In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 31: They are all cream fillings, why are you so anxious to fight each other

Chapter 31: They are all cream fillings, why are you so anxious to fight each other

Now this kind of life-saving grace, tsk tsk, at least in the eyes of the two soldiers, Geralt fought this time, and he doesn't have to worry about the rest of his life...

While they were still thinking about it, Tony handed a note to the two soldiers.

"Write down your names and numbers, too, in case the check can't be found."

"Ha! Okay!"

Although they knew that Tony was generous, the expressions on the two soldiers' faces became brighter when they saw Tony Stark's attitude.

At least, judging from the attitude, it doesn't look like a blank check!
After returning to the military base, Geralt, Tony and others flew from the Middle East to a neighboring country after several twists and turns. Then they immediately took a special plane and headed to Tony's loyal New York.

What? Illegal immigration? Is this a problem for Tony? At least, it's not a problem that can be solved with a dollar.

While on the plane, Tony and Ethan were out of danger and completely relaxed.

Their bodies sank limply into the soft sofa of the private jet. Although their injuries had been treated, they were just ordinary people. They took a shower and changed into clean shirts, so some scars could still be seen on Tony and Ethan's bodies.

Out of vigilance against the strange world and uneasiness about this iron bird called "plane", Geralt did not choose to take off his armor even though he was on the plane. Even when he was sitting on the sofa, he kept his steel sword and silver sword close to him so that he could reach out with one hand, and kept his eyes straight and far away from the plane window.

Holding a bottle of wine in his hand, Tony did not choose to take a sip to taste it, but pulled out the cork and poured it into his mouth in one gulp.

After drinking water mixed with sand for so long, Tony finally got to drink clean water and high-quality wine. It was unlikely that he would stop drinking after holding back for so long.

Tony wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, felt the vitality awakened by the alcohol in his body, and looked at Geralt, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Tony Stark, the greatest inventor in the world. What's your name?"

"Geralt." Geralt seemed silent.

"Ha! What a nice name! But speaking of which, you don't seem to know much about this world? Where are you from?"

As he spoke, Tony also added: "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. After all, everyone has things they don't want others to know..."

Hearing this, there was silence for a moment, and then Geralt shook his head indifferently: "I don't know if it can be considered a secret, but I am indeed not from this world."

After hearing Geralt's words, Tony and Ethan looked at each other, and then they both stood up at the same time and asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Especially Tony, who was standing by, asked with a look of curiosity on his face: "Where are you from? Is it some kind of magical world? Just like when we were in the cave, I saw you split the bullets with a sword and blocked the barrage with an energy shield!"

Seeing Tony's series of questions, Ethan couldn't help but chuckle and said, "You've been wanting to ask these questions for a long time, right?"

"Of course~" Tony didn't feel embarrassed about this, but said as a matter of course: "When you encounter something you can't understand, you should try to figure out its principles and reasons. Isn't this a matter of course~"

In response, Geralt nodded and said, "That's a sigil, a simple magic that can be released quickly. As for the principle... I'm not very clear, because I'm a demon hunter, not a warlock. For me, it's enough that it works."

"Then how did you come into this world?"

Tony on the side said curiously: "Traveling through the world is no joke... Can you elaborate on it?"

"I do not know either."

Geralt sighed and frowned, "I was riding down the road when I heard a voice in my head asking me if I wanted the power to transcend fate and reverse tragedy."

"At first I thought it was just a joke from a sorcerer or an old friend, so I agreed without thinking. Then, when we first met..."

Hearing this, Tony also fell into deep thought. After a moment, he also said thoughtfully: "Come to think of it... you also reacted strongly when we talked about New York. Is it related to this voice?"


Geralt nodded and said:

"The person who brought me to this world is in New York... I must return to my world because the war is about to begin and I cannot be absent."

After a conversation, Tony and Ethan had a general understanding of Geralt's current condition.

They come from a world similar to the Middle Ages, but with extraordinary powers and life. Although it is not clear what a demon hunter is, from Geralt's explanation, it should be a transformation of humans through some kind of genetic mutation with a very high probability of success.

And, obviously, Geralt is a typical pragmatist. Swords and magic are just means to achieve ends for him, and he doesn't care about the meaning or truth behind these things.

Just like he said: Only the wise will study the causes of these phenomena, but it is enough for us demon hunters to know that concentration is the key to casting spells. Of course, there are also ways to fight against the enemy.

Although his attitude towards this kind of knowledge is very cold, but... he doesn't seem to be a bad person?

While Tony was still thinking, Ethan asked curiously, "What do you think of our world? For example, airplanes or guns? Compared with the magic in your world, which one do you think is better?"

"It's pretty much the same."

After hearing Ethan's words and having a brief chat, they established some basic trust in each other, and Geralt relaxed a little - although his body was still in a state of being able to enter battle at any time, he was not too alert mentally.

With the reaction speed of the demon hunter, as long as the body is maintained, the spirit can immediately complete the state switch the moment the demon hunter's senses detect the crisis.

As for the consumption of maintaining the body in combat condition... well, the hunters' endurance is enough for them to gallop like horses for three consecutive days and three nights without sleep.

After taking a look at the two people in front of him, Geralt also looked down through the window of the plane.

We are already close to New York, looking at the skyscrapers scattered all over the place, feeling this forest made of reinforced concrete from top to bottom. If we were to land directly in New York, Geralt might still feel a little amazed, amazed that this world can actually advance society to such a level through civilization and order.

Now, after seeing the chaos and thugs in the Middle East, the steel behemoths developed in the military base to more efficiently and accurately kill their own kind, and the extreme gap between the rich and the poor in different regions, Geralt's amazement at this world turned into a kind of detached scrutiny.

There are many more amazing and magical technologies, but the essence is no different.

"Although the tools have changed, people have not changed. Even without warlocks, demons, devils, and demon hunters like me, the world would still not be a better place."

Geralt said calmly: "Trying to become a good person should be the only contribution that ordinary people in this world can make... and it is also the least worth mentioning thing in the eyes of the superiors."

"Then we should become good people." After hearing Geralt's words, Ethan raised his glass and said, "After all, justice will triumph over evil, right?"


After a pause, Geralt looked at Jason who had relaxed, picked up the wine glass, moistened his throat, and shook his head.

"I don't think justice always triumphs over evil. Because in the end, victory cannot be summed up in one word: justice or evil. A strong person will always win, even if he is considered evil by outsiders. Of course, being a good person is definitely worth it."


After hearing Geralt's remarks, Tony asked curiously, "Since you think the strong always win, why should you be a good person?"

In response, Geralt asked: "If you were in trouble, would you prefer to have more good people around you or more bad people?"

Tony: "Of course he's a good guy."

Geralt: "So there's no harm in being a good person."

Geralt said calmly: "A good man's friends can be many people, but a bad man's friends can only be bad people. It's a simple truth."

Hearing this, Tony nodded thoughtfully, then stood up with great interest, picked up the bottle and raised it towards Geralt:
"Well said! It's been a long time since I heard such simple yet nutritious and persuasive words."

"Compared to this... Tony, don't you feel that you have been hit?"

Seeing Tony who didn't care at all and even thought Geralt was right, Ethan on the side said curiously: "That's magic, it's magic! As a scientist, don't you feel that your worldview has been impacted?"

"What kind of shock? Is my worldview shattered just because I heard something I had never heard before? No kidding, how is that possible?"

Tony seemed unimpressed by Ethan's idea.

Three-Body Physics no longer exists because the basic laws of physics have been destroyed.

It's like Newton standing under an apple tree. The first apple hits him on the head, the second apple flies into the sky, then the third apple drifts in a spiral, the fourth apple turns into a black hole, the fifth apple disappears when it falls into the ground, the sixth apple dissolves when it enters water, the seventh apple flies out of the solar system, the eighth apple turns into a drill that breaks through the sky, and the ninth apple turns into a little boy...

It is because of the ubiquitous interference that they cannot obtain the correct laws. Only in this situation, when all laws are artificially manipulated and lose their meaning and cannot be verified, will physics cease to exist.

But now, it's just the appearance of magic...

Tony said enthusiastically: "Science will not cease to exist just because of the emergence of magic. After all, science is a concept, an orderly knowledge system based on testable explanations and predictions of the form and organization of objective things. It is also a process of systematic and formalized analysis and interpretation of incomprehensible knowledge."

"Based on this, the magic that Geralt talked about seems to me to be a formula that has not yet been discovered. Maybe the people in their world have some special organs, or some undiscovered elements. Just like the wizards and sorcerers in their world, studying the principles of magic in an objective way and mastering them, isn't it summarizing the laws of unknown things in a scientific way?"

Tony raised his glass again with great interest and said, "Long live science! As a scientist, you should be happy to encounter magic! You know, this means several more SCI papers~"

After hearing Tony's words, Ethan scratched his head in confusion, then raised his glass in confusion.

He is just an ordinary surgeon. In addition, there has always been a strong religious atmosphere in both the United States and the Middle East, so it is undoubtedly difficult for Ethan to keep up with the ideas of a genius like Tony.

It can even be said that if Ethan had not been kidnapped by terrorists, he might never have had any contact with a man of such genius and status as Tony Stark in his life.

But how can I put it? Fate is full of accidents.

Soon, the three of them landed and took a helicopter to the top of the Stark Industries Building.

At the same time, Ron, who had been waiting for half a day, also walked out of the donut shop, eating while watching the helicopter flying in the sky.

Wearing a windbreaker and a hat, he looked particularly eye-catching in New York in the middle of summer. However, Ron didn't seem to care at all and opened the system panel.

According to what was displayed on the system panel, the third member of the hospital had just arrived in New York - on the same day, the news that the billionaire, playboy, Tony Stark had successfully escaped danger and returned to New York from Afghanistan also made the front pages of major news media.

As for the location of the new members, Ron also watched with his own eyes as the member location icon followed the helicopter all the way to Stark Tower.

With so many coincidences, Ron would only think there was something wrong if there was nothing wrong. According to the system, every newcomer would choose a suitable abandoned universe anchor point. And this anchor point would naturally be a famous figure in the abandoned universe.

Just as they were about to set off, Ron saw a man with a buzz cut, a dark yellow complexion, a dull and not very smart look, sitting on the side of the road, laughing and shouting into his phone:
"Hahaha, donuts are so delicious! Hahaha~"

Where did this unlucky thing come from?

Just as he was thinking about it, Ron's expression suddenly changed and he moved away from the man.

There is a stench of semen from this man's butt.

Old Mo Puff is eating donuts?

(End of this chapter)

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