Chapter 185: Return, Parker's Panic
Armstrong shook his body to disperse the blood around him, without much concern in his eyes.

"too weak."

Armstrong calmly brushed off the dust and blood on his body, and did not feel the slightest bit excited about killing Saburo Arasaka.

Saburo Arasaka does have great power, but his power comes from the Arasaka Group, or in other words, from his power as the emperor of the Arasaka business empire. In this case, Saburo Arasaka can launch a nuclear war that sweeps the entire world in an instant, turning the entire world into a nuclear wasteland like the Middle East.

But apart from this, Saburo Arasaka's abilities are very limited.

With his immune system at its limit and his age increasing, Saburo Arasaka has extended his lifespan to over 150 years through technological means. However, as a price, the number of prosthetics in his body is limited. In fact, compared to other people in the cyberpunk world, he has almost none.

Although Saburo Arasaka has been in this world for some time, the limits of this world itself are there. Even if Saburo Arasaka tries every means to improve technology, it is only more than a month. Under the limitation of materials, even if Saburo Arasaka uses all his strength to drive this war machine called Arasaka Group, his gains are still very limited.

No, Saburo Arasaka's gains were not small. The destructive power of that giant robot is such that there is almost no war machine that can compete with it in 2077. In fact, not only in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, but even in the Metal Gear world where Armstrong is, it is definitely a war machine that can influence the world situation.

Unfortunately, even the wisest of men can make mistakes. Saburo Arasaka did not realize Armstrong's high adaptability to energy. He had no protection - or the strength of the protection could not keep up with Armstrong's strength, which led to Armstrong's view that Saburo Arasaka was simply a huge rechargeable battery.

Energy beyond his endurance limit was injected into his body, and all Armstrong had to do was to release this energy completely.

As Saburo Arasaka turned into a blood mist, the battlefield fell into a brief silence. Looking at David wailing behind him, Armstrong nodded, and then disappeared without looking back.

At the same time, just when David was still feeling confused and didn't understand what he should do next, the voice of Will Cannon came to his ears.

"Hello, David Martinez. My name is Will Cannon, and I am here to give you full authority over the Sixth Street Gang as ordered by you."

David's body was completely replaced, even his skull was transformed into metal, and it had the same strength as his body. Facing attacks, he was not as indestructible as Armstrong, who could absorb kinetic energy, but other firearms, whether rifles or machine guns, could only cause some damage to the artificial leather, except for heavy sniper rifles fully loaded with reinforcement modules. But that was all.

As for David being shot by a heavy sniper rifle... As the next master of Night City, he couldn't even handle such a small problem. Even if he had the system and had joined the group. Armstrong would not feel sad about David's death, but would feel that the system's selection criteria were a bit too broad...

Saburo Arasaka and those big names in military technology have not been sniped to death. If David can be sniped or assassinated, it can only be said that his ability is limited.

Thanks to the preservation of his head, David can still use some simple communication chips.

These chips are located outside the cerebral cortex. Even if hacked, they will at most fail and be damaged, but will not cause the brain to boil. They are the most harmless implants.

Although Armstrong refused to use it, thinking that it would make his body have some weaknesses that lag behind the strength of nanotechnology. But for David, who is used to living in Night City, not using it at all is like asking a single man not to masturbate. He can bear it for a day or two, but after two days, his mind is full of women.

As for Will Cannon, it was undoubtedly difficult for him to say these words in person.

If in the past, or before Armstrong showed up, if someone wanted Will Cannon to hand over the Sixth Street Gang to a stranger, Will Cannon would have pointed his gun directly at that guy's head.

But now, Will Cannon felt that it didn't seem to matter.

It was not only because of the destructive power David showed in the process, but also because of his ability to communicate with Armstrong. And, in the brains of those 500 desperate enhanced people... Armstrong's orders were the first priority, and on this basis, even physiological desires and the desire to survive had to be ranked behind. It was also because of this that after Armstrong gave the order to obey David, unless Armstrong himself cancelled it, no one else would be able to do anything.

With only 500 soldiers, it would be wishful thinking to conquer the whole world, but it was really easy to rule Night City.

However, how to rule is a question that needs to be considered.

But to be honest, Will Cannon is not worried. Even though David is just a kid in terms of data, he has enough tolerance with the support of Armstrong. And not all the Six Street Gang members are idiots. It may be wishful thinking to want to take Night City to a higher level. But after all, they are from the military. For the Six Street Gang, if it doesn't work, they will implement militarized management - military government is quite common in the world view of 2077.

"Ah, okay..." David nodded after hearing what Huo Pao said. He wanted to ask someone what to do, but he had no experience. So he just said to Huo Pao:

"Stop expanding, return to the Santo Dogo area, and let's have a good chat."

"it is good."

Will Cannon breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the new boss did not rashly choose to intensify the conflict, but chose to communicate. In this way, even if Mr. Armstrong is not there, he can maintain the peace of Night City and the prosperity of the Six Street Gang.

Thinking of this, Will Cannon also felt energetic - although Armstrong had left, the seeds of the idea of ​​a new America had been planted. In the original world line, he could become the boss of the Six Street Gang, which meant that Will Cannon could not be a fool. He could feel that a new era was sweeping from Night City to the entire United States!
Back in the base universe, Ron led Armstrong to an empty room.

"This is your home in the base universe. Well, it looks shabby. You don't have to live here if you want, but your personal store and system tasks can only be refreshed and accepted here." Ron could have made the rules more rigid about whether the team members could leave. But in Ron's opinion, this didn't seem necessary - he wasn't a person who was keen on power. For Ron, as long as the progress and completion rate of the tasks could be guaranteed, then you could choose the life you want.

Anyway, this garbage can universe already has so many pickaxes. One more mental hospital is not much, one less mental hospital is not much. Too many lice don't itch, too much debt doesn't worry, this is the truth.

"No, that's it."

After hearing Ron's words, Armstrong smiled, adjusted his tie, looked far away in the direction of the Senate and the White House, and said, "It doesn't matter where you live. What matters is whether you can realize your own value. And... there seem to be many strong people here?"

Armstrong looked toward the corridor behind him.

With the system, Armstrong could see those personal stores floating on the wall in the form of light curtains. After a simple count, including Ron's, there seemed to be four colleagues here.

And those things on the light be honest, Armstrong didn't quite understand. Are those things really real?
Armstrong is not a scientist, and prefers to master power rather than understand it. It is precisely because of this that, although he has mastered the Nano Heart, Armstrong and the entire Metal Gear world still have a very primitive understanding of the secret energy. They only think of it as a special high-density mechanical energy.

In this situation, seeing the paper figurines, divine snow, magic potions, and even weapons from gods in other people's system stores, Armstrong just felt a little confused.

“Are the things in those stores real?”

"It's true." Ron said, "As for the secret energy, you can take a closer look at the analysis in the team system later. As for the others... Come with me, I'll introduce them to you."

As he spoke, Ron took a step and walked towards his room while passing through the corridor. Through the door in the corridor, the wolf was sitting on the ground meditating silently. After noticing Ron's arrival, he paused for a moment, then turned around and nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

Ron didn't care about this, he just said: "This is a wolf, it is very powerful, it has a worldview of ancient gods and monsters from the East."

Hearing this, Armstrong nodded and said, "It doesn't look weak, but I want to know what's the condition of his arm? Is it a wooden prosthesis? Do you want me to replace it with a stronger one?"

"Not really." Ron nodded. "In fact, the team encourages trading. Of course, it means fair trading. Because system coins are very valuable. You may not understand it now, but you will understand it when you visit your personal store."

"In fact, I have been able to shop around. I bought David's prosthetic body and the desperado's transformation method directly." Armstrong said with some confusion: "But I didn't find anything worth paying attention to."

Ron: "Because that is the basic store of the system. In fact, the current store has been upgraded several times. You can choose to update now, it won't affect anything, and we can continue to walk through the process. And the updated store has a lot of materials that you can use to upgrade... Well, the word "promotion" may not be easy to understand, you can also understand it as the materials and knowledge required to upgrade equipment."

Hearing this, Armstrong nodded thoughtfully. Then he opened his palm to signal Ron to wait a moment, and then he lowered his head and stood there in silence, obviously entering the system interface to confirm the system upgrade button.

Taking this opportunity, Ron waved to the wolf beside him and said, "How is Bian Ruozi?"

"It's almost time. It'll probably take a few days." Wolf said, then paused. His weathered face seemed to be a little more uneasy. Then he said, "I want to take some time off. I will continue the mission after the child is born and is safe. If this will cause a bad impact, I am willing to pay a fine."

"There is plenty of time for vacation every month, so there is no need to pay a fine. By the way, how are you preparing for the care of the newborn? Don't tell me you are going to welcome your child empty-handed like this."

"Of course not." The wolf nodded, then stretched out his right arm. With the sound of the mechanism, the roller skates that were supposed to shoot out the hook shot out a two-meter-long diaper. From other parts of the prosthesis, many baby toys including pacifiers and rattles also popped out.

"I'm ready." Wolf said seriously, "There's a ton of fresh milk powder in the warehouse. I asked Mr. Tony to prepare it. The quality must be good. Even if Wakako can't breastfeed, it will still allow Miko to grow up healthily!"

"Oh my god, I'm so moved that I'm about to cry."

Ron rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't you ask Tony Stark to book a special confinement center. I guarantee that the environment and service there are much better than those of a confinement nanny like you who just changed careers."

Hearing this, Lang showed a difficult expression on his face. Obviously, for a cautious person like Lang to hand over his beloved child to a group of strangers to take care of is a great challenge to his professional habits. But after thinking about it, Lang could only nod and said: "Then I will ask again. Well, we also need to customize a set of detection equipment..."

Looking at the wolf lost in thought, Ron did not disturb him too much. Instead, he waved his hand and walked aside, taking Armstrong with him so that he could get to know the other members of the team faster.

At this moment, the iron gate of the mental hospital was suddenly knocked open by someone. The banging sound made Ron raise his eyebrows. He turned around and saw that it was none other than Peter Parker, an unpaid worker of the mental hospital.

But unlike before, Peter Parker's face is now filled with fear -

"Mr. Ron! I ejaculated white stuff!"

(End of this chapter)

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