Chapter 337 - World Tree and Eyes
After hearing what Liana said, Ron touched his chin with interest.

What can I say? The negative multiverse is really full of talented people. The five strongest people in the negative multiverse are basically not good people.

Needless to say, the God of Stories had attacked Asgard in the base universe before. Although he failed in the end, due to excessive consumption, Odin also fell into a long Odin sleep.

But this may be a good thing for Asgard. Because after Odin fell asleep, although Asgard encountered some minor problems, its overall strength was more directly improved. Especially his two sons. Loki took control of Jotunheim and successfully crowned himself as the Lord of the Frost Giants, the King of Jotunheim, relying on Laufey's bloodline and powerful magic ability.

What about Thor? It's not much different. Although he didn't become the king of Asgard directly, his own strength has been enhanced quite directly. Inheriting the world rune of the God of War world, as long as he mastered the secrets, although it is unlikely to become a strong man at the level of infinite multiverse, it is not too easy to become a strong man at the level of a single universe. And compared with the enhancement of strength, what is more important is the growth of mentality and soul. Today's Thor is already a good warrior worthy of being entrusted with everything.

In other words, Odin is still sleeping now, otherwise he would probably laugh so hard that his snot bubbles would burst out.

There is no need to say much about the Batman Who Laughs. As the most successful villain launched by DC in recent years, its setting itself is a mixture of the most popular positive character Batman and the most popular villain The Joker.

When he first appeared, his crazy and cult style attracted the attention and love of a lot of comic fans. It's just a pity that the upper limit of similar brain-playing characters depends on the personal ability of the screenwriter. And a hybrid of Batman and the Joker?
Although in most literary works, the author controls the characters. However, in comics with big IPs like American comics, even the author's personal ideas have to give way to the character's settings. In fact, the bigger the IP, the more the character can control the author.

After all, this is the character you drew, and this is the selling point. If you come up with something completely new, who will watch you? We didn't come here to see this guy.

The Laughing Bat is like this. Because of its extremely dark, cruel and attractive appearance, the setting of the character is not only about madness, but also intelligence. However, the screenwriter's IQ is not enough, and in the end it can only be portrayed in a boring, old-fashioned, but effective nesting doll-like way of "I guessed you, I guessed you guessed me, I guessed you guessed I guessed you". As a result, although the character setting is very attractive, the Laughing Bat does not give people a good feeling in the plot. It can even be said that it is completely win-win-win, and it is always on the road to winning.

He looks cool, but he doesn't have the charm that a character should have, and he is far inferior to the Joker's grasp of people's hearts and his madness in The Killing Joke.

But comics are comics. In the "reality" that Ron is in now, the setting of the Laughing Bat is there. Apart from anything else, the Dark Knights under his command are enough to make most of the universe drink a pot.

The Dark God is needless to say, from the greatsword that was chopped off, it can be seen that this guy is Gnar. Well, it can still be seen now.

Although Gnar was still fighting tenaciously with the God's body in the vacuum of the Inverted Tree, Gnar was only relying on the rules of the Inverted Tree to hold on and not lose. Win? Impossible. He couldn't even run away. After all, the Inverted Tree had been discovered, and the World Tree would never give up.

Especially God. The flurry of punches and hammering made Ron's heart tremble. But you have to admit, he is worthy of being the ancient god who created the symbiote family. After being strengthened by the upside-down tree, his vitality is really amazing. He was pressed to the ground and beaten by God himself. When God raised his fist, his body was beaten to pieces like a long black glutinous rice cake, but Nar did not die.

But he just didn't die. After all, even Liana beside him could see that it was only a matter of time before Gnar died.

As for the remaining two...

Needless to say, the one who destroys the Titan is naturally the old friend of the Marvel people, Thanos, the director of the Universal Family Planning Commission.

Although in the movie world, Thanos only attacks the single universe he is in. However, as one of the most powerful villains in Marvel, Thanos has launched many multiverse-level crises. And similar actions that cause serious damage or even destruction to a single timeline are countless.

Well, even though he’s very powerful, he was still arrested by the New York Police Department in the old comics.

But this is not something to say. After all, Thanos at that time had not yet become one of the top villains in Marvel. If we take the era into account, the most outrageous story is still a special issue story.

The story is Marvel's 911/911 special issue. The main scene is that after seeing the / air raid, Doctor Doom, Magneto, gangster Kingpin and others all shed tears at the same time, saying that they felt the noble life and freedom were being trampled upon, and talked about the universal values ​​of truth, goodness and beauty.

This is a bit of a joke. After all, how many people died in 911/911? The number of people who died directly or indirectly at the hands of DOOM, Magneto, and Kingpin was much higher than that of 911/911? Which one is more / than /? Especially DOOM. If he was really at the scene and shed tears because he saw the terrorist attack with his own eyes, then the police department had better carry forward the glorious traditional spirit and arrest DOOM like they arrested Thanos.

Because he might have been crying because the country had lost two excellent pilots.

He ordered it.

He might not even be crying because he's sad.

Magneto is similar. Although this guy is both good and evil, he is mostly a radical mutant who advocates the destruction of humanity and the domination of the earth by mutants. It is no problem to charge him with crimes against humanity, and he can even show his big teeth happily.

After all, the enemy's humiliation is an affirmation of oneself. The enemy's unforgettable curse and slander is a great affirmation.

But Kingpin might actually cry.

After all, he is not only a gangster boss, but also has connections in both the black and white worlds. He has a lot of face. It is common for him to run for the US presidency. In this case, it is only natural that he has property in the Twin Towers. And it is normal for him to cry when he sees his house burning and collapsing.

As for the Dark Father...

Ron touched his chin. He didn't expect to hear this name.

Ever since the Metal event achieved astonishing sales and huge success, DC's screenwriters have been obsessed with various corrupt and dark versions of Batman as if they had found the code to wealth.

I have to say, this is really the code to wealth. After all, readers have already tasted too many blackened Superman. And because of Superman's special nature, no matter how blackened he is, it seems to be the same. It's nothing more than changing back and forth between Injustice Superman and Earth Lord Superman. No matter how many more, it's just Superman. But in summary, either he becomes a righteous dictator. Or he becomes a pure and powerful villain. There is no variety.

This is nothing. After all, Superman is the fighting force of the Justice League. When he turns evil, of course the intellectual one has to come to the rescue. But how can I put it? Compared to watching such a powerful and reckless man, people still prefer to watch the dark and cruel one.

This is also the difference of the darkened Batman. Because no matter how you add dark and cruel settings to Batman, it will not seem abrupt.

Take Liana as an example. When Liana easily killed the Supreme Sorcerer, the demons of Limbo had no effect on Natasha. The reason was that Natasha had seen too much "darkness" and was not afraid of the demons of Limbo, so the demons of Limbo could not hurt her - really, just listening to it would make people feel outrageous.

But if Natasha is replaced by Bruce, everything seems to be normal.

After all, not even Bruce's clones could handle Bruce's dark memories.

This leads to a lot of different ways for the dark Batman to appear.

Similar to the Batman Who Laughs, Darkseid is also a variant of the Darkened Batman. It is a combination of Batman and Darkseid. In the setting, Batman was controlled by the Anti-Life Equation and turned from a mortal into the King of the New Gods. As a New God, he didn't need subordinates, so he transformed all the demons into mechanical Robins - even the color scheme was the same. It must be said that Batman really loves Robin deeply.

Although he was a character in the background, the existence of Dark Father at that time also revealed an interesting truth about the dark multiverse. That is, almost all Superman in the dark multiverse are tyrants, while Batman is a destroyer.

Based on this point of view, in terms of the destructive power caused by turning evil, Batman is indeed more capable.

After confirming the four kings of the negative multiverse, Ron nodded and relaxed a little.

Originally, Ron thought that the inverted tree that produced the world virus would be very terrifying. But now it seems that the information that Liana said has confirmed Ron's own guess - the inverted tree itself is also a part of the world tree. It's just that there is a serious fallacy in this part, which has caused its connection with the world tree to deteriorate extremely.

Just like the eyes - when one eye is attacked and infected by the virus, the other eye will gradually get worse. This is why many doctors recommend removing the eyeball immediately when one eye is infected - this at least ensures that the condition of the other eye will not get worse.

In the past, the inverted tree could continuously infect the world tree through the world virus, causing the world tree to be polluted accordingly. Just like now, a large number of collapsed worlds have turned into ruins and piled up in the vacuum of the universe.

It's not that the World Tree doesn't want to take care of it, but because the upside-down tree is different from the "infected eye", it is not in the open and is difficult to find. Now that it has been found, it is naturally time to remove it.

It’s a bit emotional to talk about it.

Before, Ron was extremely wary of the inverted tree. Because the inverted tree could pollute the world tree in every way. Although the number of worlds completely polluted and destroyed by the world virus has decreased significantly after the introduction of the External Affairs Department and the Internal Affairs Department, there is one thing that is undeniable. That is, the world tree is indeed being harmed.

Now it seems that although the leaders of the upside-down trees cannot be said to be a group of rabble, they are indeed not as good as the leaders of the world tree.

I won't say anything else. That is, in the negative multiverse of the upside-down tree, Nar can directly fight against the God himself. Although he can't win, he won't die in a short time.

But if there is no help from the upside-down tree, a God will come and wipe out the leader of the entire upside-down tree.

There is no other reason, it is just because there is basically no top combat power in the negative multiverse. It is only relying on the special nature of the world virus to survive - this is actually not accurate.

After leaving Liana's world, Ron could feel the rhythm of the mysterious energy around him.

As the Upside-Down Tree was corroding the World Tree, it was also growing, but compared to the World Tree, its growth was too slow.

But this was not a big deal before - because no one knew the coordinates of the inverted tree, and they could only watch helplessly as the world tree's development became slower and slower under the corrosion of the inverted tree. However, with the nutrients from the world tree, the inverted tree grew faster and faster.

There is no need to think too much about the future, all you need to do is to become stronger, and then run towards destruction more selflessly. This means that as long as there are enough resources, the Upside-Down Tree can completely cultivate a large number of Gods and OAA-level strongmen in a short period of time through the method of raising Gu. If that happens, even if the World Tree knows the coordinates of the Upside-Down Tree, it will be useless. Because the other party may no longer hide, but will confront you head-on.

But it’s different now, the time for development is gone.

Your VN is only level 5, and a group of tough guys on my side with six pieces of equipment and the buffs of the big dragon, small dragon, and ancient dragon have rushed to your high ground.

Yes, yes, true damage is the most real damage in this game. But you also have to see if you have time to develop - you don't think I'm going to quit directly, do you? If I don't bully the fountain, wouldn't it be a waste of my huge advantage?

After sensing the song that seemed to be there but always existed, Ron narrowed his eyes slightly, and then turned into an arc of light and flew in one direction.

During the process, Ron saw many different scenes.

The negative multiverse is the blackened garbage dump of the positive multiverse. Although there are people like Liana who enter by accident, in general, most of them are the ultimate villains in the destructive timeline.

There is no such thing as balance. After discovering the coordinates of the upside-down tree, the leaders of the world tree have obviously made preparations to uproot it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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