Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 89 The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!

Chapter 89 The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!

The goddess went to take a bath.

Zhao Zixuan was left alone and could only play by himself quietly.

Fortunately, his body is still young, and the desires in his heart rise and fall, but they can be nipped in the bud.

Let’s learn about the humble gentleman Liuxia Hui.

Zhao Zixuan felt that he was very much like Liuxia Hui now.

The heart is as clear as ice.

Sitting in the arms without confusion.

Zhao Zixuan managed to stay that night smoothly, the only drawback was that he had to stay in another guest room.

no way.

The door to the master bedroom is not open to outsiders.

To put it in the old saying - the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard.

Actually, Zhao Zixuan has always had a nonchalant attitude, and he mainly believes in going with the flow. He knows that some things cannot be forced, and trying too hard will only lose the most interesting mood and charm between men and women.

Love is good, but don't indulge in it too much~
To be honest, Zhao Zixuan currently prefers to pursue his career. Using his career to conquer everything is his deepest ambition.

When the first rays of morning light shone into the room, Zhao Zixuan woke up from the dream of Zhou Gong's daughter.

He lazily opened his mobile phone and was instantly shocked by the news on the screen: the Brazilian team lost to the Dutch team with a tragic score of 0 to 3.

Zhao Zixuan was not too surprised by this.

After all, in this World Cup, his prediction accuracy has reached an astonishing 99.99%. Basically every bet he places wins, which makes him a little numb.

Just then, the phone rang suddenly, breaking the tranquility of the early morning.

The caller's name was Li Zekai, the second son of the Li family who was far away in Southeast Asia. He called him long distance early in the morning.

On the other end of the phone, Li Zekai's voice was anxious and worried, and he repeatedly asked Zhao Zixuan whether the German team was the champion of this World Cup.

Zhao Zixuan couldn't help but feel a little regretful. He wondered why he had revealed the inside story of Germany's championship to this playboy in advance.

At this moment, he could only respond to Li Zekai's questioning helplessly, but secretly prayed in his heart that this World Cup could end smoothly.

Otherwise, the second son of the Li family would probably harass me endlessly.

Zhao Zixuan said he couldn't stand it at all.

"Let's end this damn World Cup!"

The call in his heart burst out like a violent storm, and he accidentally let it out in a loud shout.

Cheng Yuyan, who didn't know the inside story, thought that something had happened to him, and soon ran over and knocked on the door to ask what happened.

Zhao Zixuan had no explanation and just made up an excuse to cover it up.

Then, he got up, washed up, and ate two buns to get by. Then he went to Heguang Technology to check the progress of the work among the three project teams.

The app, which will be launched on September 9st, just got started on July 1th.

All I can say is that there is a long way to go!

2: p.m.

The sunlight shines through the window, casting dappled shadows into the conference room.

Zhao Zixuan glanced at the thirty-two members of Heguang Technology present. He took a deep breath, tapped the table lightly, and officially started this small meeting.

"Today, I hope you can share without reservation the problems you encounter at work."

Zhao Zixuan's voice echoed in the conference room, "We are a team. When faced with difficulties, we need to work together to find solutions."

Seeing that no one was talking, Huang Youwei was the first to step forward and offer some ideas.

She is the company's highly paid technical director, and there are some things only she can say.

"Mr. Zhao, our technical team is currently making good progress on all three projects. But I am worried that if we plan to launch three apps simultaneously on September 9, our servers may face tremendous pressure." Huang Youwei's eyes flashed with determination, and she said to Zhao Zixuan seriously, "I suggest that we upgrade the server in advance to prepare for possible challenges."

As Zhao Zixuan listened, he couldn't help but admire Huang Youwei's sharpness and foresight.

The money was not wasted!

He nodded slightly, his voice full of determination: "Mr. Huang's concerns are reasonable. Heguang Technology has never lacked funds. What we pursue is quality, not price. If anyone has a good server channel, please feel free to recommend it to me. What we need is a stable and efficient server to provide a strong backing for our app."

After his words, everyone gradually became more proactive and shared the financial difficulties they encountered at work one by one.

The atmosphere in the meeting room became heated.

Everyone felt Zhao Zixuan's determination and was full of confidence in their work.

They know that as long as they have such a team and leader, Heguang Technology will be able to meet any challenge and move towards a brighter future.

The meeting lasted until 5 pm.

After the meeting, some people were still reluctant to leave the office and spontaneously chose to work overtime.

At Heguang Technology, overtime is not just a simple investment of time, it has clear rewards - overtime pay, taxi fare reimbursement, midnight snack benefits, etc. These are substantial feedback for their hard work.

It is precisely these benefits that make many people choose to stay at their posts after the bell rings, rather than rushing home.

Of course, the driving force behind this is much more than that.

The most important reason is that time is tight and the task is heavy. Everyone must complete the app work in their hands before September 9st.

This is a silent competition, and no one wants to be the object of ridicule by other groups.

They are all elites from prestigious schools, and their self-esteem and sense of honor drive them not to show weakness in front of anyone.

Therefore, even though they are physically and mentally exhausted, they still choose to persevere, just to be able to proudly show their achievements in the final competition.

Zhao Zixuan glanced around the busy office and saw that everyone was full of fighting spirit, and he couldn't help feeling satisfied.

Just as he was about to leave, a familiar voice called him.

"Director Zhao!"

He turned around and saw the eye-catching figure - Pei Yuhan.

Zhao Zixuan smiled slightly. He remembered this top student who graduated from Jinghua University.

Pei Yuhan walked up to Zhao Zixuan, first secretly glanced at Cheng Yuyan beside him, and then smiled and invited Zhao Zixuan.

"Mr. Zhao, I have a small request. Are you free tonight?"

Zhao Zixuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Pei Yuhan with interest.

"Oh? Tell me."

Pei Yuhan said frankly: "Actually, I mainly want to treat you to a meal and ask you a few questions. But don't worry, these questions have nothing to do with work, they are purely trivial matters in my personal life."

Zhao Zixuan found this scene quite novel. Nowadays, there are actually employees who can't wait to treat their boss to a meal as soon as they start working?
He glanced at Cheng Yuyan, a playful smile on his face.

"Mr. Cheng and I are just about to go out for dinner. Since you're interested, why not come join us?" There was a hint of teasing and a hint of polite refusal in his words.

However, Pei Yuhan seemed not to hear his hidden meaning and agreed readily.

"Okay! Have you two chosen a restaurant? If not, why don't you go to the place I booked?"

She made the suggestion with a smile that was impossible to refuse.

Cheng Yuyan did think about refusing.

Unfortunately, Zhao Zixuan agreed in advance for her.

"Let's go, I'm hungry."

After Zhao Zixuan finished speaking, he walked forward first. The two beauties behind him looked at each other and followed his footsteps reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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