In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 85: Stage 2 is the essence of the boss battle

Chapter 85: The Second Stage is the Essence of the Boss Battle
Having narrowly avoided Superman's thermal vision, Ciri looked at the place that had been bombarded, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

Because of the system as an antibody, it is true that Ciri is immune to the erosion of the world virus. But this does not mean that Ciri is immune to the energy attack after the world virus is strengthened. Everything in this world, whether it is energy or matter, is in its most basic form of secret energy. Even the world virus is also composed of an unknown special secret energy.

And now, this pure mass crushing is enough to shatter all matter that stands in Superman's way!
"Thomas, you go first."

Ron said calmly, "The virus concentration in the world around Superman has risen, and your armor cannot filter out the curse. And Barry, the same goes for you. From now on, you should focus on assisting, and try not to make physical contact unless necessary. Once this guy reacts, even the Speed ​​Force cannot guarantee complete safety."


Nodding, Barry stood up from the ruins beside him and moved his arm, which had just barely reconnected its broken bones, his eyes full of solemnity.

After hearing Ron's words, Thomas did not hesitate at all. The core engine started working again, and with the opening of the sonic boom channel, he quickly disappeared from the battlefield.

The distance between Infinite City and the material world is not far. As long as you find the right direction, it is just a thin layer of window paper. With Ron's permission, everyone can even clearly see the increasingly fierce battlefield on Paradise Island on the other side of the sonic explosion channel. Diana is like a killing god, with the bright silver champion helmet on her body covered with minced meat and blood.

With a look of madness in his eyes, he took advantage of the home field advantage of Paradise Island's divinity and overwhelmed Aquaman and Queen of the Sea alone.

It is worth mentioning that it seems to be an old tradition of World Virus to raise one's head to fight. Mera, whose head was chopped off by Diana, also raised her head. However, unlike Superman's heat vision, Mera used her head as a medium to release magic and manipulate the sea water to fight back.

Entering the sonic boom channel, Thomas opened fire and carried out saturation bombing the moment he landed on the battlefield - every zombie was a moving blood bag for Kal-El. Killing one would reduce his energy reserve by one point!
As the irrelevant personnel were cleared out, Ciri on the side also tightly grasped the rune sword, and then Kratos, who was blasted away by the thermal vision, returned to the battlefield instantly.

Although blocked by the Guardian's Shield, the aftermath of the thermal vision still hit Kratos, leaving a large number of dark red blood blisters on his body.

Kratos took a look at the blood blister on his body and stretched out his hand to scratch it without any care, then tore off the flesh and blood. With the blood surging in his body, the divinity quickly took effect, and the terrible wound quickly recovered in just a few breaths.

"How to do it."

"Do whatever you want!" As the toughest guy among the people present, Ron had no intention of commanding Kratos:
"This guy is starting to fight hard. He burns more zombies per second than he resurrects! But it doesn't matter. We have a system that can be immune to the virus. Ciri and I will provide support. As for other tactics, we know them all. We can just fight head-on!" "Good plan."

“Is this also a plan?” Ciri on the side couldn’t help but complain: “And even after his head was chopped off, he didn’t die. Isn’t his vitality too strong?!”

"The second stage is the essence of the boss battle! Go ahead!!"

Kratos rushed forward without saying anything. The Leviathan Axe in his hand had exploded with greater power after a period of adjustment. The surging frost began to spread around along with the divine power. The frightening low temperature and the blazing anger were wielded together. Even though he had entered a desperate state and was burning a large number of zombies every second, Superman still had a solemn look in his eyes. Then, he raised the head in his hand high, like a lantern announcing the end of the world, and the violent black secret energy immediately sprayed out from Superman's facial features!

The battle axe and the arcane energy beam collided head-on, and the axe, full of anger, split the beam in an instant, but with the further strengthening of energy output, Kratos's advancing figure decayed at an alarming speed. Before Kratos could muster up the strength to attack again, Superman clenched his right arm and swooped down to Kratos' side with the intention of hitting him!
Buzz! ! ! Driven by the speed force, the Flash rushed over from the side. The speed force surrounded his body, protecting his relatively weak body. But before Barry could hit Superman, Superman reacted in time and punched Barry in the chest!

The head turned upside down, and a long-accumulated heat beam shot out towards the out-of-control Barry. But before this torrent of energy could hit Barry, it was swallowed up by a world gate, and then another gate opened behind Barry, and the violent beam seemed to pass over Barry and shoot directly into the distance!
"Beautiful!" Barry said gratefully, "It would be even better if we could point the exit at this guy!"

"Stop forcing me here!"

Barry didn't understand what level Ciri was at, but Ron knew very well - for Ciri, just wanting to capture the attack from Superman was already a stretch. As for using Superman's attack to attack Superman? Do you want to have such high expectations for a novice magician with a low magic worldview? !

As he spoke, Ron also came close to Superman. He raised the dual-wielding meat saws high up, and with the blessing of the speed force, a circle of dark lightning suddenly appeared around the meat saws.

Crack! He blocked Ron's heavy blow with his right arm, but before Superman could come to his senses, Kratos flew out from the opened world gate beside him, his muscular body arched backwards, and then suddenly loosened like a taut bowstring, and the explosive power penetrated into the battle axe and chopped towards Superman's body.

At the same time, Ron twisted his war blade and used the sawtooth of the meat saw to clamp Superman's arm. Although he was fixed in place and could not dodge effectively, Superman did not panic at all. He just turned slightly to the side and let Kratos's battle axe cut off his right arm. At the moment when his arm was broken, accompanied by splashes of black blood, a hot line of sight penetrated the blood curtain and hit Ron's arm!
Seeing this, Ron's eyes showed a solemn look, and then he directly detonated his left arm.

As the Speed ​​Force Ring fell to the side, Ron himself also exited the speedster state. And what about Superman? In just this short moment, before the severed right arm dissipated into dead dust, a layer of lighter skin color had already grown on the original cross section!

(End of this chapter)

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