In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 83 This is the confidence brought by the ancient blood!

Chapter 83: This is the confidence brought by the ancient blood!
Located on Paradise Island, people are quietly waiting for the battle to come.

Before the war started, people would talk and argue noisily, quarreling and even killing each other. But at this moment, at least Paradise Island was silent, like the last calm before the storm.

"As expected, other gathering places on Earth have fallen into chaos."

Thomas, who was standing by, glanced at the picture coming from the Doomsday Armor with a look of indifference.

"It was right not to bring them."

Hearing Batman's words, Flash Barry seemed a little uncomfortable. Maybe for Barry, he has been accustomed to the kindness in human nature. In their world, even Batman Bruce will try every means to protect ordinary people, even if he will be attacked by villains.

But in this world, Thomas didn't care about human life at all. Or maybe Thomas had died that night in Crime Alley. Enough people had died in this world, and Bruce's remaining sanity had long been numb.

"Paradise Island is so small, too many trash will only get in the way." Diana, whose face and body were covered with scars, also moved her body a few times, her eyes faintly revealing a bit of enthusiasm for war:

"I can smell it, haha! My useless ex-husband is here! Come on, useless man, let me send you to destruction!!"

As Diana spoke, the surging ocean currents formed a huge whirlpool around Paradise Island, and the center of the whirlpool was Paradise Island. One after another, Atlanteans riding on deep-sea chariots emerged from the water. And on the highest wave was Aquaman, whose intestines were exposed outside his body.

The golden scale battle suit on his body was already in tatters, showing a dull grey-black color without any brilliance. His burly body was covered with marks of sword cuts, and his eyes were filled with wooden despair and residual anger.

Next to Aquaman was the body of Mera, the Queen of the Sea. However, Mera had been beheaded by Diana long ago, and even though the Atlanteans had sutured her body after returning it, people could still see a steady stream of black water flowing out of the suture marks on her neck.

Squinting his eyes and sensing it a little, Ron nodded.

"It looks like Mera is the person zero of the world virus."

Ron said, "The world virus will parasitize people with weak wills or emotional imbalances. You had a big fight with Aquaman in front of Mera, and she couldn't accept it and made trouble for you afterwards, so you just killed her with a knife. I can't imagine how resentful Mera must be."

"Oh, this only shows that she is a coward!"

The War Lord sneered disdainfully: "If she had the ability, she should have beaten Arthur to his knees, and then taken him back to be a star slave after he realized his mistake. Instead of cowardly thinking that I was wrong."

"Oh my god, please stop talking, I can't look at Aquaman and Wonder Woman over there anymore..."

Barry's face was full of helplessness.

In response, Diana snorted disdainfully and put on the champion's helmet - it was called a helmet, but it was actually a set of Greek-style full-body armor. The armor itself was connected to the divine position of Paradise Island. After the armor was fully armed, as long as the divine position of Paradise Island was not destroyed, Diana could quickly recover at any time through the divine power.

With the spear of Ares in her left hand, the sword of Vulcan in her right hand, and the flying shoes of Hermes on her feet, Diana, armed to the teeth, had a fanatical look in her eyes.

"The final carnival has arrived! Amazons! Let us embrace death!! The disputes will never end, and the war will be eternal!!"

As she roared, a ball of scarlet blood burst out from Diana's body. Mixed with the golden divine energy and the magic of the champion's helmet, she turned into a stream of blood that streaked across the sky and rushed straight towards the Sea King and his wife.

After hearing the commander's words, the Amazons also went into a violent state in an instant, releasing the divine force field and changing all the energy used for defensive supply to attack mode. With this divine power entering everyone's body, even ordinary people can easily knock down the three British strongmen under this enhancement.

"It feels good, but if you don't take prompt care of it after it's over, I'm afraid your organs will die immediately from overload, right?"

Feeling the extra strands of energy and heat in their bodies that had been at freezing temperatures all year round, Victor the Frozen Man and even the other people on Paradise Island didn't care much about this negative effect.

After all, it is not certain whether you can survive.

"If you can get the qualification to enter the next world, I have plenty of ways to save you." Ron also seemed very casual - this kind of problem caused by physiological overload is really simple to deal with. Apart from anything else, a shot of blood therapy will basically restore it to a state of recovery, and maybe even grow a few more organs, what a good thing.

"Then I'll see if there is any other way..."

Mr. Freeze curled his lips. He recognized his new boss's ability. But when it came to curing illnesses and saving lives... well, you could tell by how he cured himself.

Victor was thinking, but his hands were not idle. He randomly clicked a few buttons on the cryogenic gun, and then the cryogenic zombies in the dormant chamber opened their eyes one by one. With their remaining consciousness awakened, they walked slowly towards the Atlantis zombies in the distance.

Seeing that the battlefield below was back on track, Ron also looked up at the sky.

The zombie army transformed by Aquaman and the people of the seven seas is certainly difficult to deal with. But if you really want to count, the focus of this war is always in the sky. The victory in the battlefield below is just the icing on the cake, which can expand the results after the victory in the core battlefield and lead this withered world to the next reincarnation.

Once the core battlefield in the sky is defeated, the battlefield below will be destroyed regardless of the outcome, and no one can escape except a limited number of people such as Ron.

While thinking. A black dot has appeared in the distant sky. The skinny body rubbed against the atmosphere violently after a rapid emergency landing, forming a blazing flame. Unlike Superman with a normal worldview, Kal-El, who grew up in the laboratory with human experiments, has no pursuit of beauty. Even though he has absorbed enough nutrition through sunbathing, he has not made any changes in his appearance, and still maintains the skinny appearance at the beginning.

If you were not sure before, now you can be sure that Superman's muscles are indeed just decorations.

"It's about to happen."


Kratos nodded, and then tightened his grip on the battle axe. Looking at Superman who was making an emergency landing in the sky, a divine light appeared in Kratos' eyes. Without saying too much, with his teeth clenched, Kratos' muscles became engorged and bulged one by one. His originally burly and strong body swelled in a few breaths, and the battle axe with a perfect arc even looked a little small at this moment.

In the sky, Kal-El was rapidly landing, his eyes fixed on the Paradise Island below. His instinct told him that if he destroyed this place, then this world would be completely pulled into the shadow of the tree, and become a member of the malicious domain that could never be freed.

Although they were far apart, Kal-El still clearly saw the people on the surface who were already murderous. Without any hesitation or mercy, a scarlet light flashed in Kal-El's eyes almost at the same time he saw it. But just as this hot gaze was about to be shot out, suddenly, the space in front of him changed, and a world gate suddenly opened.

A large, dry, white hand reached out at the moment the door opened, and the muscular muscles were steaming with frightening blood. Ignoring the heat in Kal-El's eyes, Kratos roared and pulled Kal-El's face forward.

The heat vision was released, and the blazing mystical energy torrent hit Kratos' palm. As the shocking pain spread from his palm, Kratos, who was in pain, not only did not flinch at all, but under the stimulation of the severe pain, a ball of divine fire suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his anger burst out. The heat vision was cut into dozens of scattered rays along Kratos' fingers, and directly grabbed the skinny face against Kal's heat vision.

With a sudden pull, the frost-covered Leviathan Axe chopped down hard on the back of the neck!


Blood mixed with black liquid splashed everywhere, but Kratos did not relax at all. With the energy restored, Superman's body was fully replenished. Both the physical defense and the nerve reaction speed were several times higher than normal.

The sharp Leviathan Axe was clearly heading for the back of the neck, but Kal-El predicted it and blocked it with his arms while twisting his body.

The axe pierced into the bone, but there was no pain on Superman's face. Instead, after completing the block, he immediately turned around and forcibly pushed the axe blade away with his other hand, then kicked Kratos in the chest, and then, Kratos, who had no ability to fly, fell to the ground weightlessly.

But after all this intensive preparation, there was no reluctance on Kratos' face. Instead, he glanced at Superman's direction, then made a gesture of gathering strength, and his burly body arched backwards while turning around, like a powerful crossbow ready to be fired. The gate of the world opened, swallowing Kratos whole, and he appeared behind Superman, suddenly slashing him hard!


The heavy axe hit Superman's spine, his skin was torn apart. With the bone fracture that made people's teeth ache, Superman lost his balance in a moment while falling vertically. Although he was prepared, Kratos did not pause at all. His muscles bulged, and he pulled out the battle axe in an instant, and the heavy slashes fell continuously like a rainstorm!

This is the confidence that the Ancient Blood gives me!
As another world gate opened, Ron appeared in front of Superman. He stretched out his hand, accompanied by the surging secret energy - "One seat in the Infinite City!"

The moment the words fell, with Ron as the center, the dark dimensional gate exploded from the shadows around Ron, and the gate opened wide. Realizing that something was wrong, Superman's energy was surging, and he wanted to break it the moment he was swallowed by the dimensional gate, but before Superman could complete the gathering of energy, Kratos dropped another axe on Superman's back ribs.

The axe blade twisted, and Kal-El growled in pain. Kal-El's bones were stuck, and Kratos' forehead veins bulged. He gripped the battle axe tightly, twisted his body, and pulled out Superman's ribs and half of his lung!
Blood and flesh flew everywhere, broken bones and shattered organs instantly became the melody of the sky. The energy explosion to counter the dimensional gate was interrupted, and the angry Superman ignored the terrible injury between his ribs, turned around and kicked Kratos away. But when he raised his head, the surrounding environment suddenly turned into an overlapping area composed of countless gates - Infinite City!


'Anti-Superman mode, activated.'

Along with the electronic voice of Cyborg, which had lost all emotions, Thomas, wearing the Doomsday Armor, had his suit lit up with red lines. The simulated red solar radiation from the survival chamber where Superman fell quickly spread to every corner of the Infinite City with the Doomsday Armor as the center.

Along with the roar of the engine, several streams of energy spurted out from Thomas's back. The heavy Doomsday Armor burst out at an extremely fast speed at this moment. When Superman's sight caught up with him, Thomas, who had been dormant for a long time, was already in front of him.

Looking at Thomas who was so close, Superman didn't seem to be affected by the red sun at all. He turned around and punched Thomas on the head.

Thomas was prepared, with his arms raised high. Even though they had been reinforced and strengthened several times, the moment the arm of the Doomsday Armor came into contact with Superman's iron fist, his lower body sank and he squatted down suddenly. The heavy pressure caused many joints of the Doomsday Armor to creak under the heavy load.

The engine at the arm spurted out two streams of hot white gas. The overloaded armored arm armor, which was forced to overload due to the heavy blow, quickly extended a large number of mechanical parts forward to form huge shackles, which locked Superman's hands and his own hands together tightly.

The armor plates on the chest opened up, and along with the activation of energy, the red sun radiation became several times more intense, followed by a sonic boom channel that was enough to shatter the structure of space in a short period of time, and released extremely destructive white noise waves.

Buzz! ! ! !

Under the bombardment of the sonic cannon, even though the world virus gave Kal-El extreme immunity to the red sun's radiation, when the white noise wave was released at full power, blood still gushed out of Superman's eyes, nose and other orifices!

But in the middle of it, with blood flying everywhere, Superman's face showed no expression at all. He didn't even focus on Thomas, but looked behind him. The speed force was activated, and the meat saw came out with black lightning. Without any sound, the heavy teeth had already touched Superman's face, as if to split it in half!

(End of this chapter)

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