The Lost People of Teyvat

Chapter 227 Haiqi Island

Chapter 227 Haiqi Island

Yae Shinto was very rational and did not explain anything, nor did he say anything like "the general was deceived by treacherous ministers". The person in front of him was also a god, so he naturally knew that if the gods did not care, there would never be such a thing as "deceiving by treacherous ministers".

Her god suffered too much sorrow five hundred years ago and had gone into a dead end, hiding in a pure land and refusing to come out, leaving all matters to the Puppet General to handle, which led to the current situation.

What she has to do is not only to bring her god out of the pure land of one mind, but also to let her god walk out of the haze and no longer cling to the unchanging eternity.

Aren’t the people’s wishes and aspirations, and the country’s existence and development, also something eternal?

"How are we going to get there?"

Paimon closed his open mouth, looked at the thunderstorm in the distance, and said worriedly, "Is it true that while we are walking, 'boom', a bolt of lightning will strike? What if the boat is damaged... Ugh, Paimon can't swim!"

"This place is very close to Inazuma, Paimon can fly over there." Ying thought for a moment and said with a smile, "When the time comes, we will all depend on Paimon to take us to Inazuma."

"Huh? That's impossible, right? Paimon gets tired too!"

Paimon's mind appeared that she was flying at the top, with ropes tied around her body, flying as hard as she could, and one by one people below grabbed the ropes, falling off the sea like gourd vines with gourds tied to them, and flying towards Inazuma.

The little mascot put his hands on his hips and shook his head vigorously, "Impossible! No matter how you think about it, there's no way Paimon could fly with so many people!"

"Don't worry, I won't let Paimon fly with so many people."

Ying's eyebrows curved, her golden eyes full of smiles, and she pointed to the big ship under her feet: "Even if it is broken by lightning, our ship will leave relatively large fragments. Then we will stay on the fragments, and Paimon will fly in front holding the rope. This way we can save a lot of energy."

"That makes sense... what the hell!"

The little mascot stamped his feet in the air angrily and shouted in accusation: "Can't you just pick up some oars?! Or pick up some suitable debris to use as oars?!"

Ying laughed out loud, looking gentle and beautiful.

"Okay, we're about to pass through a thunderstorm area, so we should prepare."

The Eightfold Son of God clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention. His eyes moved around everyone, and finally stopped at Chen Tianfeng: "Mr. Chen, you can enter the coffin now."

"Yes, I understand." Chen Tianfeng nodded, "Have you arranged everything for Inazuma?"

"It's not an arrangement, it just depends on what choices those people will make."

Yae Shinko chuckled softly, then his expression became serious, and he said, "If no one interferes, then Mr. Chen can open the coffin in two days at most. If Mr. Chen is not at Narukami Taisha by then, it means that Tenryo Bugyo and Kanjo Bugyo are seriously ill and need heavy medicine."

"In this case, please ask Mr. Chen to 'wake up' the general."

She turned her gaze to Ying, nodded, and turned her gaze back: "The Traveler and I will wait for you at Mingjin Taisha. After the two of you meet again, just go and do your own things. Don't worry about the rest."

"Are you so confident in me?" Chen Tianfeng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Yae Shinko's expression was calm: "Inazuma and I have no other choice."

"Oh, I believe it."

Chen Tianfeng looked at her for two seconds, then suddenly smiled and looked at Ying and Paimeng: "Ying, see you at Mingshen Grand Shrine."

"Well, see you at Narukami Taisha."

"And Paimon!"

"I know."

Chen Tianfeng turned and walked towards the cabin where the coffin was stored, waving his hand with his back to everyone: "I'm going."

The cabin where the coffin was stored was not too big, but because there was only a bronze coffin in the middle, it looked very empty and strange. The walls of the cabin were lit, but not very bright. The orange light barely fell on the coffin, illuminating the triple thunder pattern engraved on the bronze coffin.


Chen Tianfeng pulled off the iron chains wrapped around the bronze coffin, and looked at the shiny, golden bronze coffin again. He couldn't help shaking his head: "Where did you get all this? It's not even made to look old. There's really no craftsmanship at all. Oh, it's got a sliding lid." While complaining, he opened the coffin, waved his hand to call for wind and water to rinse the coffin clean, and then took out the soft bedding from the Eye of God and spread it in the coffin, and then lay down in it leisurely.



With a few strange noises, the sliding bronze coffin closed again, and the iron chain was rewound. The breathing sounds inside the coffin gradually slowed down and finally disappeared completely.

The lights in the cabin were burning quietly, and the atmosphere was quiet and eerie.


Haiji Island, Coral Palace.

A young general with furry dog ​​ears and a yellow and white tail hurried into the Coral Palace. He looked around, his eyes lit up, and walked towards somewhere: "Master Coral Palace, are you looking for me?"

"…That's how it is. Get it done as soon as possible."

The supreme leader of Haigi Island, the current human-god priestess Coral Palace Xinhai, gave a few instructions to the priestess waiting in front of him, turned around, looked at Haigi Island's [Pointy Ears Changsheng General], and smiled calmly: "How is the situation at the front line?"

Goro's expression became serious. "Let's calm down for now. The shogunate army doesn't seem to have any intention of attacking. The pressure is much less. But there is still a shortage of supplies, especially medicine for wounds. I'm afraid the current reserves won't last long."

"Don't worry, a new batch of supplies will arrive soon."

Coral Palace Xinhai nodded, then remained silent for a few seconds, took a breath, and complex emotions flashed across her purple gradient eyes. She took out a piece of paper and handed it to Goro: "Goro, this is the news from Ming Shen Island, take a look."

Wu Lang took the note and opened it. There were only a few lines of small words on it, but the general of the Kaigi Island resistance army opened his eyes wide, and his tail kept shaking behind him: "Master Coral Palace, is this true?"

"It's very likely fake, a trap."

Coral Palace Xinhai shook his head.

In order to end the unrest in one fell swoop, the chief priest of Narukami Taisha Shrine traveled overseas to find the remaining ancient weapons, and used the remains of the giant snake god of Umijima as the main body to activate the weapons to deal with the rebels.

But how could this be possible? She knew Miss Yae's character. With her personality, she would never do such a thing.

After all, this is an insult to the gods believed in by Umigi Island, and it is an approach that completely pushes Umigi Island to the opposite side of Inazuma - Yae Shinko would not hate Umigi Island so much.

Wu Lang stopped wagging his tail, thought for a moment, and said, "Then let's just ignore this news."

"No, the news has already spread to Haiji Island."

Coral Palace Xinhai shook his head slightly and said, "If we don't take any action, it will be detrimental to the morale of the army and the people. Therefore, even though we know it is a trap, we still have to go through it. Wulang."

"I am here, Master Coral Palace."

"Choose two teams, head to this sea area, and intercept Yae Gongji's ship."

"Yes, Lord Coral Palace!"

"and many more!"

Shanhu Gong Xinhai called Wu Lang, a smile flashed in his eyes, and warned: "Don't do anything yet, explain in detail to Yae Gongshi the reason and purpose of your appearance. If Yae Gongshi has any plan, just cooperate with him."

"...I understand, Lord Coral Palace."

Wulang's tail drooped down, and the image of that woman who was always smiling but very scary flashed through his mind, and he shuddered slightly.

This time it’s an important official business, that woman shouldn’t tease him again...right?

(End of this chapter)

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