The Lost People of Teyvat

Chapter 5 Delicious Fish Soup

Chapter 5 Delicious Fish Soup

Chen Tianfeng stood there in a daze.

His eyes were a little dazed. He looked at the dagger in his hand, then at the stupid boy who was lying on the ground like a dead fish, covered in dust and blood.

The red blood stung his eyes.

If you want to join the Silver Wing Treasure Thieves, you must hand over the evidence of your crime. If you don’t have any evidence, you must leave evidence at the scene.

He should have thought of this earlier. These treasure-stealing groups, at least the Silver Wing group, are all desperate criminals! Sheep cannot join these wolf-like gangs. White wool will only arouse the malice of these bandits.

"...Brother, this idiot seems to be salvageable, he can be considered a helper..." Chen Tianfeng's smile was a little stiff, and he said dryly: "How about I change the evidence?"

"He's just an idiot. It's a pity to give him medicine."

The thief leader waved his hands and smiled: "It's not easy to exchange evidence in the wilderness, so let's just leave it at that. Or... do you and this idiot really have a deep relationship?"

As he said this, his smile showed no sign of abnormality, but his right hand silently reached for the hilt of the knife.

The dagger bandit was playing with the dagger, seemingly getting familiar with the feel, and also as if he was cooperating with the bandit leader to block Chen Tianfeng's retreat.

The Hammer Bandit scratched his hair and continued to smile foolishly.

The atmosphere changed quietly. The wind in the mountains and forests was solemn and cold, blowing up the dead leaves on the ground, tearing them into pieces and discarding them in the air.

"Hurry up and do it."

The long knife bandit spoke up to break the increasingly strange atmosphere. He held the knife and looked at Chen Tianfeng: "When we get back to the camp, I will teach you how to use the knife."

"You want to teach him how to use a knife?"

The thief leader put away his fake smile and frowned slightly: "Our camp is not big enough."

"There's always a way to find him if you look for him." The long knife bandit smiled rarely, "He has a fierceness that suits him well with a knife... and I'm confident I can teach him well."

The thief leader muttered something in a low voice, took his hand off the hilt, and looked at Chen Tianfeng: "What do you think, brother?"

“...Of course I will follow Big Brother’s arrangement.” Chen Tianfeng seemed to have just come to his senses. He smiled awkwardly, pretending not to notice the strange atmosphere just now: “Speaking of which, this is the first time I’ve prepared to kill someone. I almost didn’t react in time and made my brothers laugh at me.”

"It's okay, it's always like this the first time, you'll get used to it."

The thief leader laughed cheerfully and moved aside to make way: "Then let's do it. Don't keep the brothers waiting too long."

Chen Tianfeng walked past the thief leader with a dagger in hand, squatted beside the stupid boy, and pointed the tip of the knife at his heart.

There's nothing I can do. I have no choice.

Chen Tianfeng looked into the silly boy's eyes, which were filled with confusion, innocence, and some stubborn anger and unwillingness, probably because the medicinal materials were stolen again.

The stupid boy was coughing up blood, his lips opening and closing, his weak voice unclear.

But Chen Tianfeng knew what he was saying. He said, "I don't want to die," "My mother-in-law is still waiting for him," and "The medicine was snatched away again."

"No one wants to die, not even me."

Chen Tianfeng spoke in an inaudible voice, like an explanation and also like comfort. He wanted to look away, but didn't dare to.


The blade pierced the heart.

The foolish boy opened his eyes wide, as if he had finally regained consciousness at this moment. He tried his best to grab Chen Tianfeng's hand holding the dagger, his lips trembling, trying desperately to say something: "Please... medicine... mother-in-law..."

The tiny voice was blurred by the blood and pain, making it difficult to hear clearly.

Chen Tianfeng looked at the silly boy's clear eyes that were free of hatred, and saw the regret and reluctance in his eyes. He was silent for a long time.

He lowered his head and said in a low but firm voice: "Don't worry, I will. I promise you."

The silly boy twitched his lips, as if he wanted to smile, but ultimately failed. The hand that was holding Chen Tianfeng loosened and fell weakly to the ground, splashing a small cloud of dust.

"Look up, brother!"

The thief leader held the camera and took clear photos of the evidence of Chen Tianfeng's murder. "This thing is called a camera. It's a good thing sent by Fontaine. It took a lot of effort to get it."


Chen Tianfeng moved his fingers, and the blood between his fingers brought a slippery feeling that made his heart chill.

"This is indeed the first time that brother has killed someone."

The thief leader put away the camera and took out a silver emblem from his bosom. There was a greedy crow painted on it - it was the [Silver Crow Seal], the crow emblem used by the treasure-stealing group members to identify each other.

The silver-white emblem was stained with blood, and the greedy crow became more vicious.

"Welcome to join the Silver Wing Treasure Stealing Group."

The thief leader patted Chen Tianfeng on the shoulder and said, "It's getting late, let's cook. I'm looking forward to the fish soup tonight."


Chen Tianfeng grinned, full of sincerity: "I am looking forward to it too."

The body of the idiot boy was thrown a little far behind the small temple. Chen Tianfeng was busy preparing dinner alone, while the Dagger Bandit was watching from the side. The two chatted occasionally.

Scarface looked at Chen Tianfeng, whose expression and behavior seemed to be unaffected, and a little fear appeared in his triangular eyes. In his opinion, Chen Tianfeng was now a formal member of the Silver Wing Treasure Stealing Group, and he joined the group because he killed him, so his status in the group was higher than his.

If he held a grudge and caused trouble for himself... Scarface felt bitter and regretted why he had caused trouble for the stupid boy. He actually helped Chen Tianfeng by accident.

As he thought about this, he looked up and saw Chen Tianfeng walking towards him. His expression froze for a moment, then he smiled in a skillful and flattering way. Chen Tianfeng brought a bowl of steaming fish soup and a plate of light pink, crystal clear fish sashimi, and handed it to Scarface, saying sincerely, "Brother, this is the second time we have met after fighting. We are all family members from now on. Let's just let those unpleasant things go. How about that?"

Scarface was stunned for a moment, then quickly took the fish soup and sashimi, flattered and said, "Big brother, please don't mind it. Thank you, big brother! I... Alas! I have done so many wrong things before, I really deserve to die!"

"It's all over. We are all brothers."

Chen Tianfeng waved his hand and said with a smile: "Besides, I am not worthy of being called 'Big Brother' by my brothers. We only have one Big Brother in Silver Wing."

"Yes, yes, I understand."

Scarface nodded repeatedly, and seeing the wound on Chen Tianfeng's arm still oozing blood, he immediately put down the fish soup and fish sashimi, took out the half-remaining bottle of medicine, and said attentively: "I still have some medicine here, brother, use it first, don't be polite with me!"

Chen Tianfeng refused again and again, but Scarface insisted again and again. After some pushing and shoving, Chen Tianfeng accepted the medicine. Scarface breathed a sigh of relief, and both of them were very satisfied.

"Brother! And all the brothers!"

Chen Tianfeng picked up his fish soup and smiled: "Today is a good day for me to officially join our Silver Wing! Due to limited conditions, I will use soup instead of wine to toast everyone!"

"Hahaha! You're so polite, brother!"

When the thief leader saw Chen Tianfeng drink the soup, he picked up the bowl and laughed: "We at Silver Wing are in need of talents right now! Especially talents like you, brother! Welcome to join us!"

The bandits drank the fish soup and praised its delicious taste. Some of them ate the fish sashimi with anticipation, and their eyes suddenly lit up; some tentatively picked up the fish sashimi and showed satisfied expressions; some did not even look at the fish sashimi and just focused on drinking the soup.

Chen Tianfeng applied medicine to his arm, tore some clean cloth strips to use as bandages, and finally tied a knot that didn't look very good, but should be strong.

"Bang bang bang bang."

Four sounds rang out almost at the same time. Chen Tianfeng tightly grasped the long sword he got from Scarface, looked up at the only bandit who had not fallen down, and grinned: "Brother is indeed worthy of being the eldest brother. He even has the strength to stand up."

"You poisoned me?!"

The thief leader staggered, feeling that the world was spinning, his brain was dizzy, and his body was weak. He pulled out his big knife and stabbed it hard into the ground, so he didn't fall to the ground. He struggled to hold on and quickly scanned the small temple, but found that except for him and Chen Tianfeng opposite, no one in the Silver Wing Treasure Thieves Group could stand up!

I don’t eat enough and they are in such a serious condition, I can’t even guarantee that they are still alive!

"It's obvious."

As Chen Tianfeng answered, he quickly pounced on the Dagger Bandit and stabbed him through the heart with his long knife. He then did the same to ensure that the Hammer Bandit would also have a good sleep and would not wake up.

"Brother is right. I was so nervous the first time that it wasn't as comfortable as the second time."

Chen Tianfeng pulled a glass bottle from the waist of the dagger bandit and was about to pounce on the long knife bandit when he noticed the whistling wind. He bent down and rolled, avoiding the dagger that the bandit leader had thrown with all his strength.

"Why are you so anxious, brother?"

"You little bastard!!"

The thief leader's eyes were red with anger: "I've been so good to you! I even made an exception and let you join Silver Wing! You actually hurt us!!"

"Stop joking, brother."

Chen Tianfeng weighed the bottle in his hand, took advantage of the fact that the thief leader was unable to move, and aimed at him and threw it at him: "You didn't even ask my name, and you asked me to join Silver Wing?"


The bandit leader was filled with hatred and tried to dodge to the side, but he still failed.


The glass bottle shattered and flames exploded, quickly covering the entire body of the thief.


The thief's burly body was burning, and he perfectly transformed into a "fire man", howling miserably.

Chen Tianfeng still did not get close, and cautiously returned to the Dagger Bandit, intending to touch another element bottle to let the bandit leader experience the power of the elemental reaction.

The thief's eyes showed despair, and then they were filled with determination and ferocity. He ignored the flames burning on his body, took out a gem-like object that was filled with evil intent and wrapped in metal decorations, and allowed the evil object to absorb his vitality: "Let's die together! Bastard!"

Chen Tianfeng was startled for a moment, and before he could figure out what was going on, he pulled off a bottle and threw it at the "fire thief leader" who was rushing towards him with a knife in his hand, but his movements were a little slow. Then he gritted his teeth, grasped the knife, and stabbed the thief leader with all his strength!

The enemy is also poisoned! What is there to be afraid of!

There is an old saying in my hometown: When two brave men meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins!



Chen Tianfeng flew out, fell to the ground, and rolled around. It took him a long time to come back to his senses, and the violent buzzing sound in his ears was no longer there.

Why is it a thunder potion bottle? !

Chen Tianfeng shook his head and looked hurriedly at the leader of the thieves.

The thief's head was no longer burning, but his body was covered with scorch marks. The hair that was not burned by the flames turned pale and lifeless. He was kneeling with a big knife in his hand, and a long knife was inserted between his waist and abdomen. The blade was protruding from behind him, and there was no sound.


Chen Tianfeng coughed and staggered to the long-knife bandit, pulled out his long knife, and pierced his heart. Then, not daring to delay, he came to the scarred man and finished off his heart.

Out of concern for "what if the people of Teyvat have two hearts" and "what if someone's heart is on the right side", Chen Tianfeng stabbed all the bandits again.

(End of this chapter)

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