Chapter 72 Li's City
As we all know, Hong Kong, this prosperous and dazzling city, is affectionately called "Lee's City" by its proud residents.

Behind this nickname lies a glorious history belonging to Hong Kong and the Li family.

Zhao Zixuan once accidentally found a composition written by an elementary school student on the Internet. What flowed between the childish words was the deep "love" for this land.

——"The City of the Li Family"

Today, the temperature seemed to be 300 degrees. I was soaked, so I walked into the Songfu Shopping Center to escape the heat. As soon as I stepped into the mall, a cool breeze hit my heart. I felt like I had climbed from a furnace of thousands of degrees to the peak of the North Pole. I felt refreshed.

There is a Watsons on the left and a ParknShop on the right. The two are the guards of this shopping mall, protecting every inch of land. When they step on the floor, it is like stepping on a golden bull, enjoying the feeling of swimming in gold and silver.

Watsons, ParknShop, Hutchison Telecom, 7-11, Wellcome...

Looking at each of the properties owned by Brother Cheng, I feel deeply moved.

All the shops in Hong Kong, no matter what type, are blessings and gifts brought to us by Brother Cheng.

Li Ka Shing is worthy of his name. Hong Kong is the Li family's city. He is our God and all things are created by him.

Of course, they are the legendary trinity of Hong Kong: Li Ka Shing, Richard Li and Richard Li.

Their strength far exceeds that of humans. They built a force field for Hong Kong, providing shelter for workers and protecting Hong Kong from typhoons and rainstorms. They have paid so much, just hoping that we can go to work on time and not leave on time.

This is all due to Cheng Ge’s greatness.


At that time, Zhao Zixuan had only one feeling after watching it.

What kind of elementary school taught these elementary school students?

Does your school still recruit primary school students?

The Li family’s city is not just an empty legend.

After all, Superman Li is the richest man in Asia, and his name was once prominent in the global rich list, ranking among the top ten.

To be honest, he felt very flattered that such a family and such a big boss could meet Zhao Zixuan.

However, he was once a small wealthy man with some knowledge.

Therefore, even though he was about to meet Li Zekai in person, he still remained calm and composed.

When talking about the Li family, we have to mention the eye-catching and timeless issue of property distribution.

Whether it is an ordinary family or a wealthy aristocrat, this is always a topic that cannot be avoided.


Under the wisdom of Hong Kong's richest man, Li Chaoren, everything seems so harmonious and wise.

As early as 2012, Li Chaoren had made a careful plan for the distribution of his property.

He handed over Cheung Kong Holdings, with a market value of HK$8500 billion, to his eldest son, Li Zeju, and handed over hundreds of billions of cash and working capital to his second son, Li Zekai.

Li Zeju took over 40% of Changjiang Shares and 22 listed companies from his father, with a market value of more than 8500 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Li Zekai started his career in telecommunications and media, but later shifted the focus of his career to investment and insurance.

Li Chaoren's real wealth comes from real estate, which is his biggest business.

Therefore, investment has always been the core of the Li family.

After the family division, some people felt sorry for Li Zekai, thinking that he lost to his brother Li Zeju in property distribution.

But in fact, whether it is Li Zeju or Li Zekai, they are the pride of Li Chaoren, and each is writing a glorious chapter belonging to the Li family in their respective fields.

Moreover, Zhao Zixuan believes that Li Zekai's strength and worth have always been seriously underestimated. As early as 2013, Li Zekai made an amazing decision and spent a huge amount of money to take over the business of ING Group. Then he snatched the insurance business of ING Group in Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia for US$21.4 billion.

Since then, Li Zekai's ambition has been fully revealed. He has made large-scale acquisitions of insurance businesses in Southeast Asian countries and integrated them into a company called FWD Insurance.

Even though the company has not yet gone public, its valuation is already ridiculously high.

In the future, the company will even go to the New York Stock Exchange to ring the bell.

In the future, Li Zekai will also control an investment fund of more than 900 billion US dollars in the United States.

This fund belongs entirely to his personal wealth, and every penny earned from the insurance business is carefully invested into the fund.

Later, it was reported that Li Zekai's assets were already catching up with those of his father, Li Chaoren. After all, in the insurance industry, those who are well versed in it know that this industry is really shady, but it also makes real money.


In the magnificent restaurant private room, Zhao Zixuan waited silently for Li Zekai's arrival.

Time seemed to be stretched, and every second was filled with doubt and expectation.

"Why hasn't your uncle arrived yet?"

Zhao Zixuan was talking with Li Yanning, and at the same time his heart was full of curiosity. He was eager to know the real purpose of Li Zekai's meeting with him.

However, Li Yanning seemed unwilling to delve deeper into this topic.

Whenever Zhao Zixuan tried to inquire, she would always cleverly change the subject. Her avoidance was like an invisible barrier that prevented him from touching the truth.

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon. By the way, Zixuan, should it be okay for me to call you Zixuan?"

Li Yanning's smile was elegant and gentle, making it difficult for Zhao Zixuan to refuse.

He nodded slightly, and Li Yanning continued, "Do you have any hobbies? If you are interested, maybe we can find a nice sunny day, call Brother Chang'an, and go sailing together or compete in archery at the shooting range."

Zhao Zixuan caught a hint of evasion in her words, but he remained silent.

He said calmly, "Forget about going out to sea. I'm not a landlubber. If I fall into the sea, ten lives won't be enough for me to explain."

Li Yanning suggested: "What about archery? You can give it a try. This sport is actually very interesting. I have loved archery since I was a child. Sometimes when I am in a bad mood, I go to the shooting range and shoot a few arrows, and all my troubles seem to disappear."

Zhao Zixuan asked back: "It does sound interesting. Do you have a shooting range with real guns? I think shooting with a gun should be more interesting than with a bow and arrow."

Li Yanning pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and said, "I know there are several shooting clubs that offer air gun shooting services. Do you know IPSC practical shooting? It's different from the restriction of wearing earmuffs for live ammunition shooting. If you are interested in air gun shooting, I can take you to experience it."

Zhao Zixuan was a little curious after hearing this because he had never touched a gun before, but he was also worried that this activity might hurt him.

After all, he didn't want to be the kind of person who accidentally killed himself while playing shooting.

So he asked, "What is that like? Is it dangerous?"

"In fact, air gun shooting is very safe. As long as you pay attention to the correct operation methods and techniques, there will be no accidents. Moreover, these shooting clubs have professional coaches and equipment. They will ensure that you can conduct shooting activities in a safe environment."

Li Yanning explained, "Of course, we also take some measures to ensure our safety, such as wearing specific protective clothing, using bulletproof helmets, etc."

The more Zhao Zixuan listened, the more interested he became. Just when he was about to learn more, the door of the private room was pushed open.

Li Zekai is here.

 Some readers said that the author is short, which is definitely the biggest slander!

  The author is a big dragon! Check out the 18th big dragon!
  If you stab me seriously, no one can stand it!
  Understand the applause!

(End of this chapter)

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