Chapter 276: Bat Lao Deng's Visit
Pegasus was galloping in the air. Seeing the fully armed Pegasus, the miserable employees in Ron Park subconsciously shrank their necks.

Born in a world on the verge of destruction, under the command of Flashpoint Diana, these Amazon wolves, who have obtained a full set of Asgardian Valkyrie equipment, are referred to as the "German-equipped Division". They are amazingly powerful and can be said to be the nightmare of any enemy. Especially the brutal methods of these women, who only think about completing the task and swing the whip without mercy. They are the troops that employees least want to see in the rotating duty force of the park.

Because they like to trample and humiliate their enemies. And now, the guy riding the handsome Pegasus, although both are wearing silver armor, the guy with completely different appearance is the leader of the Valkyrie Corps, the War Lord Diana.

He has completed dozens of missions, big and small, and his physical strength, mental strength, divine strength, and equipment quality have all been upgraded several times. He is also ruthless, and his mind is full of completing missions. He is keen on fighting and killing. He is known as Olympus Hell, Helheim's Blade, Park Executioner, and Ron's Chosen.

And now, Heimdall was dragged on the ground with Diana's Lasso of Truth around his neck, splashing a lot of smoke and dust. Even though there was still some divinity in his body that had not been worn away, Heimdall could not help but let out a wail as he was covered in wounds.

With a swish, Heimdall's body was thrown into the air in an arc. Like a bloody piece of rotten meat, he was thrown into the park. Diana's eyes were filled with undisguised malice.

"Twenty-one days of absence without reason. There are still three days left in this month. If someone fails to complete the working hours, I will not stop placing bait out of pity."

When did you ever have mercy?!

After hearing Diana's words, the evil people in the park couldn't help but feel a pang of anger.

There are many areas in Helheim, and among them, Roan Park is undoubtedly the area with the worst living environment, without a doubt.

The reason is simple. Most of the people in Roan Park are the remnants of the world virus, or they are extremely evil people who have committed many evil deeds in the original world and are still not restrained when they come to Helheim.

The law of Helheim had no other option but to send the person to the park, except for execution. Naturally, the park was filled with many villains.

And their job is simple - to mine white frost.

By implanting the blood of the Wild Hunt to temporarily attract the White Frost, and opening the space-time rift through a special switch to guide the White Frost into the material realm with oneself as the coordinate. It sounds harmless, but in fact it is using oneself as bait to allow the White Frost to parasitize as much as possible.

As for the white frost, it has no properties, but it will constantly absorb the heat and energy inside the attached object. It has extremely high value in the secret energy level and cannot be obtained by conventional means.

At least, for now, with all members including the Wild Hunt King Eredin being captured by Roan, now in the entire tree, only Roan Park has the ability to sustainably obtain white frost by relying on these Wild Hunt Knight sinners.

These white frosts also brought a lot of precious resources to Helheim, such as the Uru metal of Asgard, the elemental veins of the magic world, the new energy of the technological world, and so on.

However, the acquisition of white frost is also the blood and tears of the hard workers in the park. Because in the process of mining, if you are not careful, the white frost will absorb your life energy. Even if you replenish and rest in time, the loss of this life energy can only recover about 70% at most. The remaining 30% is lost forever.

Simply put, anyone who collects white frost will face the risk of being injured, and 30% of the life energy lost will never be recovered.

In this process, the pain of vitality, strength, stamina, endurance, and even the soul being swallowed by the white frost cannot be measured by any other pain. You can only be careful and careful. While ensuring the collection quantity, try to reduce the loss of your life source as much as possible... but it is only a little. Even the most experienced laborer cannot guarantee that his vitality will not be affected in the slightest.

However, all they got in return during this process were work points, which could only be exchanged for a few items in the park, precious time for exercise, and sky-high early release.

But no one would speak for these people. Not to mention that they either chose to lead the World Virus Master when facing the invasion of the World Virus in their native world, or they still behaved badly after coming to Helheim. More importantly, Heimdall was originally a gathering place for world wanderers who had lost their native universe. And among those who survived the world-destroying crisis, how many of them were good men and women?

Among them, there were other human rights activists who fought for the human rights of these coolies in the park, but Ron's way of dealing with it was very simple - he transferred the human rights of the human rights activists to those who were punished.

After discovering that their rights would be harmed as a result, the few human rights activists who existed to begin with disappeared.

As for the bait delivery mentioned by Diana… If the normal working mode of the coolies in the park is to act as bait for mining, gathering, and attracting white frost, then the bait delivery is to throw it directly into the vacuum of the world to make a nest.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at each other, then pulled Heimdall up, and everyone contributed their work points to get some medicine, and then dragged Heimdall, who had just recovered but was not yet fully conscious, to the factory in the park nearby.

Because of the long-term mining of white frost, the temperature inside the factory is below zero all year round. Along with the biting cold, what comes into view are rows of workstations that look like electric chairs. Heimdall is thrown directly on, and then the collection power is turned up to the maximum. With the inflow and outflow of Wild Hunt serum, Heimdall, who has the blood of Wild Hunt, can clearly feel that he is locked by something in the dark. Then, a crack opens above his head. Then a large amount of white dust charges out, absorbing Heimdall's heat, energy, soul, and even weak divinity at an astonishing speed.

"No, we can't let this guy's divinity slip away, or he'll die! And then we'll have to sacrifice our lives!"

"Fuck, how can something like this be divine? I don't have time to worry about that. Just transfer the money to me and I'll give him a new life!"

"Damn it, after this is over I will make him pay back these work points tenfold!" Looking at the coolies in the park who were arguing fiercely and swearing at each other below, Diana showed a cold smile at the corner of her mouth.

For Diana, it was not difficult to kill Heimdall. Because with the Ragnarok, Heimdall's strength was reduced by 70%. Even Heimdall in his prime was still no match for Diana - Heimdall's ability to see through others' true intentions was indeed powerful, but Frey's Sword of Victory could still suppress him absolutely, not to mention Diana, whose all equipment had been strengthened several times?
Apart from anything else, the Lasso of Truth that can automatically search for enemies is a nightmare that Heimdall can never overcome.

But rather than killing such a foul-mouthed guy, Diana would rather see Heimdall fall into complete despair under the iron fist of reality.

With a sneer, Diana left Roan Park and returned to the most prosperous area of ​​Helheim - the urban area, also known as the central area.

Located in the middle of Helheim continent, it is also the most prosperous area in Helheim. Many people who are homeless because of the world virus that destroyed the world like the Amazon she-wolf, but who have avoided entering the world reincarnation, will choose to live in it. Because of Ron's identity, almost everyone here earns system coins by completing tasks to make a living. Only a small number of people will make a profit by reselling.

Although speculation sounds unpleasant and gives people the impression that it is just a way to make dirty money, in fact, it is not easy to speculate in Helheim. Because there are too many intelligent beings living in Helheim. Moreover, these intelligent beings are not divided by race and form settlements one after another. Unless the leader of the settlement is a mortal enemy when the original world is still there, few people will leave the original settlement.

Just like the villagers in ancient times, the only commonality among these wanderers is that they come from the same world. Those who are not accepted by the settlement or leave the settlement can also join other small organizations, form a team, or simply become a lone wolf...

With more people, there are more needs. Knowing the needs of each settlement, each organization, and each team, and contacting and reselling them are the core jobs of these information brokers. It is also because of the existence of these information brokers that Helheim has begun to develop gradually and formed a special small-scale civilization.

If it were in another world, perhaps a new civilization would be formed based on these information brokers. Even like Cyberpunk 2077, a special ecology with large organizations, middlemen, task forces, and lone wolves would be formed. Unfortunately, Ron was not interested in this——

Because the fact that a civilization had developed in Helheim was meaningless to Ron. Even though there were many world wanderers with religious worldviews in Helheim who believed in and worshipped Ron as a new god, Ron never responded.

No, it wasn't that there was no response at all. For example, before, when they were performing a super-large self-sacrifice to call upon Ron's gift, Ron directly broadcasted the message - "Another bunch of idiots who engage in religion", causing these sects to disband on the spot.

It was also because of this that after the people of Helheim realized that Ron didn't care about Helheim, was too lazy to manage it, and let it develop on its own, the settlements, big and small, were always in a state of sustainable growth, but would automatically cool down whenever they reached a certain stage.

Although Ron hated religion, he did not forbid others from studying him. According to the personality profile of Ron made by some behavioral scholars among the world wanderers, it is still uncertain, but one thing is certain. That is, if something in Helheim caused Ron's impatience, then Ron would not talk to you about reason.

Because nothing in Helheim was indispensable to Ron.

On this basis, perhaps the only thing that Ron cares about is the execution and completion of the task.

In this case, the size of the personnel is not what every organization in Helheim pursues. If you can't pursue quantity, then pursue quality. When the quality reaches the standard, then it is possible to become a regular member - just like the group of Amazon she-wolves or the wanderers in the Flashpoint world, become Roan's vassal army, and have their own territory.

For example, the Amazon’s New Paradise Island and the Cryogenic City led by Mr. Freeze.

Having their own ground army base made the Amazons and the people of Cryo City the same as the Celestial Dragons in Helheim. Not to mention bullying men and women and making passers-by kneel down when they go out on the street, but just being able to buy high-end goods in the World Tree System Mall with system coins was enough to make them drool with envy.

However, there is also a special non-staff member among them.

"Hey, long time no see. I didn't expect you to come back here. I thought you would indulge in the hard-earned family happiness and forget all the pain~"

In the Cryogenic City, wearing a cryogenic battle suit, his entire head is covered by the test tube-like helmet of the battle suit in an ultra-low temperature vacuum environment. He can only communicate with the outside world through the speaker in his chest by controlling the battle suit through brain waves. Professor Victor, the Cryogenic Professor, is looking at the big guy in front of him with a smile.

"After not seeing you for a while, there are more deaths around you. Why? Is it that having a complete family again still can't make you happy? Or is the Gotham in that world also a cesspool full of shit?"

After hearing Victor's words, Bat Old Deng, Wayne Thomas shook his head indifferently and said:
"That world is very beautiful. Compared to the previous world, the air is filled with a sweet scent... I came here for other things this time. I suspect it is related to our original world, so I came to ask you if there are any relevant clues."

Hearing this, Victor also raised his eyebrows.

He knew that Thomas worked for Ron. Unlike himself and Diana, who were thugs assisting in the mission, Thomas was responsible for connecting with another world. Although he did not have a deep understanding of him, he was obviously more important than him and Diana in terms of authority.

But now, Thomas suddenly returned to Helheim and claimed that new problems had arisen in the world of origin that he had already reincarnated into...

"Then don't ask me anymore. I don't know anything." Victor said, "Just follow me to see the boss."

(End of this chapter)

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