Chapter 206: Saint Mina
The Emperor's Bride has existed for a long time, because at the beginning, this organization was just a small religion with only a few hundred people on a remote planet. But now, after receiving strong support from Fandel, the number of battle sisters has expanded to more than 10,000, and the weapons and treatment they hold are the best in the Imperial Army. Even compared to the treatment of the Astartes Space Marines, it is not much worse.

In this case, although Dominica is the leader of the Emperor's Bride Corps, the Emperor's Bride is still essentially an army. Where there is an army, there are factions. Among the Emperor's Bride, there are two distinct religious factions that have long been regarded as a whole.

At this point, we have to mention the special nature of the Emperor's Bride army. Born from Vandire's bloody rule, the Emperor's Bride should have been wiped out as soon as the Empire began its religious reforms.

This is normal, because under Vandire's rule, the Ecclesiarchy had its own legions and fleets. After the fall of Vandire's regime, the Ecclesiarchy was allowed to have its own legions and fleets again. Among them, the Emperor's Daughters were renamed the "Sisters of Battle". This seemed to take advantage of the loophole of the Reformation to allow the Ecclesiarchy to continue to have its own army.

But if you think about it carefully, Vandire's death was precisely because the Emperor's bride turned from evil to good - so, although nominally belonging to the State Religion, in fact, the Sisters of Battle are similar to the Custodians, and are only responsible to the Emperor. On this basis, the existence of the Sisters of Battle itself is also a surveillance of the State Religion to prevent the emergence of a new Vandire and apostasy era.

Because of the origin of the Order of the Sisters of Battle, future nuns also remember the "ancestral teachings". Although they belong to the state religion, they have never reduced their vigilance against the state religion. They always remind themselves that everything they have belongs to the Emperor, not to the state religion or anyone in the empire.

But now, when the Order of the Sisters of Battle was still the Emperor's Bride, there were two distinct factions within the Emperor's Bride.

One is like Dominica, who maintains the same absolute loyalty to the Emperor as when she was a little religious daughter of the Emperor. Another is that under Fandel's deliberate cultivation, she deeply believes that Fandel is the Emperor's eternal god, the reincarnation of the Emperor and the bride of the new generation of the Emperor.

The new generation of the Emperor's brides accounted for nearly 60% of the entire Emperor's brides. Before, because all members believed in the Emperor and believed that what Fandel said was true, they could still coexist peacefully. But now, with the return of Dominica and the other six people, and the many matters they preached. Before Dominica finished speaking, a young nun warrior wearing a power suit immediately issued an angry rebuke.

"Enough! Traitor Dominica! You have been brainwashed by Chaos and turned into a hateful degenerate!" The scarred and clean face of the nun warrior was filled with anger:

"You are obviously the Emperor's bride! You should stick to your faith! I don't know what despicable means the abominable heretic used to make you betray the Emperor's glory and betray the trust of Lord Vandel! Now, put down your weapon immediately and meet Lord Vandel with me to deal with everything! After you have completed your atonement and re-proven your pure faith, we will consider accepting you as a traitor! "

This nun warrior's faith in the Emperor is beyond doubt. She is a good warrior. Even now, Dominica can clearly feel her pure and ardent faith. It can be predicted that if this is on the battlefield with Chaos Demons, this nun warrior will definitely take the lead and become a role model for the entire battlefield.

But unfortunately, the education she received was wrong, and she had mistakenly equated the Emperor with Vandel. The line was wrong, the more knowledge one had, the more reactionary one became!
Dominica took a deep breath, and a stern look appeared in his eyes. Just as he was about to say something, the nun in red power armor beside him raised the bolter in her hand and pulled the trigger. With a bang, the nun warrior who stood up to refute Dominica's words had her head exploded, forming a blood mist in the air.

Her eyes were filled with coldness. One of the future six saints, the founder of the Scarlet Rose Order of the Battle Sisters, the nun known as Saint Mina, said with a cold look in her eyes:

"No need to say more to these heretics! Every second of delay will affect the Emperor's plan a little bit, and the Holy King's mercy on us will be lost a little bit!"

Mina roared. Just like the future Scarlet Rose Order, their prayers were not chanted piously while kneeling, but through roaring and shouting.

The chainsaw sword named "Mercy" in her hand roared, and Mina's eyes also showed a touch of violent anger and a trace of delicate indifference. She roared, controlling her extreme anger with extreme calmness. Almost all the self-blame and shame in her heart were transformed into anger, and she roared fiercely:
“Admit it! Dominica! We have committed the unforgivable crime of heresy! We have blasphemed the glory of the Emperor, and even more so the Holy Name of the Emperor, and almost destroyed everything that the great God-Emperor worked so hard to build!!”

Roaring, Mina's violent faith has produced a strong projection in the warp. Acting on the material realm, the ripples of psychic energy gathered around Mina, forming crackling psychic arcs. Her eyes turned deep red, and tears of blood ran down her cheeks. Intense pain tore at her heart and flesh, tense muscles, humming engines, and restless chainsaw swords all proved that Mina could launch a perfect killing blow at any time.

"Praise the Emperor! Praise the Holy King!" Mina roared, "Those who hesitate, put down your weapons. Holy King Ron will grant you the opportunity to repent to the Emperor!"

Mina's response was another person's angry rebuke, who believed that Mina had become an irredeemable pagan.

Before he could finish, Mina's grenade launcher blasted the opponent's head, and then the buzzing chainsaw sword tore the sister next to her from the waist. With a powerful kick, she crushed her helmet and skull!
"We should not long for mercy and forgiveness! We have no time to waste! I pray for the cruelest battlefield! We should spend all day in repentance, and use all the remaining time of our lives to spread the gospel of the Emperor! Praise the forgiveness of the Holy King! Holy is my Emperor! I will never stop until I die! The Emperor's wishes will be fulfilled!!"

(End of this chapter)

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