Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 311: Take advantage of the east wind to ring the bell!

Overnight, news about TikTok's upcoming listing spread rapidly across major domestic news media like mushrooms after rain.

At the same time, a biography focusing on Zhao Zixuan has quietly emerged. This biography delves into his entrepreneurial experience and tells how he founded the Heguang Technology Group from scratch.

Through a series of carefully edited interview footage combined with widely collected online materials, and with the assistance of modern AI technology, this work is presented to the public in an unprecedented way.

As the news spread, Zhao Zixuan's popularity rose sharply, and the topic of him even surpassed the ongoing US election and became the focus of people's discussion.

Some people believe that all this is a performance carefully planned by Zhao Zixuan in order to promote TikTok's listing plan.

Because if TikTok can successfully go public this year, Zhao Zixuan, as the major shareholder, is very likely to become the richest Chinese, and the youngest richest Chinese in history.

The impact and ripple effects of such an achievement will be unprecedented.

As news of TikTok's upcoming IPO spread like wildfire, Zhao Zixuan's name and his legendary story became a household name almost overnight.

Driven by the biography, the public not only saw Zhao Zixuan's brilliant achievements as an entrepreneur, but also gained a deeper understanding of his perseverance and wise decision-making. In the biography, his journey from an unknown entrepreneur to facing numerous difficulties and challenges without giving up, and finally creating the Internet giant Heguang Technology Group, deeply touched the hearts of countless people.

However, speculation has quietly arisen as to whether all this was carefully planned by Zhao Zixuan.

Some analysts pointed out that Zhao Zixuan may have taken advantage of the current global attention to TikTok and his own personal charm to build momentum for TikTok's listing. Such a strategy can not only effectively increase the public's awareness and expectations of TikTok, but also arouse more attention and discussion in the capital market, laying a solid foundation for the stock price performance after listing.

But Zhao Zixuan himself remained low-key and humble as always.

In interviews with a few authoritative media, he said that he was just doing what he should do and all his achievements were attributed to the joint efforts of the team and the support of users.

Regarding the rumors of becoming the richest Chinese, he laughed and said that this was just speculation and imagination from the outside world. He was more concerned about how to make Heguang Technology Group and TikTok continue to create value for users and promote the progress and development of the industry.

Despite this, the market's response was extremely enthusiastic. With the promotion of TikTok's listing plan, major investment institutions around the world have extended olive branches, hoping to get a share of this technological feast. And every move of Zhao Zixuan and Heguang Technology Group has touched the hearts of countless people and has become the focus of global attention.

During this period, the biggest focus was on business competition.

In the overseas market, Heguang Technology Group faces fierce competition from local social giants such as Facebook and Instagram. These companies not only have a huge user base and market share, but also use legal and technical means to exclude and suppress Heguang Technology Group, further exacerbating the uncertainty of its listing process.

Another factor is the influence of public opinion.

A considerable number of members of the public and observers regard the Wako Technology Group as a “tiger” in the industry and strongly call for restrictions or even a complete ban on its activities.

This widespread public pressure has undoubtedly cast a heavy shadow on the APP operating environment of the Heguang Technology Group in many countries around the world, making its operating environment increasingly complex and severe. What's more, this situation has triggered a number of lawsuits and in-depth investigations against the group, further exacerbating the legal and market challenges it faces.

Of course, the biggest trouble still arises from disputes over data security and privacy protection.

As one of the world's largest short video social platforms, TikTok's huge user data has become the focus of many national regulators. Many people have questioned TikTok's data collection, storage and processing methods, and are worried that it may pose a potential threat to them.

This controversy not only affected TikTok's reputation, but also set up many obstacles on its road to listing.

At ten o'clock in the morning, a group of business elites gathered in the conference room of the Heguang Technology Group's Los Angeles headquarters building.

Mao Yourong, dressed in a neat professional suit and a pair of elegant yet powerful ten-centimeter high heels, stood steadily in the center of the conference room, and gave a profound analysis of the many difficulties and challenges TikTok encountered on its road to listing for everyone present.

She turned around gently, her fingertips accurately sliding across the carefully prepared PPT screen behind her, her brows revealing the charm of a Chinese-American hybrid.

She looked at Zhao Zixuan, who was sitting at the first seat, and said, "As you can see, the intervention of these external factors has undoubtedly made our road to listing more difficult. But we must be clear that TikTok is not just a commercial product, it is also a bridge connecting global users and a platform for cultural exchange and understanding. We should firmly believe that through transparent and compliant operations, we can win more people's understanding and support."

Then, she turned to the sensitive topic of data security and privacy protection. The charts and data on the PPT clearly showed TikTok's efforts and achievements in protecting user privacy, but doubts from the outside world continued.

“Regarding data security and privacy protection, this is one of the issues that users are most concerned about.”

Mao Yourong's tone revealed sincerity and calmness. "As you can see from the above data, TikTok always puts the protection of user data first. We strictly abide by the laws and regulations of various countries and adopt the most advanced encryption technology to ensure the security of user data. At the same time, we are also actively communicating with regulators and seeking their guidance and help to further enhance our data protection capabilities."

While talking about these difficulties and troubles, Mao Yourong did not forget to show TikTok's resilience and determination.

She mentioned that despite facing numerous challenges, the TikTok team has never given up its pursuit of dreams and persistence in innovation.

"Clap clap clap..."

Zhao Zixuan was the first to applaud, and then Li Zekai, Li Yanning and others followed suit. After the applause, Zhou Shouzi, the new CEO of Heguang Technology Group, sat next to Zhao Zixuan. At the latter's eye signal, he put forward his own opinion.

“I fully agree with Mr. Mao’s point of view.”

Zhou Shouzi's voice was clear and powerful. He looked around the conference room to make sure everyone could hear him. "The challenges TikTok is facing are undoubtedly huge, but as President Mao said, these challenges have not made us back down. On the contrary, they have inspired our fighting spirit and made us more determined to pursue our dreams and persist in innovation."

He paused, his eyes swept across the faces of the major investment representatives one by one, "I believe that the reason why TikTok has been able to rise rapidly around the world is that we have always maintained our passion for innovation and the ultimate pursuit of user experience. In the days to come, we will continue to uphold this concept, constantly optimize our products and improve our services, and make TikTok a social platform loved by more users."

Warm applause rang out again in the conference room. This applause was not only a recognition of Zhou Shouzi's speech, but also an expectation and blessing for the future of the TikTok team and the entire Heguang Technology Group.

Then, Ivanka, who had been silent, took the initiative to stand up and said: "Dear everyone, first of all, on behalf of our family, I would like to express my high appreciation for the perseverance and innovative spirit shown by the TikTok team. In this rapidly changing Internet era, TikTok has become an important bridge connecting young people around the world with its unique charm and global influence."

“TikTok has faced many challenges and hardships in its pursuit of dreams and innovation. But as you can see, these challenges have not made TikTok retreat, but instead have stimulated its stronger vitality and creativity. We deeply admire this and are willing to lend a hand to jointly push TikTok to new heights.”

“Here, on behalf of our family, I formally express our support for TikTok’s listing. We believe that TikTok’s listing will not only bring substantial returns to shareholders, but also inject new vitality into the development of the entire industry. However, our support is not unconditional. We hope that in the process of TikTok’s listing, the interests of all relevant parties, including but not limited to investors, employees and users, can be fully considered and respected.”

“I have a suggestion: when TikTok goes public, it could consider allocating more shares to partners who have long supported and believed in its vision. Such a move would not only enhance market confidence, but also promote close cooperation between TikTok and all parties to jointly create a better future.”

After saying this, Ivanka's blue eyes met Zhao Zixuan's. The silence at this moment seemed to carry thousands of words.

Zhao Zixuan didn't expect Ivanka to ask for such a high price at this time. He is still the largest shareholder of TikTok, so it is not impossible for him to make some concessions, but the other party's greedy behavior made him feel very passive and dissatisfied.

Just as Zhao Zixuan frowned and wanted to refute Ivanka, Zhou Shouzi suddenly interrupted and said, "Ms. Ivanka, I am very grateful for your recognition and support for our team, and I understand your desire to strengthen our partnership. However, equity distribution is a complex and sensitive issue that involves the long-term development of the company and the rights and interests of all shareholders. We need to carefully evaluate various factors, including market conditions, corporate strategy, and shareholder interests, in order to make decisions that best serve the overall interests of the company."

Ivanka looked at Zhou Shouzi and said with a half-smile, "Mr. Zhou, I heard that you used to work at Goldman Sachs? Then you should know the value of time. Please don't waste your time talking to me."

Zhou responded calmly: "Ms. Ivanka, you are right. Time is indeed very valuable. My work experience at Goldman Sachs has indeed made me deeply understand this. But precisely because time is valuable, we should be more cautious in handling every decision, especially important matters such as equity distribution that are related to the company's future. I am not wasting time, but ensuring that we can comprehensively and deeply consider all relevant factors in order to make the most beneficial decision for the company and all shareholders."

“We understand your desire to strengthen our partnership and respect your opinions. But let me reiterate that equity distribution is not just a numbers game. It involves the company’s governance structure, strategic direction, and the protection of the rights and interests of every shareholder. We hope to work with you and all our partners to find a solution that is both fair and can promote the long-term development of the company.”

Taking advantage of the gap between Ivanka and Zhou Shouzi's tit-for-tat, Mao Yourong quietly came behind Zhao Zixuan.

She lowered her voice and said, "Where did you find this new CEO? He is very eloquent! Much better than the previous Huang Youwei."

Zhao Zixuan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly when he heard that. He turned to look at Mao Yourong, and met those beautiful amber eyes, full of admiration and pride.

He responded: "Zhou Shouzi is indeed an outstanding talent. He not only has a solid foundation in business, but also has demonstrated great ability in communication and handling complex issues. It is a great honor for our team to have him join this time."

"As for Huang Youwei," Zhao Zixuan said with a hint of emotion, "she also has her own strengths and contributions, and I am grateful for her efforts in the past. But the company's development requires fresh blood and new ideas, and Zhou Shouzi's joining is to help us better cope with future challenges."

Mao Yourong nodded in agreement.

She said softly, "It seems that you have a unique vision. Zhou Shouzi's performance is indeed impressive. However, Ivanka is not easy to deal with. Her greed is not so easy to get rid of."

Zhao Zixuan sighed softly after hearing this: "Indeed, Ivanka is a strong and ambitious partner. Her request...may also come from her family. If we can meet her father in person and have a deep chat, then it is not impossible to give up some of the benefits appropriately."

He took a deep breath and continued, "However, I also have my bottom line and principles. On the issue of equity distribution, I will insist that the long-term interests of the company and the rights of all shareholders are not harmed. At the same time, I will actively communicate with Ivanka to seek a solution acceptable to both parties. After all, cooperation is based on mutual benefit and win-win results. I believe that through sincere dialogue and efforts, both sides will always be able to find that balance point."

Although this two-hour meeting was full of twists and turns and dialogues, it ultimately achieved substantial results.

After the meeting, Zhao Zixuan and Ivanka signed a strategic agreement contract.

The content of the cooperation agreed by both parties not only reflects the Ivanka family's recognition of TikTok's market potential, but also demonstrates Zhao Zixuan and his team's firm determination to list the company. After the election, the Ivanka family will do its utmost to help TikTok promote its listing plan, which will undoubtedly bring more resources and support to TikTok and accelerate its listing process.

Zhao Zixuan's promise to trade 5% of TikTok's shares to the other party according to the market value at that time after the successful listing of TikTok reflects his integrity and generosity in business cooperation. This promise not only allows the Ivanka family to see the potential returns of the cooperation, but also strengthens their trust and respect for Zhao Zixuan and his team.

The signing of this strategic agreement contract marks an important step in the cooperation between TikTok and the Ivanka family.

In the future, the two parties will work together to jointly meet market challenges and promote the rapid development of TikTok globally.

At the same time, this contract will also bring more confidence and expectations to TikTok's shareholders. I believe that under the leadership of Zhao Zixuan, TikTok will surely achieve even more brilliant achievements. (End of this chapter)

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