In the third week of October 2016, as the fallen leaves danced in the wind, the night sky of Chicago was pierced by beams of spotlights, announcing that the battle of the League of Legends World Championship was about to begin.

The theater of this city, a place carrying countless glorious history and dreams, is now preparing to witness an unprecedented showdown - HG.G and Flash Wolves, two teams originating from the same country but writing legends in different divisions, will eventually meet in a foreign country.

The game has not started yet, but the Chicago Theater is already packed with people.

Although located overseas, this audience seemed to be filled with a strong sense of home and country. Eighty percent of the faces were of Chinese descent who had come across the ocean to cheer for their beloved ones.

Their eyes were shining with anticipation and their hearts were filled with passion, eager to witness this pinnacle battle that represented the honor of their hometown.

As the entrance music sounded, the players from both sides stepped into the arena with firm steps. Every step seemed to step on the heartstrings of the audience, and the atmosphere of tension and excitement filled the air.

The camera keenly captured several special guests in the front row of the audience - Zhao Zixuan, the young president who enjoys a high reputation both inside and outside the e-sports circle.

Sitting next to him is Principal Wang, who is well-known for his enterprising spirit and deep love for e-sports.

There are also Jay Chou and his wife. Their arrival not only added a star-studded color to the game, but also made this moment an eternal memory in the hearts of countless fans.

As the camera slowly scans, every moment captured by the camera is frozen into history, recording this extraordinary moment.

At this moment, just as night falls, the Chicago Theater is brightly lit, just like daytime. Amid the hustle and bustle, the audience is eagerly looking forward to the upcoming e-sports feast.

There was an indescribable tension and excitement in the air, as if the entire theater was holding its breath, waiting for that moment to come.

"This quarter-final match should be the one with the least suspense. It would be an upset for Flash Wolves to win a small game." A veteran e-sports fan whispered, with some certainty and a hint of regret in his voice.

"There's nothing we can do. HG.G is too strong this year. People say that five Chinese people can't win the championship, but I think they have a good chance this year. They won all six group stage games and even defeated SKT twice. It's really terrifying!" another audience member took over, his tone full of recognition of HG.G's strength.

"It's mainly because the duo of Godv and Smlz are too unstoppable when working together. They have explosive output in teamfights, and they also play very well in laning. I think the only team that has a chance to beat them now is probably LCK's No. 1 seed ROX." The third spectator analyzed, his eyes flickering with desire for a wonderful game.

The audience was talking about it, and it was obvious that they all thought HG.G would win easily.

However, the variables in the e-sports arena are always unpredictable, just like the warriors in the ancient Roman Colosseum. Even the weakest challenger may burst out with amazing power in a moment.

In the corner of the audience, there was a group of loyal fans of Flash Wolves. There was no fear in their eyes, only the desire to defeat the strong enemy and win.

After the competition started, Zhao Zixuan, accompanied by Huang Yingying, sat in the prime position in the audience. Next to him were Principal Wang and Jay Chou and his wife. They listened to the discussions coming from the audience from time to time and couldn't help but give their own comments.

Principal Wang spoke first, his voice full of authority and confidence: "HG.G's performance this year is too strong. I dare say that no one can shake them except ROX. With the strength of Flash Wolves, it is a miracle for them to win a small game today."

Jay Chou nodded in agreement, "That's right, the double C combination of Godv and Smlz is simply impeccable, and this HG.G seems to be stronger than last year. There are no obvious disadvantages or shortcomings in the top, middle and bottom lanes. I think as long as Ning in the jungle position develops steadily, basically after 20 minutes, a team fight can lock in the victory."

Zhao Zixuan smiled slightly. Although he agreed with the views of his two friends in his heart, his years of e-sports experience told him that anything could happen on the field.

He just watched quietly, ready to enjoy the upcoming visual feast.

However, when the signal light for the game came on and the first round of the match began, everything seemed to be developing in an unexpected direction.

Flash Wolves broke with their usual style and showed unprecedented tactical execution and teamwork. They took the initiative from the start and their economic advantage snowballed. HG.G's defense seemed vulnerable under the opponent's offensive.

" is this possible?"

Principal Wang's surprise was beyond words; he could hardly believe his eyes.

HG.G, the team that was invincible in the group stage, was suppressed by Flash Wolves in the first game and had no chance to fight back.

Jay Chou was also stunned. He turned to look at Zhao Zixuan, his eyes full of confusion: "This is totally unexpected. Is HG.G in such a bad state today?"

Zhao Zixuan's face changed slightly, but he still analyzed calmly: "Perhaps, this is the charm of e-sports. In the game, nothing is impossible. Flash Wolves has obviously made sufficient preparations, and their tactical execution is perfect. It seems that we have to re-evaluate their strength."

As the game progressed, Flash Wolves' advantage became more and more obvious. In the end, they ended the first game with a shocking victory. The audience was boiling with excitement, while Principal Wang and Jay Chou fell into deep thought.

"Is this a fake match? I feel like there's something wrong with Ning's jungle play. He forced the tempo many times."

Principal Wang's tone was full of worry, and his eyes met Zhao Zixuan beside him, waiting for his reaction.

Zhao Zixuan's gaze stayed on the screen for a moment, then turned to Principal Wang. His eyes were calm and deep, as if he could see through everything.

"It is too hasty to speculate that the match is fixed."

He spoke slowly, his voice full of calm and rational analysis: "Although Ning's playing style is aggressive, this is exactly his style. Sometimes, an overly aggressive style of play will expose the team's tactical intentions and give the opponent an opportunity to counterattack. Flash Wolves were obviously prepared for this, and they took advantage of this and successfully set a trap."

"Moreover," Zhao Zixuan continued, his tone revealing a deep understanding of the spirit of e-sports: "In such an important competition, the players will go all out, and they cherish their careers immensely. Once the behavior of match-fixing is confirmed, it will be a devastating blow. It will not only ruin the players' careers, but also have a negative impact on the entire e-sports ecosystem. I believe that most players step onto the field with a love for the game and a desire to win."

Jay Chou nodded in agreement: "Zixuan is right. We cannot easily question the professional ethics of the players. The victory of Flash Wolves shows the exquisiteness of their tactical layout and the tacit understanding of teamwork. This is a victory worthy of respect, and we should give them the applause they deserve." However, Principal Wang's doubts have not completely dissipated. He still insists that there is something unusual in the game: "But I always feel that something is wrong with today's game, especially Ning and Godv. Their performance is hard to understand. The match-fixing storm at last year's World Championship is still vivid in our minds. Will it not happen again this year?"

When HG.G won the championship last year, there were rumors of match-fixing. Some people even questioned the value of their victory and said all kinds of things. However, in the end, under the strong control and influence of public opinion by Heguang Technology, these rumors were finally resolved.

Zhao Zixuan took a deep breath, looked at Principal Wang, and asked meaningfully, "Old Wang, did you buy the match? How much did you bet?"

Principal Wang did not hide anything and said frankly with a smile: "Not much, just a small purchase of 500,000 yuan to scatter the water."

Faced with Principal Wang's frankness, a hint of helplessness and understanding flashed in Zhao Zixuan's eyes.

In the e-sports circle, betting on competitions is not mainstream, but it is not uncommon, especially in top events like the global finals, where high prize pools and huge attention often attract participation from all walks of life.

"Old Wang."

There was a hint of seriousness in Zhao Zixuan's voice. "Although I understand your desire to gamble, please remember that the fairness of e-sports competitions is difficult to control. Once you get involved in gambling, it is easy for emotions to affect your judgment, and even get involved in unnecessary trouble. Although the match-fixing storm when HG.G won the championship last year was eventually calmed down, if match-fixing really happened, the consequences would be disastrous. It would be a heavy blow not only to the players' careers, but also to the entire e-sports industry."

Jay Chou also joined the conversation, his tone carrying the concern of an elder: "Zixuan is right, Principal, as a senior in the e-sports circle, you should set an example and maintain the purity and fairness of the competition. What's more, you and I both know that the charm of e-sports lies in its unpredictability. Every comeback and every counterattack is a manifestation of the e-sports spirit. Betting on games is certainly exciting, but compared to money, the love for the game and the respect for competition are what we should cherish the most."

After hearing this, Principal Wang's face flashed with embarrassment, and then he laughed heartily: "You are right, I was not thoughtful enough. But I was just playing around, a little gambling for fun, don't worry, I know my limits."

This statement was obviously a stubborn one, but Zhao Zixuan and Jay Chou didn't say much.

They exchanged glances and understood each other's thoughts.

In the e-sports circle, everyone has their own code of conduct and boundaries. Excessive interference in other people's private affairs, even with good intentions, may backfire.

Friendship, especially "gentleman's friendship" like theirs, must be based on mutual respect.

“Can I buy eSports games?”

Kun Ling became interested as she listened at the side and couldn't help but interrupt and ask.

Jay Chou held his wife's hand and patiently explained: "In theory, any competitive sport or event can be the subject of gambling, and e-sports is no exception. But what's important is that formal e-sports events have strict rules and regulations to prevent insiders from participating in gambling, especially when it comes to games that they participate in or influence. Organizers, teams, and players must abide by a series of ethical norms and codes of conduct to ensure the fairness and transparency of the competition."

"Moreover," Jay Chou continued, "as the e-sports industry matures, the relevant regulatory mechanisms are also constantly improving. Measures such as anti-match-fixing agreements, independent third-party supervision, player education and mental health support are all aimed at protecting the e-sports environment from undue influence. Of course, as spectators, we should look at it rationally. Although betting on games is a personal choice, we must not let gambling destroy the purity and fun of e-sports."

Kun Ling nodded as if she understood. She was curious about the topic, but also understood the complexity of it.

After listening to Mr. Zhou's words, Zhao Zixuan looked at him seriously and said jokingly, "Mr. Zhou, you know a lot. You must have learned a lot in order to acquire the Assassination Star Team, right?"

Hearing this, Jay Chou revealed a smug smile, "Zixuan, you are really good at joking. But you are right. Since I became interested in e-sports, I have indeed spent a lot of time to understand this industry. After all, if you want to do something well, you must first understand it in depth."

"The acquisition of the Assassin Stars team is not just a business investment for me, but also my recognition and support for the e-sports culture. I hope to bring more positive energy to this circle and help e-sports become a competitive sport that is widely respected by society."

Hearing this, Zhao Zixuan nodded in approval. He knew very well that Jay Chou's involvement in e-sports was not a whim, but stemmed from his deep understanding and love for the sport.

Otherwise, Jay Chou wouldn't have been able to write such an excellent song like "Hero" specifically for "League of Legends" that is so addictive at first listen.

Thinking of the bleak future of Team J, Zhao Zixuan couldn't help but persuade him, "Zhou Dong has great ambitions. If you can listen to me and bring Karsa and Angel to Team J to play mid and jungle together next year, then Team J will definitely have a great chance to qualify from the LMS League and play in the World Championship."

As soon as Zhao Zixuan finished speaking, a hint of thought flashed across Jay Chou's eyes, and it was obvious that he was quite interested in this suggestion.

He is well aware that competition in the e-sports industry is extremely fierce. To stand out in it, one needs not only financial support, but also strategic vision and an excellent lineup of players.

"Zixuan, I always trust your judgment."

Jay Chou thought for a moment and said, "Karsa and Angel are both extremely talented players. If we can bring them into Team J, it will greatly enhance the team's strength. However, the transfer market is always changing. If we want to make such a deal, we need to consider many factors."

Zhao Zixuan nodded, expressing his understanding: "Indeed, transfer is not an easy thing. It involves many issues such as player contracts, club wishes, and the player's own wishes. However, if Team J can show enough sincerity and planning, I believe that attracting outstanding players to join is not an impossible task."

"Moreover, Jay Chou, as the boss of Team J, your influence and passion for e-sports are a big advantage. Players also tend to value the culture and atmosphere of the club, as well as whether there are long-term development plans. I believe that as long as you can develop a complete training system and competition strategy, more outstanding players will be willing to join Team J."

Principal Wang also agreed: "Zixuan is right, Jay Chou, you not only have outstanding achievements in music, but your love for e-sports is also well known. If you can turn this passion into investment and support for the team, I believe Team J will be able to go further."

Jay Chou looked determined when he heard this: "Thank you for your encouragement and suggestions. I will seriously consider it. E-sports is my dream and I am willing to work harder for it."

During the heated conversation among the three, an unexpected event occurred again in the second match of this much-anticipated quarter-final.

In the first fifteen minutes of the game, HG.G was completely overwhelmed by the early rhythm of the Flash Wolves' mid and jungle cooperation.

Godv and Ning were almost beaten by their opponents in the early laning phase! (End of this chapter)

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