Chapter 45: Go all in on the trip to Macau!

With the end of the World Cup group stage, the high school students of No. 3 Middle School also ushered in a two-month long summer vacation.

Before the knockout round, in order to maximize his benefits, Zhao Zixuan specially applied for a passport, and then booked a plane ticket on the 28th, first to Zhuhai and then to Haojiang.

When Zhao Zixuan arrived in Haojiang and prepared to check into the hotel, it was exactly 9: in the evening.

There are two quarter-final elimination matches in the early morning of the 29th.

One game is between Brazil and Chile, which will be played at 0 o'clock.

The other match is between Colombia and Uruguay, which starts at 4 a.m.

In order to exchange enough cash, Zhao Zixuan spent a little money and found a channel to hastily exchange a full 500 million Hong Kong dollars.

The current exchange rate is 1 Hong Kong dollar to 0.79 RMB. Because it goes through underground channels, the exchange rate is even lower.

Because he was pressed for time, Zhao Zixuan only had time to place bets with two giant gambling companies.

If he followed the original plan, he intended to place bets in batches on at least four or even five gambling giants.

His betting choice is two-in-one, and he only chooses the games tomorrow morning.

Brazil 1-1 Chile, score betting.

Colombia vs Uruguay, betting on the outcome.

Because he didn't remember the score of the second game, Zhao Zixuan could only make the safest betting choice.

The odds of the two companies were also different. It might be that he left his data when he placed a bet with the first company, which caused the odds to drop when he placed a bet with the second company.

However, the overall odds are still higher than those on the online platform.

This is exactly why he came all the way to Macau to place his bets.

The main feature is high odds.

The first company offered a two-in-one odds of up to 12 times. Although the second company's odds dropped a lot, it was still barely close to 10 times.

A bet of 500 million Hong Kong dollars can be exchanged for a bonus of more than 5000 million Hong Kong dollars. Who wouldn’t be tempted?
Of course.

Zhao Zixuan still had a large amount of funds on other platforms, and he was not idle. He kept a portion of the funds for himself as a safe haven, and threw all the rest of the funds into the match between Brazil and Chile.

Yes, with this amount of funds of 5000 million, he only bought one score, without any connecting performances, and the main focus was on speed, accuracy and ruthlessness.

After 5000 million was bet on, the score level dropped almost drastically to 1:1. When all the bets were placed, the total prize money Zhao Zixuan could get was only 1 million.

He thought that there was something wrong with the odds, and it was very likely that because of his frequent profits, his account was restricted from high odds by the backend administrator.

it's fine.

Zhao Zixuan has now arrived in Haojing. The football betting here is reasonable and legal. There is no shortage of high-odds companies you can find. Why should he hang himself on these short-sighted and stingy online platforms?

After placing the bet, Zhao Zixuan secretly decided not to use these online platforms for betting in the future, unless they took the initiative to raise their odds. Then maybe he would be interested in playing again.

He cashed out all the remaining idle funds and prepared to take profits.

Because the fund operations were frequent and the amounts were too huge, the bank's risk control personnel called several times in a row.

At first, Zhao Zixuan patiently explained, giving some unfounded reasons and excuses. Later, he got anxious and casually said that he was in Haojiang and they might meet on the rooftop at any time. The person on the other end immediately understood and hung up the phone.

At 23:30, Zhao Zixuan booked a luxury suite at the largest hotel in the area.

However, he did not choose to stay in his room and watch TV. Instead, before the game started at 0 o'clock, he went to a lively but relatively quiet and comfortable bar nearby.

Then, he sat down to drink, eat, and wait silently for the first World Cup match to begin.


Zhao Zixuan had just sat down and his butt was barely warm when he suddenly received a text message on his 5S phone.

——Have you come to Haojiang?

The sender was He Jieyu's mobile phone number. Zhao Zixuan never expected that his classmate, who had disappeared for so many days without replying to messages or answering calls, would send such an explosive text message right after he came back...

Could it be that the rumor that my deskmate is a descendant of the Macau gambling king is not groundless?

Zhao Zixuan had some suspicions in his mind, but he was not sure, so he edited a text message and replied to He Jieyu.

——How do you know? You are also in Haojiang?

There seemed to be no response from the other end of the phone. He Jieyu never replied to any messages and didn't answer the phone calls.

Afterwards, Zhao Zixuan felt as if a stone was pressing on his heart, and stared at the big screen in the bar with a dazed look.

The World Cup knockout stage officially kicked off when the clock struck midnight.

Just 18 minutes later, exciting news came that the Brazilian team scored the first goal, changing the score to 1-0.

At this moment, the bar seemed to have turned into a carnival place for the Samba Army.

Countless spectators seemed to have turned into cheerleaders, their enthusiasm burning like flames.

Swaying their bodies to the cheerful music, they kept raising their glasses and drinking. The joyful atmosphere permeated every corner, infecting everyone present.

Zhao Zixuan was also infected, but he did not go to the dance floor to sway with the others. Instead, he ordered an iced drink and drank it in one gulp.

Maybe it's the reason why I come to the bar but don't drink.

In this bar full of dim lights, Zhao Zixuan's figure seems a little abrupt.

He sat alone at the bar, with various drinks in the glasses in front of him.

His behavior aroused the curiosity of those around him. It is an instinctive human desire to explore and find unknown stories in the darkness.

The two mixed-race girls are like fairies in the night, graceful and with irresistible charm.

At this time, they sat on Zhao Zixuan's left and right, as if they wanted to completely integrate him into this blurry world.

Their tone of voice was like a trickle of water, gentle and lingering.

However, the Portuguese melody sounded like the sound of nature to Zhao Zixuan, strange and charming.

He stared at them blankly, unable to speak for a moment.

One of the mixed-race girls seemed to sense his confusion and smiled, changing the language.

This time it was English, that familiar yet unfamiliar language, which made Zhao Zixuan feel a little comforted.

He tried hard to understand every word and every sentence, and although communication was a bit difficult, he still tried his best to respond.

The lights from the bar cast a golden halo over them.


A glass of unknown foreign wine was pushed to Zhao Zixuan's lips.


A toast invitation from a mixed-race girl.

Zhao Zixuan hesitated whether he should drink or not, because his young body had never drunk alcohol. What if he got drunk?
"Don't you know how to drink?"

A tall and beautiful girl with a figure comparable to that of a model, speaking Mandarin with a Sichuan and Chongqing accent, suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Zixuan.

"Do you need my help to get out of this situation?"

There was a hint of mischief in her lively eyes, and a hint of kindness and cunning appeared in a trance.

Just a glance at each other makes it hard to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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