In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 90 Batman's strange reaction to laughing gas

Chapter 90: Batman's strange reaction to laughing gas

Paradise Island, the beach on Paradise Island has now been cleared. Except for those who have obtained the qualifications for reincarnation, all other people have left Paradise Island and have been forcibly repatriated to other areas.

Realizing that there was no hope of survival, many people were desperate and tried to force themselves to stay on Paradise Island, hoping that this would allow them to catch the last train for reincarnation.

In order to prevent them from affecting the main business, the divine stance of Paradise Island was raised, but this time they were outside.

On the beach, Barry was warming up on the temporary plastic track. After finishing his preparations, Barry waved to Ron and the others: "I'm leaving now! See you someday! I'll miss you!"

"Sure!" Ron said, "Don't forget to give my regards to Bruce as well!"

Hearing this, Barry's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything. Then, he took a deep breath, and with the light of the speed force, his muscular figure quickly turned into a shadow and rushed towards the distance.

Without the barrier of the world virus, Barry's connection with the speed force was extremely close. In just a moment, the speed had reached the maximum threshold. With the sound of time and space breaking, the golden and red afterimage was synchronously accelerated to several times the speed of light. Infinite light was stretched into a twisted light track at this moment, and then everything returned to calm.

While speeding, Barry felt that he had broken free from the constraints of time and space, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. Without stopping, his swift body rushed all the way. Under the guidance of the speed force, Barry soon felt the reality of the material world again. And, unlike before, this time Barry could clearly feel that this was the world he was born in.

Reappearing on the cosmic treadmill in the Watchtower of the Justice League headquarters, Dr. Elias, who was standing by, had a tired face. Seeing Barry's return, he showed a hint of excitement and asked, "Where were you before? Why did you take so long to come back? Two weeks have passed!"

"Two weeks? That seems okay." Barry breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

The speed of time in each universe is different. In addition, the speed force sometimes gets out of control. Even as the Flash, it is difficult for Barry to accurately return to the time node he wants without sufficient preparation.

And now, I have clearly been in that world for at least a month, and only two weeks have passed here... This is already good. After all, I have already prepared myself to disappear from this world for a year.

Thinking about it, Barry also said: "I have experienced something special. I will talk to you later. Now I need Bu. I need to go to Batman. I have something important to tell him!"

As he spoke, he waved to Dr. Elias, and then Barry turned into a flash of light and disappeared again. He didn't even have time to return to Earth directly through the watchtower, but used the speed force that was constantly generated in his body to ignore the physical rules of the universe and rushed all the way to Earth.

That night, Clark, who was about to take a rest, blinked in surprise as he looked at the golden and red afterimages passing through the sky, then looked in the direction where Barry was running, and then nodded thoughtfully.

Barry has been away for such a long time, and now he suddenly comes back, and runs to Gotham so impatiently. I guess he is going to look for Bruce, right?

Well, it's obvious that Barry must have encountered some problems and wanted to ask Bruce if there was any solution. This is not difficult to understand. After all, his super wisdom gave him two most common answers. One is to use his super power quickly, and the other is why not ask the amazing Batman.

I just hope Bruce can be more honest, at least, don't hide everything from everyone, which makes it so rare for people in the league to like him...

Thinking in his mind, Clark got into the car slowly and leisurely started his journey home.

On the other side, Bruce was conducting research in the Batcave. After hearing the sound of someone entering the door, he also took a look at the video screen on the computer. When he saw that it was Barry, he also showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Bruce was also very concerned about Barry's disappearance for two weeks without any signs. But he didn't expect that Barry would come to the Batcave right after he came back... It seemed that he had something else to talk to him about?

Thinking of this, Bruce did not relax, but raised his head and signaled Barbara, Drake and others to hide and get ready.

Because of the eyes that Bruce saw in the mirror a few days ago after imprisoning the Joker, he has not relaxed at all until now. Although all the investigation results tell Bruce that it may just be some hallucinations that he saw because he was too tired, Bruce does not think so.

In Bruce's opinion, although the process of chasing the Joker makes people feel exhausted physically and mentally, it is far from the point of causing him to have hallucinations... This level of fatigue is far less than the anti-hallucination experiment he conducted when he was trained in the Assassin's League. In this case, hallucinations? Don't dream, Batman will not lose his calm brain because of this level of stimulation.

While thinking, Barry trotted to the center of the Batcave, which was Bruce's operation room.

The entire operation room is very tidy. Although the entire base is built in a cave, the main areas are well organized and scientifically planned, meeting the requirements of experiments, research, relaxation, logistics, and combat preparation. However, considering that Batman is a busy man, most of the time, it should be the Butler who takes care of it.

Barry is a frequent visitor here. He felt a little emotional when he saw the pistol in the dust cover on the table - if he remembered correctly, old Thomas seemed to carry this gun with him as well?
Should we say they are worthy of being father and son? They even have the same idea, and they specifically put the murder weapon that killed their parents (children) in a place where they can see it as soon as they open their eyes.

Although thinking in his heart, Barry still greeted cheerfully:

"Hey! Bruce! Long time no see!"

"It's been a while indeed. You suddenly left for two weeks... What's up? Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Well, there is something."

As he spoke, Barry looked around and said, "Is there anyone else here?"


In response, Barry just curled his lips in disgust, while Bruce's expression remained calm, without any change.

But it was not a big deal, so Barry did not ask for too much. He just took out two pieces of paper from his pocket and said, "When I was running, I was attracted by a special force and went to a world similar to ours, but completely different."

"And in that died."

Bruce was slightly startled when he heard this, then he shook his head and said with a smile, "It's just that the me in another world died. According to what you said, in countless parallel universes, there are countless me who die every moment for various reasons, and there are even me who use guns and kill people at will, right?"


Seeing Bruce's calm appearance, Barry pursed his lips and said, "But Batman still exists." "Who will be replaced this time?"

Bruce asked calmly.

Bruce was wary of Barry the Flash, but to be honest, he was much more relaxed than when facing other Justice League giants. The main reason for this was that even Bruce could not deny Barry's kindness.

Of course, although he recognizes Barry's kindness, considering the terrifying nature of the Speed ​​Force, Bruce's methods against Barry the Flash are beyond imagination. He does not show mercy just because he recognizes him. I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Looking at Bruce's calm appearance, Barry didn't know why, but he inexplicably thought of Ron's previous appearance. Although it was very immoral, Barry couldn't help scratching his head after looking at the pistol in the dust cover beside him. Then he took a deep breath and slapped the letter in his hand on Bruce's chest.

"Things are a bit complicated. I, I don't know how to express it accurately. You can see for yourself..."

Hearing this, Bruce was silent at first, and then his eyes showed a hint of solemnity - for a guy as optimistic and cheerful as Barry to show such a complicated expression, there is no doubt that the origins of these two letters must be very shocking.

Thinking in his mind, Bruce took a deep breath and opened the letter. There were two sheets of letter paper in the envelope of the first letter.

At first, Thomas really didn't want to write a letter. Even after hearing Ron's words, he just wanted Barry to help pass on the message. But Barry felt that he was really not qualified to say "my dear son" or "I love you" in front of Bruce. So under Barry's strong request, Thomas finally had no choice but to write down the words he had been thinking about day and night after his arm regenerated.

Now, there were two pieces of letter paper, the first one was folded together. After opening it, what caught Bruce's eyes was a red lip print.

Bruce looked at the lip print with a hint of doubt. He instinctively felt that the lip print was familiar to him. But when he thought about it carefully, he found that he could not find any memory related to it.

Perhaps the lip print above can be used for retrieval?
Thinking in his mind, Bruce opened the second letter. The first sentence that came into his eyes made Bruce's body shake left and right twice. He took two steps back and bumped into the table beside him. The pistol in the dust cover fell to the ground, but Bruce didn't even try to pick it up.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Barbara couldn't help but cover her mouth. She looked at Drake beside her. After feeling the same surprise in each other's eyes, they both looked at Bruce with curiosity.

As Batman's assistants and "family", they are very clear about how powerful their patriarch is.

This kind of strength is not the all-round strength of Superman, nor is it the strength that is particularly outstanding in one aspect like Barry. Instead, it is the absolute rationality, the strength to be able to cheer up no matter how desperate the environment is, and launch a precise and effective counterattack against the enemy.

How should I put it? It seems that as long as Batman is still here, no matter how dangerous the situation is, there is a chance of reversal.

After fighting side by side for so long, this was the first time Barbara saw such expression, movements, and vulnerability in Bruce!
And looking at the first line on the letter paper - My dear son.


Bruce only saw the first line, and the haunting handwriting made him realize something.

After a short silence, Bruce was shocked to find that he didn't even have enough courage to read the next line. Or rather, Bruce wanted to confirm more urgently than to read the content.

"is this real?"

“…This is a bit complicated.”

Scratching his head, Barry said, "It is indeed what you think, but at the same time, that is another world. Under normal circumstances, it is an iron rule among speedsters to strictly prohibit the transfer of matter from one world to other worlds. But..."

"Tell me if it's true. I can determine the rest myself."

Bruce just held the letter tightly, his eyes full of solemnity.


Barry shrugged helplessly. After thinking for a moment, he took out a USB drive and said, "In that world, we met Superman who was infected by the virus. With the help of some travelers from other worlds, we won. The relevant scenes are recorded here. You can study them later."

Taking the USB drive, Bruce just glanced at Barry, then nodded and said, "I will."

Seeing Bruce's silent and worried look, Barry shrugged his shoulders. Without saying anything more, he turned around and said, "Then I'll go first...Call me if you need anything!"


Looking down at the letter, Bruce could feel the warmth in his eyes.

As Barry disappeared again as a shadow, Bruce opened the letter and read it carefully.

Looking at the haunted self, and the words and sentences that his father wanted to express but seemed a little pale and awkward when he wrote them down, Bruce suddenly smiled.

Was it me who died in the other world? Ah, that was a lucky little Bruce.

As he watched, Bruce's expression suddenly became strange.

Damian? What Damian? I don't remember having any children. Besides, I died so early in the other world, how did my father know about the things in my world?
From a distance, I watched Bruce cry and laugh, and after a while his face was still full of confusion and puzzlement.

Thinking of the super criminal Bruce had recently captured, Barbara took a deep breath and said to Drake:
"Oh no, Batman is intoxicated with laughing gas!"

(End of this chapter)

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