Chapter 278: The Bat Family's Private Affairs

Hearing the sound of Bruce chasing her, Martha, who was sitting in the Batmobile dragging the Penguin in front, showed a look of deep anger on her face.

"Bruce! How could you do this? I am your dear mother!" Martha shouted dissatisfiedly, "You don't even want to call me mother! - But it doesn't matter! Bruce! Don't worry, mother will always love you! No matter now or in the future. But now, mother is very angry, so I will make you realize your mistake!"

As she spoke, accompanied by a crazy smile, Martha drove the bat—or rather the Batmobile painted with Joker's paint—speeding down the nearly vertical wall with one hand, and swung the chain violently with the other hand. The seemingly frail body burst out with unimaginable power at this moment.

Being dragged behind the Batmobile, the Penguin let out a terrified wail.

"Fuck your mother, Batman! Hurry up and say something soft, oh no! No! Not your mother! Fuck your father! Batman, I fuck your father!!"

When the Penguin was halfway through his words, he felt the rope around his neck suddenly tighten. Before he could come to his senses, he was thrown directly away. He smashed countless terrace decorations along the way. In his horror, the Penguin also realized where he had said it wrong.

About a few months ago, two special newcomers appeared in Gotham City. The reason why they are special is that although they are against Batman, they are all super villains.

One of them claimed to be Batman's father, and the other claimed to be Batman's mother, and affectionately called Batman "Little Bruce". At the beginning, no one took these two people seriously. But slowly, they realized that something was wrong - although in Batman's eyes, the sin of killing a hundred people is no different from the sin of killing one person, and both are just sent to prison, or sent to prison after breaking their limbs. But in any case, Batman will not kill criminals.

But this crazy couple is completely different - they are even crazier, especially this "female clown Martha", who is even more keen on torturing them to death in front of Batman.

Many people have also investigated the fact that they call Batman Bruce - after all, there is indeed a very famous Bruce in Gotham City. Bruce Wayne.

But this investigation soon came to nothing... because everyone in Gotham knew that Bruce, the richest man in Gotham, had lost his parents when he was a child. The news was overwhelming at the time, and a lot of people were predicting who would become the next richest man in Gotham.

After all, it is a bit too much to ask a child to manage billions of assets. Under such temptation, any incident of eating up the family would not be surprising.

But somewhat surprisingly, his old butler took care of everything in Wayne Group as a professional manager when Bruce was still young, and after Bruce became an adult, he returned Wayne Group to Bruce completely.

The various confrontations, business wars, power grabs, stamp grabs, and money tree watering plots that people imagined did not happen. The whole process was so smooth and natural that it was hard to accept - especially those other groups and families in Gotham City that had been dormant for a long time. They had long been prepared to take over part of the market under the Wayne Group when Wayne was in turmoil. In the end, everything ended so smoothly, and all their preparations were directly ruined. Many investors were also extremely disappointed, and the Wayne Group reaped a wave of dividends out of thin air.

But no matter what the Wayne Group does, one thing is undeniable: Bruce's parents died a long time ago.

Combined with the information given by Ackerman Asylum, these are two psychopaths who have been imprisoned in the depths of the mental hospital for a long time, thinking that they are Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne. But in fact, they are just two super psychopathic criminals.

Like now, realizing that he had said the wrong thing, the Penguin immediately changed his words, but Martha had no intention of showing any mercy.

Under the restraint of the chain, his slightly bloated body drew an arc in the air, and then smashed directly into the reinforced glass on the outer wall of the building with a snap, and fragments flew all over the sky. When Martha's chariot passed the place where he fell and was pulled up again by the rope, the Penguin who came into view had become a bloody piece of rotten meat.

Seeing that the Penguin was in danger, Bruce's eyes revealed a hint of anger and hidden fear.

He can make up his mind to defeat anyone by any means. Even if the opponent is Thomas, Bruce can force himself to calm down and stick to his will. But the opponent happens to be his mother, Martha, who does not hide her love for Bruce. Because the Kane family she comes from has congenital mental illness, Martha's way of expressing love is also extremely intense.

"Don't worry, Bruce! They won't exist for long! They won't exist for long! Just like now, they are heading to hell!" Martha's eyes were filled with excitement.

She could already smell fear—or rather, the smell of fear fumes.

As one of Bian Fu's mortal enemies, the Penguin Man's vitality was also very tenacious. He did not die directly from this tragic blow - but he was already on the verge of death.

Feeling the fear of death, Penguin no longer cared about any shitty plan and shouted in a venting voice: "Enough! What are you waiting for! Do you want to wait until I die before you do anything?!"

The moment the Penguin finished speaking, Deadshot, in a dark corner of Gotham City, let out a displeased sound.

Wearing full body armor, the right eye on his face is covered by a red electronic sight.

As the strongest shooter in the DC Universe, there is no doubt about the ability of the Deadshot. He is proficient in almost every type and caliber of guns, and also has outstanding physical conditions and excellent athletic ability as well as strong close combat ability. In the Whispering Joke War, he even fought fiercely with another legendary mercenary, Deathstroke. In the process, he used all means of close combat and long-range attacks, and the number of innocent passers-by victims alone reached more than 60.

Although the main weapons of the Death Shooter are his silenced wrist gun, which is fixed on the wrist like a wristband, and the Glock 9mm pistol with an explosive device, the Death Shooter will make different degrees of preparations when facing different enemies.

And this legendary Martha the Clown who killed the previous Joker is undoubtedly worthy of Deadshot using all means to target her.

He stared at Martha, who was speeding on the building hundreds of meters away. At this distance, an adult is not much bigger than an ant. But with observation and perception abilities far beyond that of ordinary people, the Death Shooter can even see the trajectory of every flap of a hummingbird's wings at a distance of 100 meters. And now, this strongest killer who is called "never miss any opportunity" is just a little unhappy.

Damn Penguin, incompetent waste, he actually angered Martha the Clown like this - she is not even in the best shooting range yet!

But the Penguin had already said so, Martha Joker and Batman must have been alert. So Deadshot did not continue to dawdle, but immediately activated the shooting trap that had been set up. The debut of the psychopathic super criminals Martha Joker and old Bat Thomas dealt a serious blow to the dark world of Gotham City. In order to get these two annoying guys out of Gotham City and make Gotham City return to the paradise that once belonged to Batman and them, many super criminals also united this time.

Like now, through the connection between the nervous system and visual electrical signals, multiple additional senses appeared in the brain of the Death Shooter at the same time. Aiming at the same time, in Bruce's suddenly tightened eyes, bright red spots shot out through the mist on the nearby streets.

Gotham City is very humid and damp all year round. At this time of year, a thin mist rises every night, which makes people feel uncomfortable. It is precisely because of this that these infrared rays become particularly obvious under the reflection of the mist.

Dozens of infrared rays locked onto Martha's body and even her head. But what caught the snipers' eyes was a face that was crazy with excitement.

Laughing happily, Martha cheered and shouted: "Look! Bruce! This sinful city has stretched out his claws, he wants to stop your mother from saving you - but it doesn't matter! Because the love of parents is invincible!"

As she finished speaking, Martha's eyes were filled with deep green. She was still a clown, but now Martha had embarked on a path that was completely different from the normal worldview.

"Get control of it, Martha."

Before the negative consciousness in Martha's body could explode, a cold voice sounded from beside her. After hearing this voice, Bruce's eyes also showed a strong sense of uneasiness.

Following closely, along with the ripples in space, the old bat, also wearing a bat suit, but giving people a tougher, stronger, and more violent feeling, appeared in front of Martha like a ghost. The huge cloak behind him opened, and the edge sprayed out fierce sonic energy to provide power. In the moment of swinging his hand, dozens of darts broke through the air and cut all the incoming bullets into pieces.

"Ha! Thomas! You're back! Look how energetic our little Bruce is! He's still chasing us!"

Looking back at Bruce, Thomas' eyes were full of calmness and indifference - in fact, after their first meeting, Thomas rarely appeared in front of Bruce.

This silent "fatherly love" often makes Bruce feel uneasy. Compared with his mother's passionate expression, his father's silence always makes Bruce feel that he must be planning something big.

Thinking of this, Bruce's eyes became more stern, and he urged the motorcycle under him to quickly enter the overload state. Bruce chased his parents in front at an astonishing speed.

"What is your purpose?!"

"This has nothing to do with you." Thomas responded indifferently. Then, with a wave of his arm, the steel skeleton module of the Flashpoint World was instantly activated, and the roaring sound waves tore through the space in front of him to form a dazzling sonic explosion channel.

"That's enough family time for today. Martha, we have more important things to do."

Hearing this, Martha's eyes showed a hint of reluctance. But this reluctance soon turned into a hint of relief, and then she nodded and said, "I know..."

After saying that, Martha turned around and looked at Bruce, with a smile on her face that carried some sadness of parting.

"Child, mom and dad are leaving soon. But don't worry, we will be back soon - don't worry! We will definitely come back!"

The next moment, Thomas and Martha entered the sonic boom channel and disappeared. Thomas had become very proficient in this space teleportation ability derived from the steel skeleton after continuous use. As long as it did not involve alien planets, at least within the earth, he could move freely.

Bruce pursed his lips as he watched his parents in another world disappear in an instant, then said helplessly: "Alfred, why didn't you inform me - the Batcave should be able to detect the fluctuations of the sonic boom channel and the spatial coefficient!"

"Indeed." After hearing the young master's words, Alfred, holding a cup of steaming hot coffee in his hand, drank it slowly in the bat cave, and said helplessly:

"But when I was about to inform you, the system of the Batcave was temporarily taken over... Well, it must be made up of the steel skeleton system in the master. I have to say, Master. If you plan to keep it a secret from the other members of the Justice League and handle it yourself, it is unlikely that you will be able to defeat the master in terms of computer programs."

"Yeah yeah."

Barbara on the side also nodded, and complained helplessly: "The abilities of the old man and the lady are too extraordinary. And I don't quite understand why the clown virus made by the lady has such a strong infectious ability. According to the simulation conducted by the computer, perhaps even Superman can't completely resist it."

"Haha, Dionysus factor! She has already mastered the Dionysus factor~"

While Barbara and Alfred were still complaining, a cheerful voice came from a vacuum box covered with gauze. Hearing this voice, Barbara shook her lower body uncomfortably. The voice obviously didn't care about the state of Barbara and the others, but just shouted excitedly:
"Little Bat! Give up, my dear little Bat! You can't defeat them, unless - let us become completely one! Only in this way can we defeat Batman and Mrs. Joker!"

"That's enough, shut up!"

Without waiting for Can to continue speaking, Todd, who was just watching from the sidelines, coldly picked up the stick and smashed it on the glass with a dull sound.

"Haha! Todd! Stop pretending! In fact, you are the one who wants to leave here more than anyone else!"

(End of this chapter)

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