In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 324. Skull Island Handsome Guy and Skull Island Reptile

Chapter 324. Skull Island Handsome Guy and Skull Island Reptile
When talking about the Behemoth Universe, we have to mention the human organization 'The Monarch Organization' that connects all the plot structures in the Behemoth Universe.

The founder of the Monarch Organization is William Bill Landa. He personally experienced the attack of the warship USS Oldon by the Titans in 1943, and founded the Monarch Organization in 1946 with the intention of investigating the Titans hidden outside the human world, the real masters of this world.

The Monarch Organization was very violent at first, and believed that humans were the masters of the world. This can be seen from the name of their organization. It is for this reason that Bill Randa landed on Skull Island in 1973 in the plot of Kong: Skull Island. In order to use seismic waves to map the geological environment of the island, they did not hesitate to drop earth-penetrating bombs on the island, which eventually led to the revenge of the handsome guys on Skull Island. Bill Randa himself was also eaten and killed by another mysterious creature, the "Skull Lizard", during his escape.

Since then, the Monarch Organization has changed its style of doing things. From the previous radical style to a style similar to the Hunter Guild. However, the Hunter Guild's responsibility and philosophy is to maintain the balance between humans, nature and the ecosystem, while the Monarch Organization focuses on maintaining the balance between humans and giant beasts.

It has been a long time since Bill Randa's death, and the time has come to the year 2024 in the Behemoth Universe. As Apex Technologies is testing new energy sources, Godzilla begins to frequently attack the location of the technology company. In response, Apex Technologies claims that this is because the behemoths are ferocious by nature and cannot coexist with humans. In addition, every time the behemoth appears, it will cause hundreds of billions of losses. Naturally, humans have a collective disgust for the behemoths, including Godzilla.

But it has been fine until now. Just one year later, the sleeping giant beasts began to become more violent and frenzied. Especially at the Skull Island Outpost of the Monarch Organization, the Skeleton Giant Lizard that was killed by the young King Kong in 1973 was resurrected without any signs. Dirty flesh and blood grew on the broken bones. Unlike the data in the records of the Monarch Organization, the resurrected Skeleton Giant Lizard became more terrifying, more powerful, and made people feel sincerely disgusted.

In previous records, people would be afraid of the giant beast. But it was not like this now. Just because it appeared nearby, people would feel strong anger, hatred, and rejection in their hearts, as if it was not a skeleton lizard that was reborn, but an enemy of the world in the shell of a skeleton lizard. Not to mention humans, even the native creatures of Skull Island wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible.

But unfortunately, the reborn Skeleton Lizard showed extraordinary destructive power, vitality, and swallowing and digestion ability. At the beginning, King Kong, who had already reached his prime, could still pin the Skeleton Lizard to the ground and beat it. But as the Skeleton Lizard ate more and more, and its unimaginable recovery speed, even King Kong found it particularly difficult to fight it.

Especially now, with King Kong's injuries increasing, the Skeleton Giant Lizard was not affected at all...

“Damn it!” Dr. Behemoth and former Imperial Organization Skull Island Outpost Supervisor Irene gritted her teeth and said, “The storm near Skull Island has dissipated! Let’s go to the nearest mountain and see if we can contact the troops outside! We need support immediately!!”

No wonder Irene was so nervous.

With the rebirth of the Skeleton Giant Lizard, the entire Skull Island has undergone earth-shaking changes. The most obvious change is that the circular storm that has been surrounding the periphery of Skull Island all year round due to the influence of the Earth's magnetic field has suddenly stopped and disappeared for some unknown reason.

In theory, this is a good thing, as it means that the Monarch Organization can send a large number of personnel to Skull Island to create a better living environment for King Kong. It will also make it easier for human behemoth scholars to better understand the ecology of behemoths and prevent unnecessary conflicts.

Unfortunately, the Skeleton Giant Lizard attacked the Skull Island Outpost as soon as it revived, resulting in only a small number of members of the outpost successfully evacuating to the indigenous gathering area of ​​Skull Island under the protection of King Kong. At first, everyone tried to contact the outside world through the transferred communication device, but they were unable to establish a connection with other base stations. As a result, Skull Island completely lost contact with the outside world.

Before, it was OK, and King Kong could still suppress the Skeleton Giant Lizard and beat it. But now, as the Skeleton Giant Lizard continued to eat, its body length had reached nearly 150 meters, which was a very large size even among giant beasts. Coupled with its strong vitality, even King Kong could only barely deal with it with the help of the Emperor Organization's combat machinery.

Just like now, with a roar from King Kong, the mountains trembled, and then the Skeleton Lizard brazenly emerged from the mountain. Although it is a monitor lizard, it is more like a giant python with monitor lizard forelimbs. However, unlike ordinary pythons, the head of the Skeleton Lizard is surrounded by a hard white exoskeleton. And with an unknown force, its body is now covered with sharp bone spurs.

Looking at King Kong, the six eyes in the eye sockets of the skull exoskeleton emitted a scarlet halo. The big mouth opened, and a piercing roar accompanied by a foul-smelling wind whistled in.

hiss! ! !
The roar that came towards her made Irene's ears pierce with pain, so she covered her ears. But what made Irene even more frightened was the foul-smelling saliva that splashed out of the skeleton reptile's mouth along with the roar. There were some undigested solids in the transparent saliva, which seemed ordinary, but the moment it fell on the rocks and trees, it made a sizzling sound, which was obviously highly corrosive.

It evolved?!
Irene felt heavy in her heart. Because in the records of the Monarch Organization on the Skeleton Lizard, there was no such highly corrosive body fluid. Similarly, there was no such a huge body!
The hatred between King Kong and the Skeleton Lizards is not just a grand proposition of being enemies of life. King Kong, the only giant ape on Skull Island, was not bred by a spiritual stone that absorbed the essence of heaven and earth like Sun Wukong. Instead, he was born and raised by his parents. However, King Kong's parents were killed by the Skeleton Lizards when King Kong was still very young. It can be said that since a very young age, there has been an irreconcilable hatred between King Kong and the Skeleton Lizards.

The Skeleton Giant Lizard was also killed by the adult King Kong. The blood feud between the two Titans has reached an irreconcilable point even without the contamination of the world virus.

As it is now, the world's virus pollution only makes this hatred more intense.

And now, when the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous of each other.

Standing between the mountains, King Kong looked coldly at the skeletal giant lizard that was roaring shrilly. The relationship between giant beasts was purer than that between humans, and there was no so-called verbal communication. Feeling the burning pain of the other party's saliva falling on his body, King Kong also let out a low roar, and then like a wild gorilla, he leaned sideways and supported himself with his hands on the ground to charge.

The huge body was like a moving mountain, and the hair as hard and sharp as steel needles shone with a black luster in the sun. Seeing King Kong rushing towards it, the skeleton lizard also bent slightly, and then the huge body shot out like a spring, opened its sharp teeth and claws, and flew towards King Kong. Like two mountains colliding, the dull sound spread all over the field. With a roar, King Kong pulled the neck of the skeleton lizard high up, and the other arm fired continuously like a heavy artillery. The heavy iron fist landed on the facial exoskeleton of the skeleton lizard, making a cracking sound, accompanied by fine cracks, and the skeleton lizard was not to be outdone. The lower limbs like a giant python were tightly wrapped around King Kong's body, and the large number of bone spurs that proliferated sank into King Kong's flesh and blood during the process of tightening the limbs.

The Skeleton Giant Lizard's claws and sharp teeth were not idle either. Although the latter could not attack flexibly because King Kong's hand was strangling his neck, the pair of sharp claws easily tore open the wounds on King Kong's chest that had not yet scabbed.

The pain stimulated King Kong, but there was no fear in his heart. Instead, he was full of anger.

Completely unconcerned about the bone spurs piercing his flesh or the sharp claws tearing at it, King Kong's fists just kept hitting the skeleton lizard's body. Then, he endured the severe pain and pulled the lizard out of his body - before those bone spurs completely penetrated deep into his flesh, he lifted it high and threw it viciously towards the mountain beside him.

At the same time, with the noise of propellers, the Imperial Organization's fighter transport plane quickly took off, bypassed King Kong, and heavy bullets rained down on the skeleton giant lizards with blazing flames. These bullets, which had been strengthened by scholars, were enough to tear the flesh of the skeleton giant lizards apart, splashing countless pieces of flesh and blood on the skeleton giant lizards.

Although the Behemoth Universe tells the story of behemoths, in reality, the destructive power of humans should not be underestimated. As it is now, through continuous technological iterations, the Monarch Organization's fighter transport aircraft is enough to easily kill the small Titans commonly seen on Skull Island, such as the Lone Reef Bull Demon and the Bamboo Forest Spider. Even now, these bullets fall on the body of the Skeleton Giant Lizard, and each hit will leave a flesh pit as thick as an adult's thigh.

But it was obvious that for the Skeleton Lizard, this was just a flesh wound that could not hurt the skeleton. He let out a piercing roar, and then, to everyone's confusion, the Skeleton Lizard suddenly turned his back upwards, as if he was using his broad back to block the bullets, but at the same time, a large number of thick bone spurs grew on his body. And like a porcupine, these bone spurs stood up in rows and pointed to the sky.

This strong sense of déjà vu made the pilot of the fighter transport plane shrink his eyes, and with a cry of fear, the flesh and blood on the back of the skeleton monitor lizard contracted, and the moment it relaxed and stretched, bone spurs broke through the air.

With a whooshing sound, the pale bones pierced into the fighter transport plane like a heavy crossbow. With the distant flames, two of the three fighter transport planes were scrapped on the spot, and they crashed into the mountain beside them with uncontrolled rotation and wailing. The flames flashed, and the pilots were engulfed by the flames without even having time to parachute.

Seeing this scene, Irene's eyes revealed a hint of despair.

At most, it was only two weeks. The Skeleton Monitor Lizard had already evolved the ability to shoot highly corrosive body fluids and bone spurs. As a megazoologist, Irene knew that this was beyond the limits of what megazoology could explain.
Because even the Titans are part of the ecological chain. It's just that in order to maintain its huge body, it mostly circulates by absorbing radiation energy. In this case, although according to fossil research, the Titans also have an evolutionary process, the time span is also extremely amazing.

And now, in less than two weeks, it has evolved from being seriously injured and dying to these two physiological abilities that can be considered as "living" for other giant beasts... Has God given up on this world? Is it the end of the world? Otherwise, how else can it be explained? !

After seeing this scene, even though there was an extreme blood feud between him and the Skeleton Lizard, King Kong's eyes still couldn't help but reveal a hint of solemnity.

Although angry, Kong is not a mad beast that has lost its mind. In fact, the reason why Kong is considered the most powerful among the Titans is that it relies on its intelligence that far exceeds that of ordinary Titans and its use of tools and environment.

King Kong knew very well that the reason he had been able to repel the Skeleton Lizards several times before was largely due to the help of humans, which gave King Kong enough time to catch his breath and pursue the Skeleton Lizards when they were at their weakest.

but now……

With only one of the three fighter transports still in operation, King Kong stepped forward and growled, signaling him to fight him. At this moment, the Skeleton Lizard growled again, and black mud-like substances emerged from the cracks of the exoskeleton that had been shattered by King Kong. As these substances moved, the wounds on the Skeleton Lizard were also regenerating rapidly. Through the scars of flesh and blood, buds twisted and squeezed out of the broken muscle fibers and grew rapidly, which made people feel disgusting and grotesque.

I thought that the Skeleton Lizard was recovering its strength and could not launch an effective attack in a short period of time. But at this moment, the Skeleton Lizard once again pounced towards King Kong. Its head tilted to one side, and its ferocious mouth was like a pair of open scissors, biting towards King Kong's throat!

The sudden attack made King Kong's eyes suddenly narrow, and he tried to defend himself, but even Irene could clearly see that it was too late. He thought everything was too late. But at this moment, a sound of wind breaking through the air came from the horizon!

Air blade cuts!

(End of this chapter)

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