In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 319: Conversation between the Emperor and His Son

Chapter 319: Conversation between the Emperor and his Son

The huge cross-shaped warship sailed into the void. Looking at Corax and others leaving, Barry shook his head with some regret and said:
"I think even if I tell them, those people on Earth will probably think I'm dreaming, like when I disappeared I was in outer space fighting aliens with a group of humanoid tanks driving space cathedrals..."

"I think so."

Aquaman at the side nodded in agreement and said, "By the way, these guys have pretty good personalities. Although they're a bit rigid at times, it's really fun to fight with them. Every punch hits the target, and every one of them is a good fighter worthy of your support in battle!"

"They are indeed a group of elite warriors." Diana on the side also nodded and said, "It is said that they are elite veterans of the Human Universe Empire in another world, which explains why they are so strong. But compared to this, when will we go back? I just want to have a good rest now."

"Let's go now."

Cyborg clapped his hands to create a sonic boom channel. This thing can travel through space, but there is also a one in a thousand chance of losing control. The worst case scenario is to teleport directly to Apocalypse. But if the location is Earth, there is no need to worry too much.

Just as the Justice League returned to Earth, on the other side, accompanied by constant roars and tremors in the void, the surging lightning exploded from the void. The Glory Expedition, which had one arm chopped off by Jor-El's heated gaze, also returned to the Phalanx spaceport in Warhammer 40k with difficulty.

The Phalanx is huge, a legacy of the technological age, and has a terrible destructive power that can easily destroy giant planets. But at the same time, it has also suffered serious damage due to disrepair. As one of the most powerful warships in the hands of the human empire, the Phalanx is usually stationed near the holy land of Terra to prevent emergencies.

Now, with the Emperor's awakening and the return of the Primarch, the mobile space fortress Phalanx has also been transformed from its previous defense mode to a mobile space mothership. Except for the original firepower module, which has been maintained, the rest of the spaceport is used for the maintenance and enhancement of the Glory Expedition battleship.

The Chapter Master of the Imperial Fists, the VIIth Space Marine Legion, who initially had command of the Phalanx, obviously would not support this change of functions. After all, the Phalanx was not just a powerful space battleship for the Imperial Fists, but a spiritual symbol of the entire Imperial Fists and a symbol of glory for the Imperial Fists.

But Guilliman would not consider so much, especially with the support of the Emperor, and after a close communication that used both emotional and logical appeals, the Chapter Master of the Imperial Fists reluctantly agreed to this transformation.

Now, the Phalanx was filled with the most powerful people in the entire empire. Except for the Emperor who was still stabilizing his own state and slowly growing flesh and blood, the others, including the Imperial Regent Robert Guilliman himself, had arrived at the bridge of the Phalanx mothership.

And when he saw the huge damage to the Glory Crusade that almost tore the entire hull apart, even Guilliman couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise.

You know, the construction of the Glory Expedition cost the Empire a lot of wealth. It's not just money, but more importantly the technology used in it. It's no exaggeration to say that the Glory Expedition is the largest warship that the Empire can build with its current technological level. It's not just the astronomical amount of materials and labor, but also the many technologies on this warship, and even the secret technology that Constantine personally took out from the palace.

These technologies belonged exclusively to their father, the Emperor, and were never used even during the Great Crusade.

Well, it's not that the Emperor doesn't want to use it. But once such technology is used, it will more or less have unnecessary contact with the warp. This is a serious risk that the Emperor cannot accept.

But now it is different. Not only is the Warp at a serious disadvantage within the Empire's borders, but more importantly, the Glory Crusade was not designed from the beginning to sail and fight in the Warhammer 40k universe, but to perform the most dangerous world missions in the infinite world of the World Tree.

Under such circumstances, the Emperor would rather the Warp communicate more with the Glorious Expedition battleship to distract their attention and thus gain more time and opportunities for the Empire.

And now, such a warship representing the empire's most advanced technology has suffered such serious damage, which undoubtedly proves from the side how terrible the intensity of the war that Corax experienced was.

Thinking in his mind, as the battleship docked and the Phalanx spaceport completed anchoring, as the long door opened and the long ladder descended, looking at Corax who came into view, even though he was mentally prepared, after seeing Corax's state, Guilliman still couldn't help but open his mouth wide, with deep astonishment in his eyes.

Corax was still as handsome as before he set out. However, unlike the intact one when he set out, the power armor on Corax was seriously damaged. Especially on the right half of his body, it was completely replaced with mechanical devices. Although these mechanical devices seemed to be completely integrated with his flesh and blood at first glance, as if they were born that way, Guilliman knew that this meant that Corax must have been fatally injured and had made an emergency plan in order to return to the battlefield immediately.

If he had not yet accepted his own warp essence, it would be fine. But for a Primarch like Corax who had accepted his own warp essence, any machine was far less precious than his own body. Because accepting the warp essence meant that this body had become the most sophisticated and sacred psychic engineering creation in the world.

In this case, the mechanical body might be able to recover its combat capability in a short period of time, but for Corax itself, it is tantamount to overdrawing future potential in exchange for current combat power - and the current combat power obtained is still greatly discounted compared to normal conditions.

Guilliman couldn't imagine what kind of intense war would make Corax, a rational and romantic guy, make such a cruel decision.

Facing Guilliman's worried eyes, Corax showed a forced smile on his face, and then said calmly: "For the Empire, all this is worth it. Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

Hearing this, Guilliman pursed his lips, then patted Corax on the shoulder and said:

"Well done, we'll go into details later. Now, let's have our victory parade!"

As a classic piece of music in Warhammer 40k, the victory parade is naturally needless to say. It mainly originated from the Unification War. Whenever a major victory was achieved, the Emperor liked to use the parade to enhance people's prestige. Because of the speed of time, although Ron felt that it was not long, in fact, in Warhammer 40k, a world where the speed of time is faster than other worlds, many years have passed.

After so many years of propaganda, the people of the Empire are no strangers to the Glorious Crusade. They all know that this is to fulfill the sacred agreement between the Emperor and King Roan.

With the end of the victory parade, Corax went to the Terra Palace to meet the Emperor.

Entering the throne room and seeing Corax's condition, even though the Emperor understood the situation, there was still a hint of pity and self-blame between his brows.

"Thank you for your hard work, Corax."

Well, after all, he had carried out such a high-intensity world mission, and the Emperor's emotional consciousness had returned. He did not call Guilliman and Corax by code names as before.

In response, Corax just humbly said that this was what he should do. And the Emperor seemed very satisfied with the results. Plasma carbine, it sounds a bit cliché, but in fact, Krypton's plasma carbine is not a simple engineering creation, but a special biological weapon. There are hundreds of fine hairs in the barrel for conducting electric charge. And there are liquid secretions on the hairs. At the moment of shooting, the muzzle will instantly form an extremely terrible energy density, the destructive power is enough to rival the hot melt weapons commonly used by the Imperial Army, and it can produce a brittle effect on biological bodies.

That is to say, Superman who has been basking in the sun can ignore it, but if it comes to anyone else, you can just watch, they will be shot without making a sound.

The same is true for energy pistols. The energy output of plasma weapons depends mainly on the energy density that the weapon itself can generate. As long as the energy is sufficient, even a big shot of the Astra Militarum can easily kill an Astartes with this weapon.

In addition, the gravity bracelet that can ignore and control one's own gravity by just wearing it, and the breathing collar that is easy to carry and can be activated at any time are also good things. But in the final analysis, they are all individual equipment and cannot bring revolutionary changes to the empire as a whole.

What really concerned the emperor was the metal box that was about 30 centimeters long.

Mind projection device.

A product of the Kryptonian era of space colonization, it is able to project thoughts and consciousness into the astral plane, thereby rapidly transmitting information to another distant world - in short, faster-than-light communication.

Good stuff, the only problem is that it usually requires liquid geometry technology to use.

First, consciousness is projected to another distant planet through a consciousness projection device, and then material entities are formed through liquid geometry technology to achieve the transmission and communication of commands.

Although there is no supporting technology, it doesn't matter. The Emperor still happily accepted it and planned to go back and study and disassemble it so as to achieve mass production to facilitate communication and command transmission between the imperial worlds.

Although the harvest was fruitful, the emperor still felt a little regretful.

The Kryptonians' gene seeds were not obtained - it would be impossible for the Emperor not to be envious of this life form that could gain terrifying power just by basking in the sun.

You know, the Kryptonian's property of becoming stronger by basking in the sun and the more sun they are exposed to, the stronger they are, is not unique to Clark. Although not every Kryptonian has the same terrible talent and growth ability as Clark, they also have good means according to the strength of their genetic engraving.

Similar to General Zod, he once fought a hard-fought battle with Hal Jordan in his peak state with the blessing of two orange suns - although he lost in the end.

But there is nothing we can do. After all, the opponent is the greatest Green Lantern in history. It is not shameful to lose.

And apart from the Kryptonian gene-seed, there was still one that was beyond the reach of the Emperor.

"Did you get any information about the Ghost Engine?"

Hearing the Emperor's question, Corax shook his head and said, "I devoured some of the flesh and blood of those Kryptonian scientists and gained some of their memories. But unfortunately, Mr. Ron seemed to have guessed my thoughts, so he deleted those memories when repairing my body."

Space Marines devour the flesh and blood of their enemies to obtain DNA information and obtain related memories through contact with brain nerve synapses. In order to gain more gains, Corax also specially strengthened his gene engulfment - under the guidance of the Emperor, the mechanical sage Cawl personally presided over the Primarch-level engulfment ability enhancement surgery.

The purpose is to obtain information about the ghost engine.

The function of the ghost engine is also easy to understand. It is similar to the consciousness projection device, but it is more direct and simple than the consciousness projection device - superluminal travel.

As the crystallization of Krypton's aerospace technology at its peak, the Ghost Engine is not like the World Engine, which can easily change the atmospheric composition and terrain of a planet, or change the gravity and magnetic field of a planet to facilitate colonization. Instead, it is a more straightforward, superluminal travel similar to the consciousness projection device but more direct.

Not to mention the comics, just in the movies, through the Ghost Engine, the Kryptonian spacecraft crossed a distance of 27.1 light years in the blink of an eye and directly reached the Earth's low-Earth orbit.

But it was obvious that Ron did not let Corax take advantage of this loophole.

Facing the Emperor's slightly disappointed gaze, Corax said, "Mr. Ron asked me to tell you that the Ghost Engine's operating mode is inconsistent with our world. Direct use may cause the veil to tear."

"……I see."

In response, the Emperor did not comment, but just nodded, and then asked: "Did you finally annihilate those Kryptonians?"

"No." Corax replied, "In the end, we killed the leader of the Kryptonian invaders. Among the remaining Kryptonian survivors, some were infected by the world virus and were directly eliminated, while the others entered Mr. Ron's Helheim as task forces and campus laborers."

"... King Roon's power is growing stronger." Guilliman seemed a little emotional, but overall he was still optimistic. After all, the Empire's policy has always been to be on good terms with Roon, and there is no conflict of interest between the two. The Empire is even helping Roon deal with some of the dirty work.

In this way, if the empire encounters some problems, it will surely be able to get some strong assistance, right?
"It is indeed stronger, but not because of these Kryptonian legions." Corax shook his head.

Without seeing it with his own eyes, Guilliman would probably find it difficult to understand that Roon's strength did not lie in the legions under his command... although Roon's legions were equally terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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