In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 87 The boss battle is over, and you are telling me this?

Chapter 87: The boss battle is over, and you’re telling me this?

In combat, information gathering is a very important part. Without sufficient information, any plan is just a paper theory based on the best possible scenario.

Similarly, Ron had prepared to create false information from the very beginning.

Superman's perception is very sharp. Even if the Infinite City is expanded as much as possible, Superman can still feel almost all the fluctuations of the secret energy in it. Especially strong people like Ron, Kratos, and Flash. The three of them standing here, at the energy level that is invisible to the naked eye, give people the feeling of three burning suns.

In comparison, although Thomas can play an auxiliary role in the battle with the Doomsday Armor, his body is only as strong as that of an ordinary person. Even the Flash can easily defeat his opponent in a head-on melee without activating the Speed ​​Force - provided that the head-on melee is not used as a means by Batman.

From the beginning to the end, we were traveling and pulling through Ciri's world gate.

At the same time as the Doomsday Armor left the Infinite City, the sonic boom shattered the surrounding space mass and returned to the material realm. Inside the Doomsday Armor, Ron's dimensional gate transferred Thomas to the edge of the Infinite City.

There are many people in the Infinite City, whether it is the wild hunter laborers in the park, or the materials and ritual items stored in the Infinite City, they all contain powerful energy. Among them, the extra Thomas is not conspicuous enough, not to mention that Superman is blocked by three secret energy suns, Ron, Kratos, and Barry.

In addition, the sight of Aquaman and others outside provided enough confusion - he had already mastered the use of speed force during the preparation period, although he was not as proficient as Ron, nor as skilled as Barry. But for Thomas, he only needed to rush forward after sufficient preparation, that was enough!

The trace amount of kryptonite extracted from the Kryptonian survival capsule was processed into a short knife full of kryptonite radiation. Thomas knew that such a weapon would only have one chance to be used -

A stream of golden and red light flashed through the open dimensional door. Realizing that something was wrong, Superman tried his old trick again and tried to dodge. But before Superman could activate the secret energy circuit in his body, the Leviathan Axe, wrapped in thick frost, flew over from the first floor. With a roar of air explosion, the heavy battle axe fell on Superman and made him stagger. But Superman was not panicked, but took advantage of the impact of the Leviathan Axe to dodge to the side.

Unfortunately, before Superman succeeded, Kratos suddenly clenched his palms in the distance. He aimed at the battle axe in the distance, and the heavy blade stuck in Superman's bones. He pulled back suddenly, and then the battle axe embedded in Superman's body was pulled in the opposite direction!
As the axe was forcibly pulled out and flew back into Kratos' hands, Superman's idea of ​​evading the impact of the axe was officially shattered. With nowhere to dodge, Superman could only grit his teeth, then roared and leapt up in an attempt to minimize the impact of the kryptonite dagger.

While in the air, Thomas had no regrets and didn't care what would happen to him. The power in the Speed ​​Force Ring was fully released. Almost at the moment of speeding, the unrestricted power went through the Speed ​​Force surround and caused Thomas's suit and skin to begin to disintegrate. The extreme speed brought an unimaginable and terrible impact, but Superman still keenly noticed that Thomas' body could no longer withstand this force.

Without hesitation, two-thirds of the zombies on the battlefield outside turned into inorganic dust in an instant, and a large amount of secret energy was forcibly injected into Superman's body before it could be transformed. Such rough use is a huge waste of energy, and at least more than half of the energy is directly dissipated due to the rough process. But at the same time, the huge consumption also allows Superman's ability to reach a new peak. Although it is impossible to break the deadlock, it has reached the limit, enough to withstand the assassination from this mortal!

At the same time, Thomas felt the surge of power in Superman and the pain of his body being torn apart inch by inch, but there was no fear in his eyes. Instead, he was a little hesitant.

As the speed force continued to accelerate, Thomas's perception also reached the state of a speedster. Under the continuous acceleration, Thomas could clearly see that the boundaries of the world, the universe, and the dimension were constantly being unlocked. And through the power from Barry as a connection and as a medium, the strong desire allowed Thomas to see a glimpse of the world where Barry was -

Late at night, Bruce, exhausted, threw the Joker into a cell in a mental hospital. Just as Bruce gradually relaxed and was about to leave, an inexplicable feeling of being watched made Bruce regain his original alertness in an instant.

He stood up suddenly and looked around, but he found nothing. The fleeting feeling was so short, so short that Bruce wondered if he was too nervous.

Bruce suddenly looked towards the mirror at one side after realizing something. The eyes disappeared into the smooth mirror the moment he saw them. Was that him? Was that his own eyes? Although it was just a glimpse, the old and lonely eyes still made him feel inexplicably familiar and confused.

He could not feel the pain, but on the contrary, he saw the exhaustion and determination in Bruce's eyes. Although it was only a short moment, not even a thousandth of a second in the senses of a speedster, Bruce's tired and determined eyes still made Thomas' desire for Bruce reach its peak at this moment!
As the Bloody Knight, he turned the entire Gotham into an airtight iron barrel at the end of the world, ruling this eternal lawless land with fear. But at this moment, Thomas felt a strong emotion bursting through his heart, like a wanton flood that washed away all the rationality in his mind, and he lost the ability to speak, and instinctively roared like a trapped beast -


Strong emotions erupted instantly, and the speed force, which had already reached its limit, increased again. But this time, Thomas' speed did not increase. Instead, because of the out-of-control situation, the runaway speed force accelerated Thomas's self-destruction. If this continued, he would not even be able to reach Superman, and would be accelerated by the speed force to the point of losing himself and becoming a part of the speed force itself.

Ron, who was watching coldly from the side, sensed that Thomas' emotions had reached a critical point. The moment the speed force began to erupt, he just dropped his finger indifferently.

"Blood therapy begins."

After receiving Ron's order, the crazy cold blood and madman's wisdom that had been injected into Thomas' body burst out instantly, and the moment it began to merge with Thomas, it was blessed by the speed force. In an instant, Thomas' body burst into a ball of blood, and dense nerves burst out from Thomas' body like a multiplying grotesque worm, allowing Thomas to strengthen his perception of the material world thousands of times.

His dissipated sanity was forcibly anchored in the perception of the material realm. His eyes glowed with a paranoid and intense look. Facing Superman's eyes of disbelief and fear, Thomas almost turned into meat paste and crashed into Superman - and as his rotten body was knocked to the side, the sharp kryptonite dagger was deeply embedded in Superman's chest!
Through the enhancement of the World Virus, Superman is immune to the effects of red sun radiation. However, a closer look reveals that the reason why Superman is not affected by the red sun radiation is because the World Virus has merged with Superman and isolated the red sun radiation before it touches Superman's body.

And now, the kryptonite dagger, which is more powerful than the red sun's radiation, pierces Superman's chest at a speed that is considered fast even in the world of speedsters. Although the powerful Fall Secret allows Superman to continue to survive through blood transfusions from zombies, his entire aura has also weakened to the extreme at this moment!
Unlike the weakness caused by the red sun's radiation, for Superman, prolonged contact with Kryptonite can even lead to sudden death due to genetic defects! Feeling the symptoms constantly occurring in his body, Superman's eyes showed a hint of fear, and then he subconsciously stretched out his hand, trying to pull out the dagger that stabbed into his chest. But before Superman's palm touched the Kryptonite, the Leviathan Axe that came with the storm easily cut off Superman's palm!

The dimensional gate opened from the other side and caught the Leviathan Axe flying towards him. Kratos did not pause, holding the battle axe tightly as if raising it high, but instead of using the sharp blade to chop at Superman, he used it like a shovel to drive the dagger that had already pierced into his chest into his heart!


With a scream, Superman's body was smashed into the distance. But before he could fly far, the gate of the world opened and Superman appeared in front of Kratos again.

The battle axe instantly turned into a storm of steel, accompanied by the sound of flesh and blood bursting, bones and organs were constantly thrown and splashed under the heavy blows of the battle axe. Unable to put up any effective resistance, even if he could survive through the effects of the world virus, Superman's unrepaired genetic defects still made his secret powers unable to play any role.

"Solve it as soon as possible." Ron said, "And clean up the zombies outside as well."

"Hmm!" Kratos responded to Ron with a dull snort. With the divine fire burning in his eyes, Kratos slammed the battle axe in his hand from bottom to top on Superman's chin. The powerful impact penetrated Superman's brain the moment it came into contact, just like a watermelon hit by a hammer bursting with juice all over the sky!
Without pausing, she kicked Superman in the abdomen. Even though the charged body was already very weak, it was stronger than expected. This time, Ciri did not try to provide too much support, but handed the entire battlefield to Kratos.

Because of this, the next moment after being kicked by Kratos, Superman violently crashed into the distant wall, which was like a performance art painting embedded in it. Out of his instinctive desire for life, even though his body was getting weaker and weaker, Superman still struggled to crawl out, and then tried to pull out the dagger that pierced his heart.

But before it could make any move, the battle axe nailed it to the wall like a nail.

In the distance, the anger that had been suppressed in his heart reached its peak in an instant, and the surging divinity turned into a steaming fire cloud that enveloped Kratos' body. Blood vessels bulged out one by one, densely packed like the roots of an old tree. Coiled around Kratos' body, his iron-like muscles were like the hearts of bulls!
The violent power of God erupted instantly, the pupils in his eyes dissipated, and the violent secret energy erupted through the pores all over his body. The moment he took a step, a roar was heard in the atmosphere. He was obviously not a speedster, but in just a moment Kratos appeared in front of Superman!
His left hand grabbed Superman's neck like an iron clamp, and the muscles of his raised right arm bulged. Under the violent force, the blue veins burst out with a trace of blood mist. He punched down, and the heavy fist pierced Superman's facial bones in an instant, and the turbid white brain went straight through. Without pausing, Kratos' arms immediately grabbed Superman's upper body and slammed towards his knees. With the explosive power entering it, the kryptonite dagger that was already embedded in the heart broke, and large and small pieces or dust circulated along the broken heart to all parts of the body!

Realizing that he could no longer pull out the kryptonite dagger, Superman's face, which had completed super-speed regeneration, was filled with despair. Then, he shouted without hesitation:

"I lost! Stop! I"

Facing Superman's plea for mercy, before he could finish his words, Kratos's fist smashed his facial bones again, and then pressed his forehead, and pulled his jaw with his right hand, tearing off the flesh and bones of his neck, and chopped them up in one go without any pause - Ron had already told Kratos during the battle that as long as they were in the Infinite City, the core of the world virus could not be transferred. Similarly, there was no possibility of regaining sanity!
With a deep breath, Kratos' arms turned into countless afterimages in an instant. Realizing that there was no hope of survival, the source of the virus did not give up resistance, but continued to extract zombies from the outside world to continuously restore the body, hoping that Kratos would lose consciousness for a moment, so that he could be reborn from a slightly larger piece of kryptonite-free flesh!
But unfortunately, all this turned out to be a pipe dream. Every time the heavy iron fist fell, it brought great pain to Superman. It was more like a nail than an iron fist, leaving a huge hole in Superman's body at the moment of impact. Under the continuous bombardment, Superman's body kept cycling between destruction and rebirth. But from beginning to end, it was not completely destroyed.

Countless times, Superman tried to escape by self-destructing. But every time, before his secret energy could be assembled, he would be pierced and blown apart by Kratos's heavy punch!

The originally flat wall was embedded more than seven meters under the continuous hammering. Outside, Diana just stared in amazement at the zombies dying one by one. In the end, even Aquaman turned into black dust with curses and wails!

Many of the kryptonite fragments did fly out under the continuous heavy blows, but more of them were broken into smaller pieces and sank into Superman's body during the cycle of hammering and regeneration!
Until the last bit of curse energy was completely exhausted, Kratos stopped the continuous bombardment with a heavy breath.

Sweat covered his burly body, and Kratos couldn't remember how long it had been since he had exploded so completely like this.

Reaching out his hand, the Leviathan Axe in the distance flew into Kratos' hand with the sound of whistling wind. Superman, who had stopped being hit but whose mind had long been stagnant in the endless cycle of pain, just fell off the wall woodenly.

Realizing that he was still alive, Superman tried to get up from the ground. However, the energy of the zombies had been completely exhausted, and Superman himself... the kryptonite particles everywhere in his body made his limbs weak.

He struggled to raise his head, looking at Ron, and then at Kratos who had already raised the axe high. Superman's eyes were a little hesitant, but then, they turned into a bitter helplessness.

"My father is here... run away."

Hearing this, Kratos' pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at Ron who was standing beside him. Ron shook his head after a brief silence.

The next moment, the heavy battle axe fell, and the pitiful head that had been constantly subjected to experiments and red sun radiation since it could remember was thrown up.

On the side, he walked up and picked up Superman's severed head, Ron's eyes full of thoughts.

Superman's father? Jor-El? On the way again... Could it be Flashpoint Beyond?
(End of this chapter)

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