In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 335: First Entry into the Negative Multiverse

Chapter 335 - First Entering the Negative Multiverse
The negative multiverse is a replica of the dark multiverse in DC. However, unlike the dark multiverse in DC, the negative multiverse is the domain of the inverted tree, the other side of the world tree itself. However, compared with the world tree itself, the domain of the inverted tree is more desperate. It is like an oversized trash can, and almost every universe in it cannot escape the fate of withering.

"To be honest, I quite suspect that the negative multiverse and even the upside-down tree are the garbage can world from before." After entering the negative multiverse, Ron glanced around with some thoughts in his eyes.

In fact, a long time ago, Ron could feel that the base universe seemed to be very similar to the negative multiverse in some aspects. However, compared with the negative multiverse, no matter which timeline it was, it would eventually collapse completely due to a certain event, and the world itself would end completely. Although the trash can universe did not have much future, the future in it could change.

This kind of change is not like the Marvel sacred timeline, where every time a change occurs, a branch will be generated on the original timeline. Instead, it is more straightforward, that is, the main universe has changed.

Although this will make the future of the Trash Can Universe unpredictable, as long as there is a solid anchor, there will never be any problems - such as the field department headed by Ron and the internal affairs department headed by Ancient One.

Thinking in his mind, Ron also focused his attention on the battlefield in the distance.

Although they are all world vacuums, the world vacuum of the Inverted Tree Universe is completely different from the world vacuum in the traditional sense. To be precise, it is full of ruins. And these ruins all come from different universes. The debris of many universes are intertwined, forming a chaotic space in front of us.

In this space, a large number of individuals similar to the God-like entities and OAAs were engaged in a fierce battle. However, the way they fought always gave people an inexplicable feeling... a little plain.

It’s just like the famous DC scene where the Mother of Creation and the Darkest Laugher fought to the edge of the universe, the Wall of Origin was broken, and the multiverse was wiped out.

Ron said he didn't want to comment on this famous multiverse-level battle scene. Because even if the background of the B scene was removed and only the characters were left, it was still a mess - for a battle of this level, it's ok to use the turtle punch, but you don't even have motion blur and perspective? I suggest you learn tension from Murata.

Don't learn the plot.

In fact, there are many similar scenes, such as the scene in Mortal Kombat where a group of Titans, Ancient Gods, and Demigods from different timelines who have created the universe and created the universe, and a strong man who has beaten many Titans and Demigods, fight each other. In that scene, a large group of gods of creation stood on what is called a Mayan temple, or a small earthen slope, and then watched the warriors who resisted their evil rule rushing down. The whole process is just like a street fight among Young and Dangerous...

Just thinking about it in my mind, because Ron's roots are in hymns, a familiar melody has already appeared in my ears - I am free to break through the wind and clouds, and everyone looks up to me. I am free to break through the wind and clouds, and I don't need to look back. I will make my own laws to change the world. This fierce wolf with flashing eyes...

Especially since these guys all come from fighting games, and those who know about fighting game characters know that in order to highlight the characteristics and attributes of the characters, the styles of these characters are no longer just the level of weird clothes per person. Instead, they are literally a collection of stereotypes. Young and Dangerous and put together will be praised for their traditional and conservative clothing - this is how our fighting games are.

Even if you, Titan, can create the world and destroy the universe. Even if you, the God of Fire Liu Kang, can restart the timeline and reverse all tragedies. When it comes to my buddy, you still have to punch and kick me. Don't ask, the answer is simple.

If you insist on saying that there is any difference between those high-setting and low-performance scenes and the scene in front of Ron, or that it is invisible to the eyes, then only the process of this battle is full of interference. From time to time, it will be reset through interference with time and space, and re-anchoring.

Simply put, a large group of supreme beings are fighting in the wilderness of the universe. The world is constantly collapsing and restarting, and the long river of time under their control feels like a circular eight-hole Fiji cup. Constantly collapsing and reorganizing, although the inside is constantly changing, it always gets back on track under the influence of the upside-down tree. It's like Sisyphus pushing a boulder to the top of the mountain, and then watching the boulder fall again.

Looking at the scenes happening in front of him, Ron felt a little confused, because even if he came here, he couldn't help much.

Of the three stages of godhood, Ron was only in the second stage, and had not yet completely become a true god. He had ascended to the throne of godhood and could let his thoughts be reflected in the underlying melody of every universe in a single thought. And which individual at the level of OAA had not existed and grown continuously since the birth of the World Tree? They were still fighting in a continuous cycle, let alone Ron.

But just when Ron was still wondering, suddenly, Ron felt a faint singing voice.

The singing was not clear, and even felt intermittent. But it was intermittent, as if it would stop at any time, but it continued to play steadily in this chaotic universe.

An inexplicable sense of familiarity surged into his heart, and following the melody, Ron "bypassed" the battlefield and arrived at the inner world of the negative multiverse.

There was no purpose, and there was no selection process. Ron just randomly chose a world that was relatively close to him and entered directly. Unlike the World Tree, each universe inside the World Tree had a very thick world wall. The world wall could be broken, but even if the world wall was broken, it would be useless to break the void in the way of martial arts. Because behind the wall was the world vacuum. If you rashly enter, you will only be decomposed by the vacuum, and then transformed into nutrients and return to the world itself.

Therefore, in the World Tree, if you want to travel through time, you either have the ability to anchor another world like Ciri, and also have the ability to open the world door at any time and enter freely. Or, you are like Ancient One, who has strong hard power and solid research on secret energy, and can forcibly anchor the coordinates of other worlds to travel through time. Or, it is the common practice of field organizations - have a system and visit at will.

The world of the upside-down tree is completely different. To be precise, there are no restrictions on the world here. As long as you want, even if you are just a baby, you can go to other worlds at any time.

But this kind of freedom is definitely not a good thing. Because in the negative multiverse, most of the worlds have become ruins or the evil domain of a powerful individual. Just like a trap, it is easy to enter, but once you enter, life or death, whether you can leave or not, is not up to you. In addition, the problems of these worlds themselves are very serious.

Just like the mission world on Blue Star. That mission world was impacted by the Black Death Sword, and the entire world was severely distorted. In that world, even Ron couldn't directly investigate the relevant information through the authority compiled by the World Tree. He needed to fly to the sky and scan it during the battle on Blue Star, and use his own eyes and perception to determine the state of the world itself.

At that time, Ron felt that the Behemoth Universe was about to die. It was only kept alive by the ICU for tens of thousands of dollars a day. But now, compared with the state of the world in the negative multiverse, the state of the Behemoth Universe can be described as healthy - even at the level of a national first-class athlete!

All the worlds have almost no connections or future. Each world is isolated. The sacred timeline, the main universe, the core world... do not exist. All the worlds are isolated. There is no past, no future. The reason for their birth is just because they need to be born, just like cancer cells constantly breeding seeds of growth from the remains of the dead universe. There is no plan for the future, and there are no so-called observers or guardians in the world. Each world can grow to whatever extent it can. If it can no longer grow, it will die directly, so as not to hinder the birth of new universes, or garbage.

It is precisely because of this that these worlds are almost growing in garbage dumps. Just like the Philippines. If the world of the World Tree is a paradise for the rich who indulge in luxury, then the inverted tree world next to the World Tree is a slum where even the uneaten chicken bones need to be sorted out from the garbage, washed briefly, re-fried with inferior oil, and then stuffed into the mouth as precious meat to feast on.

No, the world inside the World Tree cannot be said to be extravagant and extravagant, it is just a number of worlds that are developing normally. It is not yet to the point where every world has a bright future. And more importantly, the world inside the World Tree does not satisfy its appetite by plundering the resources of other worlds. Instead, the World Tree itself distributes them, and the main worlds of each world branch produce them to ensure that more future and prosperity can be nurtured.

But here...

Just when Ron was still sighing silently, suddenly——

"It's been a while since I've met a fool like just go straight into someone else's territory."

A blonde girl wearing a hot girl outfit, with her graceful waist and long legs completely exposed to the air, looked at Ron coldly, her eyes full of pity.

"It's hard to imagine that in this shitty world, there are people who can enter other people's territory like this... How did you grow up? Or are you a flower in a protected greenhouse? Waiting to be destroyed?"

Seeing the blonde girl, Ron touched his chin and said, "You are... Iliana Rasputin... No, Liana?"

"You know me?" Hearing this, the blonde girl blinked, a hint of surprise flashed across her brows and said, "Or do you come from a world similar to mine?"

After hearing Liana's words, Ron touched his chin with emotion.

Iliana Rasputin, codenamed Mysterio, whose real name is Iliana Rasputin, is the sister of Colossus in the Marvel Universe and a member of the New Mutants. Her ability is teleportation, and she is one of the main teleportation users in the X-Men comics. Although her ability seems to have little effect on combat, she has practiced a lot of black magic in the limbo space, and can use her soul to transform into a soul blade, making her one of the few magic users in the X-Men.

In addition to black magic, he also learned some white magic from the White Queen, which makes him a top student. Although he is not as popular as Wolverine in the X-Men, he is also a first-line character because of his beautiful style, interesting setting, and strong fighting ability.

Of course, in comics, the difference between the upper and lower limits of combat power is also very large. For example, when the Avengers fought the X-Men in the comics, Liana teleported Doctor Strange to Limbo and completely defeated him.

This is also a classic scene in the Dimensional Demon series - when facing a powerful enemy, don't think about how to defeat the opponent first. Because you are unlikely to win. So just think about how to pull the opponent into your own territory. As the queen of Limbo, Liana's abilities in all aspects will be greatly enhanced when she is in Limbo. In addition, her black magic is a special attack on mages, so Doctor Strange naturally becomes a stepping stone for Mysterio.

There is an upper limit, and of course there is a lower limit. Later, Mysterio also dragged Black Widow to Limbo, but Black Widow was able to deal with Mysterio through superb fighting skills and agility. The same goes for the demons in Limbo. Black Widow has no fear of them because of her dark memories related to the Red Room. In addition, Mysterio's Soul Blade can only produce special attacks on mages. In desperation, Mysterio even took the initiative to return to the real world, and then used Soul Blade to sneak attack Black Widow and put her into a coma. According to the setting, Soul Blade will cause fatal damage to any mage. But for ordinary people without magic, it is just a coma.

So, it's outrageous. Given this point, apart from the tension of the picture, the editors of American comics may not be as good as Murata in terms of plot... Of course, there are only a few rubbish screenwriters. For example, top screenwriters of Kingdom Come and The Killing Joke all have their own style.

Thinking in his heart, Ron also gentlemanly mentioned the mysterious guest in front of him, and then said: "I just came to this world. It's a good opportunity for you to tell me what this world is like."

After hearing Ron's words, Liana was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but chuckle. She raised her hair and looked at Ron with indifference:

"You are really... bold!"

(End of this chapter)

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