In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 244: Professor Ron, a master of family education theory and practice

Chapter 244: Professor Ron, a master of family education theory and practice

After being baptized by the Filial Son Sword, Loki has obviously grown a lot. Of course, the most important growth is his understanding with himself. For example, after seeing the abominable appearance of his biological father, he realized the preciousness of his adoptive parents...

"So, no matter whether it's Asgard or Midgard, people are just cheap skins. You have to get hit twice before you know how precious people are."

"Although it's a bit sad, I have to admit that it's true..." Following Ron, Loki held his forehead helplessly and said, "I regret my doubts about my father now. If I could do it again, I would rather not have gone to Jotunheim..."

Walking in front, Ron didn't care much about Loki's change. He just said, "Where's your brother? I heard that his reputation is not very good now?"

"Of course." After hearing Ron talking about Thor, Loki's face showed a strong disdain and said, "You know Thor's character. When Jotunheim was invaded, he always felt that it was because the incident happened suddenly that there was no room for him to play. Now that his father has fallen into a deep sleep, many evil races that were once suppressed have begun to emerge. He has become excited and disobeyed orders. He wishes he could kill all the invading enemies by himself every day! But what is the result? His brothers often have to lead the troops to rescue!"

Loki became more and more angry as he spoke. At first he complained helplessly, but in the end he was gritting his teeth.

"After so many times, he was lucky enough to achieve some victories! You know Asgard's style, and you know Thor's personality. You can't stop him! You can't stop him at all! He's like a stubborn donkey and you can't stop him at all! He still likes to fight and charge forward. He will charge forward as soon as others show a flaw. The final result is often a partial victory, but the consumption of personnel and materials far exceeds the gains, causing complaints from the logistics department. He will launch a new round of battle before we even have time to build fortifications in the recovered areas. Sometimes we don't even know where he is... and we don't know whether he is here to help us or the enemy!"

Ron was also happy when he heard Loki's words.

"It just so happens that the Asgardians like this. Maybe they are still discussing your low ability, high score but low ability, and your inability to support your brother in time."

Loki didn't say anything, but his face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ron just shook his head with a sigh. Who can you blame? Asgard just likes Thor.

Soon, Ron arrived at the Asgard Palace.

Compared with the past, the Queen Frigga has changed significantly. If the Queen Frigga was a dignified and elegant lady before, now, in addition to the original dignified and elegant appearance, this lady has also gained a touch of sharpness. This is also very obvious from the change in Frigga's dress.

The court lady's outfit was gone, replaced by a set of silver Valkyrie armor - as the wife of Odin, Frigga was more than just a spellcaster. In fact, before marrying Odin, Frigga was the leader of the Valkyries. Now that Odin was asleep, it was just a return to her old job for Frigga. She didn't need to learn too much during the process of taking over, she could start operating after a simple understanding of the current situation.

"Long time no see, Counselor Ron."

"Oh, long time no see." Ron greeted Queen Frigga.

I almost forgot that before Odin fell asleep, he gave me an additional identity as an advisor to Asgard. Although I have never used such authority, if you really count, Roen's words are more useful than Thor and Loki in Asgard's legal theory. Especially now that Odin is asleep, Roen's rights in Asgard's law should be second only to Queen Frigga.

In this way, without the queen's checks and balances, Ron can even say that he is the imperial regent of Asgard. Looking at the charming Frigga, Ron also felt that his character was noble, like a lotus that is pure in mud and not stained, and is clean and beautiful. Otherwise, if you just change a guy with a little ambition, he will not be called the advisor and regent of Asgard. What's the meaning of the regent advisor? Anyone who is a little ambitious should call himself the prime minister.

The kind of late Han Dynasty, whether it is sleeping on the dragon bed or the legacy of Wei Wu, is quite appropriate now. Of course, Ron will not do that. After all, Ron is quite pure, simple, sincere, honest, humble, compassionate, sacrificial... almost a collection of all the good things in human nature.

Unfortunately, even though Ron repeatedly proved that he did not have such an idea, he still felt that old Biden from Odin glared at him fiercely - no, not just one glance, but a continuous glare.

Damn old thing, I knew it.

Ron curled his lips - if it was Odin from another world who fell into Odin's sleep, he would really be asleep. He could sleep better than the drunk husbands in Japanese dramas. You could hold his bed and use your strength to drive a truck, but he wouldn't react. His wife couldn't wake him up even when she splashed water on his face while shaking. At most, he would wipe his face the next morning and sigh that he sweated a lot after drinking.

But the Odin in this world is not right. He didn't notice it before, but now that he has become a god, he can see more things. Ron can clearly find that Asgard is part of a large dimension - the world tree? Or something else, who knows.

Anyway, the final result is that Odin, the old Biden, definitely did not fall into the Odin's sleep in the traditional sense.

Like Ron, the so-called sleeping state is just an adjective, but in fact, there is still consciousness, either visible or hidden in the material realm for observation.

Especially in Asgard, even Odin who was sleeping could more or less sense the moods of others... He probably hadn't activated this ability before, because when the strength reached a certain level, along with the improvement of perception, this feeling of being spied on would become extremely clear.

But Ron is different from ordinary people - Ron has an organization and his identity information is kept highly confidential. No matter whether it is similar detective magic or ability, as long as it is applied to Ron, Ron can detect it in the first time.

But then again, the Odin of this world seems to have mastered the primordial runes... Although they may not have the same origin, will there be a Rune King Thor in the future?
Ron didn't know, and didn't think deeply about it. Instead, he looked at Frigga in front of him and said:

"What does the Queen think about the matter of the Great Prince Thor?"

"As for me, I have some ideas, but I'm not sure if they are appropriate." Hearing this, Frigga also said with some emotion: "I wonder if Mr. Consultant has any suggestions? I think this may inspire me."

"It's OK, but before that, I'd better ask... Forget it, let me ask Loki." I originally planned to ask about Frigga Thor's growing environment, character development, family relationships, etc. But after thinking about it carefully, it is always the case that the person involved is confused and the bystander is clear. Just like many parents, they will more or less hold the view of "it's all for your good" and "it's all for the children" when training and educating. But what the child feels in his heart is another matter. "In this case, Loki, who has always regarded Thor as a thorn in his side and thinks that it is all because of this fool that he looks so dull, must have seen it very clearly."

"No," Loki on the side couldn't help but complain after hearing this: "What do you mean I regard Thor as a thorn in my side? I admit that I disliked him a little bit before, but not to this extent, right? It's as if we have some life-and-death feud..."

"It's almost the same." After hearing Loki's complaints, Ron leaned on a chair beside him and said indifferently, "Calculate the time. If it is the timeline I know, your mother...oh, I should say Queen Frigga should have been killed by you. Well, your father is almost the same."


Hearing this, Loki's eyes widened in horror. On the contrary, Frigga shook her head helplessly, tapped the table twice with her fingers and said, "Calm down, Loki, fate is constantly changing. Your father told me that this world is completely different from other worlds and can only be used as a reference, not as the real thing."

After saying that, Frigga also looked at Ron and said helplessly: "Counselor Ron, you shouldn't play with Loki like this... Well, Loki is okay, if it was Thor, I think he would have gone crazy by now."

As she spoke, Frigga rubbed her brows. It was obvious that she was helpless about her lively and active eldest son. He was as energetic as a golden husky. It was just that his upbringing was good and he didn't take advantage of his status to beat people up. Otherwise, he would be a typical example of hyperandrogenism.

Like all parents who have given birth to a son, Frigga couldn't help but think that she should have tried to give birth to a daughter earlier...

Although Frigga said this, Loki was obviously a little worried, and for a moment he was a little concerned about his future fate.

In response, Ron said, "Come back to your senses. Come on, how do you think your parents get along with your eldest brother?"

"Very good, but sometimes, a little too eager for success."

Loki looked at his mother, thought for a moment, and explained, "In fact, I have never had any opinions on my parents' attitudes. Although there was a problem with my thinking for a while, I thought that Thor was loved and favored by so many people because of his status as the eldest son and the biological child. But now that I think about it carefully, I have never gotten less."

"It's just that Asgard's tradition prefers brave warriors like Thor."

"In fact, there are people in Asgard who value wisdom and psychic powers..." Frigga shook her head helplessly. It was obvious that although she knew that there were people in Asgard who valued these things, the number of people was pitifully small compared to the number of people who valued bravery and heroism.

In fact, Asgard does believe that a true warrior must be both brave and wise. But how can we say it? The customs of the tribe are here. Just like the baseball that Russians like, you can often see them walking around the streets with baseball bats. But after a careful investigation, the sales of baseball bats are 99, and the sales of baseballs are 1.

"Also, although my parents always fulfilled their promises, I gave too much reward, which was beyond what a child needed. Although it was motivating, it also caused pride."

"It doesn't sound like there are any big problems with family education..."

Hearing this, Ron also touched his chin.

Many parents really talk nonsense, agreeing with their children on certain rewards for achieving certain goals. But what is the final result? Often the children achieve the goals, but when it comes to rewarding them, they are at a loss and don’t want to spend so much money. So they either deduct money or simply turn their backs on the money. They call it giving their children the first lesson in society.

Well, when you enter the society, you will find that most of the suffering you have experienced in this life was caused by your family. If your boss is not a good person, you will be compensated for labor and mental damages. If your family is not a good person, you will get nothing for free and be disgusted by the meal.

Such parents should let him copy Zengzi slaughtering a pig ten times before giving birth and before making a promise. If you still feel sorry for the money, you can learn Guo Ju burying his son. If you think it is too wasteful, there is Yi Ya cooking a child, so that he will not suffer from the long torture of his original family from the moment he is born...

Why do so many people admire Chinese culture? With idioms, a cultural hyperlink, it is so convenient for people to learn the principles of being a human being. It is not like in foreign countries, where you have to watch several seasons of Hannibal to learn how to be a human being...

Thinking about it, Ron shook his head and said, "From this point of view, Thor's main problem is that he doesn't have a holistic and comprehensive understanding of the world... Well, it's not his fault. If I were born a prince, I wouldn't even want to work hard and would just have parties in the palace every day."

Well, the reason is the same as Balder. Other gods treat mortals as playthings, and treat mortals' lives and dignity as jokes for fun. But Balder just plays with the cup, and I don't know where the noble character is.

Similarly, with Thor's status, as long as he does not abuse his power for personal gain or break the law, he has already surpassed countless people of the same background.

Thor doesn't even like women! He spends his days honing his skills in the arena with the three warriors of Asgard, and he will not hesitate to draw his sword to protect the weak when he sees injustice. In any mortal kingdom, this can be regarded as a role model among princes!
If you force corporal punishment on such a good boy, who can you turn to for justice if he turns evil? Odin, who is lying under the Golden Palace now, will probably get up from his coffin and grab Ron by the collar to demand an explanation.

In this case, all we have to do is take him out to see the world.

Ron said, "I can offer two options. Both of them can help Thor's mind grow quickly and become a healthy and responsible man. I wonder which one you want to hear first... or why not just listen to it together?"

(End of this chapter)

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