The Lost People of Teyvat

Chapter 313: The Poem of the Wind Reappears

Chapter 313: The Poem of the Wind Reappears

Xumi, Port of Ormos.

A fleet from Inazuma stopped at the port, and dozens of passengers or merchants got off the ship and went to their own destinations.

"Wow! What a bustling port!"

A small white mascot flew high up, spun around, and looked at the bustling port scene, its little face full of amazement.

As the largest port in Xumi, although Omos Port cannot compare with Liyue Port, its daily throughput is also considerable, and there is a constant stream of merchants coming and going.

Like Liyue Port, Ormos Port also has a port market. The difference is that the stalls in Ormos Port's port market are not as diverse as those in Liyue Port, where you can find specialties from various countries. Here, the most sold goods are various spices.

The Xumi rainforest is fertile and produces abundant spices, which are one of the favorite commodities of many merchants. Even if the merchants do not come to Xumi for spices, as long as there is space in the cabin, they will not refuse to purchase another batch of spices and sell them back.

Paimeng had enough of his sights and found Ying among the crowd below. He flew to her side, looked around, and asked in confusion, "Why is Tianfeng gone? Didn't he get off the boat with us?"

"He has other things to do, so it's not appropriate for him to show up directly, otherwise he will definitely be targeted."

Ying explained in a low voice: "We have agreed to meet in Xumi City. Now what we need to do is to publicize it as reasonably as possible to confuse those who have ulterior motives."

Although being targeted might not be a big deal, this trip to Xumi is extremely important to Tian Feng, so it would be better to have less trouble if possible.

"Eh? When did you guys make the appointment?"

Paimon opened his eyes wide, with an expression that said, "You guys were actually talking behind my back."

"When you fall asleep because of seasickness."

Ying felt helpless and amused, and reached out to pinch Paimon's cheek: "I remember we also took a boat when we went to Inazuma, and I didn't see you seasick at that time, so what's going on?"

"Uh, this... this..."

Paimeng hesitated for a long time, and finally turned his head and said embarrassedly: "Ying, do you remember that in the castle tower, I asked Shen Zi to find someone to help make the red cherry cake? It's the one made of gray and white cherry blossoms."

"Yes, I remember. Shen Zi advised you for a long time, saying that the gray-white cherry blossoms are no longer suitable for consumption and may even be harmful to humans, but you insisted."

Ying nodded, then reacted and looked at Paimeng with a stunned look in her eyes: "Paimeng, you are not still eating that thing, are you?"

"The taste of the Hinasakura Mochi is really good, and I ate one in the castle tower and nothing happened, so..."

Paimon sighed, his face pitiful: "Who knew that if I ate just a little more, my brain would become dizzy. It took me a long time to recover after sleeping."

"But this isn't right. You fainted several times..."

Ying suddenly stopped, thought of something, and looked at the little mascot with more and more astonishment.

"It's not good to waste food... hehe."

Paimon scratched his hair, smiled foolishly, puffed out his chest, and said proudly: "Although I fainted several times, Paimon didn't waste any food. I ate it all!"

"I don't think that thing can be called food."

Ying's mouth twitched. After Tianfeng modified the history, the gray-white divine cherry blossoms had appeared in Inazuma for at least five hundred years. But why hasn't there been even one dish that incorporates the gray-white cherry blossoms in the past five hundred years?

Besides the fact that this thing is "evil", it is also because it really cannot be eaten.

Of course, corresponding to this, there are quite a few poisons made from gray-white cherry blossoms as the main ingredient.

Ying ruffled Paimeng's hair, and suddenly realized something. She glanced in a certain direction casually and lowered her voice: "Tianfeng's guess was right - we just got off the boat and someone was following us."

Paimon also lowered his voice: "What should we do?" "Just watch me."

Ying looked around, her eyes lit up, and she led Paimeng to an open space. She whispered a few words to the little mascot, then took out various items from her bracelet and quickly set up the scene.

She looked at the crowd that had gathered curiously, with a smile in her golden eyes, and nodded to them. Then she sat down on a folding stool set aside, put on sunglasses, and played the erhu, giving Xumi Omos Port a little exotic shock.

The little mascot also got into the mood, shaking the maracas vigorously.

Next to the two of them was a small blackboard with a few elegant words written on it: Wind Poetry Band's Xumi Tour, performer: Kafka.


"The traveler will play the erhu when he goes on tour in Port Omos, and he will use my name?"

"Well, Boss, strictly speaking, she just used a pseudonym of yours..."

"A fake name is still a name! Besides..."

Ye Lan took a deep breath and swallowed the rest of her words, with a rare hint of annoyance in her eyes.

This is definitely a provocation! It's a blatant declaration of war!
Very good, just by going to Inazuma together, does that give Ying the courage to declare war on her?
Don't be happy too soon!
This time, Tianfeng will never give up the journey to Xumi to her so easily!

Ye Lan gritted her teeth secretly, keeping this firmly in mind, and looked at Qian San, frowning slightly: "She is the only one at the scene? Tian Feng is not here?"

"Well, the information sent by the Fatui indeed only includes the Traveler."

Qian San nodded and said, "They guessed that Brother Chen should not be in Omos Port, but was acting separately with the traveler, one in the open and one in the dark. But they were not sure, and they did not dare to withdraw the people from Omos Port. Instead, they sent more people to keep an eye on him."

"This is normal. If Tian Feng does the opposite, their plan will fail completely. They have no choice but to be cautious." Ye Lan nodded.

"Indeed, they are very worried." Qian San agreed, and then he became curious: "By the way, Boss, why do you think the Fatui are so afraid of Brother Chen?"

"Tian Feng has the combat power of a demon god, which is equivalent to a god who is not controlled and walks freely in the world. The Fatui have been moving around and making plans everywhere in recent years. They have spread their plates too wide, so they are naturally worried that Tian Feng will disrupt the situation, and it is a disruption that is bound to succeed... That's what I originally thought."

Ye Lan shook her head and said, "But the Doctor's behavior a few days ago was so abnormal that I am a little uncertain. Perhaps only when I meet Tian Feng can I know what the Fatui are afraid of."

"But where is Brother Chen now?" Qian San scratched his hair and said, "Whether we or the Fatui, we can only be sure that he should have arrived at Xumi, but we have no idea of ​​his exact whereabouts."


Ye Lan narrowed her eyes in thought, tapping her arms with her fingers, and suddenly paused: "Could it be... that Tian Feng has already arrived in Xumi City?"


Chen Tianfeng stopped and looked up at the majestic and vast city in front of him. It seemed to be built on a huge ancient tree, like an extension of the tree, or the rebirth of the tree.

“It’s really spectacular…”

Chen Tianfeng sighed, then closed his eyes lightly, feeling the flow of the wind.


"I'm here."

"help me."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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