Chapter 148: Cruel Society

David and Gloria looked at each other in bewilderment as they watched Armstrong chase out. Gloria didn't know Armstrong well and didn't know why Armstrong chased out. Armstrong was David's "friend", so Gloria also looked at David standing aside.

Facing his mother's gaze, David opened his mouth in confusion. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "How about... let's save people first?"


After hearing David's words, Gloria, an emergency medical worker at Night City Medical Rescue Center, also known as a scavenger, just glanced at the situation in the car. When she saw the identity card on the chest of the car owner, which represented the VIP member of the trauma team, flashing red, she realized the current situation.

Then he shook his head and said, "It's not our job to save him. Rather than that, you should first explain to me who this guy is. When did you first meet him?"

As a veteran in Night City, Gloria raised David alone. She is not a young girl who is still living in school and can't stand some isolation and ridicule.

Perhaps David was very mature a year later and was the youngest legend in Night City. But in fact, until David became a legend and died, he was only seventeen years old.

David couldn't stand the harsh treatment from his rich classmates, but Gloria had already gotten used to it... or rather, Gloria had already known the nature of Night City under its prosperity. She also knew that she was powerless to change it, so she just wanted David to change his life so that he wouldn't be killed by a stray bullet like herself.

As a scavenger, Gloria has dealt with countless cases of cyberpsychosis. Those lunatics who have lost their minds due to a large number of prosthetic modifications are far superior to ordinary people in terms of their mental state and strength.

There were also many people who possessed advanced prosthetic technology. But even so, Gloria had never heard of any prosthetic that was as unreasonably strong as Armstrong's.

It can withstand heavy machine gun fire and anti-tank rocket fire without any damage, but the heavy electroplated sedan that was blown into the air was nailed directly to the road, but its body was not damaged at all. In the process of tearing it apart, you can't even hear the hum of the prosthetic engine.

If it was just the enhancement of strength and defense, it would be fine, but the speed just now increased to 90% in just a moment... No, it should be that the speed increased to hundreds of kilometers in a moment. Otherwise, it would be impossible to catch up with the modified car of the Animal Gang in such a short time.

There were only a handful of people in Night City who could have such an unreasonable level of enhancement, right? And among them, Gloria had never heard of such a guy.

Could it be that this was Militech's secret trump card to defeat Arasaka? After all, the rescue center had always heard rumors that Militech was trying to compete with Arasaka for market share. But if that was the case, how did David know them?
Past experience told Gloria that no matter what the other party's purpose was, once David was involved, he would die without a burial place. Because whether it was military technology or the Arasaka Group, they were both unimaginable bigwigs for their family.

Even if they killed themselves, no one would try to step out and bring bad luck upon themselves.

David instinctively felt a little uncomfortable when he heard the question in his mother's words. He was only sixteen years old. He might have some knowledge of Night City, but he was still a boy who was addicted to the dream and fantasized that he could change the whole world. His worldview had just been established, and his outlook on life was not yet clear. Boys and girls of this age are generally confident and sensitive.

Now, although Gloria was really concerned and worried, David felt that she just didn't believe in him.

But David didn't know Armstrong's details, but he didn't want to admit that this was actually his first time meeting a strong man like Armstrong, a "big shot" in his mother's eyes, and he was not familiar with him at all. So, David just stiffened his neck and said, "If you have time to ask me this, you might as well come and save people! Aren't you a doctor? Don't you work in a medical center?!"

Having said that, David turned around and tried to pull the unconscious person out of the car.

In response, Gloria just shook her head helplessly, but just as she was about to say something, suddenly, a series of urgent alarms and warnings came from a distance.

Along with the red and blue light shining out from the aircraft above in a rough manner, a cold and arrogant voice rose up.

"VIP customer found! Shooting allowed, rescue started!!!"

Hearing the trauma team's alarm, Gloria's eyes locked for a moment, and then she immediately shouted, "David! Get out of the way!"


Hearing this, David turned around in confusion. As the red and blue light shone on the boy's face, the first thing David saw was not the bullet, but his mother, who was running towards him in panic.

Then—thump, thump, thump! !
Along with the spurting flames, Gloria's back burst into dense blood. Under the impact of the bullets, Gloria's body crashed into David, but because of the blocking and buffering, the bullets did not hit David's vitals, but only left a bloody mark after rubbing his face.


Just as she was about to say something, she vomited blood as soon as she opened her mouth. Suddenly, Gloria didn't have time to continue to say anything, she just shouted behind her: "We are here to save people! I'm from the medical center!"

After hearing Gloria's words, he jumped off the aircraft and nervously aimed his rifle at David and Gloria. After confirming that the two had no power to resist, the captain-like man stepped forward, nervously aimed at the mother and son, and angrily shouted:
"Stay away! Don't get in the way! Contact the insurance company yourself for subsequent compensation!"

Looking blankly at everything happening in front of him, David suddenly realized that the knowledge he learned in school seemed to be of no use at all... This didn't seem to be the world he imagined?

Seeing David in a daze, the leader of the trauma team directly dragged David and Gloria, who looked confused, to the side and said to the team members behind him:

"Rescue the client! Prepare to evacuate!! GOGOGO!!"

That was the next moment when the team members behind him just started to take action - boom!

Armstrong's body fell from a high altitude, smashing the trauma team's emergency flight platform directly from the air to the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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