In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 17 We old hunters also have a lot of props

Chapter 17: We old hunters also have a lot of props~
Looking at the evil spirits in front of him, Ron's face was filled with a peaceful and gentle smile.

Douma, who fell to the ground and realized that his head was crushed, began to tremble. In just a moment, the pieces of flesh on the ground were reconnected. But before everyone could come to their senses, or even before Douma could catch his breath, cracks appeared on Douma's face one after another.

Then, without Ron even having to do anything, his head exploded again with a "pop".

But then, Douma regained his body again. But compared to the previous time, Douma now looked extremely miserable. In fact, he was like a fragile porcelain doll. Even though the pieces of flesh had been glued together, he still didn't dare to move at all under the stimulation of pain. He could only lie on the ground in fear, maintaining the appearance of just healing.

"Do you find it incomprehensible? That's no wonder. After all, you don't have the feeling of crossing the barrier between worlds."

Feeling the fear in Douma's eyes, Ron chuckled and said, "The reason why you can recover quickly is because you can use the darkness to continue to use special energy to repair your body. Similarly, the reason why you are afraid of sunlight is because sunlight has the ability to destroy this energy. And you, and even your master, have not evolved completely. While your entire body is made up of this special energy, it has not evolved much of a stable structure to match it."

Mystical energy, a kind of power that Ron felt when traveling through the world, which is the most basic power in many universes. According to the mastery of mystical energy, mystical energy can also be released in different forms. Vampire magic is a simple use of mystical energy. It's just a pity that, as Ron said, this world's understanding of mystical energy is very superficial.

At least, they were not aware of the source of their power. They just thought that their blood vampire magic was like this, so they used it that way.

Rough use means that it is very easy to destroy them. And it is also very easy to destroy their self-healing ability...

"It's the same as your immune system completely failing, except you've completely lost your resistance to the sun."

Ron calmly said as he slowly pulled out the meat saw from the system space, his face full of gentleness: "We don't even need to simulate the properties of sunlight to target it. We only need to apply some additional external force to destroy its self-healing ability by causing scar hyperplasia."

Unfortunately, before Ron could finish, someone beside him realized something was wrong and said coldly, "Kill him, go!"

As he spoke, Kokushibo took the lead in attacking. The dark red long sword made of his own flesh and bones was unsheathed in an instant, and then in the next moment it turned into a thunderbolt and slashed towards Ron's neck with the sound of wind breaking through the air. The speed was so fast that not only ordinary people, but even Akaza who was standing next to Kokushibo did not react in time. Only a flash of afterimage was seen, and the next moment, the blade was close to the neck of the man in black!
But just when the blade was about to touch Ron's neck, suddenly, accompanied by a gunshot, Kokushibo felt that his blade seemed to have hit something. The powerful impact was secondary. The truly fatal thing was that when the hard object touched his blade, his consciousness was also impacted. It was like an invisible sledgehammer hitting him head-on. In the moment of trance, his body lost its center of gravity uncontrollably and fell backwards.

The gun counterattacked - unfortunately, the mercury bullet, which was made mainly of mercury and Ron's own blood, did not have a shell. Otherwise, with the sound of the shell falling to the ground, this scene might have been even more shocking.

But it didn't matter, because the next moment when Kokushibo lost his balance, Ron raised the meat saw in his hand. With the opening and closing of the mechanism, the meat saw, which was originally in the form of a hand axe, quickly turned into the form of a broadsword. With the burst of power from his arm, only the sound of wind whistling passed by, and then under the blessing of centrifugal force, the bloodstained meat saw turned into a residual image and fell from the air, viciously cutting through Kokushibo's shoulder, and then slashing out from the bottom of his body!

Then, accompanied by a burst of blood, half of his body exploded. Broken bones and pieces of flesh flew everywhere, and in just a moment, the passage of Infinite City was dyed scarlet!
But even so, with the stimulation of severe pain, Kokushibo's blood-covered eyes once again focused. He didn't even care about his chopped body. His only remaining arm tightly grasped the blade. With the surge of blood, his originally extremely strong body swelled up again. He used the breathing method, and at the moment of swinging the knife, it seemed that countless tiny wind blades that were difficult to see with the naked eye surrounded the long knife and cut back and forth like the gears of a chainsaw!
Breath of the Moon, Type 1·Dark Moon·Palace of Night!
The Breathing of the Sun comes from his younger brother, Tsugikoku Yoshiichi, the most powerful swordsman in the Demon Slayer universe. The Breathing of the Moon is created by Kokushibo, or Tsugikoku Yoshikatsu, based on the original Breathing of the Sun. It is his own breath.

Unlike the fiery Sun Breathing, every time the Moon Breathing strikes, there are irregular small crescent-shaped blades around it, and the size and length of the blades will keep changing. No matter how hard the flesh is, this high-speed cutting wind blade can still cut it into slag in an instant like a chainsaw!

It looked simple, just a powerful slash in an instant. But this was the foundation that Kokushibo was most proud of - no fancy embellishments were needed, just a powerful force coupled with a speed that was even impossible for the human eye to observe, a slash that had been tempered through thousands of hammers!

Feeling the swiftness of it, Ron's eyes also revealed a hint of surprise. But unfortunately, in the next moment, Ron also dodged sideways, then turned around and slashed at Kokushibo's chest with a knife.

Another burst of blood burst out, and this time Kokushibo lost all his chances. Not only was the remaining body cut off, but even the only remaining arm was chopped into pieces by the meat saw.

Kokushibo was not aware of the pain at all. He just stood there in a daze, with his body barely stuck together, forcing his head to look at Ron's chest, and then a hint of unwillingness flashed in his eyes - is it just this extent?

On Ron's chest, a light white mark appeared on the dark hunter coat. But the mark was so slight that it didn't even need to be repaired. It would disappear if you rubbed it with your hands.

If it were him...

He had imagined countless times what it would be like if death really came to him. But now, when death really came, Kokushibo unexpectedly found that he did not seem to be as scared as he imagined.

As the elder brother of the strongest swordsman, Tsugikoku Yoshiichi, Tsugikoku Yansheng felt sorry for his younger brother at the beginning because Tsugikoku Yoshiichi was always dull and seemed indifferent and unconcerned about the human entanglements in the secular world.

After seeing how powerful Tsugikoku Yoriichi was, Tsugikoku Yansheng also began to feel jealous. After knowing that people who awakened the mark would never live past the age of 25, he chose to cut off his lord's head and swear allegiance to Muzan Kibutsuji.

But now... why, why is it that death has really come, but I am not as scared as I imagined?
Instead - doubt?
Ah, ah,

The light in his eyes gradually faded, and what finally remained in Kokushibo...or rather, in Jigoku Yansheng's heart, was confusion and curiosity.

"If it's Yunyi..." As the last gleam in his eyes faded, a hint of surprise appeared in Ron's eyes.

Unlike the attempt to destroy Douma's recovery ability, Ron chose a quick and deadly attack against Kokushibo.

I thought the battle would be over soon, but now it seems... the situation seems to be beyond my expectations?

In Ron's perception, Kokushibo is indeed powerful, but it is not difficult to deal with. He can even deal with it easily without enchanting the weapon. And now, with death, Kokushibo's originally dead soul unexpectedly glows with new vitality?

Perhaps this is the potential that has been stimulated? Or is it the power in the heart?

Thinking in his heart, Ron also stretched out his hand and pressed his palm downward on the top of Kokushibo's body. After a moment, a blood drop that was so red that it was almost black rose into the air on Kokushibo's body, and then disappeared from Ron's palm and was received into Ron's own system space.

The Blood Echoes of Kokushibo are included.

Blood Echo, Bai Qi's skill... Where did this come from? Get out!

Blood Echo is the main means for hunters to become stronger in Bloodborne. Blood is the currency of the soul. Killing prey will give you the corresponding Blood Echo. Its essence is the power of the superiors who use blood as a carrier. Through transformation and ingestion, it can be integrated into your body and transformed into your own power.

Although he had long left the world of Bloodborne, how to make, or how to refine, Bleeding Echo was not a difficult problem for Ron.

Its essence is an operation of secret energy, a technique to extract the other party's memories, cognition, instincts, and skills from a fresh corpse in an appropriate manner.

The many abilities of Kokushibo are not that powerful to Ron, but they are better than nothing. At least, they can be used to trade with others - for some people who lack the basics of swords, Kokushibo's Blood Echo is still very valuable.

After the refining was completed, Ron raised his head again. But at this moment, the other upper-rank evil spirits pounced on him without hesitation.

After the battle just now, they were sure that Ron in front of them was not someone that a single ghost could defeat - as the strongest among them, even Kokushibo was no match for this guy, let alone them?

Add to that the deaths of Douma and Hantengu... well, Douma is not dead yet. But Douma is no longer any fighting force. Not to mention fighting, even if he simply moves his body, his head will explode again because it cannot be effectively glued together!

In this situation, it would be a fool's idea to fight alone. Without holding back, the remaining Akaza didn't care about the opinions of the other upper ranks. He stamped his feet and his body turned into a shadow and rushed out with the jade pot. He clenched his arms with dark blue sinner tattoos, and the moment he swung his fist, he brought up a gust of evil wind and punched Ron's head!
The name of his blood demon technique is Destruction Killing. After it is deployed, it can sense the opponent's fighting spirit like a compass, and make his own attack and avoidance movements faster and more accurate, as if attracted by a magnet.

After the activation is completed, a twelve-pointed snowflake pattern appears under his feet, which is called "ritual deployment" - although the effect seems unclear, when attacking a target, it can exert a power far exceeding that of ordinary blood vampire magic by several times. With the blessing of blood vampire magic, a random punch can have the terrifying destructive power to split mountains and rocks.

At the same time, Destruction Kill also has the hidden effect that the stronger the opponent's fighting spirit, the stronger the reaction of the compass needle, and the higher the corresponding strength and accuracy. This means that Akaza's strength will fluctuate according to the strength of the opponent. Generally speaking, he becomes stronger when facing a weak opponent, and even stronger when facing a strong opponent!
In the past, when he encountered a powerful enemy, Akaza would feel excited, because it meant that he could take a step forward in his original realm. But now, even if he activated the destruction kill, Akaza's eyes were full of deadly determination!

I didn’t feel…

There is absolutely no sense of boundaries or limits!
The destructive killing has been unfolded to the maximum, and the increase in power is even much greater than the increase obtained when it was released to Muzan Kibutsuji after obtaining permission during the first awakening!
But even so, there is still no confidence...

Ron didn't care about Akaza who was so close to him. He just checked the status of the Blood Echo of Kokushibo through the system space. After confirming that there was no abnormality and it could be used normally, Ron looked at Akaza.

There was no unnecessary movement, but then, accompanied by a vibration in Ron's throat, the next moment, accompanied by the surging air pressure, a deafening wail spread out in all directions.

It came towards him, and Akaza felt as if he had hit a wall. Then his whole body flew backwards uncontrollably, smashing countless walls of the Infinite Castle before he finally stopped!
Ron also slowly put away an object covered with black hair and looked like a beast's claw - the Roar of the Beast.

Picked up in the Forbidden Forest of the Bloodborne world, this is one of the forbidden hunting items from the hands of the apostate Ichi. As a medium, it can temporarily borrow the power of the undead black beast. Using the beast's roar and air pressure, it can bounce things around.

Although it sounds like some kind of ritual magic, the deafening wail is actually the sound of the user's own vocal cords. It is hard to imagine whether this is the power of the beast's roar or some kind of power lurking in the human body that has been triggered.

(End of this chapter)

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