Chapter 286: Suppression of Experience

Activating all the enchantments and curses on the armor, Warlord Diana's ability has been improved dramatically. Originally, in the three-on-one situation, as the one, Diana was still at a slight disadvantage. But with the chain activation of the enchantments, the whole situation was reversed at an astonishing speed.

“It’s like he’s become a completely different person.”

In the Batcave, Barbara couldn't help but cover her mouth, her eyes full of surprise as she said, "And is she really Diana from another world? Whether it's her personality or her strength, it's too... too beyond imagination, right?"

"The world is different. The gap between people is greater than that between people and dogs." Ron seemed very casual about this. He leaned aside and searched for a while. Then he couldn't help but complained, "How come there is not even a bottle of beer in your refrigerator?" Then he opened the Gate of Helheim and took out a bottle of cold beer.

Batman didn't care about this. He just glanced at Ron and continued to focus on War Lord Diana. After a moment of silence, Bruce nodded thoughtfully and said:
"Your Diana is obviously more powerful... Let's stop the test here. There is no need to continue."

Bruce's conclusion was not that he had no confidence in Diana, Arthur, and Mera. It was purely because he had already obtained the data he wanted and the information Ron wanted. There was no point in continuing the fight. Especially since he was very familiar with the psychology of Diana and Arthur, Bruce knew very well that in terms of difficulty, this Diana from another world was more troublesome.

Although they look strong, each of them has obvious weaknesses. Although Diana seems to have no dead angles and no absolute weakness, her belligerent character is a flaw that Bruce can take advantage of. He only needs to find a way to deceive Diana's senses, then under the action of instinct, there is no need for any fierce conflict, Diana herself can exhaust her physical strength under the action of fighting instinct.

It was the same Diana, but this method could not be applied to the War Lord Diana. The reason was simple, the War Lord had no morals.

Although Diana is warlike, she still maintains a kind nature. She rarely kills people unless it is necessary. But the War Lord is different. In the original world alone, hundreds of millions of people died because of her. Later, she launched the Third World War, almost dragging the entire world into the quagmire of war between superhumans and ancient civilizations.

She has no morals, no prejudice, no identification, and no strong will. This means that most sensory deception methods, whether illusions or other hallucinogenic drugs, cannot have any effect on Diana.

Especially the armor she was wearing...

"The few plans you have left for Diana cannot be applied to the War Lord."

Glancing at Bruce, Ron put his hand on Batboy's shoulder with a familiar look on his face and said with a grin, "Although this Diana looks like a lunatic, her combat IQ is not low. The armor enchants on her are all enhanced templates designed by Frigga, the queen of Asgard in another world. When activated individually, each module operates independently, but when the war curse is activated, the chain effect will make Diana immune to most mental influences."

"Although this state can only maximize Diana's basic abilities, and cannot allow Diana to master natural weather or mysterious energy...but you should also know that the simpler, the more reliable."

After hearing Ron's words, Batman seemed a little silent.

Just like Ron said, Batman is not afraid of enemies mastering those fancy abilities - as long as he knows what the opponent's abilities are, he can use the special features of these abilities to arrange tactics. In contrast, this kind of pure basic ability enhancement is the most difficult.

Because this means that the only way to defeat the opponent is through direct hard power suppression.

But if it is easy to suppress someone with hard power, then the other party is not qualified to be called strong. Ron didn't care about Bruce's inner thoughts. He just drank a bottle of beer and looked at Barbara and others with some regret.

"Does Gotham have any specialty beers? I came here just to see if there's anything I haven't tried."

Hearing this, Barbara blinked, and then said with some regret: "Uh... I'm sorry, Mr. Ron. But I seldom drink. Well, never."

"I know one." Todd said, "Gargoyle beer, a specialty of Gotham... I remember there's some in the manor. Do you want me to get it for you?"

"It's troublesome."


I was a little surprised and said in my heart, "That's quite polite," and then Todd turned and left.

The reason why Todd left was not for any other reason, but because the battle in the picture was coming to an end.

With a grim laugh, War Lord Diana grabbed Mera, the Queen of the Sea, and struck Wonder Woman Diana's hair mercilessly. Aquaman wanted to rescue her, but with the opening of the war form, War Lord Diana's speed and strength far exceeded the limits of Aquaman Arthur. Even if he fully concentrated his mental power, he could only capture some faint afterimages of the War Lord's high-speed movement. He could barely make predictions, but it was a pipe dream to launch an extremely precise attack.

The two hostages in the hands of the war lord Diana made Aquaman Arthur feel cautious and hesitant for a moment.

Meanwhile, below, the five hundred Helheim Valkyries also gained an almost absolute advantage in the siege of Paradise Island and the Atlantis royal guards, totaling thousands of people.

Among them, the female warriors of Amazon Paradise Island were the most affected. Although they knew that it was because the enemy's armor was harder and the swords were sharper, they still couldn't understand why they were almost defeated at the first touch in the frontal battle and couldn't even form an effective resistance.

In contrast, Queen Hippolyta of Amazon Paradise Island, who was in the battle array, seemed very calm. She kept observing the battlefield, but still sighed silently in her heart.

Yes, although we are both born in the Amazon Paradise Island, our experiences are ultimately different.

Among these Valkyries of Helheim, Hippolyta saw many familiar figures that also existed in her own world. But whether in terms of strength or intuition and awareness on the battlefield, the opponents were obviously superior to hers.

This made Hippolyta feel a little emotional——

They are indeed the elite troops who followed Diana from another world to start a world war and survived the virus apocalypse. Both their bodies and spirits have been tempered into pure killing weapons!
(End of this chapter)

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