Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 320 Brother Lao Ma Feng Qingyang!

On that sleepless night, the starry sky seemed to be holding its breath as an election drama that was enough to shake the world came to a quiet end.

Major news organizations were like awakened monsters, scrambling to capture and disseminate every detail of this political storm, turning it into shocking news that swept social news networks around the world.

Especially on the TikTok platform, all kinds of videos and comments are like brilliant fireworks, full of both playfulness and awe, announcing the arrival of a new era.

On the eve of the election, the world's major mainstream media were like ancient prophets, grasping the double-edged sword of polls and confidently predicting that Hillary would win.

However, when the final results came out, all the predictions came to naught, leaving only the stunned expressions of the people and the astonished eyes of the media.

This unexpected turn of events, like a sudden storm, made people wonder:
Is there something wrong with the polls, or are the times undergoing profound changes?
For a time, discussions about polls and scandals spread like wildfire, spreading to every corner of major social media platforms.

People are beginning to reflect on what is real and what is an illusion in an age of information overload.

At the center of this storm stands a legendary businessman who seems like the chosen one.

In an unconventional manner, he waved the banner of populism and crossed the thorny road of traditional capitalism. His anti-immigration voices and anti-globalization speeches resounded like a clarion call, awakening many neglected groups.

He skillfully uses social media, such as Heguang Technology and Twitter, to convey his voice directly to every ordinary person and establish spiritual bonds.

With the inauguration of the new leader, the landscape of the United States and even the world has undergone subtle changes. The Ivanka family quickly took a series of measures, including adjustments to trade policies and immigration law reforms, each of which touched sensitive nerves at home and abroad. Although these policies are controversial, they have also stimulated unprecedented social discussion and reflection.

At the same time, a new force is quietly rising.

A group of young innovators witnessed the changes in the new era, and they felt both respect and dissatisfaction. They began to use the Internet, especially emerging platforms such as the short video APP under Heguang Technology, to spread their ideas in a more innovative and popular way, trying to break the old rules and bring a fresh wind of change to the United States and the world.

On this day, Ivanka released a short video through TikTok, sharing her vision of the future world - a more inclusive, equal and sustainable world.

The video quickly went viral and resonated around the world.

Ivanka, as the spokesperson of the new era, has become the light of hope in the eyes of many people.

As time went on, Ivanka and her team gradually gathered a force that could not be ignored. They began to hold events online and offline, attracting more and more young people to join them.

At a national youth political forum, Ivanka delivered a passionate speech, calling on everyone to use the power of technology to connect every heart and create a better future together.

This speech was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

The sails of the new era have been raised, and Ivanka and her partners are riding the wind and waves, moving towards an unknown but hopeful future. In this torrent of change, the mark of the Ivanka family era will remain forever, becoming a source of motivation for future generations to reflect and move forward.

During the period, Zhao Zixuan attended the speech as the president of TikTok, and he was accompanied by business tycoons such as Musk, Li Zekai, and Shan Jianwei.

Moreover, Zhao Zixuan also took this opportunity to meet the legendary Feng Qingyang of Alibaba - Lao Ma Ge - face to face for the first time.

In such an era full of uncertainty and hope, Zhao Zixuan's attendance as the president of TikTok not only highlights the important role of short video social media platforms in shaping global public opinion and promoting social change, but also foreshadows a closer cooperative relationship between short video social media giants and business leaders.

The appearance of Zhao Zixuan added more business wisdom and technological innovation to this youth political forum.

His participation is not only a recognition of the ideas advocated by Ivanka and her team, but also a profound reflection on how future technology can better serve society and promote global communication and understanding.

At the forum, Zhao Zixuan shared how TikTok optimizes content distribution through algorithms, promotes the exchange and collision of diverse viewpoints, and how to use big data and artificial intelligence technologies to better understand user needs, thereby promoting positive social development.

This series of measures reflects TikTok's commitment to building an open and inclusive digital community.

The business tycoons who attended the forum with Zhao Zixuan also made their own speeches. Their presence on the same stage brought a cross-industry collision of ideas to the forum.

As a pioneer in electric vehicles, space exploration and renewable energy, Musk’s insights will undoubtedly focus on how technological innovation can lead to future lifestyles and solve global challenges;

Li Zekai and Shan Jianwei discussed topics such as corporate social responsibility and sustainable development based on their experiences in their respective fields, contributing more diverse perspectives to the forum.

Of course.

The most noteworthy thing is the first public confrontation between Zhao Zixuan and Lao Ma.

This is not only a personal exchange between two industry leaders, but also a symbol of the integration of domestic Internet and the global technology ecosystem.

Ma is world-renowned for his unique business philosophy and foresight. His sharing will undoubtedly inspire more young people to be innovative, responsible and contribute to building a better world.

Under the spotlight, Zhao Zixuan and Lao Ma Ge stood on the stage, facing the audience and media reporters. On the screen behind them, some inspiring video clips on TikTok were played, which conveyed positive messages and positive energy.

A beautiful blonde host introduced with a smile: "Thank you all for coming. Next, we will have the honor of witnessing a conversation between two industry leaders. Please welcome Mr. Zhao Zixuan, President of TikTok, and Mr. Feng Qingyang, Founder of Alibaba Group, to the stage!"

Zhao Zixuan first exchanged glances with Lao Ma Ge, and then said calmly: "I am very honored to share my ideas with you here. Today, we will not only talk about how technology changes our lives, but also explore how to use the power of technology to promote the positive development of society."

Ma: "Mr. Zhao said it very well. The speed of technological development is far beyond our imagination, but it should serve humanity, not control it. We need to ensure that technology can bring real value, rather than just pursue profits."

Zhao Zixuan: "I totally agree. At TikTok, we have been working hard to create a healthy and positive community environment through algorithms and technology. We believe that everyone's voice should be heard and everyone's story should be told."

Ma: “This is very important. When Alibaba was founded, our vision was to make it easy for small businesses to do business globally. Today, we see platforms like TikTok doing something similar, which is to enable ordinary people to shine.”

Zhao Zixuan: "Indeed. One of our goals is to use big data and artificial intelligence technology to better understand user needs and provide a more personalized experience. This will encourage more innovative content creation and promote cultural diversity and inclusion." Lao Ma Ge: "Speaking of innovation, I am curious about how TikTok maintains its innovation, especially in the face of fierce market competition."

Zhao Zixuan: “This is a very good question. We believe that innovation is not only a technological breakthrough, but also an understanding of user experience. We encourage employees to come up with bold ideas and give them the opportunity to realize them. In addition, we also attach great importance to user feedback, which is the driving force for us to continuously improve our products.”

Ma: “This is very important. Alibaba also emphasizes listening to the voice of customers. I believe that the key to success, whether in e-commerce or social media, lies in continuous innovation and serving every user well.”

Zhao Zixuan: "Indeed. We are also committed to protecting user privacy and data security, which is also one of the important factors for TikTok to gain user trust. We believe that only when trust is established can a long-term relationship be established."

Ma: "Trust is the cornerstone of all successful businesses. Alibaba has always adhered to this in its development. Whether internally or externally, we strive to be transparent and honest."

Moderator: "Thank you very much for sharing. Your words have brought us a lot of inspiration. Last question, do you have any advice for the young entrepreneurs present?"

Zhao Zixuan: "I think the most important thing is to have passion and determination. There will be many difficulties on the road to entrepreneurship, but as long as you persevere, you will be able to overcome them. At the same time, you must have the courage to accept failure, because every failure is an opportunity for growth."

Ma: "I agree with Mr. Zhao's advice. I would also like to add that you need to have a vision. Entrepreneurs need to see the future, not just the present. And don't forget to give back to society. Successful entrepreneurs should be part of society and contribute to it."

The applause was thunderous and lasted for a long time, as if it was a warm response to the profound insights and sincere sharing of the two industry leaders on the stage.

The audience was not only moved by Zhao Zixuan and Lao Ma's unique insights into technology, innovation and social responsibility, but also infected by the positive energy and confidence in the future they conveyed.

The host smiled and waved gracefully, letting the applause die down.

She continued, "Thank you Mr. Zhao Zixuan and Mr. Feng Qingyang for your wonderful sharing. As industry leaders, every word they say is full of wisdom and power. This is undoubtedly a valuable asset for the young entrepreneurs present. Let us once again give them a warm round of applause to thank them for their generous teachings!"

As another round of applause rang out, Zhao Zixuan and Lao Ma smiled at each other and bowed deeply to the audience, expressing their gratitude and humility.

At this moment, the stage and the audience seemed to merge into one, witnessing together a wonderful moment about dreams, innovation and responsibility.

With the successful conclusion of the forum, Zhao Zixuan and Lao Ma bowed to express their gratitude on the stage, then slowly walked off the stage and prepared to leave the venue.

Zhao Zixuan was about to go to the lounge when he was stopped by Lao Ma.

Old Ma looked unsatisfied and said, "Mr. Zhao, wait a minute, I want to talk to you privately, are you free today?"

Zhao Zixuan thought for a moment and responded, "Of course, Mr. Ma, what's the matter?"

Ma smiled and said, "Actually, I have a suggestion. I wonder if it's convenient for you, Mr. Zhao. We can find a time to have a meal together and chat. I want to hear about your future plans and cooperation for TikTok, and I also want to share some of my personal experiences and ideas with you."

Zhao Zixuan nodded slightly, "Oh, that's great, Mr. Ma. I'd also be happy to have the opportunity to communicate with you further. But, when would it be convenient for you?"

Old Ma said without hesitation: "How about this, tonight? I know a nice restaurant with a quiet environment, suitable for a conversation like this."

Zhao Zixuan agreed, "That's fine by me tonight. Let's make it a deal then."


Later, the two sides came to a small restaurant on the edge of the city. It was far away from the hustle and bustle, and the environment was elegant, which was very suitable for in-depth conversation.

Inside the restaurant.

After both parties sat down, Ma Ge was accompanied by several familiar faces, who were one of the 18 Arhats in the early days of Alibaba, all men, while Zhao Zixuan was accompanied by Li Yanning and Mao Yourong, both women. This combination made the atmosphere particularly interesting.

Ma was the first to speak: "Mr. Zhao, I'm glad you're here. These are some of my old comrades, also veterans of Alibaba, Lao Cai, Zhang Yong..."

Ma introduced several veterans around him one by one. They were all the backbone of Alibaba in its early days.

Zhao Zixuan looked at them seriously and said, "It's a great honor to meet all of you seniors. This is my partner Li Yanning, she is the granddaughter of Li Chaoren, and the other is TikTok's CEO, Mao Yourong. They have given me great support in the process of starting my business."

Li Yanning introduced herself gracefully: "Hello everyone, I am Li Yanning. I am currently working on the development of artificial intelligence. Swallow AI is the company that Zixuan and I co-founded."

Mao Yourong followed closely: "I am Mao Yourong, currently serving as the CEO of TikTok."

While waiting for the food to be served, everyone started a relaxed conversation.

Zhang Yong, who was sitting next to Ma, took the initiative to bring up the topic: "Mr. Zhao, TikTok has done a great job. Especially in content management and technological innovation, you have done an excellent job."

Zhao Zixuan knew that this person was the future CEO of Alibaba, and he responded enthusiastically: "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Zhang. We have been working hard and hope to provide users with a better experience."

Zhang Yong added: "I noticed that TikTok also attaches great importance to social responsibility, such as the youth protection plan you recently launched. This is very important, especially in this era of information explosion."

Zhao Zixuan nodded slightly. "Yes, we realize that as a platform with a large user base, we have the responsibility to guide a healthy online environment. This is why, while optimizing the algorithm, we also pay great attention to content review and management."

Mao Yourong added: "We are constantly optimizing the recommendation system, hoping to allow users to see more valuable content and reduce the impact of negative information. We also attach great importance to user privacy protection, which is the basis for us to win user trust."

Ma looked at Mao Yourong deeply and praised: "No wonder TikTok has developed so well. There are really many talented people around Mr. Zhao! By the way, I heard that TikTok is preparing to go public on the Nasdaq. Has the specific listing time been determined?" (End of this chapter)

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