Chapter 248: The Great Change in the Nordic World

Thor was unfamiliar with the place and suddenly heard someone say his name. He was walking down the mountain with injuries all over his body and was stunned for a moment. Then he looked at the young man in front of him and shouted with some surprise: "You are... Atreus?! Yes! You are Atreus! The little guy who follows my brother Loki all day long!"

"Uh... it's me. But I'm not tiny. I'm already considered tall among my peers."

Atreus made a few dissatisfied excuses, but then he said, "Compared to this, Mr. Thor, why did you come here?"

Atreus was really asking because he didn't know what Ron was thinking. In fact, even Frigga and the others didn't know what Ron was thinking. They had tried their best to guess Ron's methods, ways, and intentions. But no matter how they asked, Ron would just nod in agreement and tell them that it was not the case.

This made everyone feel Ron's bottomless wisdom. But in fact, it was simply because Ron himself didn't know, he just put out a lot of multiple-choice questions for Thor to answer and correct the plot when necessary.

If Thor really gave up and chose C... then it would be better to let Loki be the king of Asgard.

Hearing Atreus's question, Thor sighed and told Atreus about his experience and the current situation of Asgard. When Atreus heard that Thor had lost his power, he was surprised. He didn't expect that Ron asked him to help Thor because Thor encountered such a serious problem.

Thinking about it, Atreus also said; "Then let's not stay here for now, the winter storm of Fenrir will soon sweep here."

As he spoke, Atreus turned over and leaped, transforming into a burly brown bear. The current Atreus was even more burly and huge than the brown bear in God of War V, with thick skin and flesh, and shiny hair on his body, giving people the feeling that he was not covered with fur, but steel needles. And his big claws shone with the luster of steel in the snow. Not to mention ordinary people, even heavy rocks, Thor had no doubt that Atreus could smash them with one blow!
After seeing this scene, Thor's eyes widened in disbelief. He pointed at Atreus and was speechless for a while. Then he belatedly asked, " did you do this?!"

"Well, it's just my natural ability."

Hearing Thor's question, Atreus felt inexplicably proud. He scratched his head, and Atreus's slightly immature voice came out of the bear's mouth.

"I could hear the voices of all things when I was very young. Those voices were very complex, with curses, requests for help, and blessings. Later I realized that these were the voices of all things. After studying with Frigga for a long time, when I was able to truly understand the meaning of these voices, I was able to master the ability to transform according to these syllables and emotions."

"But it doesn't matter if we talk about this later. Mr. Thor, come up first, otherwise we won't be able to leave when the blizzard comes!"

"Oh! Okay! But I have to apologize to you!" Thor said, "I always thought you were a skinny clerk like Loki, but I didn't expect you to be such a powerful warrior!" As he spoke, Thor couldn't help but patted Loki's shoulder, who had turned into a war bear. The strong and tight muscles, the shiny hair like steel needles. No matter from which angle, it showed infinite power and toughness.

When Atreus heard Thor's heartfelt praise, although he didn't say anything, he still felt warm in his heart.

This is why Thor is loved by many people... Compared to Loki who always keeps things to himself and doesn't speak, but just silently judges people, Thor's frank, pure, and simple way is more likely to win people's sincerity.

Although he had been fighting for a long time, it was the first time for Thor to ride on a bear. While feeling excited, the confusion of losing power in his heart also dissipated a little. Coming back to his senses, looking at Atreus, Thor asked curiously: "What is Fenrir's Winter? Is this blizzard terrible? I feel that with your ability, it should be easy to survive in the blizzard!"

"If it's an ordinary blizzard, there's really no problem." After hearing Thor's question, Atreus also said, "But the blizzard of Fenrir's winter is different... It's already here, look!"

Hearing this, Thor looked to one side. What came into view was the overwhelming white snow accompanied by the raging freezing wind that began to cover the sky. Everything turned to ice wherever it passed. The dark blue conveyed a chill that froze the soul. Although it was the first time he had seen it, Thor felt an inexplicable fear in the depths of his soul, as if he was destined to be born with such a destructive enemy since the beginning of his birth!
"The blizzard of Fenrir's Winter is not just freezing wind and snowflakes. In the blizzard, all magical energy will lose control and be invaded by the destructive will in the blizzard. At that time, the mages will no longer be able to control the magic power in their bodies, and will become rampaging, out-of-control witch spirits. Mortals will no longer be restricted from mastering magic. However, mages can still resist the destructive will of the blizzard, but mortals will have their souls shattered the moment they are enveloped by the blizzard, becoming puppets of Fenrir's Winter, attacking and destroying all living people!"

The original Fenrir Winter was not so terrible, it was just a long cold winter that made the people of Midgard short of supplies. But now, I don’t know if it’s because of a change in fate, with Balder still alive, Fenrir Winter not only appeared, but also was more violent than imagined. The runes hidden in the frost were filled with destructive power, and even the gods dared not touch them easily!
After hearing Atreus' explanation, Thor realized the seriousness of the problem and asked, "Why did Fenrir's Winter come about? This is too terrifying!"

"Because of fate!" Atreus was not aware of Thor's current mental state, but faced the approaching blizzard and said urgently and quickly: "This is the fate of the Norse mythology world. The destruction of the world will begin with the three consecutive summers of Fenrir's Winter, until even the gods of Asgard die, and all things wither until destruction comes!"

After a pause, Atreus suddenly felt that something was wrong with Thor, and subconsciously asked: "Mr. Thor, are you okay?!"

And when Thor heard that Fenrir's Winter was the end of Asgard and even the entire World Tree - his mind paused, and he froze on the broad bear back of Atreus.

Bears are not as easy to ride as donkeys and horses, and the mountain road was bumpy. Thor was not careful and was thrown into the air. Before he could catch Atreus, a cold wind with violent runes dragged him into the blizzard and disappeared.

Looking at this scene, Ron wiped the cold sweat from his head, swallowed his saliva and said: "This... Trust me!... Everything is under control!"

(End of this chapter)

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