In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 115 When Jackie Chan asked Xiaoyu to stay here and not run around

Chapter 115: When Jackie Chan asked Xiaoyu to stay here and not run around...

The time came when Ron was watching Batman in the DC world.

It would be hard for Atreus not to be confused after suddenly coming from the remote and uninhabited Northern Europe to the bustling New York.

Early in the morning, Atreus walked out of the house and came to the door, looking curiously at the strange city in front of him.

For Atreus, this world was beyond his imagination. There were skyscrapers dozens or hundreds of meters high everywhere, and people were constantly coming and going on the streets. And their mounts, those things called cars. What energy did they use to run? Magic? Then why didn't I feel the breath of runes on them?

Squatting at the door, perhaps because everything in front of Atreus was beyond his imagination, Atreus was curious but also a little scared.

You can't blame Atreus for this. You know, during the time he lived in Midgard, Atreus' life was always in the barrier set up by his mother Laufey. Outside the barrier, except for a few scattered villages nearby, he had never been to other places. In addition, Kratos's personality made Atreus choose to give up under his father's control even if he wanted to explore the outside world.

Maybe I should find a way to bravely take the first step? After all, I am God!
Thinking of this, Atreus scratched his little head.

Although he already knew that he was a god, after Ron's education and criticism of Kratos' past, Atreus also realized that gods represent not only power and strength, but also responsibility.

The reason why his father hated God so much was because of his past experiences.

No wonder my father has been controlling his anger...

Atreus still remembered that when his mother was still alive, the two of them went out hunting again and encountered a group of berserkers. Those berserkers believed in wild runes. Although they were human, they fought like wild beasts relying on pure rage under the power of faith, and could transform into giant bears under the influence of totems.

They all fought through anger, but his father was at a disadvantage because he had to control his inner rage... I didn't know about his father's past before, so I didn't think it was a big deal. But now, knowing his father's past, Atreus found it hard to imagine that his father, who could kill even the gods at will, now had to be cautious when facing a group of berserkers.

Why did my father want to control his power? Wouldn't it be better to just release it directly... or was my father still afraid of those things in the past?

Still just a child, even though he knew the pain Kratos was suffering, Atreus still couldn't understand it.

This feeling is like the students who have not yet entered society and are taking exams in the classroom often write "low human resource costs and demographic dividend" on the test paper when they encounter questions about national advantages and feel proud of it. Some things, only after experiencing them will you find that what you think is completely different from what you think.

Come to think of it, Aunt Freya seemed to say that my mother was a giant? The last giant of Midgard? Does that mean I still have the blood of a giant in my body? But if that's the case, then I'm too short now, right? And my mother didn't seem to be very tall either...

Yes, he also said that he and his father would go to the highest mountain in the Nine Realms to scatter their ashes... Where is the highest mountain? If I remember correctly, Mimir seemed to have said that the highest mountain was in Jotunheim...

I heard that it is the hometown of all giants? Hmm... why didn't mom tell me about this? Does dad know...

Just when Atreus was still thinking about this and that, a girl's voice suddenly came from the side.

"Hey! You look like you're worried about something!"


Hearing the girl's voice, Atreus was stunned for a moment, then he looked around, and finally lowered his head, and suddenly found a little girl about his age being straightened up under the bushes at the entrance of the mental hospital.

After looking around and making sure there was no one else around, Atreus asked curiously:
"you are?"

"My name is Xiaoyu! I'm from Hong Kong. It's summer vacation, so I came to help out in my dad's antique shop!"

As he spoke, a short-haired girl in short-sleeved shirt and jeans jumped out from the bushes, looked at Atreus with great interest and said, "Are you from this hospital? I heard from Uncle Long that there is a powerful mystic wizard living here! Is it true?"

"Grandmaster of the Mysticism?"

After hearing what Xiaoyu said, Atreus scratched his head and said, "I'm not sure about this, but there are indeed many mages, warriors, gods, and ninjas here."

Perhaps it was because Xiaoyu was the first person of the same age that Atreus had met, or perhaps it was because Xiaoyu was born with a familiar aura, so after hearing Xiaoyu's question, Atreus did not get nervous, but took the initiative to say:

"What are the characteristics of the master of mysticism you are looking for? Perhaps I can ask for you."

"Hmm, I think his name is Ron?" Xiaoyu said, "He's wearing all black. I heard he's a very powerful master, but I've never seen him before, so I want to meet him! Just take a look~"

As she spoke, Xiaoyu's eyes rolled a few times, and then she whispered, "It would be better if you could tell me where he is!"

Hearing this, Atreus scratched his head and then said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, but I don't quite know where Ron is now."

"Uh, that's a shame, I worked so hard to steal... uh, I mean take it out, hehehe..."

Just when Xiaoyu was still smiling awkwardly, Jackie Chan's voice suddenly came from the side.

"Xiaoyu! Where are you! Xiaoyu! Come out! I told you not to move, but you stole the talisman and the Eye of Aurora!"

As he said this, Jackie Chan turned around and saw Atreus and Xiaoyu standing at the entrance of the mental hospital. He waved to Atreus awkwardly, then Jackie Chan walked towards Xiaoyu with a vicious look on his face and said:

"I told you not to move! Sheriff Black of District 13 told me that you used the Eye of Aurora to secretly take away at least three talismans!"

A charm? What is that?
Looking at Jackie Chan running over, Xiaoyu, feeling guilty, said, "No! We can't let Uncle Long catch us! What's your name?"

"Ah! My name is Atrou..."

"Don't worry about this for now, let's hide first!"

In a panic, Xiaoyu grabbed Atreus' hand and took out a golden necklace from her bosom and put it directly on Atreus' head. "Uncle Long is coming over. I just used it and now I can't use it. Think about where you want to go!"

Hearing this, Atreus was stunned, and then subconsciously said: "Uh... Jotunheim?"

As the words fell, golden mystical energy surged out from the necklace, and before Atreus could come to his senses, he was enveloped by a turbulent flow of space. When he came to his senses, what came into view was a world covered with ice and snow.


"So, this is why you invaded Jotunheim?!"

Looking at the two little guys in front of him, Loki - the Loki from Asgard in the Marvel Universe looked at Atreus and Xiaoyu in front of him with suspicion.

Ever since he knew about his "bad reputation" in Midgard and the so-called "Hammer King" story in some universes of the infinite multiverse, Loki began to try every means to understand his future destiny. Let's put aside the infamy for now, mainly because Loki really couldn't accept that he was beaten into a grout puff by the construction site, and he had no interest in having any fun with Thor, that stupid fool.

Although they were brothers, Loki also acknowledged Thor's bravery. But when he thought of that guy's silly smile, Loki couldn't help but complain - how bad must one's taste be to think of a love story between men?
Unfortunately, although Loki has a stronger magical talent than Thor, the prophetic magic related to fate is a knowledge that only a very small number of individuals can understand, even if they look at the infinite diversity. And among these very few individuals, there are even fewer who can truly glimpse fate. Anyway, Loki is not one of them.

However, Loki did not gain nothing. For example, when trying to peek into the future, he unexpectedly discovered that his past did not seem to be like what his parents said, that he was born in Asgard.

On the contrary, if we grope upwards along the string of fate, the coordinates hidden in the string are Jotunheim?

The kingdom of the frost giants is a desperate place shrouded in low temperatures all year round. Even if you look at the entire universe, it is an extremely barren planet, almost impossible to give birth to any life and civilization.

But it is such a low-level planet that gave birth to an extremely powerful and special life form, the so-called Frost Giants.

Born with a power similar to Jotunheim itself, even if they don't attack, just standing still will spread low temperature to the surroundings. They have a talent for ice magic that is more terrifying than other civilizations and lives, and their ice blood also makes them more powerful and able to withstand more damage. Except for the natural disadvantages when facing some special secret energy attributes, such as fire and thunder, they are powerful in all other aspects.

But this is also what Loki finds incomprehensible.

If I were really a Frost Giant, then my ice bloodline should have awakened long ago. Why am I still like this? In terms of pure strength, three of me are not enough to defeat that fool Thor?
With doubts, Loki decided to come to Jotunheim privately to find out the truth.

Unlike Thor's reckless behavior, Loki knew how to use his advantages and used his extra authority to privately perform the Rainbow Bridge jump.

"My father probably doesn't know about this, otherwise I wouldn't be staying here..." Loki thought to himself.

Afterwards, they met Xiaoyu and Atreus who unexpectedly appeared on the ice field.

Loki didn't feel anything special about Xiaoyu's words. He was a very traditional Midgard man, without superpowers, with a weak physique, a short life span, and a not very smart mind. As soon as he appeared here, he was already shivering because of the low temperature in Jotunheim.

However, it was another boy who appeared with Xiaoyu who caught Loki's attention.

This guy who called himself Atreus... Loki felt an aura similar to his own in him.

Out of curiosity, Loki cast a spell to protect the two from the cold, and asked them why they were here.

And when Loki heard that the reason they were here was because of the golden necklace called Aurora's Eye on Atreus' neck, a hint of curiosity appeared in his eyes.

Although the mortals in Midgard are very weak, Father and Mother have invited the strong ones in Midgard to the Asgard to exchange magical experiences more than once.

Of course, many of these powerful men have already died of natural lifespans. Although many of them can kill Loki with just a thought even now, Loki can't help but feel proud when he thinks that even ordinary people in Asgard have a natural lifespan dozens of times longer than those powerful men in Midgard.

Although I am puzzled as to why they don’t take the initiative to extend their lifespan, who cares? Maybe it’s a genetic problem.

With curiosity, Loki said, "Show me this necklace."

Hearing this, Atreus and Xiaoyu looked at each other, then looked at Loki in front of them with a suspicious look and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Look, this kind of magic props involving space are often of extremely high value. Especially according to what you said, just a thought can lead you directly to Jotunheim... You little guys may not know that with the ability of cosmic space travel, you can freely travel through the major countries of the Nine Realms. If you put it in an interstellar auction, you can easily take away more than a dozen planets rich in resources~"

"It's too hard! Really? But I feel like you're lying!"

After hearing Loki's words, Xiaoyu said in disbelief: "Is it really so precious? Why do I feel like I took it out so easily? I don't think Uncle Long and the others care much about this thing! It's not as attractive as the talisman!"

"You took it out so easily? A talisman?" Hearing this, Loki was stunned. Are the people in Midgard so rich? How could such a thing be stolen by a mortal girl? If it were in Asgard, this would definitely be a top treasure qualified to be collected in Odin's treasury.

You can go to wherever you want with just a thought. Although the number of people is limited, anyone with a little bit of common sense can realize how terrifying this thing is.

For example, teleport directly to the ammunition depot and set a fire, teleport to the nuclear power site and set a fire, teleport to the scientific research center and set a fire, teleport to the bedroom of the head of state and set a fire...this is just setting a fire, not counting other means.

"But...what is the spell you are talking about?"

After hearing Loki's question and Loki's request to protect them from the cold wind, Xiaoyu thought about it and took out one of the talismans and said, "Yes, this is it."

That is... the Heart of Dimension? !

Loki's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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