In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 119: As for the system, it depends on the platform.

Chapter 119: As for the system, it depends on the platform.

"Don't worry, you still have a lot of future ahead of you~"

Hearing Xiaoyu's dissatisfied words, Ron smiled and said nonchalantly: "Queen Maya, Queen of the Shadow Legion, and even the reincarnation of a Saint Seiya. Don't worry, your future is much more exciting than you think~"

"Hurray! Are you telling the truth?"

Xiaoyu shouted excitedly: "Can you elaborate on it? I feel like I can't wait any longer!"

"I would like to, but your old man probably won't let me."

Hearing this, Xiaoyu's expression also became a little unhappy: "Old man? It must be my father! He always disciplines me at such critical moments!"

"It could also be your father's beloved master... Never mind, I won't say any more. If I say any more, someone will get beaten up."

After hearing Ron shut up, Ancient One, who was in the mirror space, nodded with satisfaction and put away the enchanted brass knuckles.

Watching the exchange between Ron and Xiaoyu, Loki also showed a little surprise. Forget about Queen Maya and the Shadow Army, he had never heard of them. They should be some special existences from Earth. But he seemed to have heard of the Saint Seiya. It was said that he was a powerful wizard from Midgard thousands of years ago.

If it was the reincarnation of some other profession, Loki would not care much. But it was different for mages. A powerful mage could interfere with the future. And being singled out as the reincarnation of a Saint Seiya more or less proved that this little girl was definitely not as simple as she looked.

Well, for ordinary people, even if they got the thing called a talisman, they wouldn't be able to master it so easily...

However, since he and Xiaoyu were just casual acquaintances, Loki didn't pay much attention to it. He just looked at Ron curiously and said, "Come to think of it, what are you doing here? Are you going to take this little guy away? Can I have a chat with him before you take him away?"

"Not that I'm taking him away. In fact, I'm very happy that Atreus is willing to explore this world on his own initiative. This will save Kratos from thinking about retirement whenever he has nothing to do."

As he said this, Ron also laughed:

"It was fine in that remote place in Northern Europe before, but now Atreus has come to the big city. After getting familiar with it for a while, I don't believe Atreus can still get used to the hunting life in the past, which was considered civilized even with slash-and-burn farming! Kratos, Kratos, you lost things so often when you left Greece. Now think of a way to save money for your children and your wife! You can't miss any of the mortgage, car loan, and dowry loan! Hehehe!"

"...Uh, Mr. Ron, I'm actually still here." Atreus on the side complained speechlessly: "It's okay for you to plot against a father, but at least don't do it in front of his son!"

"What do you mean by calculating? Am I that kind of person?" Ron raised his eyelids and said with disdain:
"I am responding to the country's call to delay the retirement age and promote reemployment of laid-off workers! Your father is now in his prime and his production value has not been fully exploited. How can he retire so early? Besides, I have no objection to letting you go back to Midgard to eat raw meat and drink blood. It depends on whether you can bear the life of Odin in your world who comes to cause trouble every few days."

"Uh, okay then..."

After hearing about returning to his original world to continue his hunting life, and having to face the plots of Odin's "bad gods", Atreus thought that it would be safer here.

Well, although Ron was full of bad intentions, at least he only made people feel uncomfortable, not overly uncomfortable. In fact, after getting used to this discomfort and mastering the coping methods, it felt a little comfortable...

No! What was I thinking?!

Realizing that there was something wrong with his thinking, Atreus shook his head vigorously.

On the other side, although Atreus said nothing, perhaps because this was another self from a distant world, Loki could more or less guess what Atreus was thinking.

With a sympathetic attitude, Loki patted Atreus' shoulder, but soon after, he asked curiously: "Mr. Ron, is there any problem with you coming to Jotunheim? As far as I know, the rules between the nine realms are followed even by the Supreme Sorcerers of all generations."

“Rather than compliance, it’s more like acquiescence.”

Ron waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "It's impossible for such a bullshit rule to restrict Ancient One. That guy's background is so powerful that you can't imagine. His fate was determined before the birth of everything you see in this universe. Of course, with the worldview of this shitty trash can universe, it's not surprising that anything goes wrong."

Ron was quite sure of Ancient One's strength. It was a bit exaggerated to say that he was invincible, but he was a top-notch existence in the infinite multiverse. Considering the particularity of dimensional magic and the current state of the garbage can universe, Ron had no doubt that Ancient One really encountered a difficult problem and would definitely not fight alone.

Just like the Flash family in the DC Universe next door, in this trash can universe where time and space paradoxes hardly exist, there is no need to worry about many settings like the Marvel main universe and the sacred timeline. With a raise of his hand, the Ancient One can immediately summon 70 or 80 Ancient Ones from other universes to beat him up for justice.

Well, the Ancient One in this world has already learned to perform mitosis through the Tiger Talisman, so perhaps he can still carry out a gang fight without calling in people.

Loki didn't know as much as Ron about the connection between the worlds and the special features of his own world compared to other worlds. But through Ron's words, Loki, with his intelligence, easily heard some very important information.

"If that's the case, then it means that Master Ancient One and the others already knew about the whereabouts and actions of Atreus and... uh, this little girl?"

"My name is Chen Xiaoyu! Not this little girl!" Xiaoyu made a face at Loki with some dissatisfaction.

"What else? Don't look at them. You're not much better."

Ron spread his hands and said, "Your father is Odin, one of the most powerful father-like beings in the world. Although in most myths he rides on the eight-legged horse you gave birth to after being violently pounded by cattle and horses on the construction site, there are also some histories that are so ancient that they have been deliberately erased in the long river of time, such as your eldest sister..."

As Ron was speaking, suddenly, a ray of lightning emerged from the ancient and boundless deep sky, flashed by, and hit Ron's side, forming a mirror made of a rainbow.

The other side of the mirror was none other than Odin, Frigga, and the Ancient One. It can be seen that the environment the three of them were in was very luxurious, with a table in front of them and a dazzling array of rare ingredients. The Ancient One was smiling, obviously coming to the scene to eat the melon. Although Odin still had the melon in his hand, his face was livid, and the fruit in his hand was soaked with water. It was obvious that he was eating the melon, and while eating, he ate it on himself... "Look."

Looking at the three people who suddenly appeared in front of him, Ron was not afraid at all, and even spread his hands to Loki beside him and said:
"Asgard is the territory of your father Odin. I'm afraid your father has already started to arrange the plan that your little head came up with before you were ready. I can assure you that the reason you didn't get caught was because your father helped you find it back, otherwise the Rainbow Bridge would have sent you back before you even reached your destination."

Hearing this, even Loki's mouth twitched. He didn't pay attention to Ron in front of him, but just looked at Odin on the other side of the mirror and said, "Is what he said true..."

"Although there are some inaccuracies in the details...but that's basically it."

Hearing Loki's question, Odin reluctantly put down the melon in his hand, wiped the juice off his palm with a tissue, and said helplessly with an old one-eyed Hannibal's face:
"Although Asgard is not a dimension, it is indeed my kingdom. As my hometown, I have engraved runes on every inch of land here. Although these runes cannot allow me to extract the energy of Asgard as the dimensional demon god, I can sense it when it comes to important things such as the Rainbow Bridge, the Treasury, and the kingdom travel."

Hearing this, Loki's expression became more complicated.

After a moment of silence, Loki took a deep breath and asked tentatively, as if he had mustered up the courage: "Then...what should I call you? Your Majesty? Or..."

"If possible, I hope you can continue to call me father."

Odin sighed, rubbed his brow and said, "In fact, Frigga and I have known for a long time that this matter will be exposed sooner or later, because the power of the ice bloodline is different from the power of the Asgardians. Even if Frigga and I can conceal it for a while, with your talent, it won't take long for you to discover the true power in your body."

Hearing this, Loki continued to ask: "So the Ice Box..."

The Ice Relic, the treasure of the Frost Giants, was also a sharp blade that Jotunheim used to conquer other worlds. Through the stimulation of the icy bloodline, the Ice Relic can easily turn a planet into a cold ice age. In the war thousands of years ago, Asgard defeated Jotunheim, confirmed its position as the Supreme of the Nine Realms, and seized the Ice Relic.

In the movie universe, it was a long time before Loki came into contact with the Ice Box. But in this world, after hearing about his miserable future from Ron, Loki took the initiative to contact the magic of fate, but unexpectedly discovered that his past was not that of an authentic old Asgardian as Odin and Frigga said.

Originally, he thought he had sneaked in quietly, but it seemed that Loki was sure that he had entered Odin's treasury under Odin's nose, touched the Ice Box, and felt his own ice blood...

"I also put it in the treasure house."

Knowing his child well, Odin did not try to fool or lie to him. He just sighed helplessly and said:
"I know what you want to ask. I can indeed hide this thing so that you won't find out about it for a long time in the future. But...but Frigga and I have been thinking about it for a long time."

After exchanging a glance with his wife, Odin said, "We leave this choice to you. Whether you return to the Frost Giants with the Ice Box or choose to stay in Asgard, I will respect your child."


Hearing this, Loki's expression seemed a little complicated. He didn't know what to say for a moment. He just stood there alone, not knowing whether he should return to Odin or continue exploring.

"Don't rush to make a decision, my child." Seeing this, Frigga on the side also spoke to comfort her.

With a look full of love, Frigga said, "Although a long time has passed, I still remember our first meeting. It was in the courtyard of Midgard, and we had just won. When the frost giants left behind... among the items they left behind, we found your frail self."

"We watched you grow up, and we knew very well that you had your own ideas and were eager for all knowledge. But you were too young at the time and didn't know much about the world. We were afraid that the truth would hurt you, so we kept it a secret."

"And now... although it's a little sudden, I think you already have your own thoughts and can handle it all in your own way."

"So, don't be afraid, child, just do what's in your heart, no matter what the consequences are."

Listening to Frigga's heartfelt words, Loki couldn't help but lower his head with moist eyes.

Meanwhile, Ron complained helplessly to Atreus and Xiaoyu:

"I'm also convinced. I find that I always encounter this kind of bloody family ethics drama. Atreus, it's like this over there, it's like this over there in DC, and it's still like this here after I come back. Is it true that if one routine works, you just keep using it?!"

Hearing this, Atreus shrugged his shoulders and said innocently, "I don't know how to explain it to you... Maybe this is a joke of fate? Just like when a novelist always has to be mentally dark and come up with some dramatic plots?"

"Who knows? Anyway, I'm an orphan and my parents died a long time ago. I won't encounter such a bloody plot." Ron shrugged indifferently:

"If there really is an author, then I just hope that my system in my next life will be a moderator's."

As he spoke, Ron began to recite a prayer with words every year - I am a traditional person, I only like biological women, I want a pure, invincible, and comfortable harem, I don't want a cuckold, a transgender grandmother, a paradox where I reveal myself, or a gender-transformed person who is revealed.

Now Loki really couldn't listen to what Ron was talking about. His mind was full of thoughts about what he should do next.

After a long while, Loki took a deep breath, then looked at Odin and his wife and said, "I want to... go see my biological parents first."

"Of course, that's right, my child." Frigga smiled, but with some reluctance.

(End of this chapter)

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