In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 301 Kryptonite Enchanted Hand-to-Hand Combat

Chapter 301 - Kryptonite Enchanted Hand-to-Hand Combat

Bruce and the others were also slightly stunned when they saw the short-haired man. After a brief hesitation, Barry said in disbelief, "At that time... Zod?"

When Jor-El heard that Barry recognized this man, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that there are also survivors of Krypton in this world... Although I don't know how they are doing now, but don't worry, I will occupy this planet for them."

After hearing what Joel said, everyone looked solemn.

The existence of Zod is not unfamiliar to everyone in the DC world. As the leader of the Warriors' Union, Zod is a pure warmongerer. After being exiled to the Phantom Zone for countless years, with the destruction of Krypton, the first thing they did when they came out was to come to Earth to find Clark, wanting to transform Earth into a new Krypton.

According to the conclusions reached by scientists, by the time the Earth's transformation is completed... no, we don't even need to wait until the Earth's transformation is completed. As the planet's engine runs, the people on Earth will be wiped out directly under the increasing gravitational intensity.

The final result was that Clark defeated the invaders from his home planet Krypton for the sake of Earth.

In fact, when they heard that the person coming to Earth this time was Jor-El instead of Zod from another world, everyone was relieved. Because Jor-El, as the leader of the Thinkers' Union, has a gentler personality, not the recklessness and strong desire for destruction of a warrior. It was not until the existence of the world virus that they gave up their fantasy. And now...

Looking at Zod, whose bones were broken and whose breathing was extremely weak, being held in the air by the two men behind Jor-El, everyone fell into a long silence.

Jor-El obviously didn't care about the looks of the crowd. In fact, in Jor-El's opinion, they were just afraid of his own power. Even if he didn't know what the situation of Zod was like in this world, Jor-El was sure that the Earth in this world must have paid a huge price to defeat Zod. And now, this Zod who was beaten like a dead dog by him was undoubtedly the best, making them feel afraid and proving his own power.

"I don't know why the leader of the Warrior Union, who has always advocated expansion and colonization, would betray me and even lead one-third of the Kryptonians on the battleship to revolt and become my enemy. But none of this matters."

Joel said coldly: "My strength is the best proof. I even had enough strength to save his life - is it because of my kindness? No, it's just that the genes in his body are of great value. The new Krypton needs a complete and perfect Warrior Guild gene module. It is precisely because of this that he survived by chance."

After a pause, Qiao Ai'er suddenly widened his eyes and shouted angrily:
"Hand over my child in this world! I don't want to say it a second time! This is his obligation as a Kryptonian! He must hand over the Secret Codex of Creation for New Krypton!"

"Don't listen to his nonsense."

Ron was lying on a rocking chair specially designed for the battle base, holding popcorn in one hand and iced wheat juice in the other - God knows how much effort Batman had to put in to properly transport the wheat juice to Deimos.

However, no matter how difficult it was, Ron was no less than others in enjoying life.

"I've discovered that although the world virus can also parasitize fools, they prefer lunatics with independent thinking ability to those who only know how to fight and fight." Ron said with great interest, "It constantly intensifies the negative consciousness in the hearts of these ambitious people, so that they themselves don't realize what kind of stupid things they have done...Haha! Even a pure warrior like Zod has felt the call of the world process itself, but he, the leader of the Thinkers' Union, didn't feel it?"

"Or maybe he felt it but was unwilling to face it? So he was taken advantage of?"

"But it doesn't matter, because the ultimate goal of everything now is to stop him. Well, I don't want the Tome of Creation to fall into this guy's hands. A group of Kryptonians suddenly appeared in the Dark Multiverse? Just think about it."

After hearing Ron's words, Bruce and others were still silent, but Corax nodded first. Without any doubt or inquiry, after receiving the order, Corax let out a cold war cry.

"For the sacred promise! Glorious expedition!!"

As soon as the words fell, the power claws on Corax's arms were instantly activated, and the buzzing decomposition force field formed a fierce energy arc in the vacuum of the universe. Power weapons are extremely precious. Only the top warriors in each legion are qualified to wield them. Ordinary planetary governors are not even qualified to touch them, let alone unconventional power weapons like "claws"? Even if you look at the entire empire, there are very few of them.

As a Primarch, the Power Claw used by Corax is naturally not an ordinary one. Especially in the constant battles in the Warp - Horus' Power Claw was stained with the Emperor's blood in the battle with the Emperor and was promoted to a divine weapon beyond imagination. The same is true for Corax. He accepted his own Warp nature, and hunted down Chaos traitors in the Warp endlessly, drank the blood of many Daemon Princes, and was strengthened by the enchantment applied by the Emperor himself after he woke up. Even before contact, everyone present had already felt a terrible pressure like a thorn in the back.

Seeing this, Joel snorted coldly, then waved his hand and said, "Then there is nothing to say... When you realize your own pathetic state, you will actively think about how to live as a pet!" As he spoke, the Kryptonian warships behind him lit up with faint spots of light, and then turned into blazing plasma beams and cut towards Corax and others. Wherever they passed, gullies of tens of meters appeared on the solid surface of Phobos 2, and the rocks on it were melted into hot glass almost the moment they touched it!

Logically speaking, this behavior of rushing towards the warship with flesh and blood was a wrong tactical decision. But before the Kryptonian warship's cannons focused on Corax and others, in the distance of deep space, with the dissolution of the invisible force field, the Glory Expedition, which was like a giant cross space cathedral, attracted the attention of almost everyone present.

This huge warship had already begun its long charging preparations before Krypton actually arrived. Located in the center of the Glory Expedition, the bronze bell, which was as big as a town and as huge as a general cannon, swayed left and right under the cooperation of countless mechanisms and gears. The dull sound spread in all directions and continued to echo in the field of the warship.

Ring the bell once, push the lever, activate the piston and pump - and the huge cross-shaped hull will split in the middle.

The bell rang twice, the button was pressed, the engine ignited, the turbine was lit, and life was injected - energy was activated, and flashing points of light began to flicker from both sides of the separated hull, and at the deepest part, under the statue of the Emperor, a giant sphere was formed that was constantly leaping, like an active star, as if it would explode at any time.

The bell rang three times, and everyone sang in unison, praising the God of All Machines. Countless mechanical priests chanted binary prayers at such high speed that the sound was like a harsh electric current in the ears of others. At the core of the ship, holding a master-level precision power axe, Dora Kaur's eyes kept flashing red and blue. As the long binary ended, under the collective control of Kaur, all mechanical priests and mechanical slaves sang in unison: "Praise Ohm Messiah!"

hum! ! !
In the endless darkness of the universe, this beam of light was so dazzling. Below, everyone felt a violent energy running through the sky, even igniting the sky in everyone's eyes, or even the entire universe, into a dazzling blue flame!

There is no sound in a vacuum, but the brilliant fire that exploded in the universe seemed to make people feel a strong auditory hallucination - no, it was not an auditory hallucination! It was the shock wave of the explosion that was like a typhoon passing through, constantly impacting the war base on Phobos!

"No!! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Jor-El's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at the warship behind him that was hit by a cannon. Even though the pilot of the Kryptonian warship fully opened the horsepower at the last moment and barely made a slight twist, the rapid energy cannon still hit the vital part of the ship. In the blazing fire, Jor-El could clearly feel that the casualties caused by Zod's rebellion were now increasing at a terrifying rate.

"Stop! Stop right now!" Jor-El gritted his teeth and growled. He was not targeting the Empire's expeditionary fleet. Even in such despair, Jor-El was not stupid enough to beg his enemies for mercy. Or maybe, after Jor-El realized what the world virus represented, he gave up those unrealistic fantasies in his heart!
The moment after Jor-El let out a low roar, a breath as thick as ink surged out from his body, and then merged into every part of Jor-El's body. With the further fusion of the world virus, Jor-El was sure that he had no way back - but it didn't matter. As long as Krypton could be rebuilt, then after that, it would be enough for him to go to the negative multiverse alone!

With such despair, Jor-El turned around and rushed to the Kryptonian warship behind him. He did not try to save the dying people, because Jor-El only became stronger and faster on the original basis, but not as fast as the speedsters who could reverse time. Therefore, Jor-El went directly to the core of the warship and blew up the entire warship from the inside. The strong shock wave blew the Kryptonians in the warship directly into the vacuum of the universe outside.

Fortunately, the pilot of the Kryptonian spaceship had enough reaction time. Although it was hit by the main gun of the Glory Expedition, it still completed part of the transfer. In addition, Jor-El's active detonation blew away all the members inside through the impact force. The Kryptonians who could have been annihilated in one blow actually still had three-fifths of the survivors thrown into the universe!

For ordinary life, this would surely mean death, but they have arrived in a completely new world. These Kryptonians clearly have a deeper understanding of their own abilities based on their original ones.

Even though the chosen battlefield, Phobos, was at the weakest point in the planet's orbit, the Kryptonians quickly stabilized after receiving sunlight. Some Kryptonians who were blown far away recovered faster because they received more sunlight, and even quickly approached the battlefield, intending to provide support quickly.

But the Imperial Honor Legion obviously would not miss this good opportunity to beat the fallen dog. With the sound of power swords and power hammers humming, the Custodians and the Primaris Astartes elite veterans formed a torrent of steel.

In the cruel interstellar battlefield, even a powerful Astartes Space Marine will not be able to live longer than ordinary Astra Militarum due to the enemy's concentrated fire. But it is precisely because of this that every Space Marine veteran who can survive is undoubtedly an elite.

Upon noticing the arrival of these tin cans, the Kryptonians, who still retained their full combat capabilities, also showed angry looks.

"Defeat them! Let our compatriots recover as fully as possible!" After hearing Jor-El's words, these Kryptonian researchers in white and green research uniforms snorted coldly, then jumped up at the same time, rushing towards the battle formation of the Legion of Glory one after another like missiles.

Perhaps because of anger, or perhaps because of some special factors that could not be determined, these Krypton researchers burst out with Kryptonian strength that was even comparable to that of the Fighters Guild. Although their fighting skills were lacking, the physical qualities that burst out at this moment had already exceeded the limits of the genetic engraving that the Kryptonians had performed on the Thinkers Guild and the Scientists Guild.

Because the speed of this explosion was too fast, before the elite veterans at the front could react, the Kryptonian scholar, who was stretched into white and green lines, smashed half of the veteran's body. The broken internal organs burst open on the battlefield of Deimos, but fortunately the brain and other organs were not damaged. The Belisarius furnace implanted in the Primaris surgery produced a large amount of response hormone mixture, combined with the physiological signs of the artificial meninges, and quickly entered a state of suspended animation.

Although they were surprised at the vitality and defense of these iron can "humans", the angry Krypton survivors did not think of holding back. Unfortunately, the next moment, a guard and two veterans quickly surrounded him. The power sword fell from behind and landed on the Kryptonian's body, making a sound of metal clashing. With sufficient sunlight, even the decomposition force field could only cause limited damage to him.

But in the next moment, as the bright green lines on the power sword suddenly lit up, the Kryptonian's unruly face suddenly turned pale, and then under the radiation of the kryptonite, the body that was indestructible a moment ago was directly split in half diagonally!

(End of this chapter)

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