Chapter 194: Tony's renewed student life
As the technique was gradually integrated into Banner and Hulk's bodies, the two split souls and consciousness began to merge with each other.

The manifestation of this fusion is not prominent, and it can even be said that the two people in the spiritual realm still maintain silence and independence. But in this silence and independence, everyone can feel that Banner and Hulk are undergoing tremendous changes.

"The power beneath all things is enough to easily distort and reshape the structure of the real world and the form of mystical energy. Even I can only play a very limited role."

Cross-legged and floating in the air, Gu Yi said calmly: "So, if you want to protect all this, the help we can provide is very limited."

"So what should I do?" Banner asked.

"Use the power under all things to fight him."

Looking at Banner and Hulk, the Ancient One said: "The Underlying One wants to devour your consciousness and occupy your body, so that he can have a truly free material entity. In the process, his power will also be used by you."

"Resist his will, control his power, make his power yours, and then fight him."

“This is how you use the opponent’s force to counterattack.”

Ron on the side nodded and said, "Then I'll leave Banner to you?"

"give it to me."

Gu Yi nodded and said, "If there is an accident, I will report it immediately. If there is no accident..."

After a pause, Ancient One's face showed a hint of amusement as he said, "Although we often say that Strange is the best among us, due to the development of things, more often than not, in our opinion, Strange is more suitable than the best."

"But if a supreme wizard who can control the power of all things can appear... he may not be the best, but he will definitely be the strongest."

Who says it's not true? Even the old Deng Gu Yi in front of him only borrowed the power of those dimensional demons. As a result, Hulk can directly borrow the energy of OBA, which comes from the same origin as OAA. Even if the energy he can mobilize may not even be one ten-millionth of the original OAA, but even so, as long as it can be used properly, there will be only a few people in the Marvel Universe who can defeat it.

So, what should Banner's title be?

Sorcerer Supreme Hulk? Or Supreme Hulk Bruce Banner? Or simply Demon Lord Hulk?
Thinking about it, Ron just felt very interested.

You know, this is not just a simple increase in strength, but a reconciliation between Hulk and Banner. Violent anger, absolute power, infinite magic, calm calmness, and wisdom as a physicist... these many qualities are integrated into a unified whole.

"Keep practicing! Banner!" Patting Banner on the shoulder, Ron said with high hopes: "Once you master this power, I think it won't be long before your name spreads throughout the universe! Hao Ge is brutal and cunning, and Ban Ge is cunning and brutal."

"Well, I don't know what you're talking about, but I'll try my best!"

Looking back at Hulk, Banner took a deep breath and said, "We will get a handle on this as soon as possible."

"Hulk!" Hulk's voice came from the side. Although it was still a loud roar, anyone could hear the joy and happiness in the words of this green big guy.

Although reckless, Hulk is essentially a fool. Seeing Hulk's silly smile, Banner's friend also smiled, and then walked forward to help Hulk hold the door.
This made Hulk feel a little surprised and confused. But Banner just smiled and said to Ancient One and Ron:

"Gentlemen, please leave a part of my soul consciousness here. As for the external part, let the extra part of Hulk and I fill it. From now on, no matter what kind of difficulties and battles we face, we will be together!"

After hearing Banner's words, Hulk opened his mouth and then nodded vigorously: "Hulk! Good! Banner! Great!"

Looking at Banner's smile, Ron felt nothing. But looking at Hulk's smile, Ron subconsciously looked around, and when he found that Miss Black Widow was not here, his heart tightened, and he protected Master Ancient One in front of him.

That animated picture is really funny.

Gu Yi looked at Ron who came behind him in confusion, but he didn't care much. He just clapped his hands and said, "Since everything is ready, let's get started."

As he spoke, Ancient One re-outlined the technique and redistributed the souls and consciousness of Hulk and Banner. After checking and confirming that there were no other problems after completing everything, Ron nodded with satisfaction.

Leaving the secret room, looking at the refreshed Banner, Ron nodded.

Although Banner's facial features look the same as before, due to the redistribution of the soul, consciousness and matter have influenced each other, which makes Banner more muscular now, and his pupils have changed from brown to Hulk's dark green. He looks strong and healthy, not bloated.

Thinking about it, Ron asked, "Do you have anything else that needs to be completed or finished? If so, it's best to tell me now. Once you start practicing, it won't be so easy to solve it."

Hearing this, Banner glanced at the surroundings. Looking at the ancient Kamar-Taj, Banner said a little embarrassedly: "There is indeed one thing that needs to be dealt with."

"whats the matter?"

"Betty." Banner scratched his head and said, "I was able to escape thanks to Betty's help... She is my girlfriend. If possible, I would like to say goodbye to her properly. After all, we may not see each other again in the future..."

Hearing Banner's embarrassed words, Ron was not surprised, but took out his cell phone and said, "What's your girlfriend's phone number?"


"What? You even forgot your cell phone number?"

"No, it's just... is there really a signal here?" Banner pointed at Kamar-Taj behind him in some confusion.

Although the entrance of this ancient city of mages is located in Nepal, it is actually on a mountaintop in the Himalayas. Is there internet in this remote place where even birds can hardly be seen?
"A wizard is not a primitive man." Ancient One shook his head, then took out the controller and slowly opened a space door. Through the door, Banner could clearly see the 4K monitor and high-end computer case in the room, as well as a wide variety of consoles.

"I don't know why, but people outside always think that magicians are old antiques who have never come out of the world. It's really funny. I played something similar in the Shi'ar Empire more than 200 years ago..."

As he spoke, Ancient One walked into the portal and said, "The wifi password is written on the wall of the corridor. Someone will come to familiarize you with Kamar-Taj in a while. If you have any questions, just call the other me and she will give you guidance."

After the words fell, Ancient One disappeared, and Ron also turned and left. Standing there, Banner felt as if he had entered a den of thieves.

On the other side, Ron returned to the mental hospital and was about to go back to his Miaomiao room to study the matter about the ascension ceremony, when, accompanied by a whoosh sound, two golden and red figures flew quickly from a distance, slowed down immediately when approaching the mental hospital, and then landed steadily on the ground.

"Hey, Geralt, come and have a drink! Oh? Ron, you're here too? How about eating and drinking with me? I brought a lot of delicious food!"

Wearing a flashy golden-red steel suit, Tony did not come empty-handed, and there was a golden flying incubator floating beside him. Open the lid, and there are both hot and cold food.

Seeing this, Ron also said, "I want beer."

"Okay, I'll borrow it." Tony took out a bottle of cold beer and threw it over. He took out a pizza from the incubator, opened his mask, found a sofa and collapsed on it, saying with a happy face:
"Damn, it's still nice here. Don't you know that there are military supervisors everywhere around Stark Tower? They say that everything is for the country, for freedom and democracy. But don't I know the truth? They just want my technology! They are a bunch of shit. They can put $50,000 on the purchase order for a bag of screws. I work in the military-industrial complex, how could I not know that?!"

As he spoke, Tony rolled up the pizza and stuffed it into his mouth:

"And those guys from Hammer Industries, the reason they can occupy such a large market share is entirely because of the military's favoritism. Otherwise, how could they want to compete with me with their technology? They are just trying to put pressure on me indirectly!"

Ron was not surprised by Tony's arrival. The main reason was that Tony in this world was not as annoying as Tony in some other worlds. Especially, Tony in this world got along well with Geralt. Ron was away on field work all year round, but when Ron was away, Tony would often come to the mental hospital.

On the one hand, it was because the mental hospital had Geralt, a comrade who had experienced the same journey with him and escaped from the jaws of death in the Middle East. On the other hand, Tony felt very relaxed after arriving at the mental hospital, and there was a lot of knowledge to learn here.

"You look well. How about this? Has the palladium poisoning issue been resolved?"

"All sorts of things." Tony seemed very casual after hearing Ron's words: "But it won't affect me now~"

"Did you find anything your father left behind?"

Ron naturally thought that Tony had discovered the new element discovered by his father Howard Stark, just like in the plot. But after hearing Ron's words, Tony blinked in surprise and then said, "Something my father left behind? Huh? You mean that something my father left behind can help me relieve palladium poisoning?!"

"That's about right." Seeing the surprise on Tony's face, Ron raised his eyelids and asked, "If you don't know, how did you control the palladium poisoning?"

"Ask Yennefer for the solution."

While stuffing pizza into his mouth, Tony shrugged his shoulders and said honestly:

"Yennefer is very powerful. She easily saw that something was wrong with me. Then she made me a pot of medicinal soup. I don't know what's in it, but you know Geralt's character. Since Yennefer is Geralt's wife, there must be no problem with her character. After drinking it, I felt much better. My body felt warm. Although it was not completely cleared, my body was no longer burdened."

Tony was a little emotional when he said this: "I didn't expect that the key to solving palladium poisoning is the relic left by that old man... Well, I'll go back and look through the notes he left behind."

"Well, I wasted an opportunity to earn system coins." Ron sighed, then said: "But compared to this, what are you doing here? I see that your condition is not bad, you should not need to take medicine so frequently, right?"

"Mainly for research."

After hearing Ron's words, Tony swallowed the pizza and said slowly:

"Although I still don't understand magic and other inexplicable things, I have to admit that this thing is indeed very tempting and contains huge potential."

"And more importantly, the sorceress and I have a lot in common."

After hearing Tony's words and seeing his friend coming, Geralt, who was walking towards here with a smile on his face, paused for a moment, and then looked at Tony with a hint of alertness in his eyes.

To be honest, Geralt and the sorceress have a lot in common, such as oh yes, oh no, etc. However, he has already committed to Yennefer for life, so Geralt can only reluctantly cut off contact with them.

And now, hearing that Tony also has a lot in common with the sorceress... what can I say? It's really hard not to judge others by ourselves.

Because his back was facing Geralt, Tony did not notice the change in Geralt's expression, but continued to speak with great interest:
"The magic in Geralt's world is really interesting, although it gave me a headache when I first came into contact with it, and I even felt that it was the ravings of some mentally ill patients. But after actually understanding it, I found that the so-called magic is no different from physical science - no, it should be said that it is part of science. It's just that compared to the scientific theories I know, there are more controllable and uncontrollable variables!"

"Although the process of learning is a headache, once you master it, the magic of this technology is simply endless. I feel like my mind is full of good ideas waiting to be tested! It's just that the current technology is not yet mature, so I need to learn more."

"By the way, are there any other powerful magicians here? I'll visit them later!"

"'ve actually already met the strongest wizard in this world."

During the Wild Hunt invasion, Ancient One showed up on the Stark Industries building, although only for a short moment.

(End of this chapter)

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