In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 40: Nordic God Chapter is really a top-level material in ACG

Chapter 40: Norse Mythology is really a top-level material in ACG

Looking at Geralt, Ciri said hesitantly:
"After all, you are the one chosen by the system. Perhaps you still have some unknown power?"

Hearing this, Geralt shook his head. Just as he was about to deny it, Ron said, "It's possible."


Hearing this, Geralt also looked at Ron who was standing beside him. In response, Ron simply said, "Although your father Colin is a lowly mercenary, your mother Visenna is not an ordinary person. Well, you should remember, right?"

"...Yeah, I know a little bit."

Hearing Ron's question, Geralt's eyes revealed some memories.

Geralt's mother is named Visenna, a druid witch. Witches are different from sorceresses. The infertility of sorceresses is irreversible, while witches learn druid spells and are not sterilized. Only the witch school on Sinned Island is forced to sterilize.

In the demon hunter world, druids are scholars of the forest and a race that has a deep understanding of the laws of nature and can predict the future through animal entrails or cheese. For mortals, druids usually serve as spiritual mentors, herbalists, and alchemists.

They are kind by nature and do not want anyone to be hurt. Anyone in need can get free treatment from a druid. They are a race that is loved and respected by everyone in the demon hunter world.

For example, there are many druids on the Skellige Islands. They will meet in the sacred grove, meditate, and read holy books. Many druids can also use magic and even play a role similar to resident warlocks, such as praying for rain in the drought-stricken areas where they are located.

Geralt's mother did not appear in the game, but in the short story "Something Else" in the world view of the Witcher. At that time, Geralt was seriously injured and was treated by Visenna. This was also the first time Geralt saw his mother in person.

The story takes place after the Cintra Massacre in the Witcher world, which is a very important event that runs through the history of the Witcher series. In the story, Geralt rushed there hoping to find Ciri, and in the process, Geralt was also severely injured by the battle. In Geralt's dying moments, he was guided by his mother Visenna in a dream and eventually met Ciri.

Having said that, Ron also said: "Although it may be a bit strange to say this, completing the Demon Hunter mutation may not be a good thing for you. Although this mutation evolution route is also very feasible, it has extremely high requirements for the material of the mutation and the mental requirements of the person who performs the mutation."

"As a natural born wizard, if you hadn't become a demon hunter, you would have become a powerful spellcaster... In fact, you can become a powerful spellcaster now, but the demon hunter's philosophy seems to make you only regard magic as a convenient tool?"

Hearing this, Geralt nodded: "Yes... For a demon hunter, as long as the magic is useful, it is enough."

"Then change your attitude?" Ron suggested. "Although you are a hybrid of human and druid, you are still very talented. For example, you can restore your physical strength and injuries through meditation. This should be the blood power of your mother. The reason why your magic sign is faster and stronger than other demon hunters may have a lot to do with this."


After hearing Ron's suggestion, Geralt was silent for a long time, and then hesitantly said: " it too late for me to learn magic now?"

"It's okay. It's never too late." Ron put his arm on Geralt's shoulder and said with a teasing look on his face: "Aren't there many female sorcerers around you? Maybe you can take this opportunity to learn more skills~"

Hearing this, Ciri on the side couldn't help curling her lips, obviously having heard about her husband's indecent behavior. Looking at Ciri's expression, Geralt coughed twice, waved his hand and said, "What are you talking about? I don't understand at all. Well, by the way, how many system coins does Yennefer need to come to this world?"

After taking a look at the price offered by the system store, Ron said, "Not bad, not expensive, fifty system coins... Damn, I spent thirty dollars to bring that expensive item of Mingnu here, why does Yennefer only need fifty dollars?!"

Mingnu: "..."

On the side, Xili nodded and said, "If that's the case, I'll return the money to you first."

With that said, Ciri was about to return the system coins that Geralt had sent her. But before she could do anything, she saw Geralt shaking his head and saying, "No, you take it first. Even if you want to learn magic, this is not the time. If the goal is to get enough strength in a short period of time, then I'll leave it to you."

Geralt said: "Although I know nothing about magic, the ancient blood in your body must be more powerful than the druid blood from my mother."

"That's true." Ron, who was half lying on the sofa in the middle of the hospital lobby, said lazily:

"The Ancient Blood thing, once you master its power, traveling through the world is as easy as playing. Nothing related to the attributes of time and space is easy. Speaking of which, the shopping bag told me that they wanted to study the Ancient Blood in your body. What do you mean? Are you interested in going to Kamar-Taj as an exchange student? And bring your parents along with you."

"Is this convenient?"

After hearing Ron's proposal, Ciri seemed a little moved. After all, the power of the old man Ancient One, who could forcibly anchor the surrounding space just by appearing, was unforgettable even now. It can be said that even the most powerful wizards Ciri had seen in the many worlds where the celestial spheres intersected, such as Merlin, could not compare to the oppression brought by the old man.

"It shouldn't be a problem. Although we're not in the same department, we're all in the same company. We're even in the same office... Wait, let me ask."

As he spoke, Ron opened the system panel and clicked on Ancient One in the friend column.

"Hey, hey, are you there?"

"No, go away."

"I need help with something..."

...After a moment, Ron nodded, closed the system interface and said to Ciri, "OK, Kamar-Taj has agreed. The half corpse given to Ancient One is tuition. However, more specific teaching may have to wait until the end of the Wild Hunt. Now, there are some things about the shopping bag that need to be dealt with."

"But don't worry too much. A Kamar-Taj wizard will come to teach you tomorrow. But it's too advanced knowledge, so you still have to go to Kamar-Taj to learn in depth."

Hearing this, Ciri also breathed a sigh of relief, and then said gratefully: "Thank you, Ron."

"Call me Dean." Ron tapped the ID card on his chest.

"Okay, Dean Ron." Ciri shrugged, indicating that she didn't quite understand why Ron attached so much importance to this identity.

After confirming the general matters, Ron also took Geralt and Ciri to find two rooms. Unlike the wolf's vigilance, the two chose a single ward with a wide view and comfort. After the arrangements were made, Ron took his time to visit the system store that appeared on the outer wall of the two people's room to see if there was anything valuable.

The wolf also came over following the scent, and after a brief tour, he bought some finished alchemical potions and alchemical bombs. It seemed that he wanted to integrate them into his prosthetic blade.

However, considering the wolf's limited cultural level, it is estimated that the system will inevitably charge a processing fee.

After a brief tour, Ron did not buy anything, but returned to his room and asked Mingnu to take Ileris's body out of the space.

Geralt decapitated the body of Ilerith, and his body was also split in half during the exchange with the Ancient One. It was not cut in half, but split in the middle like a pig. However, the blood was drained in advance, so the environment was not polluted when it was taken out.

The armor was intact, made of fine materials, and felt heavy in his hands. Although he was more or less a commander of the Wild Hunt army, not as powerful as Eredin, the King of the Wild Hunt, the armor on Imlerith was also inscribed with magic, making it strong and sturdy. Although it looked heavy, it didn't feel too heavy when worn.

And because the Wild Hunt has mastered a portion of the ancient blood, it can perform short-distance space jumps to a certain extent. However, it will put a certain load on the body. For ordinary people, just one jump may cause them to vomit until they are dizzy.

But compared to the body of Ileris, Ron was more interested in the white frost.

The white frost mainly attached to the armor of Ileris, and was protected by the spell inscriptions inside the armor. As long as the inscriptions could still function, the white frost would not affect Ileris. In order to facilitate the work of the Ancient One, Ron sent one-third of the white frost along with half of Ileris's body. As for the rest, after being collected, only a small pool of about the size of a palm remained.

In the demon hunter world, white frost is a very mysterious special substance that represents doomsday.

The legends in the Witcher world are heavily influenced by Norse mythology, and the belief that can be seen everywhere in Skellige is the mysterious Ouroboros.

Legend has it that it created time by holding its own tail and making its body into a figure 8. When the Ouroboros holds its own tail again to complete the circle, the cycle of time will be complete, bringing about the legendary last era, also known as the White Frost Era, or the Wolf Blizzard.

Once this era arrives, a wolf will devour the sun and the moon will experience a lunar eclipse. Then comes the final battle, when a longship called Najirfar, made of dead nails and claws, will come to the world, carrying an army of ghosts and demons to destroy the world. The golden rooster Canby will warn the hero Hemdall about the arrival of the longship, and then Hemdall will step onto the Rainbow Bridge to stop the invasion of the dark forces. This battle will determine whether the world will be shrouded in eternal night, or a new dawn will come.

Hoarfrost is very terrifying in the Skellige mythology of the Witcher world, and has some prophetic properties. But from Ron's observation, hoarfrost is more like an infinitesimal particle with abnormal properties. When Ron touched it with his fingers, he could feel a chill.

But this is not the temperature of the frost itself. The frost itself does not have any temperature. The reason why it feels cold is that the frost is constantly absorbing heat from the surrounding environment, just like a sponge absorbs water and constantly absorbs all warmth.

If you don't understand this in advance, there is a high probability that you will think it is a snowflake or something like that.

Soon, Ron's fingers that touched the white frost became cold and lost all feeling. With just a little force, his fingers fell to the ground and shattered into lifeless ice.

Ron didn't show much expression on his face, he just stimulated the blood in his body to quickly complete the regeneration.

Hoarfrost looks ordinary, just some white dust. But in fact, it is such an inconspicuous little thing that has destroyed many worlds.

The story about white frost destroying the world is not just a legend. In the wizarding worldview, there are a large number of elven astronomers. According to the observations of these astronomers, as long as white frost appears on a planet, all the planets in the entire galaxy will turn into lifeless ice within a few decades.

According to speculation, the frost is constantly absorbing the heat from the planet. As the heat is absorbed, the planet itself will be covered with snow all year round and become colder and colder. Eventually, the whole world will no longer have any warmth or heat, and will turn into a huge block of ice.

Then there is the relationship between White Frost and the Wild Hunt.

Although frost often appears where the Wild Hunt appears. It is even said that the King of the Wild Hunt, Eredin, often uses frost to fight, such as tearing a crack in space and killing the enemy with frost wind. But in fact, the frost has been chasing the Wild Hunt, and the reason why the Wild Hunt keeps shuttling and plundering many worlds is to avoid the pursuit of the frost.

However, with the first celestial conjunction of the wizarding world, the Wild Hunt lost the ability to travel through the world and could only sit and wait for death in their home world. Until they cultivated a new ancient blood. The holder of this ancient blood eloped with humans, and the owner of this ancient blood was Ciri's ancestor.

It is precisely to take back the ancient blood and regain the ability to travel through time and avoid the white frost that the Wild Hunt will chase Ciri. Now, Geralt has come to the Marvel world, and Ciri has come to the Marvel world because of Geralt's scent, while the Wild Hunt has chased her because of the scent of the ancient blood on Ciri.

After studying it all night, Ron shook his head helplessly.

As expected, it's still not very good - even the elf scholars in the Demon Hunter world haven't figured this thing out, and the gains from my closed-door research here are very limited.

But then again, they are all taken from Norse mythology, so perhaps the Asgard in this world will have some good information?

(End of this chapter)

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