The Lost People of Teyvat

Chapter 331 Practice brings true knowledge

Chapter 331 Practice brings true knowledge

"I didn't... I didn't... I'm not ... "

Nashida widened her eyes in horror as she looked at the giant death snake so close to her. She even had the illusion that she could smell the blood mixed in the giant snake's breath. She was incoherent for a moment.

Apep died, just like that in front of him, being torn apart and eaten piece by piece, without even being able to resist.

She stared, the scene of Apep's wailing flashed through her mind again and again, she stared blankly at the giant snake, and saw that among the countless shadows of the death gods that appeared behind him, there was indeed the figure of the Grass Dragon King. Next to the Grass Dragon King was a familiar shadow, shaped like a water snake, with several heads.

It seems to be the whirlpool demon Osel who invaded the neighboring country Liyue during the Demon War and was finally beaten and sealed by Morax.

"Are you a newly born god?"

The giant snake Chen Tianfeng lowered his head and sniffed, then pulled away slightly and nodded with satisfaction: "The newborn gods are the most tender and delicious, with plenty of juice and melt in the mouth. The taste is unforgettable for the gods. Unlike the old vegetable stem just now, the meat was extremely tough, hard to chew and unpalatable."


Nashida trembled and forced herself to calm down.

The Great Compassion Tree Queen must know how terrifying this monster is, but she still believes that she can resist the monster's attacks and use her dream power to weave dreams and deceive the monster. So although this monster is terrifying, it must not be really impossible to defeat.

Yes, that must be it! Calm down, calm down Narcida!
There must be a chance! There must be a chance!
Nashida secretly gathered strength, and used the void to connect the minds of all Xumi people wearing void terminals, temporarily turning the people's faith and scattered computing power for her own use, and doing her best to activate the authority of dreams to the maximum extent.

As she gathered her strength and prepared for a sneak attack, Nashida still pretended to be half-real and half-pretending to be terrified. She lowered her head as if she didn't dare to look the giant snake in the eye, and her voice trembled: "I... I'm not delicious. We... maybe we can talk..."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Buyer. In my hometown, there is a saying: Your taste is beyond your imagination."

The giant snake seemed to be laughing. It coiled its body together and swept its lower jaw with the tip of its tail. "Whether it tastes good or not, you can only know it by eating it. This is called practice makes perfect."

"By making inferences based on existing conditions, we can also gain true knowledge."

Nashida tried hard to delay time, a little longer, a little longer. The failure just now must be because she took the risk and chose to attack directly. Maybe the hostility triggered the monster's subconscious counterattack, or maybe the monster was deliberately acting and was on guard, so it failed.

This time, I will take advantage of His unpreparedness and weave a dream in a non-aggressive way... Nashida's mind flashed with thoughts, but she suddenly realized something was wrong - why is this monster not talking?

Nashida raised her head and met the giant snake's gray-white eyes that seemed to be smiling. She said, "What, have you accumulated the energy for a sneak attack?"


Nashida was startled. Before she could move, she caught a glimpse of a grayish-white afterimage from the corner of her eye. Then she was dizzy for a short time. When she came to her senses, she found herself being rolled up by the snake's tail and completely under the control of the giant snake.


The snake's tail exerted a little force, and Nashida groaned. The energy she had worked so hard to gather suddenly went out of control and turned into a condensed ball of light, floating into the giant snake's mouth.

"It tastes good. To be honest, I'm a little reluctant to eat you like this."

The giant snake Chen Tianfeng smacked his lips, wrapped his tail around Nashida, and came close to her: "Any last words?"

Failed... failed again... Nashida pursed her lips tightly. Although she had expected it, she still found it hard to accept after seeing it with her own eyes. She took a deep breath and looked up at the giant snake: "I want to know why I failed."

"You delayed for too long. So long that when you were still sealed in the Jingshan Palace, your every move was already under my surveillance. When I was prepared, your plan became a useless one-man show."

Chen Tianfeng answered patiently, then paused and said, "Also, you shouldn't have taken the risk of joining forces with Apep. The death of the Great Sage has transformed you from being extremely weak to extremely brave, but you have to know that once anything becomes [extreme], the possibility of making mistakes will greatly increase."

"And if you make a mistake, you have to pay the price. Nashida..."

“Boom!” Before he could finish his words, a strange noise suddenly came from the ruins somewhere in the workshop. The God of Righteousness overturned the broken and fallen wreckage of the building, and his scarlet and confused eyes turned to the giant snake and the young god.

"Execute... the order!! Die!!!"

He roared, holding the thunderstorm in his hand, and the strong wind gathered at his side, and he slammed into the giant snake like a cannonball.


"Die! Die! Die!!!"

Storm, thunder, frost... The God of Righteousness used all his strength to attack the giant snake's body, but he couldn't break even a single scale. It was like a child wielding a wooden sword, trying to penetrate a general's armor.

"What's wrong with this bastard?"

Chen Tianfeng looked impatient, but Nashida stared at the crazy God of Opportunity.

This is a god created by the great sage with all the power of Mount Sumeru. He obviously encountered some accidents and lost all his sanity, becoming a mad god. Naturally, the plan of the Order Institute to control the gods also failed.

But why did He roar "commands"? What orders did He want to carry out?
Could it be the order that the Great Sage gave her before his soul dissipated? But if so, shouldn't the target of the God of Righteousness be herself?
Nashida suddenly turned around and stared at the giant snake.

What exactly is going on?


"Boss, the atmosphere in Xumi City is not right. Something big must have happened here!"

"Let's stop talking nonsense. No one can ignore the earthquake and wailing just now."

"No, Boss, you misunderstood."

Qian San skillfully and subtly checked the food and tea brought by the tavern waiter. After confirming that there was no problem, he diligently poured tea for Ye Lan and the other brothers and sisters one by one. Then he sat down and pointed at the waiter who seemed a little absent-minded. He said: "The mental state of these Xumi people is very bad, as if they have been up all night and come to work without rest."

"Also, with such a big commotion just now, not many people came out to watch the fun. This is simply against human nature!"

He spoke with certainty, looked around, and lowered his voice and said, "I just sneaked into a few rooms and saw that many Xumi people were sleeping. It's impossible for it to be time to sleep now, right?"

It is almost noon now. Except for some young people who are good at staying up late and some people with irregular work and rest schedules, it is indeed not the time to go to bed.

Ye Lan held the teacup and nodded, "Before the sudden change just now, there must have been a bigger change in Xumi City, which caused these Xumi people to become like this - you want to say this nonsense?"

Even though they had just arrived at Xumi City, this kind of information that did not require much investigation to obtain would naturally not escape their eyes.

What's more, the letter contained many things related to gods and accidents.

"Boss, you are wise and have a keen eye!"

Qian San was good at seizing every opportunity to flatter.

Ye Lan was too lazy to pay attention to him. After a moment's silence, she made a decision: "Qian San, take your people and notify all members to leave Xumi City immediately and go to Omos Port to wait for news. If the situation is not right, take them back to Liyue by sea."

She had a hunch that the changes in Xumi City, or Xumi, this country were far from over, and evacuating people sooner would provide greater security.

(End of this chapter)

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