In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 250 Thor's hammer from another world?

Chapter 250: Thor’s Hammer from Another World?

Facing Manny's question, Thor responded almost subconsciously: "My father!"


Hearing Thor's words, Manny was stunned at first, and he didn't feel anything wrong, as if there was nothing wrong with Thor's words. But soon, Manny realized that there was nothing wrong with it! It was just the first time he met this guy, who gave him such courage? !
In anger, Thor on the side also blinked a little bit after realizing it. He didn't know why he said that, but he just said it subconsciously because he felt that he should say that. After saying it, Thor realized that he didn't know the man in front of him. Although the other party's name made him feel inexplicably familiar, there was no doubt that they were indeed meeting for the first time.

Manny came to his senses and grabbed Thor's collar. His eyes flashed with lightning and he said in a cold voice, "My poor sister, I advise you to find a pretty boy! Because he will die here soon! This is the price for insulting our father!"

In the past, Slude would have felt genuine dissatisfaction with Manny's behavior. But now, after a moment of expression, Slude just shut up - in a sense, Thor's behavior had seriously violated her bottom line.

Although Thrud was rebellious and disobedient, and thought that her father, her brother, and even the father of the gods were all problematic, Thrud still had to admit that she was proud of the divine blood flowing in her body. And now, Thor's answer was simply stepping on the reverse scale of all the Asgardian gods, which was simply unacceptable.

Seeing the thunder on Manny, Thor also felt that the familiar power in his heart was returning. Although he was surprised, the most important thing was the current situation. Thinking about it, Thor quickly said: "What are you talking about? The King of the Gods and your father, as well as Fenrir Winter and Asgard, why can I understand and not understand?! At least explain it to me clearly!"

"Ha! Are you playing dumb now?" Manny sneered, and then said: "Who in the Nine Realms doesn't know the name of the God King Odin! Who doesn't know the name of our father Thor! I am Manny, the eldest son of Thor, the Hercules Manny! And I am the one who killed you!!"

"You are my son?" Thor was surprised: "I am not married yet!"

The names Thor and Sol have the same meaning. Many people think that the correct translation is Sol because it is pronounced as Thor in English. But in fact, Norse mythology, also known as Norse mythology, is a mythological system unique to the Scandinavian region. In Stanislavian mythology, the god of thunder is pronounced as Thor. It's just that the pronunciation of this name has been alienated after entering English. If you really want to trace the origin, it should still be called Thor.

It is worth mentioning that the translator of "ABC of Norse Mythology" published in 1930 was Mao Dun.

Now, in the Norse mythology world of God of War, their language is the same Old Norse as Marvel's Asgard.

In this situation, hearing that the man in front of him was his son? Thor said in disbelief, "I am Thor! I'm not married yet! Sif said she will only agree to my marriage proposal when I become the most legendary hero in Asgard! Who are you?!"

After hearing Thor's words, Manny and the others were so angry that they couldn't speak. They couldn't understand why a weak... well, not weak, but indeed very strong. But just a strong mortal, dared to speak so arrogantly in front of them.

Manny was so angry that he even laughed. He raised his hand and was ready to strangle Thor to death.

Without Thor's hammer, Thor is just a stronger mortal without divine power. Although the body density of Asgardians is three times that of ordinary people, it also means a lot of energy consumption. Now, first beaten by Hela, and then ravaged by the blizzard of Fenrir's winter, without the protection of divine power, Thor is at his most vulnerable moment both physically and spiritually.

Being held in the air by Manny, the already weak Thor felt a suffocating feeling constantly hitting his brain. Looking at Thor, whose face was red and eyes were bloodshot, as if he would die in the next moment, Modi beside him couldn't help but burst into laughter and mocked:

"Haha! I was wondering why you're so big! All you've done is point to a fancy stand! Slude, it seems you don't have a very good taste! You actually like such a useless thing!"

As he spoke, Modi walked forward, kicked Thor's thigh and cursed: "Didn't you claim to be the God of Thunder? Where is your power?! You dare to humiliate us, you piece of trash, pay the price for your stupid words and deeds!!"

Thor didn't hear clearly what Modi said next. At this most critical moment in his life, Thor only heard the words "Where is your power?"

Perhaps because of the suffocation, Thor's mind began to flash with a scrolling light. The teachings from his father, the love from his mother, the dissatisfaction from Loki, the expectations from everyone in Asgard... and the nightmare-like goddess of death who crushed all his glory...

Suddenly, at this moment, Thor felt a trace of power emerging in his body. But before Thor noticed this gradually awakening energy, he felt a very familiar breath nearby.

Having reached his limit, Thor suddenly stretched out his hand, feeling this aura, and roared with all his strength, "Mjolnir!!"

As Thor roared, his body was instantly covered with lightning. The raging thunder was more violent and stronger than that on Manny. Before Manny and the others could come to their senses. In the distance, behind the high wall, in Asgard, Thor, who had been severely humiliated and scolded by his father Odin for a long time, was depressed and drunk, and suddenly felt a familiar breath rising in the distance.

Because he was drunk, Thor did not come back to his senses for a while, and just raised his head in a daze. Perhaps it was also because Thor was drunk that he did not stop it at the first time, so almost in the next moment, the plain short-handled war hammer that he placed on the table to drink with him broke through the air!

"Huh?!" Thor was stunned when he noticed this scene, looking at the empty table, and then patted his beer belly that was like a watermelon with thick fat and tight muscles. After finding that the familiar hammer had indeed left, he realized that something was wrong. However, this was near Asgard after all, and he could sense that his hammer was flying towards his two sons, so Thor was not too nervous, but put on his shoes slowly and walked slowly towards the high wall of Asgard.

On the other side, accompanied by Thor's roar, Manny and others were suspicious at first, thinking that Thor in front of them really had something to do with their father. But after careful recollection, they thought it was impossible, because they did not feel the power of divinity in Thor. But just as they were thinking this, accompanied by a series of harsh thunders, a lightning flashed across the sky in an arc that towered into the clouds, passing over the high walls surrounding Asgard, and directly shattered the wall of the wooden house, and fell directly into Thor's hands!
Although it is not the same world, the base universe is directly connected to the world tree, and the energy has been highly secretive. In this case, when Thor comes into contact with a power that is similar in appearance but the same in essence, the moment he comes into contact with Thor's hammer, the power that had been dormant due to the loss of Thor's hammer is awakened immediately.

His golden hair fluttered, and the moment the secret energy burst out, Thor's burly body was instantly covered with armor. With lightning flashing in his eyes, Thor's voice was filled with anger as he said:

"I am the father of the gods of Asgard, the son of Odin Borsom and Queen Frigga, the god of thunder Thor Odinson! I have never been married! Who are you? Why are you pretending to be my son!!"

With his divinity returned, Thor's voice was filled with arrogance that had not been there before.

This is not Thor's fault, because each god has its own unique personality. This personality is the key to the different powers of the gods - of course, if we use Ron's concept to explain, different gods have different poetics.

In general, divinity and gods themselves influence each other. This is one of the reasons why many gods will actively or passively promote some disasters - their divinity can be grown in the process. And they themselves also desire this more powerful power to allow them to enter the next stage.

Just like now, Thor regained his divine power of thunder, and he felt as if countless thunders were constantly humming and roaring in his chest, clamoring to completely destroy everything in front of him, and let these ignorant guys know who is the real Thor!
But just as Thor was indulging in the pleasure of regaining what he had lost, Hela's face suddenly reappeared in Thor's mind. In an instant, endless pain and fear came again. Although he did not crush the hammer, Thor still quickly woke up.

Fear drove rationality to suppress the interference of divinity. Thor glanced at the hammer in his hand, and then frowned slightly.

Although the power is the same, both the aura and shape of this hammer give people an exceptionally simple feeling - this is not Asgard at all!
Thinking back carefully, what is Asgard in the Marvel Universe like? What impressed you most when you first entered Asgard?
That’s right, just like the strange preference of the yellow-skinned space guy, the moment he came out of the Rainbow Bridge, what came into view was the golden palace towering into the clouds, the Fairy Palace.

Asgard is still a good word. In mythology, Odin's residence is called "Grazheim", also known as the Golden Palace.

From this perspective, it seems vulgar beyond belief. After all, when people think of gold, they think of money and material things. But in fact, gold has always been a very important component in the occult. It can even be said that one of the origins of the occult itself is "alchemy". The ultimate goal of alchemy is to obtain the philosopher's stone that can transform corrupted matter into a pure and perfect state.

Putting this aside, in a sense, the translation of "仙宫" is quite faithful, accurate and elegant...

Manny and Slud felt unbelievable. Because even as children of Thor, even for them, it was almost impossible to use Thor's hammer - Mjolnir had his own will, and if he was not the chosen one, it would be almost impossible to lift it. And now, they could clearly feel that Mjolnir not only allowed this guy who came from nowhere and claimed to be their father to use it, but he was even cheering -

Of course, they cheered. If you think about Thor's state in the God of War worldview, it's okay that he is sloppy and fat, but he also carries a hammer with him, giving people the impression that he is a red-necked old white man who has been abusing his family for many years. Of course, judging from the plot, Thor is quite family-oriented and even PUA by Odin...

Now, Mjolnir was summoned, thinking that he was the one who chose him. But what he got was not the fat Thor he had imagined, but a young, strong, and energetic space golden husky?!

It was like a young woman who had been widowed for more than a decade and had tasted the sweetness of life suddenly saw a muscular young man delivering food. As soon as she opened the door, the hormones that rushed to her face, the eight-pack abs that were soaked in sweat and faintly visible under the T-shirt...

Although she is not her husband, when she moves, she will still symbolically shout "Where is my husband?" to increase her attack speed.

Compared to Manny and Slud who were just shocked and unbelievable, the God of Courage Modi showed his clown nature. He shrank his head and hid behind, fearing that Thor would notice that he was the one who kicked him just now.

Among the three siblings, Slud was the first to come to his senses. He stopped his brother behind him, then looked at Thor and said, "Who are you? Why did you get Mjolnir's recognition? This is something only our father can do!"

"I told you! My name is Thor!" Seeing that it was Slud who saved him from the snowstorm who was asking him, Thor suppressed his inner emotions and said reluctantly: "If anyone wants to ask, I should be the one asking you! Where is this place? Why does your father have the same name as mine? Where is this place? What is Ragnarok?"

Thor had so many questions in his mind that he wanted to ask. Before Thor could say anything, an old voice came from the side.

"Perhaps, I will try to tell you the reasons."

Accompanied by two flying ravens coming to the window, a one-eyed skinny old man walked in slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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