooth. Of course, there will inevitably be some minor frictions during the filming process, but these are normal phenomena and we can usually communicate and resolve them in time."

Yang Chuchu also echoed, "Yes, Boss, we all cherish this filming opportunity, so everyone tries their best to do their best. The director and staff are very dedicated, and their passion for work and pursuit of art also infect each of us."

Zhao Zixuan smiled with relief after hearing this, but he still reminded her: "That's good, but if you really encounter unfair treatment or other troubles, remember to tell me as soon as possible. After all, your safety and mood are the most important. I hope to provide you with a safe working environment."

Ding Xiaoying and Yang Chuchu looked at each other, gratitude in their eyes.

They knew that Zhao Zixuan's concern was not superficial but genuine.

With such strong support, they felt more at ease and more motivated to face the various challenges during the filming process.

"Boss, I also want to have more scenes. I feel like I don't have enough scenes. Can you help me design some storylines to enrich my role?"

Yang Chuchu suddenly suggested.

Zhao Zixuan looked at her with a playful smile and responded, "You are the second female lead. If you are given more roles, you will overshadow Ding Ding's first female lead. Who is the female lead?"

After hearing this, Yang Chuchu stuck out her tongue playfully and explained, "Boss, that's not what I meant. I just think that if I can give my character more depth, and make her background and motivations richer, it will also help the whole story. After all, a good supporting role can also improve the quality of the entire show, right?"

Zhao Zixuan nodded. "That's true. A well-rounded supporting character can indeed add layers to the plot and make the story more three-dimensional. We don't necessarily have to increase your appearances, but we can do this by deepening your character's story line. For example, we can explore your character's family background, or give her an unresolved knot, or even a secret love story."

Ding Xiaoying also joined the conversation and supported Yang Chuchu's idea: "Yes! Sometimes, a small change in a character can make the audience have a deeper emotional connection with her. And if we can make the audience empathize with Chuchu's character, then when she interacts with my character, the emotional tension will be stronger, which is also good for the emotional line of the whole show."

Zhao Zixuan thought for a moment, then said, "Let's do this. I will discuss with the writing team to see how to add some new dimensions to Chuchu's character without affecting the main plot. At the same time, we must also make sure that this does not steal Dingding's limelight as the heroine. After all, she is the soul of this drama."

Yang Chuchu was overjoyed and rushed over to hug Zhao Zixuan and kiss him: "Boss, you are so good to me, I love you so much! Mu~"

Zhao Zixuan frowned slightly and reminded him, "Don't mess around. It's broad daylight and there are so many staff here. What will happen if someone sees us?"

After hearing this, Yang Chuchu winked playfully, restrained her previous excitement, and returned to her usual professional attitude: "Boss, don't worry, I know the limits. I'm just too happy. After all, for an actor, it's a rare opportunity to have more room to perform. I will seize the opportunity and will not let you down."

To be honest, Zhao Zixuan didn't have any high expectations for Yang Chuchu. Instead, he had higher expectations for Ding Xiaoying. After all, in terms of appearance, Ding Xiaoying was far superior to Yang Chuchu.

Of course, there is also Luo Qiuyun. She, Ding Xiaoying and Zhan Yishang have been listed by the gossipers as the three golden flowers of the Central Academy of Drama. She is the most beautiful and popular of all.

"By the way, where's Qiu Yun? Call her and ask her to come over. I have arranged a carnival program tonight. Let me make it clear, no one of you is allowed to be absent today!"

Zhao Zixuan said this solemnly, causing Yang Chuchu and Ding Xiaoying to look at each other, and then both of them blushed almost at the same time. (End of this chapter)

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