In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 274: War God Nordic Reconstruction Meeting

Chapter 274: War God Nordic Reconstruction Meeting

After being knocked away by his own hammer, Thor took a long time to recover and finally stood up again with difficulty.

Looking at Thor, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"What the hell is this... This isn't your power!"

"This is the power of your world." After hearing Thor's words, Thor chose to tell the truth.

Opening his hands, circles of primordial runes rose up along Thor's arms. Floating in the air, the seemingly simple patterns outlined an unimaginable grandeur. As his palms clenched, all these runes merged into Thor's palms, merging into his body and becoming one.

He raised his head and looked at Thor, whose eyes were flashing with the power of runes.

"Your father has killed your world. The dying power of Y'k'trasil resides in my body. You can no longer defeat me. Both your past and your future are reflected in my vision."

After hearing Thor's words, Thor stood there in disbelief, staring at Thor in a daze, then gritted his teeth and said, "Impossible! My father can't possibly - I won't be deceived by you!!"

As he spoke, Thor raised his thunder hammer. This time, he did not rush towards Thor immediately. Instead, he waved his hand and a lightning bolt blasted out. The fierce lightning continued to jump in the air, creating a series of jumping arcs. Facing the lightning bolt, Thor stood still without dodging.

Just like before, Thor's attack hit Thor's body, but at the moment of being bombarded, Thor was suddenly blown away by the invisible impact. As for Thor, he just stood there, unharmed.

Just when Thor was about to get up again, he saw the cracked hammer falling in front of him. Thor had enough reason to believe that if Thor wanted to, he could easily smash his head in the next moment.

Thor gritted his teeth and seemed to have used up all his strength, but he did not choose to admit defeat. Instead, he hit Thor's hammer with his forehead. Blood splattered everywhere, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Then give me a quick death - you are me in this world, do you still want to continue humiliating me!"

"Humiliation? No, I just want you to take on the responsibilities of being the God of Thunder while I'm away."

Shaking his head, Thor put away his hammer and looked up at the Asgard in the distance. Although they were far apart, Figure 2 could feel his mother's concerned eyes. Feeling that selfless love, even Thor's eyes could not help but flash a touch of emotion. But in the next moment, Thor's eyes regained their calmness again - he could not indulge in his mother's protection, Asgard would still face many crises, and he could not relax, it was not time to rest!
Thor lowered his head and said, "I will have someone bring your family here later. You don't have to worry about your family being discriminated against. My mother is a kind and benevolent person. Here, they can enjoy far better education and living conditions than your world. Asgard in the distance is proof of that."

Looking towards the bustling city in the distance, Thor did not describe too much about how good his hometown was. Because just from the appearance, a public toilet in Asgard was more luxurious than the entire Asgard in the God of War world.

"I know you admire your father, just like I admire my father." Looking at Thor, Thor stretched out his hand to pull him up. But Thor, who was used to being autistic, just lowered his head and said nothing. Seeing this, Thor also exercised his privilege as a winner and forcibly pulled him up, and then said calmly:

"So I won't judge your father in front of you... Go ask your family, or look at your hometown with your own eyes. But no matter what, now, abide by the agreement between us."


After hearing Thor's words, Thor fell into a brief silence, and then asked in a deep voice: "What are you going to do?"

After a moment of silence, Thor said calmly, "Go and destroy those enemies of Asgard in the bud."

As soon as he finished speaking, Thor swung the hammer of Mjolnir in his hand, and accompanied by swirling thunders, he flew straight into the air, and then formed a graceful arc, quickly approaching Asgard to say his final goodbyes to his mother and brother.

After standing there in silence for a long time, Thor finally took a deep breath, looked at Mjolnir in his hand, sighed, and hung it around his waist.

"Sorry, old man."

Crack, crackle.

Mjolnir in the God of War world flashed several leaping arcs of electricity, as if welcoming Thor to a new stage in his life.

Seeing that Thor's problem had been resolved, Ron wisely left.

"I will send Thor's wife, daughter and son to you later. Don't forget to accept them then." Ron waved his hand and said, "As for Thor's next choice, that is Thor's own business. I will not interfere too much."

Hearing this, Queen Frigga smiled and nodded, saying, "Thank you for your help, Mr. Ron. When you have time, please come to Asgard and have a seat. We will then be able to repay you for your help."

"You're welcome~"

As he spoke, Ron's figure disappeared from the spot.

The main body has fallen into sleep again, and Ron has now recovered to the state where his conscious body is active in the outside world.

In this state, if Ron wants to leave, he doesn't need to open the Helheim Gate or anything like that. He can just remove it right where he is. These consciousnesses don't carry any power, they are just a thought projection. So there's no need for this part of consciousness to return to the main body, because the main body is always connected to these consciousnesses, and what it sees and hears is also what the main body sees and hears. Even if these consciousnesses are lost, Ron's main body will not be affected. Of course, as a disadvantage, these projections are only used for observation, so they basically have no combat capability, and can't do a few moves like the consciousness projection that fought with Odin.

Then he returned to his original form and was pulled into Helheim by Ron and killed instantly.

Thor is busy on his side, and the Norse world of the God of War is also busy on the other side.

Also a consciousness projection, sitting at the long meeting table in Asgard that once belonged to the main god of the Aesir, Ron looked at Kratos, Freya, Frey, Tyr and others in front of him and said: "Ragnarok is over, but our work is not over yet. If we continue to leave it alone, this world will eventually become a ruin because of the withering of the world tree. Therefore, the war is over, and post-war reconstruction should also be put on the agenda."

"We have no objection to rebuilding the Nordic world." After looking around, Freya nodded. As the former queen of the Nordic gods, with the fall of Zeus, Freya naturally became the leader of the old gods.

"But the problem is who will lead. Odin is dead, and the position of the God King is vacant. Some of the original twelve gods died in Ragnarok, and some are still missing. Before rebuilding, I think we need to re-form a new group of twelve gods. Only in this way can we ensure that the world will not face the risk of the world tree collapsing at any time due to the lack of a structure during the reconstruction process."

Hearing this, Ron nodded in understanding.

Although it sounds a bit strange to discuss who will lead the world before it faces a crisis of collapse, like being eager to reward people for their achievements and fight for power as soon as the war is over. However, considering the issue of world view, there is really no problem.

Twelve is a very special number, and it has many reflections in mysticism. This is true even in the East and the West. Northern Europe, Greece, Rome, Egypt... all have twelve clear main gods. Jesus has twelve disciples, and the East has twelve zodiac signs, twelve meridians, twelve hours, and so on.

In this case, the re-establishment of the twelve priesthoods is equivalent to the re-establishment of twelve supports for the world that has just ended the Ragnarok and where all things wither, in order to prevent the world from further collapsing due to aftershocks on its original foundation.

Thinking in his heart, Ron also said: "I won't talk about the minor priesthoods. I will not participate in the election of the twelve main gods, but I propose Kratos, Atreus, Brock, Sindri, and Mimir. As for the priesthood, you can discuss it yourselves."

As he spoke, Ron paused, looked at Tyr and said, "If you have made your plans, Tyr, don't forget to go to Valhalla."

Hearing this, Tyr looked at Ron in surprise, then nodded and said, "I understand."

After seeing the exchange between the two, Freya on the side said in surprise: "What do you mean? Tyr is planning to..."

"I have completed my mission." Hearing Freya's question, Tyr smiled and said, "In fact, I was not very interested in the so-called God of War from the beginning. Compared with the God of War, I would rather be the God of Travel... No, I don't even want to be a god, I just want to be a traveler, adventurer, and wanderer to see other realms. Now that the Nordic countries have ended the Ragnarok, my mission has been completed, so I want to hand over the God of War to Kratos... I planned to do so from the beginning."

Stating that he had not made any deal with Ron, Tyr said: "But what bothers me more is that Kratos has not yet reconciled with his past self. So, I have been thinking about how to make Kratos accept his true self... Well, Valhalla is indeed a good choice."

Hearing this, he fell into a brief thought, and Freya beside him nodded and said:

"Since you have made up your mind... then Valhalla is indeed a good choice."

"...Wait a minute." Watching the conversation, Kratos frowned and said, "I don't plan to become a god of war. You know my character. I don't have as much desire for the so-called god as you think."

"Isn't it too early to say that?" Hearing this, Ron on the side also laughed.

But he still remembered the complex emotions of sadness and joy that Kratos felt when he saw the prophecy left by his wife in God of War V.

The content of the prophetic mural is that after the Ragnarok, Kratos will lead all the Nordic creatures to rebuild the world with the love of the people.

Facing Ron's playful gaze, Kratos pursed his lips. In fact, he was somewhat resistant to Ron's proposal, but in his heart he did not have the hatred and disgust he had when he heard the word "god" in Greece in the past.

To be precise, Kratos knew very well that the gods needed by the new Nordic countries were different from those gods that Greece once had.

"I... am willing to try." Kratos took a deep breath and said, "But what about Atreus? He is still too young. What priesthood do you plan to let them hold?"

Hearing this, Atreus nodded nervously. He wanted to become a legendary god. But unlike in the past, Atreus was not thinking about how powerful a god he would become or how he would act recklessly. Atreus had seen and heard the bad consequences of the gods' reckless behavior. So, Atreus was just curious about why Ron thought he could become the main god of the new era.

Others were equally curious. They didn't know why Ron proposed that Atreus also become a main god - Atreus was too young. And Ron didn't look like the kind of person who was greedy for power and cultivated confidants. He wasn't even from this world.

"The messenger of the World Tree."

Ron said: "Atreus can listen to the voices of all things and has a direct connection with the World Tree Yggdrasil. Now that the World Tree's life has entered the countdown stage, whether it is a grand funeral or waiting for the emergence of a new world consciousness, someone needs to communicate with it. And Atreus is the best candidate."

Having said that, Ron also added: "But sometimes what the world consciousness desires is different from what the life in the world needs. So how to balance is also a very important issue. If you are not careful, an Odin will appear. Therefore, I think it is better not to clarify the position of the God King among the new twelve main gods."

"You mean... the Council of Gods?" Frey on the side asked tentatively.

"Pretty much." Ron nodded.

"Not enough people." Freya reminded: "The Twelve Lords are an even number, so the votes will be tied. It's okay for small matters, but if it's an important matter, this stalemate will make precious opportunities slip away in the stalemate."

"So one of the priesthoods will be given to the brothers Brock and Sindri." Ron raised his chin and said to the dwarf brother beside him:

"Two people share the priesthood equally and have the same voting rights."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent. Then Mimir, the God of Wisdom, said speechlessly, "There are thirteen gods among the twelve main gods. This sounds... too weird."

"Just like there are five of the Four Heavenly Kings." Atreus added.

(End of this chapter)

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