Chapter 75 The youngest billionaire!
Zhao Zixuan walked out of the bathroom and gently turned on the faucet. The cool water flowed over his fingertips. He raised his hand to scoop up water and wash away the fatigue on his face.

The residual warmth of the alcohol flowed through his body, making him deeply realize that his body was too young.

Because of youth.

So I can't drink much.

In the mirror, the blush on his face was faintly visible.

At this moment, he sensed a presence behind him.

"You haven't left yet?"

Zhao Zixuan glanced sideways and looked at the person in the mirror with some surprise.

The figure in the mirror remained silent, just looking at him quietly.

That was Li Yanning. Her face was slightly red, and her eyes were flashing with a mixture of confusion and clarity.

Zhao Zixuan approached her, "Are you really drunk? Do you need me to help you?"

Li Yanning shook her head gently, leaning her shoulders against the cold wall, her eyes fell on Zhao Zixuan's face.

"I have something to say to you. You can choose to listen or not."

Hearing this, Zhao Zixuan turned off the faucet and turned to face her, "Go ahead."

Li Yanning took a deep breath and said, "I hope you won't cooperate with my second uncle. He..."

The conversation stopped here.

Zhao Zixuan was a little surprised. At first he thought Li Yanning came to persuade him, but he didn't expect the result to be completely opposite to what he expected.


Li Yanning had no intention of explaining, and turned and left without caring whether Zhao Zixuan agreed or not, as if these words would always be a little secret between them.

Although Zhao Zixuan had doubts in his heart, he finally suppressed his curiosity and did not choose to dig deeper.

As Li Yanning said, you can choose to listen to her words or not.

This rich young lady is really considerate.

Zhao Zixuan followed Li Yanning's footsteps back to the private room. Although his steps were a little shaky, he was still clear-headed.

After sitting down again, he did not pick up the glass again.

Because he knew that if he drank any more, he would probably be intoxicated by the charming aroma of the wine.

The conversation that followed became dull.

Li Zekai tried several times to persuade Zhao Zixuan indirectly, but it was obvious that his determination was as solid as a rock.

For Zhao Zixuan, money is not everything, and he will not take unnecessary risks for that little bit of benefit.

Before we knew it, dinner was coming to an end.

Zhao Zixuan politely declined Li Zekai's offer to take him back to the hotel and chose to take a taxi back to the Lihao Hotel alone.

Before 10 o'clock in the evening, Zhao Zixuan returned to his hotel room.

He took a quick shower to wash away all the fatigue and smell of alcohol.

Then he lay on the sofa, waiting for the World Cup match he had been looking forward to in the early morning.

He originally planned to stay up late to watch the game, but the power of alcohol was too strong. He sat on the sofa, his eyelids gradually closed, and he fell asleep unknowingly.

When he woke up again, dawn was already breaking in the sky.

He checked his phone and saw that the screen was full of missed call notifications, all of which were blocked by his silent setting.

According to the call log, the most calls came at 3 a.m., with Li Zekai and Li Yanning calling especially frequently. At that time, the Argentine team's game should have just ended.

As expected, Argentina defeated Belgium with a goal.

This means that all of Zhao Zixuan’s bets were successful, with a total prize of up to 100 billion Hong Kong dollars!
That sudden sense of achievement and joy.

How can I describe it in one word! ?

Unfortunately, this joy cannot be shared with others. The only people who really know the inside story are probably Li Yanning and Li Zekai.

Is that why they keep calling me all night long?

With just three games, a fund of 2 million Hong Kong dollars was used to generate a huge fortune of 8000 billion Hong Kong dollars in just two days...

If there is such a pervert around you, who can remain calm?
However, what surprised Zhao Zixuan was that after he woke up, before he even had time to brush his teeth in the bathroom, Li Zekai, Li Yanning, Li Changan and others rushed into the lobby of Lihao Hotel.

Li Zekai even said in a high-sounding manner that since they came from afar, they were guests and that he would take Zhao Zixuan to have a good cruise in Hong Kong for a few days.

Zhao Zixuan originally planned to refuse this.

However, thinking of the Li family's powerful connections in Hong Kong, he finally decided to accompany Li Zekai for a few more days.

These days, taking advantage of the days when there are no World Cup matches, Zhao Zixuan quietly spent a huge amount of money to buy 20,000 bitcoins in one go at a well-known virtual currency exchange in Hong Kong.

The price of this transaction was slightly higher than the market price, with an average price of about HK$900 per Bitcoin, and a total cost of more than HK$1800 million.

For Zhao Zixuan, this price may seem a bit expensive now, but compared with the expected surge in Bitcoin's value in the future, this investment is just a drop in the bucket.

What he really values ​​is the ability to obtain such a large amount of Bitcoin at one time.

He stored the 20,000 bitcoins he obtained using a hardware wallet.

A hardware wallet is an offline device that can store private keys securely because it is not connected to the internet. Hardware wallets usually have protection and two-factor authentication features to ensure that only the owner can access the private keys.

Generally, you just import your private key into the hardware wallet and then place the hardware wallet in a safe location, such as a safe or secure storage device.

For safety reasons, Zhao Zixuan also set up a backup private key.

This was a suggestion made by the manager of the exchange. Zhao Zixuan's main point was to listen to advice and have a full meal.

He gave the backup copy to Li Zekai's insurance company for safekeeping.

Considering that Li Zekai's company happened to have this insurance business, and Zhao Zixuan himself was unwilling to go to the bank to handle it, he just went with the flow and did Li Zekai a favor.

The next day, at the enthusiastic invitation of Li Yanning and Li Changan, Zhao Zixuan was invited to a large shooting club in Hong Kong and experienced air rifle shooting for the first time in his life.

While playing with the gun, Zhao Zixuan learned that Li Changan would be enrolled in the imperial capital this fall, and would be enrolled in one of the top universities in the country, Peking University or Tsinghua University.

To be honest, it is hard to imagine just by looking at his appearance. Li Changan, whose eyes often reveal "clear stupidity", is actually a top student.

Later I found out that he was a native of the imperial capital.

As we all know, it is often easier for natives of the imperial capital to get into Peking University and Tsinghua University because the difficulty of their college entrance examination questions is simpler than those in other regions.

"Zixuan, what university are you going to apply to? Have you decided yet?"

After the shooting training was completed, Li Changan put down the air rifle in his hand and looked at Zhao Zixuan with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Li Yanning also put down the gun in her hand. Her eyes were full of curiosity. She stared at Zhao Zixuan, waiting for his answer.

Zhao Zixuan already had a plan in mind, but he did not reveal it all.

He said casually, "I haven't decided yet, but I will most likely go to a university in the imperial capital."

In his previous life, he chose the Magic City, and in this life, he wanted to try something new, so going to the Imperial City might be a good choice.

He doesn't want to spend his life in repetition all the time. He prefers freshness and unknown because it makes his life more dynamic.

(End of this chapter)

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