In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 66: Ron Park enthusiastically recruits workers

Chapter 66: Roan Park enthusiastically recruits workers
Obviously, because his body temperature is always below freezing, Victor has also lost many of his human sense of honor and shame.

In response, Ron waved his hand and said, "Come on, look at how ugly you are. I am not moved by Captain America's hips, let alone a bald head like you whose hair follicles have been frozen to death?"

"That's good."

Victor breathed a sigh of relief and said, "So you mean you are interested in my skills?"

"That's about right. Working for Batman is a job. Are you interested in working for me?"

"How is the salary calculated?"

Hearing about the salary issue, Ron clapped his hands, and then the gate of Infinite City behind him opened. What came into view was a space covered with ice and snow. The space was not very large, about a hundred square meters.

There were many iron chairs in the space, and some dispirited strong men sat on them, their hands and feet tied with iron chains. As the supervisor pressed a button, a crack appeared above their heads, and then accompanied by the blowing of ultra-low temperature freezing wind, the wild hunting wandering soul knights let out a terrifying scream, and their bodies were covered with a layer of ice and frostbite at an alarming speed.

As their body temperature dropped sharply, the supervisor at the side used a special small brush to collect the white frost on their heads into a container.

In the square space, there is a sticker on the left saying "Promote first-class work style, work hard and achieve first-class results!"
On the right is a note: "We work normally in light snow, non-stop in heavy snow, desperately in blizzard, and working by lamplight at night. We won't take a holiday until the boss dies suddenly. We won't rest until the universe restarts!"

Horizontal banner: Work hard, work hard!
At the very top, there are four big characters printed.

【Roen Park】

"Your production this month is not enough." A patrolman came to a strong man the size of a bear with a steel rod in his hand. Without saying anything more, he raised the rod and hit him hard in the face.

With a bang, broken teeth flew everywhere.

First he was given a dragon fruit, then a heart-warming kick, followed by CPR and artificial respiration. After going through the whole process, he was tied to a chair and the dosage was increased, and he woke up again after a while.

Seeing this, Ron frowned: "What's going on? Someone is cheating? Not working properly?"

"Ah, Boss, I'll urge them right away..."

Before the inspector finished speaking, Ron stretched out his hand and shook his neck twice:
"Optimize it and let him reincarnate as soon as possible."

"As ordered."

As he spoke, the non-elven members of the former Wild Hunt Red Cavalry nodded nervously, drew their knives, turned around and walked towards the burly elf man.

After closing the space door, Ron looked at Victor standing beside him.

"That's how we get the white frost you need. To be honest, the monthly output is not much. If you are willing to work for me, I can provide some to meet your experimental needs."

Ron seemed very easygoing: "Don't worry that I will do this to you. In fact, everyone who knows me knows that I am a gentle and easy-going person."

"I don't believe it." Victor said with a dead mother face: "It's just killing a person, you can't scare me. There are more dead people than living people in this world."

"Who killed someone? I just asked him to cut off the elf's frontal lobe."

Ron said indifferently, "The white frost is a special mysterious natural disaster that hunts down the elves. In order to avoid the white frost, they have plundered countless worlds. After looting everything, they will leave silently like a heartless scumbag when the white frost comes. They have been rampant for hundreds of years. Because of their plunder, countless planets have been frozen forever by the white frost."

"Now? I just want them to feel similar despair. The murderer should be determined to be killed. I think they are already prepared for this, needless to say."

After a pause, Ron also said with emotion: "In fact, I am still very humane. At first, I thought about whether I could erase their souls and leave their bodies to continue capturing white frost."

"Who knows? White Frost is locking onto their souls. So you don't have to worry about them losing their thinking ability without their frontal lobes. In fact, even if the frontal lobes are removed, their souls will still be able to think and feel, but their bodies won't be controlled." "This sounds even more beastly."

After looking at Ron with disdain, Victor fell silent.

After a moment, Victor said simply: "I can work for you, but you have to tell me why."

"Space transformation." Pointing to the cryogenic generator beside him, Ron said, "This one is too crude. I'll provide the materials, you provide the brain, and build me a bigger one."

"where to put?"

"In the Infinite City, I will generate a closed space dimension in the Infinite City."

Hearing this, Victor nodded thoughtfully.

"Enclosed space, hoarfrost, fading warmth and heat..." With a hint of interest on his face, Victor asked curiously, "Do you want to create heat death or cold death?"

"It's all the same. It's just a one-time attempt. If it doesn't work, there are other ways."

Ron shook his head and said, "Although I hired you, whether you are qualified to be hired is another matter."

"This world has been dying, and all the destinies in this world have been affected by it. If you can't break free, then even if I want to hire you, you will follow this world into the next reincarnation."

"So, you don't have to give me an answer now, because it's useless to tell me. Wait until everything is settled, if you are still alive, then tell me your answer."

After saying that, Ron stood up and turned to walk towards the door at the side: "I'm going to talk to the old bat."

"Wish you good luck~"

Victor said: "Speaking of which, according to your theory, if I can't escape the fate of this world's withering, these white frosts you gave me..."

"That's right." Ron said easily, "If you die, as relics that do not belong to this world, these things will eventually return to me~"

"You are such a scumbag."

"Haha, it feels really good to be called a human~"

As they spoke, Ron and Ciri left Victor's laboratory.

After walking out of the frozen alley, Ciri moved her shoulders a few times with some discomfort.

“A warmer environment makes people feel more comfortable.”


"What do we do next? You know this guy called Batman?"

"Yes, but I need to confirm it now."

Looking at the fortress-like casino in front of him, Ron said:
"Let's guess, will the old bat have the same habit of collecting murder weapons as the young bat?"

(End of this chapter)

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