Chapter 252: Kratos and his son’s concerns
Looking at Thor, Odin explained his reasons.

"Ragnarok is the catastrophe that Asgard must face. My son from another world, I don't know why you appear here, but we must find a way to solve it."

After hearing Odin's words, Thor nodded in agreement and said:

"I am here precisely because of Ragnarok."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Odin's eyes flashed, as if he realized something, and then asked, "What do you mean?"

After hearing Odin's question, Thor was not too alert, but said unwillingly: "My father in that world fell into Odin's sleep because of the war with the King of Frost Giants, so the dark elves and opponents in the Nine Realms began to attack Asgard while my father was sleeping. On the battlefield, I achieved brilliant results! But when I returned to Asgard, I found that my damn sister had destroyed the entire Asgard!"

"Your sister?" After hearing Thor's words, Odin's eyes flickered a few times, faintly revealing a slightly chilling light that was captivating.

Odin knew that Ragnarok was bound to happen. It was fate - and the result of people's constant choices. Although the world is different, it would be great if we could know in advance that there was a traitor or betrayer hiding in Asgard.

Thinking about this, Odin asked, "Which sister of yours?"

"Hela! Goddess of death, Hela!"

"Ah?" Odin was stunned. He didn't remember that he had a daughter named Hela... Although there was indeed a goddess of death Hela in Helheim, but... but that was not his daughter!
When Odin was still wondering whether Thor was deceiving him, Thor on the side gritted his teeth and said angrily:
"I have never seen her, and I have never even heard of her existence before! But I saw him destroy Asgard with my own eyes... Yes, there are also murals in Asgard. It seems that he was once the god of war of Asgard. Is there any clue in this world?"

"...I'm sorry, my child." Hearing this, Odin shook his head helplessly and said with his hands spread out, "There is indeed a goddess of death Hela in this world, but she is the queen of Helheim and has nothing to do with me. I don't have a child named Hela, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl."

After a pause, Odin added: "But we don't have to worry about it, because there are differences between worlds. These subtle differences will not affect the fate of the world, such as the Ragnarok in front of us."

Knowing that the reason why Thor's world launched Ragnarok was because he fell asleep in the battle with the King of the Frost Giants, and then other races in the Nine Realms launched an attack, and the goddess of death Hela destroyed the entire Asgard. Odin immediately started to make corresponding associations. While thinking about many things in his mind, Odin pointed to the town in front of him and said:
"I think that the War of the Frost Giants in your world is the Fenrir Winter in your world. Obviously, child, our two worlds are different. In my world, Fenrir Winter appeared in Midgard. In order to let the people in Midgard survive, I opened Asgard and let them take refuge here."

"At the beginning, it was still good because Asgard was far away from Mirgart, and Fenrir's Winter could not wreak havoc here. But for some reason, as time went on, Fenrir's Winter became more and more violent. Now, even Asgard is covered with snow."

In the game, when Midgard was shrouded in Fenrir's Winter, the main problems people faced were the cold and shortage of supplies. The only other problems were the appearance of some ice zombies, but there was no magic out of control, rune riots, or blizzards that could even shake divinity.

Now, Fenrir's winter has arrived outside the high walls of Asgard. Those who fled all the way from Midgard have not enjoyed two days of happiness before they are plunged into the cold again.

"But there is nothing we can do about it." Odin sighed. "After Asgard's walls were built, they were reinforced with a large number of runes. The only way to enter is to climb along the walls, and once the runes are removed, their integrity will be destroyed. Although we have tried our best, facing the destructive Fenrir Winter, there is only so much we can do."

"You are already merciful enough." After hearing Odin's words, Thor's face showed a sigh of regret: "You have protected so many people and saved them from disaster. Those who launched Ragnarok are the real villains..."

After a pause, Thor pointed to several large machines behind the human town and asked, "Speaking of which, what is that?"

Those were some mechanical devices that looked a bit crude, but were engraved with a large number of runes. They looked crude only in appearance, but at the level of magic, each rune was linked together, and the energy of the entire Asgard was connected to the rune cores of these large mechanical devices. Although Thor didn't understand this kind of magic very well, he could more or less feel the precise energy circulation on them.

"It's used to protect safety." Odin looked at Thor with a smile. Thor's curiosity didn't seem fake. He felt that his own in the other world was very good at cultivating this Thor into a complete fool with power but no brains and was very enthusiastic.

Originally, Odin was worried that Thor might see something in these war machines. But now it seems that he was totally overthinking it - this kind of idiot, even if he was asked to die, would still shout nonsense like glory, right?

"Tsk tsk tsk," Hela's charming face was full of gloating as she looked at the scene in front of her. She crossed her arms and looked at Loki beside her: "Is happiness education also popular in Asgard now?"

"I don't know." Loki looked at his nose and thought: "I am a pure frost giant, I am not familiar with Asgard."

"Midgard's mortals have become Odin's cannon fodder." As a master of magic, Frigga shook her head with some exhaustion and said, "Thor... How come Thor can't even see this?"

"Thor can't be blamed for this." After hearing what the others said, Ron shook his head and said, "The main problem is still with Odin in this world... But then again, this Fenrir Winter is too abnormal."

Unlike Loki and others who were concerned about what happened to Thor, Ron was more concerned about the Ragnarok that happened in the Norse God of War.

Even if there is a reason for it, the Ragnarok here is a little too inflated to be beyond imagination... Even the divinity can be shaken, this is not something that can be controlled by fate on an ordinary scale.

Thinking in his heart, Ron said: "The plan has changed. Let's pack up. We may also set off to this Nordic world."

After hearing what Ron said, Frigga and the others nodded. But to be honest, they didn't know what kind of changes Ron mentioned about Ragnarok. After all, although Asgard in the Marvel world also had the catastrophe of Ragnarok, it didn't affect too many people. In most cases, the scope of influence is often limited to Asgard, which is a problem of Asgard itself. Even the Avengers know very little about Ragnarok and other related matters.

Ron was always the type to leave when he wanted to, and since Thor had already arrived in Asgard, he wouldn't be in danger in the short term. Odin in the God of War world was cunning and would use anyone he could to his death. Now that they had finally found a key figure who was connected to another world, Asgard, Thor wouldn't be in danger until Odin was fully prepared.

"Ciri, help me."


Nodding, Ciri opened the door to the world. Although Ron could enter directly through the system's permissions, the process was somewhat troublesome. Especially since the Nordic world was the origin world of Kratos, a member of the field organization. It was also one of Ron's responsibilities to ensure peace and stability in the members' place so that they could perform their missions with greater confidence.

After passing through the World Gate, Ron waited for the people on the other side to arrive. Hela naturally didn't care much. Although she didn't receive blood treatment, as a member of Helheim, Hela now had a temporary worker status in the World Tree.

The most curious ones were Loki and Frigga. Although they had known for a long time that Ciri had the ability to travel through time and space, and Frigga was even teaching Ciri about magic, they could only travel through the world gate. It was the first time for him to go directly to another world through the world gate like this - especially, this was another Nordic world that was extremely far away from here, but had many similarities.

The first moment I stepped out of the world gate, it was not as cold as I imagined. Located on the shore of a fertile lake, giant tortoises hibernated in the slightly cold sunlight.

"Mr. Ron!"

Seeing Ron coming, Atreus also greeted him. However, unlike his previous enthusiasm, Atreus now seemed a little worried.

Behind Atreus is Freya, the former Queen of Asgard in the God of War world, as well as Freya's brother Frey, Bigvir and Bella, the leaders of the light and dark elves, and the dwarf brothers.

Seeing Ron's arrival, Freya said to the people behind her: "He is Ron, the one who helped me remove the seal and retrieve my wings."

"Hey, everyone~"

After hearing Freya's words, Ron greeted her in a very familiar manner. He then glanced around and said, "It seems that this place is well decorated? Fenrir's winter didn't affect this place."

"We released a large rune spell here." Hearing Ron's question, Freya nodded and then said, "But the main reason is still in Asgard. For some reason, Fenrir's winter is more violent than predicted."

Freya's expression was somewhat solemn. "This kind of violence is unnatural. Even if fate is rewritten, the power of fate itself is not enough to cause such large-scale destruction... The power of fate itself is the process of the world's self-recovery, but now, Fenrir's Winter has completely lost control. It's like a terminally ill person whose immune system is frantically attacking all cells. I feel that something is wrong."


Hearing this, Ron nodded. But just as Ron was about to say something, he touched his chin, looked away and said, "But compared to this... Kratos, you seem to have some opinions about me?"


Hearing this, Kratos, who had been sitting not far away in a daze, paused for a moment.

He had been sitting there without any reaction since Ron arrived, as if he was suppressing some emotions in his heart. And now, hearing Ron's question, Kratos paused for a moment. Then he turned around and nodded hesitantly.

"If you have any ideas, just say them." Ron said, "You are not good at hiding your emotions."

To be precise, Kratos doesn't have much experience in hiding his emotions. When he was in Greece, Kratos always punched first and asked questions while punching. Not only did his emotions explode, but his methods were also very explosive. It is only now that he has children, concerns, and is old that Kratos's style of behavior has been restrained. Take Mimir as an example. Kratos chopped off Mimir's head cleanly with an axe.

If it were in the past... Mimir's predecessor, the Apollo Flashlight, was pulled off his neck by Kratos with his own hands.

Without using a knife, they just pulled it out forcefully, and his fingers got stuck into his neck.

For a being whose power lies in anger, it is almost impossible to make a complete transformation.

And now, after hearing Ron's words, Kratos was silent for a moment, and then simply said:
"Is it because of me? The changes in Fenrir's winter."

Ron was not surprised at Kratos' question.

Kratos hates the gods very much, and the biggest reason for this is that most of the divinity simply cannot... or will not resist the instincts brought by divinity. This makes the gods, for entertainment and for more divine power, use the lives and souls of mortals as chips on the gambling table without any care.

Others may not be able to understand this feeling, but as a former bargaining chip, Kratos hates all of this.

And now...

Kratos saw the changes in Fenrir's Winter. If this happened somewhere else, Kratos would not care so much and would go back to his old ways. But the problem is that this time the disaster seemed to be caused by himself.

Moreover, it is closely related to Atreus's Norse name 'Loki'.

After hearing what Kratos said, Atreus nodded seriously and looked at Ron and said:

"And me, what my father said is what I am confused about."

(End of this chapter)

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