Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 325 There is also a gap in gold!

As TikTok's stock code continued to flash on the huge electronic screen of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, the price soared like a rocket and climbed rapidly. Every second's beat affected the heartbeat of everyone present.

This scene not only ignited the enthusiasm of the audience, but also conveyed this excitement to hundreds of millions of viewers around the world through the screen, triggering deafening exclamations and thunderous applause.

Zhao Zixuan, the founder of TikTok, was wearing a custom-made dark suit. He stood in the center of the crowd, surrounded by many passionate and proud employees.

Reporters and media came in like a tide, flash lights flashed one after another, freezing this moment in eternity.

Zhao Zixuan remained calm and composed in the face of a series of sharp and passionate questions. His words were full of confidence and humility:
“We are honored to receive the recognition and support of the market. Today, TikTok’s success belongs to every user, to the young people who light up this platform with their creativity and passion. We will continue to be committed to providing users with a better experience, connecting the world, and inspiring unlimited creativity.”

A beautiful blonde reporter asked: "Mr. Zhao, TikTok has achieved such amazing results in a short period of time. What are your plans for the company's globalization strategy in the future? Especially in the face of different cultures and market differences, how will TikTok maintain its unique charm and continue to attract users?"

Zhao Zixuan smiled and responded: "Globalization is an integral part of TikTok. We are well aware that each country and region has its own unique cultural background and market needs. In order to better integrate into and serve global users, we will continue to deepen our localization strategy and ensure that every user can see high-quality content that suits their interests and culture on their homepage through algorithm optimization and continuous upgrading of the content recommendation system."

“At the same time, we will actively seek cooperation with local creators, artists and cultural institutions to jointly promote cultural exchange and integration. By hosting online and offline events, challenges and other forms, we will inspire the creative enthusiasm of global users and make TikTok a bridge connecting different cultures and promoting understanding and respect.”

“In addition, we will continue to invest in technological innovation, using cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data to continuously improve user experience and create a more personalized and interactive short video social environment for users. I believe that through these efforts, TikTok will be able to continue to maintain its unique charm around the world and attract and retain more users.”

Zhao Zixuan's answer won warm applause from the reporters and media present. Everyone nodded in agreement and were full of expectations for the future of TikTok.

After the applause and flash cameras died down, a reporter with a sense of humor raised his hand and tried to change the subject in a lighthearted way.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Zhao, we have just witnessed the glorious moment of TikTok. Now let's relax a little and talk about your personal life. May I ask when you plan to turn this success into another 'big gift' in your life? For example, when can we hear the good news of your marriage?"

Zhao Zixuan shook his head slightly, and answered in a way that protected privacy while maintaining grace: "Thank you very much for your concern. I am only 20 years old now, and it is too early to talk about marriage. Moreover, I prefer to focus on building deep interpersonal relationships and pursuing personal and career growth."

"There are several special women here today who are very important people in my life. I am blessed to have received their support and love in different ways. But I want to emphasize that our relationship goes beyond traditional definitions and is based on mutual respect, understanding and deep affection. I cherish every moment with them and am grateful for their companionship in my journey."

After Zhao Zixuan finished speaking, the atmosphere at the scene became more warm and harmonious. The reporters seemed to be moved by his sincere and profound answer, and they all looked at him with understanding and respect.

At this time, a female reporter stood up, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and admiration: "Mr. Zhao, your answer is very touching. In such a fast-paced, high-pressure industry, it is rare to be able to cherish interpersonal relationships and pursue personal growth. So, for those young people who are also struggling to pursue their dreams, do you have any advice or words of advice?"

Zhao Zixuan leaned forward and spoke eloquently: "To all the young people who are pursuing their dreams, I want to say, first of all, please keep your passion and persistence for your dreams. No matter how many difficulties and challenges you encounter, don't give up easily. Because it is these experiences that make us more resilient and mature."

"Secondly, learn to balance work and life. Success is not just career achievement, but also a comprehensive reflection of personal growth, family happiness, friendship and other aspects. Remember to leave time for yourself to enjoy the beauty of life and care for the people around you."

“Finally, keep an open mind and a passion for continuous learning. The world is constantly changing, with new technologies and new ideas emerging one after another. Only by continuous learning can we keep up with the pace of the times, constantly break through ourselves, and achieve greater value.”

There was thunderous applause.

The reporters nodded one after another, and some even took out their notebooks to take careful notes.

At this moment, they are not only recording the success story of an entrepreneur, but also absorbing valuable wisdom about dreams, life and growth.


As the listing ceremony came to an end, Zhao Zixuan, accompanied by many employees, left the Nasdaq Stock Exchange in a grand manner.

As TikTok's stock continued to rise and set new highs, in an extremely private high-end club, Zhao Zixuan gritted his teeth and received Li Yanning and He Jieyu, two equally outstanding and beautiful daughters of wealthy families.

After the three of them sat down, no one spoke first, as if they were all waiting for something.



Li Yanning and He Jieyu opened their mouths almost at the same time, but when they saw that the other wanted to speak, they closed their mouths at the same time.

There is some apologetic meaning.

Zhao Zixuan saw this and sighed, "Let me speak first. As things have developed to this point, I feel that there are some things I need to explain to you clearly. In fact, I am a non-marriage advocate..."

Zhao Zixuan's voice echoed in the quiet space, breaking the original silence.

He swept his eyes gently over the faces of Li Yanning and He Jieyu, his eyes showing both apology and unquestionable sincerity.

"I know that my decision may surprise you, or even disappoint you. But it is the result of my careful consideration and my truest thoughts in my heart."

Zhao Zixuan continued, "Not getting married doesn't mean I don't desire to love and be loved, nor does it mean I avoid responsibility. On the contrary, it makes me cherish the pure and deep emotional connection between you all even more."

He paused, as if organizing his next words, making sure that every word could accurately convey his meaning.

"Yan Ning, I'm sorry that I took advantage of you before because of Jiang Qian. In fact, our relationship has long surpassed simple partners or friends and has become an indispensable existence in each other's lives. I am grateful to you and respect you, and I hope that our relationship can continue to develop freely in this way."

Then, Zhao Zixuan turned his gaze to He Jieyu, with a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

"Jieyu, my dear sister, your appearance has brought unprecedented color and warmth to my life. Your kindness, innocence, and love for life have deeply touched me. I know that you may be looking forward to a more traditional commitment and future, but please believe that although I am not married, I am willing to use all my enthusiasm and loyalty to protect our feelings and make it last forever like a long stream of water."

Zhao Zixuan's words were full of understanding and tolerance. He tried to give the two women the greatest comfort and respect while respecting his own beliefs.

He knew very well in his heart that such a confession was not easy to accept, but he believed that sincerity and communication were the best ways to solve problems.

Li Yanning and He Jieyu listened quietly, with complex emotions flashing in their eyes. From the initial shock and confusion to the later relief and understanding, they gradually realized that although Zhao Zixuan's decision was unexpected, it was a manifestation of his responsibility for his own life.

Finally, He Jieyu broke the silence first. She smiled and said to Zhao Zixuan, "Brother, I respect your choice. No matter what your decision is, you are my best brother. We have experienced so much together, and this relationship will not change because of anything." Zhao Zixuan felt warm in his heart. He knew that He Jieyu could understand and accept his decision, which made him relieved.

Then he turned to Li Yanning, his eyes full of anticipation and anxiety, hoping to get some response from her.

At this moment, Li Yanning's expression seemed a little complicated. She had always been a traditional and proud woman, and deep in her heart she had always longed for the moment when she and Zhao Zixuan would enter the marriage palace. But the current situation made her fall into deep thought.

Zhao Zixuan waited patiently for Li Yanning's reaction. He knew that this was not an easy decision to accept, but he hoped that they could all understand his position.


Li Yanning finally spoke, with a hint of hesitation in her voice, "I need some time to digest all this. I always thought we would have a happy ending, but now..."

There was a hint of helplessness and hesitation in her words.

Zhao Zixuan said softly: "Yan Ning, I can understand how you feel. I know it's hard, but what I want to say is that no matter how our relationship is defined, my feelings for you will never change. I hope we can find a way that we can both accept and move on."

Li Yanning's eyes reddened slightly as she listened to Zhao Zixuan's words, but she tried to stay calm.

She knew very well that emotional entanglements could not be resolved overnight, but required time and patience to slowly sort out.

"Zixuan, give me some time, I will seriously consider it."

Li Yanning's voice was soft but revealed her determination. "I need to think about not only our relationship, but also my own expectations and plans for my future life. I hope that no matter what the outcome, we can maintain respect and understanding for each other."

Zhao Zixuan nodded, feeling both relieved and uneasy.

He understood that it would take time for Li Yanning to accept it, and all he could do was to give her enough space and support.

"Yan Ning, I respect your decision."

Zhao Zixuan's words were full of sincerity and determination. "However, I also hope that we can continue to maintain good communication, both for work and for our relationship."

Li Yanning nodded slightly and left with disappointment and sadness.

When only Zhao Zixuan and He Jieyu were left in the room, the rich girl, who had been forcing herself to remain calm, could no longer hold back her longing for him. With tears streaming down her face, she ran up to him and threw her whole body around him in a big bear hug.

"Brother, I miss you so much! Wuuwuwu..."

Zhao Zixuan was caught off guard by the sudden hug, but he quickly responded to He Jieyu gently.

He patted her back gently, soothing her emotions, as if telling her that everything would be fine.

"Good sister, I miss you too."

Zhao Zixuan's voice was low and warm, full of love for He Jieyu, "I know this period of time is also very sad for you, but please believe that we will get through this difficult time together."

He Jieyu found a moment of peace in Zhao Zixuan's arms. She hugged him tightly, as if she was afraid that she would lose the warmth if she let go.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she finally held them back. She knew that now was not the time to cry, but the time to be strong and face it.

"Brother, I know you are a responsible person. You must have your reasons for your decision."

He Jieyu raised her head and looked at Zhao Zixuan with her eyes sparkling with tears. "I will support you and respect your choice. However, I also hope that you can understand my feelings. I really like you and care about you very much."

Zhao Zixuan looked at He Jieyu's sincere eyes and a warm feeling surged in his heart.

He was well aware that He Jieyu's feelings for him were sincere and deep, which made him both moved and guilty.

He stroked her hair gently and said softly: "Good sister, I know your feelings. I am also grateful for your company and support all the time. However, our relationship is very complicated. I hope you can give me some time to let me deal with it all."

He Jieyu nodded slightly. Although the reluctance and uneasiness in her heart had not completely dissipated, she chose to firmly believe in Zhao Zixuan.

"Brother, how are you going to explain this to my mom? She's not as easy to fool as I am."

There was a hint of playfulness in He Jieyu's words, trying to ease the atmosphere in a relaxed way.

Zhao Zixuan smiled bitterly when he heard this, then he scratched He Jieyu's upturned nose lovingly and said with a smile: "What do you mean by fooling? In your eyes, have I always been fooling you?"

He Jieyu winked playfully and responded in a disapproving tone: "Humph, I've experienced your sweet talk before. It's no problem to make people dizzy."

Zhao Zixuan deliberately frightened her and said, "Okay, then I will continue to fool you. I will fool you for the rest of my life. Are you afraid?"

A bright smile blossomed on He Jieyu's lips. "You said it, don't go back on your word!"


Zhao Zixuan hesitated for a moment, then stopped joking and said seriously, "My dear sister, I really need to think about how to explain to your mother. But I will try my best to be sincere and frank with her and tell her the truth about us. I believe that as long as we can keep communicating, she will eventually understand us."

He Jieyu snuggled in Zhao Zixuan's arms, feeling the warmth and peace of mind. She whispered softly, "Brother, I believe in you." (End of this chapter)

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